Farmville 2 Bonus Logjam Challange: Hungry Hungry Loggers
Finding more Logging crew!.
Task 1: Harvest 18 Apples to make more pies.
Solution: water and harvest Apple trees until you get 18 Apples.
Task 2: Dry 16 Cranberries using the Crop Dryer.
Solution: Harvest Cranberry from River and Dry 16 in the Crop Dryer.
Task 3: Craft 3 Apple Pies for hungry loggers!
Solution: go to kitchen and make 3 Apple Pies. you need Apples and pies.
Reward After Completing Bonus Logjam Challange: Hungry Hungry Loggers
40 Xp and 1000 Coins and 1 packet with 10 Bottles