Dated: 7:54am on Monday 10th June 2019
Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guide For Choosing Perfect Ninjutsu / Elements.
This guide will help you decide which element to choose and only you can decide which combination of elements is best for your gaming style. This guide will walk you through the different types of Elements, Attributes and Jutsus.
Elements Since many are still confused with "Elements", I will explain here first before anything else. Ninja Saga known elements and what they represent. Wind - Dodge and Agility Fire - High Damage and Burn Thunder - Critical Rate and Critical Damage Water - Chakra and Healing Earth - Health and Defense
Now this is where the confusion comes for some players.What is your Element? or Choose this and that Element! Now some players think that the element that is pertaining to is the element where you put your points into and other players simply understand it as ninjutsus. That is why we have Element Attributes and Element Ninjutsus to make things clear.
Element Attributes This is where you put your points into every time you level up. Below are the bonuses that you can get if you have invested points to a specific Element Attribute. Wind - 1 point gives: +0.4% Dodge or chance that an attack will miss you. +1 Agility. The player with the highest agility will act first. +1% Damage bonus to Wind Ninjutsu.
Fire - 1 point gives: +0.4% Damage to ALL damaging moves. Yes, all damages that you can think of. +0.4% Chance that the next attack on the next turn will have a +30% damage bonus. +1% Damage bonus to Fire Ninjutsu.
Thunder - 1 point gives: +0.4% Critical Strike. Chance to deal 150% damage based on your normal damage. +0.8% Bonus damage to the Critical Strike. +1% Damage bonus to Lightning Ninjutsu.
Water - 1 point gives: +30 CP. Chakra Points +0.4% Chance to remove all negative effect at the start of each turn. +1% Damage and Healing bonus to Water Ninjutsu.
Earth - 1 point gives: +30 HP. Health Points +0.4% chance to return 30% damage taken to the attacker. +1% Damage bonus to Earth Ninjutsu.
Pure Element Attribute User - If you have invested ALL your points to a single attribute, you will get it's 100% bonus based on your current level. Recommended for beginners.
Hybrid Element Attribute User - If you have invested half of your points to an attribute and the other half to another attribute, you will get 50% bonus of each attribute based on your current level.
Element Ninjutsu Ninjutsus or Skills that you can learn from the Academy or by visiting your friends. Note that some effects from ninjutsus like +Damage or +Critical for a number of turns, will also apply to other element ninjutsus when used.
Wind Ninjutsu
Fire Ninjutsu
Thunder Ninjutsu
Water Ninjutsu
Earth Ninjutsu
Additional Jutsus You can learn these Jutsus as an addition to your Element Ninjutsus.
Taijutsu - Physical attacks
Genjutsu - Mental Attacks
Pure Element Combination Pure Element User (All Attributes and Ninjutsus focused on a single Element). Now I hope you already have an Element in mind to focus on at this point. This section will help you decide which Element Ninjutsu (Not Element Attribute) is best to combine with with your primary element.
Free User - can only choose up to 2 element ninjutsus. Premium User - can choose up to 3 element ninjutsus. Ninja Emblem required.
Please Note: The combinations below are just for introductory purposes only and may not be accurate for Token and Ninja Emblem users. Combinations below are recommended for beginners to understand the element combinations with less or no Tokens to use.
Tip: tokens are still possible to earn even for Free Users (Non Ninja Emblem Users).
Pure Wind User (Dodger) plus:
Pure Fire User (High Damager) plus:
Pure Thunder User (Critical Damager) plus:
Pure Water User (Healer and Spammer) plus:
Pure Earth User (Tanker) plus:
Keep in mind that you still have Taijutsus and Genjutsus to add to your Set of Ninjutsus and Item Scrolls for Healing and CP regeneration. |
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