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Discussion in 'league-of-masters' started by Asim - Jul 7th, 2023 7:27 am.
  • Choose the right team composition: In League of Masters, having a balanced team composition is crucial. Make sure to have a mix of tanky champions, damage dealers, and support champions to cover all the necessary roles.
  • Focus on last-hitting: Mastering the art of last-hitting minions will give you a significant advantage in terms of gold and experience. Practice your timing to ensure you're getting the most out of each minion wave.
  • Ward strategically: Vision control is key in League of Masters. Place wards in important areas such as river entrances and jungle buffs to spot enemy movements and prevent ganks. Additionally, make sure to clear enemy wards with vision control items.
  • Coordinate with your team: Communication and teamwork are essential for success. Coordinate with your teammates through pings or voice chat to plan ganks, objectives, and team fights effectively.
  • Map awareness: Always keep an eye on the minimap to be aware of enemy positions and potential threats. This will help you avoid ganks and make informed decisions about when to engage or retreat.
  • Objective control: Dragon and Baron Nashor are game-changing objectives. Coordinate with your team to secure them when the opportunity arises. These objectives provide buffs that can turn the tide of the game in your favor.
  • Build adaptively: Don't stick to a rigid build path. Adapt your itemization based on the game situation. If the enemy team has a lot of crowd control, consider purchasing items with crowd control reduction or Tenacity.
  • Learn champion matchups: Understanding your champion's strengths and weaknesses against different matchups is crucial. Study the abilities and playstyles of popular champions to anticipate their moves and exploit their vulnerabilities.
  • Manage resources: Keep an eye on your mana and cooldowns. Wasting abilities or running out of resources at critical moments can put you at a significant disadvantage. Use your abilities wisely and consider buying mana or energy regeneration items if necessary.
  • Stay positive and focused: League of Masters can be a challenging and competitive game. It's important to stay positive, avoid tilting, and maintain focus even during difficult moments. A positive mindset will contribute to better decision-making and teamwork.
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