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Discussion in 'jurassic-survival-dragon-hunting-world-2018' started by Asim - Jun 27th, 2023 5:41 am.
  • Upgrade your weapons and equipment regularly to increase your chances of successfully hunting dragons.
  • Explore different locations in the game to find rare and powerful dragons.
  • Learn the weaknesses and attack patterns of each dragon species to effectively defeat them.
  • Form a team with other players to take on stronger dragons and share rewards.
  • Collect and use special items and potions that can enhance your abilities during dragon battles.
  • Complete quests and missions to earn experience points and valuable rewards.
  • Be strategic in your approach and use tactics such as baiting, trapping, and coordinating attacks to maximize your chances of success.
  • Participate in events and competitions to earn exclusive rewards and climb the leaderboards.
  • Manage your resources wisely, including health potions, ammunition, and food, to ensure you are always prepared for battles.
  • Stay vigilant and constantly monitor your surroundings for signs of dragon activity.
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