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Discussion in 'dominations' started by Admin - Jul 30th, 2019 12:53 am.
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re: DomiNations: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Pardeep. Kumar - Aug 14th, 2021 1:33 pm
Pardeep. Kumar
Pardeep. Kumar

There is one error in this game. That's the so-called connection error. I mean, that error thing ALWAYS occurs when I'm in a multiplayer battle. What the heck was that? I lost the battle and lost all the troops there for nothing.

re: DomiNations: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Jefry Firdaus - Aug 14th, 2021 1:34 pm
Jefry Firdaus
Jefry Firdaus

The developers are very active and respond to questions quickly. All in all, very fun and a great way to pass time. One problem ridiculously long time for upgrades. Hence, 3 stars!

re: DomiNations: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Rehan Wadkar - Aug 14th, 2021 1:35 pm
Rehan Wadkar
Rehan Wadkar

The concept is great, and realism is nice, but they are missing some things that could make it better. While the ground and the air spot on, there is nothing for the Navy. Things that could be made better would have been siege towers and air balloons, as in medieval times they used siege. Another bad thing is you can't kick dead leaders of "clans".

re: DomiNations: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Sadanand Raikar - Aug 14th, 2021 1:36 pm
Sadanand Raikar
Sadanand Raikar

Better than any other RTS game, a few things we hope you bring in from Microsoft games: - India is missing. - Exchange in markets - Cavalry thrust effect - Wall troops - Taller walls please, these look like anyone can jump across.

re: DomiNations: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Jem Aguilar - Aug 14th, 2021 1:37 pm
Jem Aguilar
Jem Aguilar

It’s AWESOME. Gameplay is very balanced, with no pay to win. Absolutely love the concept behind this game! But what really struck me was the fact that this game takes a historical approach to this format of mobile gaming. There's also the option to pick what nation you want to run on such as the Germans or even the Japanese. You can find so many troop varieties. It's a great game for all the history nerds out there.

re: DomiNations: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Carlo Calescibetta - Aug 14th, 2021 1:38 pm
Carlo Calescibetta
Carlo Calescibetta

I love the battle mechanics, the multiple tech trees, and the overall idea of advancing your civilization slowly but surely over time. The freemium aspect is not as bad as it sounds. And there are plenty of bugs, I'd rather they prioritize fixing some of them over releasing new content. Overall though I'm happy with this game.

re: DomiNations: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Briona Bekles - Aug 14th, 2021 1:39 pm
Briona Bekles
Briona Bekles

Dominations add realism, a massive range of unique units, different home nations to select, and a full tech tree to the base attack model. Also, a key innovation in Dominations is the targeting function in a battle that enables you to focus your attack on a set building/defense structure! Amazing game!

re: DomiNations: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Stevie Richards - Aug 14th, 2021 1:39 pm
Stevie Richards
Stevie Richards

I really enjoyed this game earlier. But now I'd chalk it up to being another pay-to-play waste of time. It has frustrated me so much that when my oil got to about 16k, I could never get past that because attackers would take more than I produce every day. I can't advance without oil and can't get oil without buying it. If they do some rebalancing and decrease the percentage of your resource attackers can take, I'd definitely increase my rating and recommend it.

re: DomiNations: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Samantha Galvao - Aug 14th, 2021 1:40 pm
Samantha Galvao
Samantha Galvao

The difficulty is way too steep and overall unenjoyable experience, very money-hungry app that will have you inactive for days on end waiting for upgrades that are unreasonably high to finish. A very difficult game to find enjoyment in.

re: DomiNations: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Dhruv Tripathi - Aug 14th, 2021 1:41 pm
Dhruv Tripathi
Dhruv Tripathi

It frequently crashes in the middle of battle, causing me to lose all my troops and many medals. I won’t suggest this until they fix this bug.

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