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Dated: 9:29am on Friday 14th July 2017

diggy adventure strategies how to solve puzzle to earn reward can make your camp solve ancient mysteries.

1. Use your energy wisely- conserve the energy and use it in a right way so that you can keep yourself busy. Dig the correct route and dig additional blocks of you think there is a jar or chest behind them.

2. The building is also about energy- set up a kind of building you want by your energy. It could be of two types- 1st increase the maximum energy capacity. 2nd allows for faster regeneration. Try to set up a lot of energy storage buildings.  

3. Open the jar and chest- these items will be consumed by you and you will get energy plus you will get crafting materials cooking ingredients other items. 

4. Be on the looking for secret passages- you may be able to discover blocks that can be dug away from the walls. Once you have broken down the wall and made it through the secret passage you will find new chests plus tons of freebies inside.

5. Keep your camp busy..your kitchen next post and other buildings have something going on. Do not search food rather cook food which is always better rather than to search. Keep it camp busy.   

                                            HAVE FUN.

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