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Discussion in 'simple-bowling' started by Asim - Jul 7th, 2023 8:23 pm.

Tips, Tricks, and Strategies for a Simple Bowling Game

  • 1. Aim for the center of the pins: When releasing the ball, try to hit the center pin. This will increase your chances of knocking down more pins.
  • 2. Find your spot: Pay attention to where your ball is consistently hitting the pins. Adjust your positioning accordingly to improve your accuracy.
  • 3. Control your speed: Experiment with different ball speeds to find the optimal speed for knocking down the most pins. Sometimes a slower or faster approach can be more effective.
  • 4. Master the release: Practice releasing the ball smoothly and consistently. Avoid jerky or abrupt movements, as they can negatively affect your accuracy.
  • 5. Pay attention to the lane conditions: Take note of the oil patterns on the lane. Adjust your angle and speed based on the lane conditions to optimize your chances of hitting the pins.
  • 6. Spare shooting: When faced with a spare, focus on hitting the remaining pins instead of trying for a strike. Aim for the side of the pin to increase your chances of knocking it down into the others.
  • 7. Practice your spare shots: Spare shots are crucial for improving your overall score. Set up spare shots during practice sessions to enhance your skills in knocking down specific pin combinations.
  • 8. Stay consistent: Develop a consistent approach and release technique. This will help build muscle memory and improve your overall performance.
  • 9. Maintain a positive mindset: Bowling can be challenging, but staying positive and focused will improve your game. Don't let missed shots or low scores affect your confidence.
  • 10. Practice regularly: Like any skill, practice is key to improving your bowling game. Regular practice sessions will help refine your technique and enhance your overall performance.
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Changing device time in Simple Bowling is educational and experimental kindly read some general info:

  • Before executing time cheat steps, please make sure to backup your current game progress using Google or Helium,Read more here. Or try this in any other device which doesn't have any sensitive information.
  • To fix error if any caused by time cheat you need to follow steps again to max your lives or Energy, exit game (before exit make sure your lives or energy is max otherwise repeat step.), go to settings and change date time to current. When You open game now everything is normal and fixed.
  • For More Help related to time cheat kindly comment below.

Important note: If you really love playing games. Please support game developers and buy atleast one small game package.

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