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Discussion in 'robbery-bob-2-double-trouble' started by Admin - Jul 30th, 2019 12:53 am.
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re: Robbery Bob 2: Double Trouble: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Akintola Angela - Nov 12th, 2021 12:35 am
Akintola Angela
Akintola Angela

The game is great. Looking forward to the "Robbery Bob 3".My only suggestion is to increase the rewards we get after missions. I have already finished the whole chapter but I only bought the summer outfit. I didn't buy any tools either so please reconsider it. Anyway, keep up the good job.

re: Robbery Bob 2: Double Trouble: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Shirin Afraz - Nov 12th, 2021 12:35 am
Shirin Afraz
Shirin Afraz

I LOVE that cartoony animation style. Though I didn't like that when we get caught then we try to run but our thief shows no interest otherwise it's a very good game. Also would suggest adding a few more levels, please.

re: Robbery Bob 2: Double Trouble: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Ayesha fatima habib - Nov 12th, 2021 12:36 am
Ayesha fatima habib
Ayesha fatima habib

The only fault of this game is that you literally have all your progress reset upon deletion even when logged into a GP account. The game should auto-save our progress even when we delete the app. I am very disappointed. Please correct it.

re: Robbery Bob 2: Double Trouble: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Leah Stickney - Nov 12th, 2021 12:37 am
Leah Stickney
Leah Stickney

I love killing my time with this awesome gem of a game. But I’ll still give only 2 stars to it because there aren't many options to earn coins. I have completed the entire game + almost all the achievements and have only a few hundred coins. Now, the only option left to me is to replay the old stages, in order to buy/upgrade different costumes. I will definitely increase the stars if a new way is added to counter this problem :)

re: Robbery Bob 2: Double Trouble: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Lokeswari A - Nov 12th, 2021 12:38 am
Lokeswari A
Lokeswari A

This game is double the trouble and I definitely like that. Graphics are fantastic as well as satisfying, and the levels are the best part of the game, which should be, as they are certainly challenging. It's really double trouble. MUST PLAY!

re: Robbery Bob 2: Double Trouble: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Aussie Bloke Gordo - Nov 12th, 2021 12:39 am
Aussie Bloke Gordo
Aussie Bloke Gordo

I absolutely love the intro song of this game. It is a really big and hard application. Sure it will take a long time of yours as there are 5 chapters in total. This version has very cool comics and a lot of stuff in the store shop and I wanna have them all. Thank you so much and strongly waiting for the next RB 3.

re: Robbery Bob 2: Double Trouble: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Spring Roberts - Nov 12th, 2021 12:39 am
Spring Roberts
Spring Roberts

In summary, it is an excellent game. One of the great games in sneaking and planning puzzles. With a new storyline and amazing hard animes, this game truly stepped up from the first installment. I just feel low because of fewer levels, but then again it has ghosts and aliens which is some serious step up from scientists and cops.

re: Robbery Bob 2: Double Trouble: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Sabir Husen - Nov 12th, 2021 12:40 am
Sabir Husen
Sabir Husen

Those who are downloading this game thinking it to be free should know that it is paid game only shown here as free to bait you in. If you want keys to unlock or items to buy you can't do much until you don't buy them as no ad method is there to earn coins. I won’t suggest it.

re: Robbery Bob 2: Double Trouble: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Landon Yarbrough - Nov 12th, 2021 12:41 am
Landon Yarbrough
Landon Yarbrough

I don’t know but the UI feels clunky; running and moving is somehow much harder than in the original game. Not to mention the un-skippable comics and weird commentary mid-game when you pick up the goal treasure. It causes the gameplay to feel uneven and makes it much harder to maneuver. 1/5

re: Robbery Bob 2: Double Trouble: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Deborah Ayuba - Nov 12th, 2021 12:41 am
Deborah Ayuba
Deborah Ayuba

Shouldn't the controller be on the right side? Because seriously most people are right-handed, left-handed are just a few so I suggest that you might as well include in the settings where in we can choose what side the controller would be. Please hear me out.

re: Robbery Bob 2: Double Trouble: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Tofik Khan - Feb 6th, 2022 5:38 am
Tofik Khan
Tofik Khan

The robbery Bob series is one of my favorite offline game series, more robbery Bob games should be made by the team but the game's storyline wasn't the same, it changed at every chapter they should maintain the storyline then the game will be more interesting.

re: Robbery Bob 2: Double Trouble: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Jalal Darashiri - Feb 6th, 2022 5:39 am
Jalal Darashiri
Jalal Darashiri

I've already finished the game. My only suggestion is to please increase the rewards we get after missions. Please reconsider it. Anyway, keep up the good job. The game is great, looking forward to the "Robbery Bob 3".

re: Robbery Bob 2: Double Trouble: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Barbara J Koehler - Feb 6th, 2022 5:39 am
Barbara J Koehler
Barbara J Koehler

The only thing which is holding me back from giving this game a 5-star rating is that there aren't many options to earn coins. I have completed the entire game + almost all the achievements and have only earned a mere 4000 coins while simultaneously watching ads to double the coins. Now, the only option left to me is to replay the old stages, to buy/upgrade different costumes.

re: Robbery Bob 2: Double Trouble: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Christopher Borromeo - Feb 6th, 2022 5:40 am
Christopher Borromeo
Christopher Borromeo

It's a good strategy-RPG-escape game and I loved it every time I finish a level. The game's purpose is to make your time fun while you wait for something or someone. But it demands money so if you are a free player, this is not for you simply.

re: Robbery Bob 2: Double Trouble: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Braelynn Sweeney - Feb 6th, 2022 5:40 am
Braelynn Sweeney
Braelynn Sweeney

It is the most intense game I have ever played. Great storyline, great characters, and great controls! It has fun things like the donut, and the old grandmother runs away being frightened by the monster costume of bob in the game. Oh how much I love it!

re: Robbery Bob 2: Double Trouble: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by T Srinivasan - Feb 6th, 2022 5:41 am
T Srinivasan
T Srinivasan

Graphics are very good as well as satisfying and the levels are the best part of the game, which should be, as they are certainly challenging. It's really double trouble. Also, I absolutely love the intro song. In summary, excellent game! Highly recommended!

re: Robbery Bob 2: Double Trouble: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Dennis Webi - Feb 6th, 2022 5:41 am
Dennis Webi
Dennis Webi

Too much entertainment game! I enjoyed this game. This is the first game I have ever seen, all the stages I played "all are different stages" that's why I gave the game five stars. And who am I to say no to such cute and amazing graphics.

re: Robbery Bob 2: Double Trouble: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Lisa Andrea - Feb 6th, 2022 5:42 am
Lisa Andrea
Lisa Andrea

It’s not the best game first this game has tons and tons of ads and second some of the missions are impossible, therefore I settle on 2 stars for this app.

re: Robbery Bob 2: Double Trouble: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Keeshandra Maranca - Feb 6th, 2022 5:43 am
Keeshandra Maranca
Keeshandra Maranca

I do not like the unskippable comics and weird commentary mid-game when you pick up the goal treasure. It causes the gameplay to feel uneven and makes it much harder to maneuver.

re: Robbery Bob 2: Double Trouble: Need Help- Post Your Questions, Reviews Here. by Danise Samuel - Feb 6th, 2022 5:43 am
Danise Samuel
Danise Samuel

I deeply dislike the customization. It's much more expensive than the first game, just not very cohesive in general. After completing all the levels and missions I only have one summer outfit, that’s unfair.

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