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Discussion in 'pics-quiz-guess-the-words' started by Asim - Aug 29th, 2023 8:20 pm.

Welcome to the Pics Quiz Guess The Words game! Following are Tips, Tricks and Strategies to help you excel:

  • Observe Carefully: Pay close attention to the details in the pictures. Sometimes, even the tiniest element can provide a clue to the word you're looking for.
  • Use Context: Look for context clues within the image. The background, objects, and even the colors can give you hints about the word associated with the picture.
  • Think Synonyms: If you can't immediately guess the exact word, try to think of synonyms that might match the picture. The game might accept similar words.
  • Break It Down: If the picture depicts a complex scene, break it down into smaller components. Try to identify each element and then think about how they connect to form a word.
  • Letter Count: Sometimes, the game provides you with a limited number of letter slots. Count the letters in the word you're guessing to eliminate incorrect options.
  • Use Hints Wisely: If the game offers hints or power-ups, use them strategically. Don't waste hints on easy words; save them for challenging puzzles.
  • Word Association: Let the picture trigger word associations in your mind. Even if it's not an obvious connection, your brain might lead you to the correct answer.
  • Collaborate: If you're playing with friends or family, brainstorm together. Different perspectives can lead to faster solutions.
  • Practice Regularly: The more you play, the better you'll become at recognizing common themes, images, and word patterns.
  • Stay Patient: Some levels might be tricky, but don't get frustrated. Take breaks if needed and come back with fresh eyes.

Remember, Pics Quiz Guess The Words is all about creative thinking and pattern recognition. Have fun and enjoy the challenge!

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Changing device time in Pics Quiz - Guess The Words is educational and experimental kindly read some general info:

  • Before executing time cheat steps, please make sure to backup your current game progress using Google or Helium,Read more here. Or try this in any other device which doesn't have any sensitive information.
  • To fix error if any caused by time cheat you need to follow steps again to max your lives or Energy, exit game (before exit make sure your lives or energy is max otherwise repeat step.), go to settings and change date time to current. When You open game now everything is normal and fixed.
  • For More Help related to time cheat kindly comment below.

Important note: If you really love playing games. Please support game developers and buy atleast one small game package.

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