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Discussion in 'cookie-jelly-match' started by EVELYN Higgins - Apr 27th, 2020 5:42 pm.
EVELYN Higgins
EVELYN Higgins

I continued play past the $20 cash out now it want let me cash out. Do I have to go to $40 now to cash out? 


re: Cash out by Maria - Feb 1st, 2021 10:55 am


How do you cash out of cookie jelly match?

I don't see a cash out button.



re: Cash out by Maria - Sep 15th, 2021 8:24 am

I was able to cash out by entering my E-mail address when asked for Pay-Pal acct.  I actually received a link through my e-mail, to put the money on my Paypal card. I followed those directions, and have received my  payments. Hope it helps! ✌️

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