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Dated: 5:54am on Monday 10th June 2019

Strategy Guide About Happiness, Earning Coins, Baby Booties, Energy, Map, Crafting, Decorating, Map, Taking Care of Baby, Mom And More.

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Screen Bar

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  • Look at the top of the screen. Here, you will find the happiness meter for both your baby and yourself, your coin balance, your baby booty balance, your current energy, and your current level and experience.

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  • Look at the left side of the screen. Here you will find your current quests.

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  • If you look at the bottom of the screen, you will find here your neighbors as well as the item and decorate buttons.

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  • If you look at the bottom right corner you will find the city map, mom’s closet, baby’s closet, and the nursery (home) button.

 Important Terms used in the Game

  • Happiness :  There is a happiness bar which shows how happy you and your baby are. See the section on maintaining happiness for tips on keeping the levels up.
  • Coins :  These are called element in the game Baby and Me. Coins are used to buy items to make you and your baby happy, decorations for the nursery, and clothing. Coins are earned in various ways that are covered in the section on maximizing your coins.
  • Baby booties : The purpose of baby booties is to purchase premium items and clothing options. You can also use them to unlock items early. Baby booties are purchased using Facebook credits.
  • Energy : The purpose of Energy is to allow you to perform tasks and take care of your baby. Every task you perform will cost a certain amount of energy. Once your energy is depleted you will either need to purchase or craft an energy item or wait for your energy to recharge.
  • Experience Earning : Experience is earned by performing tasks, caring for your baby, completing quests, and playing mini-games, among other things. Once you’ve earned enough experience you will level up and unlock new items and areas on your map.
  • Map :  By map, you can see all the places you can visit in the city. Sometimes the area will allow you host an event or visit an exhibit, other times you will be able to play a mini-game to earn experience, coins, and/or crafting points.
  • Crafting : Crafting allows you to create items for your baby and yourself. You can create any number of items including tea, diapers, soap, and other items to increase happiness.
  • Crafting points : crafting points are required to purchase the necessary items for crafting. Crafting points can be earned by playing mini-games.

Taking Care of Your Baby

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  • The most important task in the game is to keep your baby happy.
  • It would be your duty to make sure that your baby has a clean diaper, is fed, and is clean before you can focus on playing with them.
  • Once your baby’s basic needs are met you can engage them in activities. There are several mini-games you can play to increase their happiness, including matching games, color games, and reflex games. These games will be covered in more detail in the mini-game section.
  • You can also enhance your baby’s happiness by purchasing and using items such as blankets, bottles, and pacifiers.
  • These items can be bought by going to your diaper bag, which is accessed by clicking the item button located at the bottom of your screen.
  • Clicking the item button will open the diaper bag. There are several sections you can choose from. For now, you will want to click on the baby button to see the items available for your baby.
  • To purchase an item just click on the price. The number of each type of item you own will be displayed in the right corner of the image.
  • To use an item, click on the use button.
  • In case  you hover over an item, you will get a description of the item as well as information about how much of a happiness increase you will receive.

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  • If your baby is happy, you can put it down for a nap. You can choose the length of time they sleep for and when they wake up you will receive an energy bonus. The longer your baby sleeps, the greater the energy bonus will be. If you wake your baby up early you will not receive a bonus.

Taking Care of Mom

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Taking care of a baby is very tiring, so you will want to make sure you keep your avatar happy as well. Much of what you need to do is similar to what needs to be done for the baby, with a couple variations.

  • You can craft items such as tea, jewelry, and other treats. Unlike the items you craft for the baby though, many of these items require ingredients that must be purchased using baby booties or be gifted to you by a friend.
  • You can also buy items that will enhance your happiness.
  • To purchase items click on the items button at the bottom of the screen to open the diaper bag.
  • Once you’ve opened the diaper bag, click on the “Mom” button.
  • Here you will be able to purchase items like a cucumber mask or a latte.
  • In case you hover over the item you will see how much happiness it will restore.
  • If you click on your avatar in the nursery, you will be taken to a new screen. Here you will be able to perform three different activities.
  • You can give your avatar something (opening up the diaper bag screen), exercise, or TV.
  • Choosing to exercise will earn you 20 coins and 15 happiness points.
  • If you watch TV, it will launch a video from Modern Mom about parenting, working out, and various other topics. There appears to be no in-game benefit to this.
  • Your avatar can also gain happiness by visiting locations on the map and either performing a task or completing a mini-game.

Customizing Your Characters

  • Both your mom and baby can be customized.
  • To customize the mom, click on suit jacket icon in the bottom right (Mom’s Closet). To customize the baby click on the onesie (Baby’s Closet).

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  • If you click on either of these, it will take you to the customization screen.
  • Look at the top of the screen, you will have several buttons on the left side. These allow you to access the closet, facial features, share a photo and finish and save your new look.
  • The closet has several options within it. You can choose various wardrobe options including tops, bottoms, complete outfits, shoes, and accessories.
  • As you hover over an outfit option it will display on your avatar.
  • Your closet has two sections, clothing that you own and clothing that you can purchase.
  • Clothing can be purchased using coins. There are also premium outfits that can be purchased using baby booties.
  • To change your characters facial features and hairstyle, click on the comb button at the top of the screen.
  • Here you will be able to change your hair, eyes, mouth, nose, and face shape. You can also change the color of your skin, hair, and eyes.
  • When you have an outfit and look you are happy with, click on the done button to be taken back to the main screen. You can also choose to share your new look by adding it to your Facebook photos.

Decorating Your Nursery

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  • Till now, you must have personalized your characters. Now, it is  time to make your nursery your own.
  • There is a nursery button. To start decorating, click on the nursery button (home button) located in the bottom right of the screen. This will bring your back to your main screen.
  • Click on the decorate button located to the left of the home button. This will open the shop.
  • There are several tabs here. They are new items, lamps, toys, furniture, decorations, carpet, wallpaper, and ceiling.
  • Click on the section that best fits the item you are looking to purchase.
  • Items that you already own will be shown first. If you replace an item you will still have the previous item saved and you can use it again later.
  • To buy  an item, click on the purchase button at the bottom of the items picture.
  • Most items can be purchased using coins that you earn while playing. There are also premium items that require baby booties to be purchased.
  • You will not be able to choose where to place the items you purchase. Each object type has a specific place in the room and will be placed instantly.
  • As and when you start the game initially, many of the items will be locked. As you level up you will unlock more items for your nursery.
  • Items purchased presently have no impact on actual gameplay and appear to be for aesthetic purposes only.


  • Crafting is an important part of Baby and Me. Many of the items you need to keep your characters happy must be crafted by you.

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  • To begin crafting, click on the crafting button located in the bottom right of the screen, represented by a picture of scissors and a wooden spoon. This will open the crafting window.
  • There are two different sets of items you can craft. Items for your baby and items for the mom.
  • Select who you want to craft an item for.
  • Select the item you wish to craft.

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  • This will allow you to see what ingredients you need to craft the item.

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  • You will need to purchase these ingredients by using crafting points.
  • You can earn crafting points by playing the hidden object games from the map. These will be covered in more detail under the mini-game section.
  • If  you have enough crafting points you can purchase the ingredients you need.
  • If you have the required ingredients, click on the “Make It!” button.
  • If the item is completed, you can click on the use button. If you created an item for the mom, it will be used. If you created an item for the baby, you will be taken back to the baby’s screen so you can use it.
  • Please note that some ingredients can only be acquired by purchasing them with baby booties or requesting that a friend send them to you. Sometimes they can also be earned by completing quests or collecting your daily bonus.


  • You will see that there are a lot of mini-games to play in Baby and Me, which will help you earn happiness points, experience, coins and crafting points. This section will give you a brief introduction to each of the games.

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  • Cleaning the baby : This game will only start when you use soap on the baby. You will need to clean all the gunk off your baby before the timer runs out.
  • Feeding the baby :  This game only launches when you feed your baby. You will need to click the mouse whenever the spoon is in front of the baby. You have a limited amount of time to feed the baby.

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  • Coloring : This launches a brain teaser type game. You will be shown a color and a word. You will need to either click on the correct color or word. Sometimes you will have the word red written in blue and so on.

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  • Bath toy game : this is a matching game. Your baby will be on the left and the bath toys are on the right. The toy your baby wants will be shown and you will need to select amongst all the toys on the right. Again, this is a timed game so try and get as many matches as you can before the timer runs out.

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  • ABCs:  This is very similar to the bath toy game, only with alphabet soup.

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  • Peek-a-Boo:  This is very identical to the feeding the baby game. Click the mouse when the hands are over the baby’s eyes.

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  • Read a book:  Click the mouse when the phrase hits the top of the page. Try and get every line in the story correct to earn extra points.
  • Tickle, kiss, and play with rattle: these three mini-games are all the same. Select the action you want to perform and then click on the baby until you are successful. The baby will laugh and you will earn coins, experience and happiness.

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  • Hidden object games: on the map there are several locations you can visit and play a hidden object game. They are represented by the binoculars above the location. You will need to find five objects in under 30 seconds. This will get easier each time you play because the items in the image never change. Completing the scene will earn you experience, coins, and 10 crafting points.

Know about Map

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  • Through map, you will be able to go to perform various tasks. There are numerous locations and each one has up to four activities to participate in.

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  • Places you can perform activities at will have an open book above them. Click on them to open the activity window.

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  • When you choose your house, you can choose to hold an event such as a brunch or a tea party.
  • In case you invite your friends to these events you can earn additional rewards such as happiness points or crafting ingredients.
  • Each activity takes a certain amount of time. Some can be completed in five minutes while others can take up to eight hours.

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  • After completion of an activity, you will be able to click on the collect button above the location to collect your reward.

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  • You will also notice a couple locations that have binoculars above them. These locations have a hidden object game that you can play to earn experience, coins, and crafting points.
  • When you first start the game you will only have access to several locations on the map. As you level up more locations will open up. To see what requirements must be met for a location to be unlocked, hover your mouse over the location.


Need of Maximizing Energy

  • Energy will be needed by you to take care of your mom and baby.
  • Most actions in the game use at least one energy point. Some actions require more. For instance, playing the hidden object games uses three energy points.
  • When you have run out of energy, you will either need to craft an energy item, request energy from a friend, or wait for your energy to recharge.
  • Energy recharges at a rate of one point every five minutes.
  • You will increase your energy pool slightly every time you level up.
  • Sometimes you will earn an energy bonus when completing actions. This will be represented by a lightning bolt that you can pick up.
  • When you level up your energy will be restored to full.
  • After your baby has slept you can earn an energy bonus of up to 10 bonus points (for hours of sleep). This will be added to your total energy even if it puts you over your maximum amount. (If you only have a pool of 15 energy, you will have 25 after you collect the bonus energy. Once it’s used up it’s gone though.)

Earning Coins

  • You will need money to purchase clothing and decorations for your characters. You can also use coins to purchase happiness items under the item button.
  • Coins are earned by completing activities, taking care of your characters, completing goals, and playing mini-games.
  • If  you have earned coins they will appear on your screen. Click on them to collect them. If you do not collect them fast enough they will be automatically collected.
  • Your current coin balance is located at the top of the screen.

Leveling Up

  • Leveling up will unlock new items to purchase and new locations to visit on the map.
  • You will also enhance your energy pool by leveling up and every time you level up your energy bar will be refilled.
  • For leveling up, you will need to earn experience.
  • Experience is earned by performing actions in the game. Almost everything you do will earn you experience.
  • Experience is represented by a star that appears when you complete a task. Click on the star to collect your experience. If you don’t click on it fast enough, it will be automatically collected.
  • Leveling up will earn you coins and various other rewards in addition to unlocking new content.


  • Due to Facebook game, it is necessary that you have neighbors to visit.

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  • You can visit each neighbor once a day and perform five actions at their home. This mainly means helping them clean their nursery.
  • Your baby can also have a play date with your neighbor’s baby once a day. Take note that your baby must be awake when you visit your neighbor, or the option won’t be available.
  • You can send energy items and crafting ingredients to your neighbors and they can send the same back to you.
  • There are a couple locations on the map that require a certain number of neighbors to be unlocked.

This Website is not affiliated with Baby and Me. trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Game content and materials copyright Baby and Me. all right reserved.
