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Word Jam - A word search word guess brain game is the first of its kind.

Solve the anagram puzzles as you travel around the world in the Crossword Food Truck unlocking new levels.

Guess and search letters on the word plate to find different word recipes. Solve the anagram puzzles by searching for all the words to make your way to a new country. As you progress in the game, anagram puzzles get trickier and tastier!

Word Jam is a free word search brain game that tests your vocabulary, spelling, word guessing and anagram puzzle solving skills - just search and guess the words! Get a fun brain exercise in your free

time and improve your vocabulary!

If you are a word game lover and like to play brain games to improve your vocabulary or simply enjoy word search games to casually swipe and guess the hidden words, Word Jam - A Word Search & Word Guess Brain game is the perfect choice for the best brain game lovers!

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Daily Friends Who Sends Gifts For Word Jam

Game friends who plays daily and send gifts daily are like Gems.

Earn these gems by making lots of Word Jam game friends

Jul 30, 2019 12:52 am 0 343
Nov 10, 2017 10:36 pm 0 438
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This Website is not affiliated with Word Jam. trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Game content and materials copyright Word Jam. all right reserved.