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Discussion in 'blossom-blast-saga' started by Admin - Jul 30th, 2019 12:52 am.
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re: Blossom Blast Saga: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Armando Meza - Sep 10th, 2019 4:48 am
Armando Meza
Armando Meza

I love this game; it's so different from others!! Can be quite difficult, but challenging... I just keep coming back!! Well done!!

re: Blossom Blast Saga: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Lavencia Green - Oct 22nd, 2019 8:43 am
Lavencia Green
Lavencia Green

I am a fan of this game and I have been playing for a while, 2 years at most. It’s a wonderful game, 5 stars from my side.

re: Blossom Blast Saga: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Subash Hurpaul - Dec 3rd, 2019 12:39 pm
Subash Hurpaul
Subash Hurpaul

I have played this game before and really enjoyed it. This time it is so much more fun. I moves along faster and the puzzles are more challenging. Keep up the good work.

re: Blossom Blast Saga: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Stick Boy - Jan 14th, 2020 4:34 pm
Stick Boy
Stick Boy

Although it can be challenging, which keeps you coming back for more, and it's very pretty and fun...I wish there were ways of earning gold bars and perks , instead of having to pay for them. Also a form of messaging the other players would make it much better.

re: Blossom Blast Saga: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Bobbie Thomas - Feb 25th, 2020 8:29 pm
Bobbie Thomas
Bobbie Thomas

Really nice game, 5 lives at a time, getting a bit......don't use cash like a caveman.....!!!  I tend to spend money on games to buy things, not just the cost of lives.... or I spend few hours switching from game to game 5 lives at a time..... I would still recommend the game.

re: Blossom Blast Saga: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Brent Flowers - Apr 8th, 2020 12:25 am
Brent Flowers
Brent Flowers

It used to be a good game, until the last BIIIIG UPDATE. No daily rewards, no daisies ... Some levels are almost impossible to do without boosters. Only one way? PAY TO BUY EVERYTHING!!!

re: Blossom Blast Saga: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Michael luzinski - May 20th, 2020 4:20 am
Michael luzinski
Michael luzinski

Since the latest update, I no longer receive the bonuses (shovel, watering can & color palette). I don't know if anybody else is having the same issue or if it's just me. 1 star from this game.

re: Blossom Blast Saga: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Blue Slider - Jul 1st, 2020 8:16 am
Blue Slider
Blue Slider

Level 15 bars don’t go any faster when all the flowers go wild the bar goes slower that stuck the game is a zero.

re: Blossom Blast Saga: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Pankaj Jain - Aug 12th, 2020 12:11 pm
Pankaj Jain
Pankaj Jain

I enjoy the game but agree with the people who suggest winning gold bars, instead of always having to buy them. I also have never played a game where you have to wait months for them to add new levels. I find this especially surprising from a company as large as King. Update: Still wait months for more levels. Ready to give up on this one.

re: Blossom Blast Saga: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Brien Shamp - Sep 23rd, 2020 4:07 pm
Brien Shamp
Brien Shamp

No more updates until at least daily bonuses are brought back!!!!!!!!

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