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Discussion in 'minecraft' started by Asim - Aug 16th, 2023 3:53 pm.


  • Always carry a basic set of tools with you: pickaxe, shovel, axe, and sword.
  • Build a shelter before the first night to stay safe from monsters.
  • Explore caves for valuable resources like iron, coal, and diamonds.
  • Use torches to light up your surroundings and prevent monster spawns.
  • Experiment with crafting to discover new recipes and items.


  • Create a water elevator using soul sand and bubble columns.
  • Build a mob farm to gather resources and experience points.
  • Construct a Nether portal for fast travel between the Overworld and Nether.
  • Use redstone to create automated mechanisms, like doors, traps, and farms.
  • Enchant your gear with enchantment tables or anvil to gain powerful abilities.


  • Focus on gathering resources early to establish a strong foundation.
  • Set up farms for renewable resources like crops, animals, and trees.
  • Build defensive structures like walls and moats to protect your base.
  • Plan your Nether exploration carefully, as it is a dangerous but resource-rich dimension.
  • Collaborate with other players in multiplayer for trading and joint projects.
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