Pot Farm Keep Earning
Get the voodoo mushrooms from working hard!.
Task 1: Sell 550 juicy fruit
Solution: Plant 550 juicy fruit and use bat guano to grow instantly, harvest all then go to my stash, type in juicy fruit, sell 550 juicy fruit for 264,000
Task 2: Sell 600 mighty mite
Solution: Plant 600 mighty mite and use bat guano to grow instantly, harvest all then go to my stash, type in juicy fruit, sell 600 mighty mite for 212,400
Task 3: Sell 650 Afghan dream
Solution: Plant 650 Afghan dream and use bat guano to grow instantly, harvest all then go to my stash, type in juicy fruit, sell 650 Afghan dream for 663,000
Reward After Completing Keep Earning
1 voodoo mushrooms (protection and decoration)