Discussion in 'new-escape-grandmas-in-roblox-house' started by Asim -
Apr 14th, 2023
11:54 pm.
- Explore the house thoroughly: The first thing you should do is to explore the house carefully to find clues and items that can help you escape. Look under furniture, behind paintings, and in drawers for any useful items or hints.
- Team up with other players: This game is more fun and easier to play when you team up with other players. Work together to find clues, solve puzzles, and escape the house.
- Use the environment to your advantage: You can use the environment to your advantage by hiding in closets, crawling through small spaces, and using objects to distract the grandma. Be creative and think outside the box.
- Keep an eye on the grandma: The grandma is always on the lookout for escapees, so make sure to keep an eye on her movements. If she's getting too close, hide or run away quickly.
- Be patient and persistent: Escaping the house won't be easy, so be patient and persistent. Don't give up if you don't escape on your first try. Keep trying and experimenting with different strategies until you find the one that works.
Important note: If you really love playing games. Please support game developers and buy atleast one small game package.
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