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Strategy Guide About Gold, Friends, Blockers, Magic Beans, Flowers, Chickens, Special Cropsies And More.

Roadblocks : How To Get Past the Farm Heroes Saga Roadblock.

When you have cleared certain levels in Farm Heroes Saga at level 40 you will run into a pesky roadblock! This will keep you from continuing on to other levels until you have cleared it. We give you 5 tips to help you succeed in clearing the roadblock and unlocking more levels.

Tip 1 : Pay $0.99 fee!

Obvious choice, I know. In this game and many others (like Candy Crush) you are given the option to pay a small $0.99 fee to clear all your troubles with the click of a button.

Tip 2 : You can ask your friends to help you out.

farm heroes saga

A free way, which is always liked by everyone,  to get help for the roadblock would be by simply logging into your Facebook account and selecting any friend you know who have played Farm Heroes Saga, in turn they will be able to send you requests and this will help bail you out!

Tip 3 : Use the Gold given to you at the start of the game

As you first Start to play Farm Heroes Saga you will be awarded with free gold to start the game. Do not spend this gold on anything else in the game other than demolishing roadblocks! It will cost you 9 gold bars to demolish the roadblock.

Tip 4 : Wait for a few days for an automatic roadblock removal

You should have patience, which is a good quality, in this game. Farm Heroes Saga has a 4 day waiting period on roadblocks this means the game will automatically clear the roadblock for you after you are idle for 4 days. Not only does this save you from dipping into your pockets and bothering your Facebook friends, it also allows you to save your gold for another time when you are having trouble with a level.

Tip 5 : Set your clock ahead

In case you have no patience for waiting hours, if not days for daily rewards to be given out,  then we give this great solution to your frustrations. Just close the game screen , go into the settings of your phone and adjust your date and time and re-open Farm Heroes Saga. When you launch the game you should have a full set of lives and no roadblocks in your way. Simple and easy!

farm heroes sagaGold  : Tips to get more gold!

Magic beans are a nice way to get boosters, but nothing feels quite as good in the game of Farm Heroes Saga like a nice pile of gold. Gold can be utilized to do a lot of things the beans simply cannot, like passing through gates, buying extra boosters, etc. They are the best currency in the game. So what do you do to stock up on gold bars?

Tip 1 : Pay for as Many as you Need!

farm heroes saga

Evidently, but we might as well get it out of the way: you can buy as many of these as you want. If you only need a few gold bars, a 99 cent purchase gives you a full 10 of them.

For the real gold bar fans out there, you can get 1257 of them for only 109.99 dollars! No one has to know, don’t be ashamed.


Tip : 2 : Ration Your Starting Gold

farm heroes saga

Farm Heroes Saga generously starts its players with a 50 gold bars. In case you intend to use these to pass through obstacles, simply don’t use them to buy boosters! There are enough gold bars in the starting stipend alone to last through the complete game, if they are used frugally.

Tip : 3 : Hack Your Way out of a Corner

Sometimes it  is best to simply recognize that morality is a false construct fabricated to keep the closed minded under societal control, and cheat like there’s no tomorrow. This is the only way around getting more gold bars unless you want to pay for them.

Some websites will give you programs to get free gold bars or lives without paying. A simple google search should do all the work for you. Do your research before you download one of these if you do not want to get a computer virus!

farm heroes sagaFarm Heroes Blockers  : Information Guide about Farm Heroes Saga Blockers

Perhaps, these Farm Heroes Saga blockers are the reason you keep getting stuck, so you must-know basic information on all the Farm Heroes Blockers, which we give you here. Get to know the Farm Heroes spiders, snowballs, slime, firecrackers, and more and learn the best ways to beat them.

Detail of Farm Heroes Saga Blockers

  • Frozen Cropsies
  • Spiders
  • Firecrackers
  • Snowballs
  • Slime
  • Grumpy Cropsies
  • Bunny
  • Cropsy Bombs

Frozen Cropsies

farm heroes saga





Notable Levels:

Frozen Cropsies


Cannot be moved.Can freeze cropsies and eggs. Can only be cleared if a 3-cropsy or more combination is made.

Evaluate if frozen cropsy is preventing cropsies from dropping down.Clear frozen cropsies that fulfill objectives first.

Level 40 Level 60



farm heroes saga





Notable Levels:


Traps cropsies in its web in a 9×9 pattern. You can clear web by matching it with cropsies. Clear the spider by making an adjacent match.

To get to the spider, clear some of the surrounding webs. To get rid of all the nests, you have to clear the spider while it’s in each nest on the board.

Level 268Level 270


farm heroes saga





Notable Levels:


After a few adjacent matches these will explode and land on random squares. The fallen pieces can remove cropsies or fill water buckets.

Use Farm Heroes firecrackers often to help you remove cropsies in the way, destroy spiders, fill buckets and grow flowers.

Level 356 Level 358


farm heroes saga





Notable Levels:


Snowballs will swallow cropsies as they fall. To remove the snowball, all you need to do is make an adjacent match.

Snowballs are not a huge hindrance, but you should try to clear them earlier rather than later. Make a match alongside multiple snowballs at once to free up space and cropsies.

Level 311


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Notable Levels:


Farm Heroes slime turns cropsies grumpy, meaning they won’t collect as many bonus resources. You can still move cropsies around freely on and off the slime, but the slime never goes away.

Try not to collect resources you need when they’re on slime. Move it off the slime first (onto grass is possible), and then collect it or let it build bonuses.

Level 132 Level 199

 Grumpy Cropsies

farm heroes saga





Notable Levels:

Grumpy Cropsies

Farm Heroes grumpy cropsies cancel out any matches you make that they are a part of, so you don’t get awarded any resources. They can be made happy by getting them on grass.

Avoid making matches with grumpy cropsies at all times, and if there is grass on the level, try to position them on grass so they become useable again.

Level 71 Level 72


farm heroes saga





Notable Levels:


The Farm Heroes bunny (or rabbit) appears randomly and eats your cropsies. You can make the bunny dizzy and then clear it by making adjacent matches.

Make matches near the bunny when it appears and get rid of it, otherwise it will keep popping up. When you make it dizzy, clear it quickly, otherwise it will disappear again.

Level 123


Cropsy Bombs

farm heroes saga





Notable Levels:

Cropsy Bombs

Each cropsy bomb has a move timer on it. Make sure to defuse the cropsy bombs before their timers run out. Don’t defuse the bomb if it doesn’t correspond to the other cropsies on the board

Defuse a cropsy bomb by matching it with its corresponding cropsies. You can also defuse cropsy bombs by making a match of 5 or more corresponding cropsies or with a shovel.

Level 248


farm heroes sagaBoosters  :  There are many Farm Heroes Saga Boosters and everybody should know about it. The boosters or power-ups in this game consist of shovel, tractor, bonus rewards, color collector, clean up, super fruit, egg cracker, 5 extra moves, and magic shovel. 

We give here below complete Information about Farm Heroes Saga Boosters :

Let us face it: when it comes to Farm Heroes Saga, we all need a little help from time to time. Lucky for you, we have collected some facts on all nine of the Farm Heroes Boosters to help you with your next game. You should know the Farm Heroes tractors, shovels, egg crackers, and more so you can use them to your advantage!

Farm Heroes Saga Boosters

  • Shovels
  • Tractors
  • Bonus Rewards
  • Color Collect Boosters
  • Clean Up Boosters
  • Super Fruits
  • Egg Crackers
  • 5 Extra Moves
  • Grass Boosters


farm heroes saga





Notable Levels:


Removes items on the board. Move other items down the board. Add it to your crops.

Use booster when there are 3 or 4 moves left and you have a crop standing in the way of your match. Don’t use as your last move.

Level 275 Level 277


farm heroes saga





Notable Levels:


Drives over a row and removes everything in its path. You choose the path it takes

Perfect to use when you’re out of boosters. Remember, it will eliminate both good and bad crops. Use only if the row is terrible

Level 8 Level 38

 Bonus Rewards

farm heroes saga





Notable Levels:

Bonus Rewards

Gives all required crops a +1 bonus. Increases the value of your crops. Helps you collect more

Use this booster when you have a large number of crops to collect. Especially useful in the levels with few moves to make.

Level 210 Level 211

 Color Collect Boosters

farm heroes saga





Notable Levels:

Color Collect Boosters

Removes all elements of a single color. Expensive, costs 19 gold bars

Especially useful when there are more than 4 cropsies on the board. Use it to make collecting large amounts of cropsies easier.

Level 212 Level 23


Clean Up Boosters

farm heroes saga





Notable Levels:

Clean Up Boosters

Takes grumpy cropsies and makes them happy again. Especially useful for the later levels. Does not regenerate.

Use during levels with lots of slime. This will prevent you from having to move grumpy cropsies to grass and waste your moves.

Level 86 Level 203

Super Fruits

farm heroes saga





Notable Levels:

Super Fruits

Collects all nearby cropsies. Adds a +2 value to the cropsies. Does not regenerate.

Good to use during levels with lots of crops to collect. Especially useful in the really high levels, when there are few moves and hundreds of crops to collect.

Level 215


Egg Crackers

farm heroes saga





Notable Levels:

Egg Crackers

Cracks all unopened eggs. Can be used on both chicken and dragon eggs.

Good to use during levels with lots of chicks or dragons to collect. Especially useful when you have few moves left to work with.

Level 278 Level 304

 5 Extra Moves

farm heroes saga





Notable Levels:

5 Extra Moves

Grants you 5 extra moves at the beginning of the level.

Use during levels that don’t give you a lot of moves to work with. Make sure to grab it at the start of the level so you don’t have to waste gold on it.

Level 278 Level 207

 Grass Boosters

farm heroes saga





Notable Levels:

Grass Boosters

You don’t need to match it with other grass boosters. Grows grass patches for you.

Given to you for various levels. Essential for levels with lots of slime or levels where you need to collect many cropsies in a short period of time.

Level 86 Level 203


farm heroes sagaMagic Beans : How to Get Magic Beans in Farm Heroes Saga

We bring here below useful tips on how to get more Magic Beans in Farm Heroes Saga. Magic Beans can be used to purchase boosters and defeat Rancid the Racoon. 

Magic Beans are one form of in-game currency in Farm Heroes Saga that you can earn by playing the game. Magic Beans can be used to buy Boosters, which are useful to use when defeating Rancid the Raccoon and other challenging levels of Farm Heroes.

In case you require more Magic Beans in Farm Heroes, you should play each level until you reach 3 stars. The better your Growth Rate is in each level, the more Magic Beans you will get.

farm heroes saga

1 Star Growth Rate = 75 Magic Beans

2 Star Growth Rate = 150 Magic Beans

3 Star Growth Rate = 250 Magic Beans

It is recommended that you stockpile and save your Magic Beans for later levels in the game of Farm Heroes Saga, because they only get more challenging! Magic Beans will come in most handy during the Rancid the Raccoon levels. Try to beat Rancid without any beans at first. 

 farm heroes saga

farm heroes sagaStars and Growth Rate :  How to Get More Stars and Growth in Farm Heroes Saga

There are lot of useful Tips on how to get more stars in Farm Heroes and get the highest growth rate. Getting 3 stars and a high growth rate will give you more Magic Beans. 

You need to know how to get more score and score more points in Farm Heroes Saga? Your Growth Rate determines how many stars your receive in a level:

farm heroes saga

100% Growth Rate = 1 Star

150% Growth Rate = 2 Stars

200% Growth Rate = 3 Stars

100% Growth Rate and 1 Star is enough to beat a level, but this will not provide give you the maximum amount of Magic Beans that are available. You will also not be able to unlock certain booster and animals if you only reach the minimum of 1 star per level. So how can you score more points, stars and reach the full Growth Rate in all the Farm Heroes Saga levels?

Look for 4, and 5 (row, L or T) combo matches over the basic 3-match.

Match cropsies with high bonus points.

Make as many bonus cropsies as you can by making moves next to other needed cropsies.

 farm heroes saga

farm heroes sagaHero Mode : Farm Heroes Saga Hero Mode

farm heroes saga

There are many things which we are required to know about Farm Heroes’ Hero Mode, which is what happens when you complete the level goal and have extra moves left over. 

Farm Heroes Saga’s Hero Mode is similar to Sugar Rush in Candy Crush Saga. In case goal is completed in Farm Heroes Saga before your moves run out, you will enter Hero Mode. During Hero Mode, every move you make will give random cropsies a number of bonus points. You can make extra matches with these bonuses to get an even higher score and reach three stars for that level.

farm heroes saga 

farm heroes sagaFlower Levels : Farm Heroes Saga Flowers Levels Cheat

We give below useful Tips and cheats regarding how to clear the flowers in Farm Heroes Saga flower levels

Flowers are special cropsies in Farm Heroes Saga that are first introduced in level 12. Flowers cannot be moved, and in order to clear flowers you must make three different matches right Next to the flowers. Farm Heroes flowers go through three different stages of growth, and grow to their fullest after the third adjacent match when they can then be collected.  

farm heroes saga

How to Collect Farm Heroes Flowers

  1. Look for matches that are next to more than one flower.

farm heroes saga

  1. Look to get matches that are all close to the flowers. This will help grow them faster, while still collecting the crops you need to complete the level you are on.
  2. farm heroes saga
  3. You are going to need to get the flowers to grow 3x before you are able to collect them. You definitely want to collect them, but also focus on the other crops you need to collect in the level, too. If you can try to get matches of crops you need that is next to the flower.

 farm heroes saga

farm heroes sagaChicken Egg Levels : Farm Heroes Saga Chicken Eggs Levels

We give below Tips and cheats on how to clear the chicken eggs in Farm Heroes Saga chicken levels. 

In many Farm Heroes Saga levels, you must hatch eggs to collect chickens. Chickens are introduced to Farm Heroes in level 27. In order to collect the chickens, you must three eggs two times.  

How to Collect Farm Heroes Chickens

  • First match three new eggs to create one cracked egg.

farm heroes saga

  • You can match items next to a chicken, so that it will lay an egg, and then jump to another side of the board.

farm heroes saga

  • Then match three cracked eggs to have one egg crack, and then match items next to it so that you can collect the chicken.

 farm heroes saga

farm heroes sagaRancid the Raccoon - How to Defeat Rancid the Raccoon in Farm Heroes Saga

We give below Tips and cheats on how to beat Rancid the Raccoon

Do you know how to beat Rancid the Raccoon? In some levels of Farm Heroes Saga, the goal is to defeat Rancid the Raccoon. Achieving this goal can be very difficult, and the Rancid levels are often the most challenging levels in the game of Farm Heroes. However, if you use these tips and cheats you will pass these levels in no time!

farm heroes saga

  1. To beat Rancid the Raccoon you must make matches of the required cropsies to lower his health bar.

farm heroes saga

Focus on making moves that only clear the required resources. Clearing the other cropsies will not help you beat these levels.


You can use Magic Beans to power up, which make it easier to achieve this goal and beat the level.

No Magic Beans (Free) = Hard difficulty level

250 Magic Beans = Medium difficulty level (+1 bonus to every match)

500 Magic Beans = Easy difficulty level (+2 bonus to every match)

 farm heroes saga

  • When Rancid the Raccoon’s health bar reaches zero, he will be defeated!

farm heroes saga

  • The best way to beat Rancid the Raccoon is to use your magic beans.

farm heroes saga

farm heroes saga

Frozen Cropsies : Farm Heroes Saga Frozen Cropsies Levels

We give below Tips and cheats on how to clear the frozen cropsies in Farm Heroes Saga frozen cropsies levels. 

Frozen Cropsies

There are many Farm Heroes Saga levels where you will find frozen cropsies. You must match frozen cropsies with others of the same type in order to shatter the ice before you can collect them. Frozen cropsies are a basic blocker but are key to understanding, to move on to more complex obstacles later on. You will need to master frozen cropsies if you want to become an ace at Farm Hero Saga!

farm heroes saga

Know about Features of Frozen Cropsies

  • Frozen cropsies always start on the board at the beginning of the level. They are not frozen by outside objects or tiles.
  • Frozen cropsies cannot be swapped to form a match. They should be treated like a blank tile for this purpose.
  • Frozen cropsies immobility can cut off reinforcements and isolate areas of the board.
  • Frozen cropsies do not spread.
  • The sun cropsies do not affect frozen cropsies in any different or significant way.

Tips and Tricks about Frozen Cropsy

You should make strategy for the level taking the frozen cropsies into account. If an area is unreachable because of frozen cropsies, prioritize breaking through the blockers as soon as possible to use all the space. Even small areas of the board that are untouchable will have a big impact on the player’s ability to find matches.

Frozen cropsies are thawed by being part of an active match. Making a match next to a frozen cropsy will not thaw it, it will only waste time. Be sure to take note of the color of each frozen cropsy, to start finding potential matches nearby.

You should not over-prioritize frozen cropsies. When they are restrictive to your options on the level, they are not as dangerous as some other blockers, like snowballs which can take over the whole board. Break through frozen cropsies to take out any isolated areas, but do not focus on them too much when more dangerous blockers are afoot.

farm heroes sagaGrumpy Cropsies : Farm Heroes Saga Grumpy Cropsies

We give below Tips and cheats on how to clear away the grumpy cropsies in Farm Heroes Saga grumpy cropsies levels

What is a Grumpy Cropsie?

Grumpy Cropsies are cropsies that look angry and dirty. They cancel out any match that they may be apart of, and will result in zero awarded points. They are best left avoided so you do not waste any moves on them.

How do I clear a Grumpy cropsie?

There are three specific ways to deal with a grumpy cropsie:

 farm heroes saga

1. Initially, you can do is to look for a patch of grass and move the Grumpy Cropsie onto the it. The grass turns that Grumpy Cropsie’s frown upside down so that it can now be matched for a positive amount of points.

farm heroes saga

2. You can use a shovel booster to simply pluck any grumpy cropsie from the board.

farm heroes saga

3. You can also use the Clean-Up booster. This booster will turn all visible grumpy cropsies into regular cropsies.


farm heroes sagaRabbit : Farm Heroes Saga Rabbit Levels

We give below Tips and cheats on how to clear away the rabbit in Farm Heroes Saga rabbit levels. 

What does the rabbit do in Farm Heroes Saga?

farm heroes saga

The pesky rabbit can appear at any time and any place on the board. When he does this, he will take away your much needed cropsies. So you always need to keep an eye out for him.

How do I clear away the rabbit in Farm Heroes Saga?

There are a couple ways to clear away the annoying rabbit:

1) The first thing you can do is make match alongside of him. When you do this, the rabbit will be stunned for a couple moves and cease to take your cropsies.

2) You can also use the shovel booster to hit the rabbit on the head. Much like a match, this will stun the rabbit for a couple of turns and stop him from taking your cropsies.

farm heroes sagaSpecial Cropsies : Farm Heroes Saga Special Cropsies Guide

We give below Tips and cheats on how to collect and use special cropsies in Farm Heroes saga flower, chick, dragon, and water bucket levels. 

Farm Heroes Saga features many special cropsies. These cropsies are either something you must collect to complete a level or use to create a cropsie. We’ve compiled a basic must-know on all the Farm Heroes Saga special cropsies. Get to know the Farm Heroes flowers, chicks, dragons, and water buckets.

Detail of Farm Heroes Saga Special Cropsies

  • Flowers
  • Chicks
  • Dragons
  • Water Bucket


farm heroes saga





Notable Levels:


Flowers are a special cropsie that need to be fully bloomed to collect. To do this you must create 3 matches alongside of it.

Always be on the lookout for ways to create a match next to a flower. You should also try to make those matches count towards the cropies you need to complete the level.

Level 12



farm heroes saga





Notable Levels:


Chickens are a special cropsie that need to be created by hatching an egg. The amount of matches you need to hatch an egg depends on if the level provides you with an egg or a full grown chicken. If an egg is already provided you, will need to match 3 together to form a cracked egg. Then you will need to match 3 cracked eggs to get one chick. If only a chicken is provided, you must create an egg by making a match next to the grown chicken.

If only a chicken is provided, look for ways to create an adjacent match. Try and make those matches count towards your other cropsies needed. Once you have an egg, look for the most efficient ways to combine them. You can also use a shovel to skip a stage of the egg.

Level 27


farm heroes saga





Notable Levels:


Dragons, much like chicks, are a special cropsie that need to be hatched from an egg in order to collect. To do this, you must match 3 different matches (nested egg, egg, and cracked egg).

Look for the most efficient ways to match the eggs. You can also use a shovel to skip a stage of an egg. Hatching a dragon takes a great amount of time, so make sure that you start the process early in your moves.

Level 101


Water Bucket

farm heroes saga





Notable Levels:

Water bucket

Water buckets appear on the board usually when you need to collect water droplets. The buckets are provided as a way to replenish a board with the droplets. To do this you must make 3 different matches alongside of it. When this happens, you will receive 4 droplets. Water buckets can not be moved.

When you are creating your matches alongside the bucket, try and make the matches count towards your cropsies needed to complete the level. You can also use a shovel speed up the process of overflowing a water bucket.

Level 61


This Website is not affiliated with Farm Heroes Saga. trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Game content and materials copyright Farm Heroes Saga. all right reserved.
