Tips, Tricks, and Strategies for Ice Crush 2018 Game:
  - Focus on making matches near the bottom of the board. This creates cascading effects and increases the chance of creating special candies.
  - Look for opportunities to create special candies like striped candies, wrapped candies, and color bombs. Combining these special candies can clear a significant portion of the board.
  - Pay attention to the objectives of each level. Some levels require you to collect certain items or clear a specific number of ice blocks. Plan your moves accordingly.
  - Use boosters and power-ups strategically. These can help you clear difficult levels or achieve objectives more easily.
  - Take your time and analyze the board before making a move. Look for potential matches and try to anticipate the outcomes of your moves.
  - Creating a striped candy by matching four candies in a row or column. Activating a striped candy clears an entire row or column.
  - Combining two striped candies in a line clears both the row and column they are aligned with.
  - Creating a wrapped candy by matching five candies in an L or T shape. Activating a wrapped candy clears the surrounding candies.
  - Combining a wrapped candy with a striped candy creates a massive explosion, clearing a large area of the board.
  - Creating a color bomb by matching five candies in a row or column. Activating a color bomb clears all candies of the same color from the board.
  - Start by focusing on fulfilling the level objectives. Clearing ice blocks or collecting items should be your priority.
  - Combine special candies strategically to create powerful combos. For example, combining a color bomb with a striped candy can clear a massive amount of candies at once.
  - Clear obstacles and create space on the board to make it easier to create special candies and perform combos.
  - Keep an eye on the number of moves you have left. Use them wisely and avoid wasting moves on unnecessary matches.
  - If you get stuck on a level, take a break and come back later. Sometimes a fresh perspective can help you see new opportunities on the board.