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Discussion in 'fashion-story-mermaid-cove' started by Asim - Apr 17th, 2023 11:40 pm.
  • Collect as many shells as possible: Shells are the game's primary currency, and they are essential for unlocking new clothing items and accessories. Make sure to collect as many shells as you can by completing quests, playing mini-games, and exploring the Mermaid Cove.
  • Complete daily quests: Every day, you will receive new quests that offer shells and other rewards upon completion. Make sure to complete them as soon as possible to earn more shells and increase your level.
  • Customize your mermaid: The game allows you to customize your mermaid's appearance with various clothing items, hairstyles, and accessories. Experiment with different combinations to create unique and stunning looks.
  • Participate in fashion contests: Fashion contests are an excellent way to show off your mermaid's style and win valuable prizes. Make sure to participate in them regularly to earn more shells and increase your reputation in the Mermaid Cove.
  • Upgrade your boutique: As you progress through the game, you can upgrade your boutique to unlock new clothing items and accessories. Make sure to invest in upgrades that suit your playstyle and help you win fashion contests.
  • Connect with other players: The game allows you to connect with other players and visit their boutiques. Take advantage of this feature to make new friends, share tips and strategies, and earn more shells.
  • Use boosters: Boosters are special items that can help you complete quests, earn more shells, and win fashion contests. Make sure to use them strategically to maximize their benefits.
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