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Restaurant Story: Tropic Bliss: Add Friends Who Play Daily
Game Friends will help you to clear hard levels by suggesting simple tricks, you can also request bonus, item, reward, gift etc from friends.
  • Restaurant Story: Tropic Bliss is a top game in the virtual restaurant category is here again;
  • This time around it brings you a restaurant story;
  • Find a joyful tropical theme and decorate the restaurant with it;
  • Share the theme with your friends to enhance the fun;
  • Develop high caliber foods in your role as a cook;
  • Focus on delivering high quality stuff for your customers;
  • Prepare the delicious foods in a fast paced environment;
  • High action-packed settings make your restaurant popular;
  • Bowl your customers with those finger licking scrumptious eats;
  • First build a designer’s delight of a restaurant with creativity;
  • Then decorate it tastefully with art, furniture and more;
  • Pick the best recipes to make your customers drool;
  • Develop social network with other restaurants;
  • Invite friends to set up shop next door.

Important note: If you really love playing games. Please support game developers and buy atleast one small game package.

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