Farmville 2 Buyers In The Storm: Feat Of Clay
Kepp produce safe!.
Task 1: Feed 5 Adult Pigs to get the raw meaterials to make pots.
Solution: Feed 5 Pigs.
Task 2: Tend your Mud Wallow 1 time, as the pigs love the attention.
Solution: Feed Pigs to fill your Mud Wallow then click 1 time when ready.
Task 3: Craft 5 Decorated Clay Pots to store your goods.
Solution: Go to crafting Kiln and make 5 Decorated Clay Pots. You'll need Raw Caly pots and Paint Brush(ask freinds)
Reward After Completing Buyers In The Storm: Feat Of Clay
570 Xp, 1150 Coins and 1 Baby Bottle