Dated: 5:54am on Monday 10th June 2019
Strategies About Camp, Adventure, Weapons, Outfits, Friends, Neighbors And More.
What is Camp In this game, your camp is the base of all your operations. Basically, in your camp you can do three things: cook food over the campfire, visit your friends’ camps, or go out on an adventure. If you click on the campfire, you have a choice of foods that you can roast over the fire. When an item is roasted, pick it up to put it into your inventory. Beware though, that foods will spoil over a certain time, so make sure you eat it before it spoils. On your adventure, you will encounter a number of new allies, who will join your camp. Then, after helping them build their building, they will be able to craft skill tokens for you; special moves or attacks that will help you on your adventure. Look at the top-left corner of your screen, you will see the skill tokens you are having, you should scroll over them to view their use, and click on them to activate it. Development in Adventure To make development in your adventure, simply click on the “Adventure” sign in your camp to go to your map, and from there, select the location you want to go to. Moving around and fighting in Hello Adventure is very straight-forward: simply click which tile you want to go to, and click on enemies to attack them. IMPORTANT TIP : You might sometimes come across sections that are completely dark, and where you can’t see where the path goes. This is no problem; you can simply click where you ultimately want to go (or click somewhere in the dark), and your character will find the path for you. When some might argue an adventure is a spiritual journey, no adventure is complete without some treasure to be found. After clearing the objective of a certain location, make sure that you explore the rest of the location. Look under rocks, open jars, and find those hidden corners of the maps for coins, items, and treasure chests. IMPORTANT TIP : In many Facebook games, you either have to click on an item to pick it up, or wait a few seconds for it to be picked up automatically. InHello Adventure, items will not be picked up automatically, but to pick it up, all you have to do is scroll your mouse over them; no need to click. Weapons and Outfits When you are in progress, you will encounter stronger enemies along the way, so upgrading your gear is a good way to stay alive. Sometimes you will come across new weapons or outfits on your adventure, but you will mostly get these from the shop. Better weapons are for effecting more damage when you attack an enemy, while a better outfit means you have more health. Helmets (at least in the beginning of the game) do not actually have an influence on the game play, but are purely a visual change. Both in the shop and when viewing your inventory in your backpack, you can compare the strength of your current gear, and see if you have enough coins to upgrade to better gear. If an item has a lock with a number in it, it means that you have to reach that level to unlock it, before you can buy it. While playing Hello Adventure, you are not limited to a certain amount of moves or energy per time; your only limit is your health, which will automatically regenerate over time. This means that if you’re almost out of health, rather than sitting around doing nothing, you could spend some time simply exploring while your health regenerates. If you loss all your health, it does not actually have severe consequences. In this case, you will simply exit the adventure and need to come back when you have enough health again. In case you have a number of enemies, consider your options. If it is possible to attack one enemy, while staying out of range of the other (the red squares indicate the range of an enemy’s attack), you will not be attacked by two enemies in one turn while only being able to attack one enemy yourself. In case you are dealing with a lot of enemies with a long range, like in the image below, consider using a a skill token to take out some of the enemies, since otherwise, every step you take, you will receive damage from multiple enemies and lose your health very fast. IMPORTANT TIP : Your health will be completely filled up when you level up. If you see that you’re close to leveling up, it might be worth simply waiting for your health to regenerate until you level up, thus saving healing items. Visits to Friends and Neighbors If you visit you friends every day, you can get one free item of their grill, and send them a grill item as well. Be sure to visit your in-game friend Molgan as well, for an even better item from the grill. |
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