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Discussion in 'bob-the-robber-4' started by Admin - Jul 30th, 2019 12:52 am.
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re: Bob The Robber 4: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Becky Edmonson - Jun 24th, 2021 6:29 am
Becky Edmonson
Becky Edmonson

Please remove the new suits update because I think it's the problem for not unlocking Russia.

re: Bob The Robber 4: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Natraj K - Jun 24th, 2021 6:30 am
Natraj K
Natraj K

I love everything about it. My only problem is opening the other cities like Russia. I think there is a small problem in the unlocking area so I request you to fix it because I cannot stop playing this game. I cannot play in one city my whole life.

re: Bob The Robber 4: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Maneeta Yadav - Jun 24th, 2021 6:31 am
Maneeta Yadav
Maneeta Yadav

Bob the Robber 1 and 2 was great, 4 is not enough interesting to me. Please make more new rounds of it. So when we update it. We can play more and more.   

re: Bob The Robber 4: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Chanda Lukabe - Jun 24th, 2021 6:32 am
Chanda Lukabe
Chanda Lukabe

I love to break locks and hide from guards. It's incredible but add more locations and maps to make the game cooler. Otherwise, difficulty levels and others features are outstanding.      

re: Bob The Robber 4: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Bon Richards - Jun 24th, 2021 6:33 am
Bon Richards
Bon Richards

The game is pretty awesome, it does not have ads which is very relieving and it is on every device you can think of. I recommend getting this game now.  Decent thieving style stealth game!                  

re: Bob The Robber 4: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Ranjendra Saw - Jun 24th, 2021 6:34 am
Ranjendra Saw
Ranjendra Saw

This game became a more challenging one that you have to chase over time for the investigators that will come before you. Good for a comprehensive rush, like it. Also, it has good graphics and sound effects.               

re: Bob The Robber 4: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Aahron Quijano - Jun 24th, 2021 6:35 am
Aahron Quijano
Aahron Quijano

I loved it! The difficulty was just right and the game has a perfect amount of levels to keep you entertained.

re: Bob The Robber 4: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Srikanth Chin - Jun 24th, 2021 6:36 am
Srikanth Chin
Srikanth Chin

Very addictive - used to be my favorite game. The problem now is that after getting past the first stage (France), the next does not open. Does it look like you have to purchase the next level, really?

re: Bob The Robber 4: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Michelle Robnett-Hoath - Jun 24th, 2021 6:37 am
Michelle Robnett-Hoath
Michelle Robnett-Hoath

This is the best game of the series but there is a problem. I can't get the instant photo tutorial. Please fix the problem.  

re: Bob The Robber 4: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Raushan Super - Jun 24th, 2021 6:37 am
Raushan Super
Raushan Super

The screen is smaller than the stunning original game. Difficult to operate too as it requires more finger move. Please bring back the old one! I hate this small screen one!

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