Farmville 2 Sharing Is Scaring: The Trick Is The Treat
the fun about Halloween!.
Task 1: Harvest 20 Black Crowberries for making Halloween Treats!
Solution: plant 20 Black Crowberries and harvest. they grow in 12 hours.
Task 2: Feed 4 Prized Sheep to get some Fine Sheep Fleece.
Solution: Feed a Sheep to it get prized. Feed aprized Sheep 4 times.
Task 3: Make 2 Jack-o-lantern Bags for neighbours that stop by for Trick or Treats.
Solution: Go to your Trick or treat stand and make 2 Jack-o-lantern Bags. you'll need wool and Crowberries.
Reward After Completing Sharing Is Scaring: The Trick Is The Treat
40 XP, 400 Coins and 1 ticket