Farmville 2 The Wool To Win: Why So Gruff
Goats fure?.
Task 1: Tend your red-hot Furnaces 2 times; you need to keep up your Power.
Solution: Click your Furnaces when ready 2 times.
Task 2: Tend your trendy Goat Shelters 2 times. Surely Prized Goat fur is nice.
Solution: Feed your goat shelter 2 times.
Task 3: Make 4 tasty Goat Cheese Tarts, since these Prized Goats are producing so much cheese!
Solution: Go to your kitchen and make 2 Goat Cheese Tarts. You'll need Milk and Goat Cheese.
Reward After Completing The Wool To Win: Why So Gruff
50 XP and 550 Coins.