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Discussion in '400-exceptional-words' started by Asim - Jul 12th, 2023 2:02 pm.

400 Exceptional Words Game: Tips, Tricks, and Strategies


  • 1. Practice regularly to improve your vocabulary.
  • 2. Use flashcards to memorize new words.
  • 3. Read extensively to expose yourself to different words and contexts.
  • 4. Play word games to enhance your word recognition and recall.
  • 5. Use mnemonic devices to remember difficult words.


  • 1. Break down complex words into smaller parts to understand their meanings.
  • 2. Look for word roots, prefixes, and suffixes to decipher unfamiliar words.
  • 3. Use online dictionaries and thesauruses to explore synonyms and antonyms.
  • 4. Use context clues from surrounding words to guess the meaning of unknown words.
  • 5. Create word associations or visual images to help remember word definitions.


  • 1. Set word goals and challenge yourself to learn a certain number of new words each day.
  • 2. Create personalized word lists based on your interests or areas of study.
  • 3. Participate in word-related discussions or forums to engage with other word enthusiasts.
  • 4. Use word-learning apps or online platforms for interactive learning experiences.
  • 5. Teach someone else what you've learned to reinforce your own understanding.
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