(function( w ){ "use strict"; // rel=preload support test if( !w.loadCSS ){ w.loadCSS = function(){}; } // define on the loadCSS obj var rp = loadCSS.relpreload = {}; // rel=preload feature support test // runs once and returns a function for compat purposes rp.support = (function(){ var ret; try { ret = w.document.createElement( "link" ).relList.supports( "preload" ); } catch (e) { ret = false; } return function(){ return ret; }; })(); // if preload isn't supported, get an asynchronous load by using a non-matching media attribute // then change that media back to its intended value on load rp.bindMediaToggle = function( link ){ // remember existing media attr for ultimate state, or default to 'all' var finalMedia = link.media || "all"; function enableStylesheet(){ // unbind listeners if( link.addEventListener ){ link.removeEventListener( "load", enableStylesheet ); } else if( link.attachEvent ){ link.detachEvent( "onload", enableStylesheet ); } link.setAttribute( "onload", null ); link.media = finalMedia; } // bind load handlers to enable media if( link.addEventListener ){ link.addEventListener( "load", enableStylesheet ); } else if( link.attachEvent ){ link.attachEvent( "onload", enableStylesheet ); } // Set rel and non-applicable media type to start an async request // note: timeout allows this to happen async to let rendering continue in IE setTimeout(function(){ link.rel = "stylesheet"; link.media = "only x"; }); // also enable media after 3 seconds, // which will catch very old browsers (android 2.x, old firefox) that don't support onload on link setTimeout( enableStylesheet, 5000 ); }; // loop through link elements in DOM rp.poly = function(){ // double check this to prevent external calls from running if( rp.support() ){ return; } var links = w.document.getElementsByTagName( "link" ); for( var i = 0; i < links.length; i++ ){ var link = links[ i ]; // qualify links to those with rel=preload and as=style attrs if( link.rel === "preload" && link.getAttribute( "as" ) === "style" && !link.getAttribute( "data-loadcss" ) ){ // prevent rerunning on link link.setAttribute( "data-loadcss", true ); // bind listeners to toggle media back rp.bindMediaToggle( link ); } } }; // if unsupported, run the polyfill if( !rp.support() ){ // run once at least rp.poly(); // rerun poly on an interval until onload var run = w.setInterval( rp.poly, 500 ); if( w.addEventListener ){ w.addEventListener( "load", function(){ rp.poly(); w.clearInterval( run ); } ); } else if( w.attachEvent ){ w.attachEvent( "onload", function(){ rp.poly(); w.clearInterval( run ); } ); } } // commonjs if( typeof exports !== "undefined" ){ exports.loadCSS = loadCSS; } else { w.loadCSS = loadCSS; } }( typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : this ) ); $(function() { setTimeout( function(){ $.ajaxSetup({ cache: true }); $(function() { $('#gsearch').autocomplete({source:'suggest_zip.php', minLength:2}); }); var url_string = window.location.href; var url = new URL(url_string); var d = url.searchParams.get("search"); if(d==null) { var track_page = 1; //track user scroll as page number, right now page number is 1 var loading = false; //prevents multiple loads $(function() { $(document).on('click','#show_more1',function(){ if (loading == false) { load_contents(track_page); track_page++; } else { } }); }); var heightdown = '1000'; $(window).scroll(function() { if(track_page<5) { if($(window).scrollTop() >= ($(document).height() - heightdown) - $(window).height()) { //if user scrolled to bottom of the page //alert($(window).height()); //page number increment //load content if (loading == false) { load_contents(track_page); track_page++; } else { } } } }); }//if search in address bar //Ajax load function function load_contents(track_page){ if(loading == false){ loading = true; //set loading flag on $("#loading").html("Loading"); var url_string = window.location.href; var url = new URL(url_string); var c = url.searchParams.get("alphabetic"); if(c==null) { c=""; } $.post( 'facebook.php?type='+c, {'page': track_page}, function(data){ //set loading flag off once the content is loaded if(data.length == 0){ //notify user if nothing to load $('#loading').html("

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