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Discussion in 'my-little-pony-rainbow-runners' started by Admin - Jul 30th, 2019 12:52 am.
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re: My Little Pony Rainbow Runners: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Rafiel Pimentel - Feb 2nd, 2021 8:09 am
Rafiel Pimentel
Rafiel Pimentel

This is the best game I've ever played! Except for when you're Fluttershy and you're flying up in the sky trying to get the coins and you don't see that your time is starting to run out and then you turn back and you fall straight into a hole. Otherwise the game's great. Please fix that.

re: My Little Pony Rainbow Runners: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Susan Wyatt - Feb 2nd, 2021 8:10 am
Susan Wyatt
Susan Wyatt

This game is great! I don’t like that it costs real money to unlock all the ponies but since it provides such good content, I would rate it fairly.  I can only think that you guys should add more instructions because I just learned that I have to activate the power-ups in the quest.

re: My Little Pony Rainbow Runners: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Gavin Ipson - Feb 2nd, 2021 8:11 am
Gavin Ipson
Gavin Ipson

When we finish the game, we have to start AGAIN! Can't there be a part 2? And everyone hates the voice. What is the point of it? And it takes forever to find a power-up or another HEART! It is making the game suck. Fix these.

re: My Little Pony Rainbow Runners: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Taisha Wallace - Feb 2nd, 2021 8:11 am
Taisha Wallace
Taisha Wallace

It's entertaining and challenging enough to keep me interested. But you can only progress up to a certain point before you have to purchase additional characters. I was expecting that I would purchase them all in time and that I would just enjoy what I have for a while. It turns out however that you can't even replay levels so they are stuck. Please at least let the levels be repeated.

re: My Little Pony Rainbow Runners: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Addison Macior - Feb 2nd, 2021 8:12 am
Addison Macior
Addison Macior

The game is amazing. What's cooler is that you can reset your progress so you can have fun all over again. Amazing work Budge Studios! I would surely recommend this game to all my fellas.

re: My Little Pony Rainbow Runners: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Gary stokerz - Feb 2nd, 2021 8:12 am
Gary stokerz
Gary stokerz

 It's a sweet little game and it's just so cute. And if you want to get rid of the ads, then you should buy a pony. Yes, you can only play with Fluttershy, Applejack, and Twilight Sparkle. So yeah, it's a great game!

re: My Little Pony Rainbow Runners: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Danielle Almond - Feb 2nd, 2021 8:13 am
Danielle Almond
Danielle Almond

My 6-year-old daughter loves to play this game. She loves the music and animation, and the gameplay is entertaining enough to keep her engaged. It's definitely worth the few bucks to get the ad-free version.

re: My Little Pony Rainbow Runners: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Katherine Johnson - Feb 2nd, 2021 8:14 am
Katherine Johnson
Katherine Johnson

Only two ponies available unless you pay for more, I had my baby in tears because even when you do buy one other pony you only unlock a few levels. A horrible way to introduce kids to gaming and I will avoid Budge in the future!

re: My Little Pony Rainbow Runners: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Charlotte Lopez - Feb 2nd, 2021 8:14 am
Charlotte Lopez
Charlotte Lopez

Why advertise the game as "free" when it really isn't? You can only get so far with the "free ponies" before you hit a paywall that requires parents to purchase additional ponies to finish the quest. The reason I say "free ponies" is that your child is subjected to a ridiculous amount of ads to play. The only way to get rid of the ads is to buy the ponies. Bad strategy!

re: My Little Pony Rainbow Runners: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Shahideen Shahrizan - Feb 2nd, 2021 8:15 am
Shahideen Shahrizan
Shahideen Shahrizan

Installed this game and after the Bungie screen was presented by a full-screen ad for some game involving a woman + handcuffs + panties. Not a good look for a game aimed at children's show advertisements but at least they should not be inappropriate for kids keep that in mind.

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