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Dated: 5:54am on Monday 10th June 2019

Strategy Guide About, Plowing Fields, Planting Farm Town Fields, Harvesting Selling Crops, Storng Crops, Small Seeder, Market Place, Tractor, Vehicles And More!.

This Farm Town strategy guide will identify things like how to play Farm Town, killer Farm Town tips and how to win lots of money playing the game.


Farm Town Beginners

farm town

Getting Started – When Farm Town loads for the first time, you will need to enter a name for your farmer and select a gender. Then click the green check mark. Creating a name will earn you 500 coins. Next, you will need to create your player. Click through the different categories and select your nose, ears, clothes, and more. You will also earn 500 coins for doing this. Click the check mark when you are done. Your game will then load. You will begin with 5 Farm Cash and 560 coins.

Plowing fields – You will need to plow fields to begin. Each field will cost you 20 coins to plow and you will earn 1 XP per field. You must plow fields before you can plant crops. In your bottom toolbar, you will see a hoe tool. Click the hoe tool and place your mouse on your farm, you will notice that you have a plot. You can now click anywhere on your farm to plow a new field. Plow as many fields as you want or can.

Deleting fields – If you have fields that you need to delete, click on the field and click Delete in the menu. The field you clicked will be deleted.

Removing spaces between fields – You can remove spaces from between your fields which will allow you to place the fields tightly together. Then you will have more space to plow more fields. To remove the spaces, click the Settings icon in the top right corner of your game and click Remove Spaces. Your spaces will be removed when you plow more fields.

Planting Farm Town fields – When you are ready to start planting your fields, you will need to click the store icon in your bottom toolbar. Place your mouse over the icons to see the names of them. Once your store is open, click the Seeds category. In this section of the store, you will see the seeds you can plant. Click the seeds you want to plant and the box will close. Now click the field you want to plant in. You can plant different crops on your farm. Simply go back and select another type of seeds. Then click the fields to plant them.

Harvesting Farm Town fields – When your crops are ready, you can harvest them to make money. There are three ways to harvest your crops and we will discuss them below.

Harvesting and selling your crops – Harvesting and selling your crops will earn you the least amount of coins. However, this is a quick way of harvesting if you only have a few fields. To use this option, click the harvest tool in your toolbar and click the field you want to harvest. In the menu, select Harvest and Sell. Your crop will automatically be harvested and sold.

Harvesting and storing your crops – If you harvest and store your crops, you will make a little more money than the first option. You harvest all of your crops and they are placed in your storage. Then you go to the market place to sell them. To use this option, grab the harvesting tool and click a field. In the menu select, harvest and storage. The harvest will then be placed in your storage.

Hiring someone to harvest your crops – Hiring someone to harvest your crops is the best way to go because you make a lot more money and you do not have to sit there and harvest every field. You can hire your friends to harvest your fields or you can go to the market and hire people.

Harvesting Trees – Some of your trees can be harvested. You can place your mouse over the trees to see if they are ready to be harvested. If they are, you can hire someone to harvest them or harvest them yourself. You harvest them the same way you do the crops.

Farm Town vehicles – Farm Town has different vehicles you can purchase to make farm life easier. These vehicles can be found in the store under the Tools category. Below you will find a list of the vehicles and what you need to purchase them.

Small Harvester – The small harvester will let you harvest two fields at a time. This harvester will cost you 15,000 coins. However, you really do not need the harvester since you can hire people to harvest.

Big Harvester – The big harvester will let you harvest four fields at a time and will cost you 30,000 coins. Again, the harvester really isn’t worth the coins if you are just starting out because of the option of hiring people to harvest.

Small Seeder – The small seeder will cost you 20,000 coins. This seeder will allow you to plant two fields at one time.

Big Seeder – The big seeder will allow you to plant 4 fields at one time and will cost you 40,000 coins. If you have the extra coins, you should invest in the seeder, they will save you time when it comes time to plant.

Plowing Tractor – The tractor will allow you to plant four fields. You will have to pay 60,000 coins for the tractor. If you have enough neighbors, you can already plow four fields at one time for free. So, if you do not have the money for a tractor, use your plow tool that you already have.

Refueling vehicles – You will have to refuel your vehicles when you run out. To do this, you will need to click the Map icon and go to the Fuel Station. Give the fuel station a minute to add up your fuel and then click the Refuel button. You should visit all of your neighbors before refueling because that will help increase the amount of fuel you will get.

Buying a new farm – Farm Town now offers you the option of buying a second farm. This farm works the same as your first farm. You can move items from your first farm to your second farm, share vehicles, neighbors, and coins between the two farms. The farm can also be upgraded the same way you upgraded your first farm. To purchase a new farm, you can pay 3,000,000 in coins or 120 in Farm Cash. You can buy a second farm by going to the Map and click Realtor.

Switching between farms – To switch between the farms, you will need to click the plots at the top of your game.

Farm Town map – Your map is what you will use to visit the different sections of Farm Town. The map icon is located in the bottom corner of your toolbar. Below you will find each place on the map and what it means. To go to any of the places, click the icon in the map.

Market Place – The Market place is where you go to hire people to work for you and get hired to work.

The Bank – The bank is where you go to purchase coins or farm cash.

Fuel Station – The fuel station is where you will need to do your refueling.

The Inn – The Inn is just a place to go and chat with other players.

Realtor Office – This is where you go to upgrade your land and buy a new farm.

Customizing your avatar – If you get tired of seeing the same old Farm Town character and would like to change it, you can. Click the avatar and a menu will open. Click Change Appearance and make your changes.

Changing the name of your farm – At the top of your game, you will see the name of your farm in a brown wooden plaque. If you want to change the name in that plaque, click the plaque. A box will pop up and you will need to type the new name in the field. Then click the check mark to save it and rename your farm.

Taking photos of your farm – You can take photos of your farm and place them in albums and on your Facebook wall. To take a photo, you will need to select the camera under the Tools menu. Once you click the camera, a box will open and you will see what your photo will look like. You can add a caption and click the Next button. The photo will then be published.

Viewing your farm in full screen – You can view your farm in full screen which will allow you to get a larger view while you are working on it. In the bottom toolbar, you will see an icon with two white arrows. Click that icon and your farm will go into full screen view. To get out of full view, press ESC on your keyboard.


How To Play Farm Town

Earning Farm Town coins – Earning coins in Farm Town should be your goal. You need a lot of coins to do most things in Farm Town like plant crops, buy items, buy vehicles, and a new farm. Below you will find the ways to earn coins in Farm Town.

Growing crops – Growing crops is the best way to earn coins in Farm Town. You should go with crops that bring in the most. You should also make sure you will be able to login and harvest them. If you plant four hour crops and can’t login for 12 hours, you will lose all of your crops.

Getting hired to work – You can go to the market place and get hired to work. Then you will go to the person’ farm that hired you and harvest or plow fields. This is also a quick way to build up your money if you have the time to spare.

Visiting Farm Town friends – Visiting your friends will earn you money. When you make a visit to your friends, you will be asked to help do something. If you accept, you will be rewarded with coins.

Installing apps – You can also go to the Earn Coins tab at the top of your game and install apps to earn coins.

Completing offers – Completing offers on the Earn Coins page is another way to earn money, but you need to read the find print on these offers and make sure you don’t have to pay any hidden fees.

Logging in daily – Logging in daily will earn you money. When you login, you will be given a certain amount of coins. This is called the lottery.

Selling things – If you have things on your farm that you do not want, sell them and make extra Farm Town money.

Harvesting trees – Harvesting your trees provides another way to earn Farm Town cash.

Earning Farm Town cash – There are two ways to earn cash in Farm Town. First, you can earn cash by leveling up. Every time you go up a level, you will earn 1 Farm Cash. You can also fill out offers on the Earn Coins page to earn cash. Other than that, you will have to buy your Farm Cash.

Earning XP points in Farm Town – You can earn experience points (XP) by visiting your Farm Town neighbors, plowing fields, planting fields, and buying things. XP points are an important part of the game. You will want to strive to get these experience points because they determine when you can achieve new Farm Town levels. The greater the Farm Town level, the more Farm Town items you can unlock and can buy for your Farm Town farm.

Hiring Farm Town workers – If you want to hire someone to harvest your fields, you will need to decide who you want to do it. Do you want to hire strangers or your friends? Below I will show you both ways.

Hiring your friends – If you want to hire your friends, ask them to come to your farm. When they get to your farm, click on them and click Hire to Harvest. They will then have to accept the request and when they do, you will be sent a message that they have accepted. They can then begin harvesting.

Hiring people from the market – If you do not have any friends online, you can go to the market and hire people to harvest for you. In the bottom toolbar, you will see the Map icon. Click that icon and click the Market. Once you are in the market, you will be asked what you want to do, click Hire Help. Then click on someone to hire and hire them the same way you hire your friends.

Selling your harvest – If you chose to store your harvest in your storage or you hired someone to harvest for you, you will need to visit the market place and sell your harvest. In your bottom toolbar, you will see a storage bin. You will have a red number on this bin telling you how many crops you have. If you have more than 100, it will have a plus sign. Click the storage icon and place your mouse over one of the crops. The Go to Market and Sell button will appear. Click that button and you will be redirected to the market. Once you have reached the market, sell all of your harvest. Once you are finished, you can return to your farm.

Hiring Farm Town members to plow – You can also hire Farm Town people to plow your own fields. This will save you time and money. If you hire someone to plow your fields from the market, it will cost you 15 coins per field. If you hire a friend to plow, it will cost you 10 coins per field. You hire someone to plow the same way you hire them to harvest, except you choose the Hire to Plow option.

Buying Farm Town items – In Farm Town, you can also go shopping and buy items for your farm. You can open the shop by clicking the Store icon. When the store opens, you will notice all of the categories at the top of the store. Select a category to view it. When you find something you want to buy, place your mouse over it and click the Buy button. Then place your item on your farm where you want it by clicking your farm.

Moving / selling Farm Town items – You can also move your items around your farm. If you are redoing your farm, you will want to move your items. If you accidentally clicked and placed an item in the wrong place, you can move them. To move an item, click the item and choose Move in the menu. Then click your mouse where you want to place it. If you have items that you no longer want on your farm, you can sell them. To sell an item, you will need to click the item and click the Sell option. A box will pop up and tell you how much you will get for the item. If you still want to sell it, click the green check mark. If you have changed your mind, click the red X.

Rotating items – Most of the items you buy on Farm Town can be rotated to point in a different direction. If you want to rotate an item, click the item. When the menu opens, you will see a Rotate option if the item can be rotated. Click the option and a box will open. In this box, you will need to select the direction you want the item to point in. Once you click your option, the box will close and you will have to click your farm to place the item.

Hiding Farm Town items – If you are working on your farm and there are things blocking you, you can hide Farm Town items. The items will be hidden until you refresh your farm. To hide an item, click on it and select the Hide option.

Adding / removing items from storage – If you have things that you need to move out of your way on Farm Town and you do not want to sell it, you can add them to your storage. To add something to storage, click the item, and choose Move to Storage in the menu. Your item will then be placed in the storage. When you are ready to remove things from storage, click the Storage icon in your toolbar and click Items. That will show the items you have in storage. Place your mouse over an item you want to remove from storage and click the Use button. The storage box will close and you will need to click your farm to place the item on your farm.

Watering flowers – If you buy flowers for your farm, they will need to be watered every couple of days. You can water your own flowers or you can get your friends to water them. You can also water your friends’ flowers. To water flowers, you will need to click the Toolbox in the toolbar and click the Water Can. Then place your mouse over the flowers and click. The flowers will then be watered. If you do not water your flowers, they will die. They will come back to life when you do water them again though.

Adding / removing Farm Town neighbors – Having neighbors in Farm Town is an important part of the game. Visiting your neighbors and doing work for them will earn you money and XP points. You are also required to have a certain amount of neighbors for different things on Farm Town like having the option of plowing four fields at once. So, it is important to build up your neighbors.

To add a neighbor, you will have to send them a request. Click the My Neighbors tab at the top of your game. Look for a friend that you want to send a request too and click the Add As Neighbor option. A request will then be sent, if they accept, they will be added as your neighbor. If you want to remove neighbors, go back to the My Neighbors tab. Look for the neighbor you want to remove and click the Remove From Neighbors button.

Visiting neighbors’ farms – Your neighbors are located at the bottom of your game. You will need to visit them once a day to earn coins and XP points. To visit a neighbor, click the neighbor and click Visit/Tend. Their farm will then load and you will be asked to do some work. Accept the work and you will earn money and coins.

Sending / receiving Farm Town gifts – Sending gifts to your friends is a great way to help them build up their farms. They will also return the favor and that will help you build up your farm. If you get overrun with gifts, don’t worry; you can sell them to earn Farm Town money.

To accept a gift, you will need to click the gift request link in your request section on your home page of Facebook. Then click the accept button on the following page. If you have more gifts to accept, click the Yes button when you are asked if you have more. If you do not, click the No button and you will be redirected to the game. Once the game has loaded, you will need to click your gift box to see your gifts. Then click the gift you want to use and place it on your farm.

To send gifts, you will need to click the Send Gifts tab at the top of your game. Then select the gift you want to send and click the Send button. The following page will show a list of your friends, click the box next to the friends you want to send the gift too. Click Send again and click Send in the box that pops up. Your gift will then be sent to the friends you chose.

Inviting friends to play – If you have friends who have not installed the Farm Town game, you can invite them to play. Click the Invite tab at the top of your game. Select the friends you want to send the request too and send it. If they accept, you will see them on your My Neighbors page and you can then request them as a neighbor.


Farm Town Items Comparison Chart

Profits = total profit minus expenses: Sells For – Cost
P/D = profits per day
P/H = profits per hour
P/M = profits per minute
P/S = profits per second

Farm Town Strategy 

Expand your work force – Hire people to plow and harvest for you. You will earn a lot more money when someone harvests for you and you will save money when they plow for you. Don’t hire people who want to trade, most of them will trick you into hiring them and they won’t hire you.

Beware of game offers – Read all of the fine print if you want to fill out offers to get cash or coins. Some of them do have catches and you’ll want to check your phone bill as some will try to charge you.

Earn coins with free daily apps – Install the free daily apps to help build up your Farm Town coins. You can uninstall them later if you need to.

Be efficient – Remove the spaces between your plots to save room on your farm. The more space you have the more crops you can plant and the more Farm Town money you can earn.

Beware of marketplace trickery – Never fall for the double click on my shoes trick in the market place. People will tell you to double click on their shoes and they will hire you. It’s is a trick; when you double click on their shoes, you are actually hiring them.

Plant highly profitable crops – Each crop earns you a certain amount of money. If you want to reap the most profits from your crops, you should plant Farm Town crops that earn you the most money.

Save your money – Don’t be so quick to purchase the vehicles if you are just starting out. You should focus on planting crops and building up your work force and money before buying items like houses and vehicles.

Plant crops around your schedule – Each crop takes different times to mature so the crops you chose to plant should be selected based on how much time you have to play the Farm Town game that particular day. If you have lots of time to play Farm Town, you should choose crops that take less time to reach harvest. On the other hand, if you’ll be away from the game all day you should plant crops that take a long time to reach harvest.

Expand your farm – Once you’ve saved up enough Farm Town money you’ll want to add on to your farm to plant even more crops and earn more Farm Town cash.

Help your Farm Town neighbors – Assisting your Farm Town friends and sending gifts to them frequently benefits both of you. You’ll earn experience points and coins by helping your Farm Town neighbors and giving gifts encourages them to return the favor.

Don’t brag – As you play Farm Town you’ll be prompted to share your accomplishments on your Facebook wall with your Facebook friends. You should use this sparingly as it can become quite annoying to your friends. As a rule of thumb you should only post large accomplishments for the Farm Town game. If you get tired of seeing this request to share your accomplishments, you can disable it for Farm Town and other Facebook games.

Change browsers – If you find your web browser freezing or it takes forever to load pages, you may want to change browsers. Try using a faster browser such as Opera or Google Chrome.

Befriending people – Adding Farm Town neighbors is an important aspect of the game but sending invites to Facebook users that don’t play is offensive. To curb that you should send a message with every Facebook friend invitation like “Farm Town” or “Farm Town add” so the recipient at least knows why you’re sending an invite.

Become a fan of Farm Town – To be successful at playing Farm Town you’ll want to add lots of Farm Town neighbors. The more Farm Town friends you have, the more experience points and coins you can earn and the quicker you can level up. Becoming a fan of some of the Farm Town groups and fan pages on Facebook is an easy way to find more Farm Town neighbors that want to add you. You can post your profile link requesting the Facebook add so you can then later invite them to join you in Farm Town.

This Website is not affiliated with Farm Town. trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Game content and materials copyright Farm Town. all right reserved.
