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Select An Item A Solo vuole condividere un succo d-arancia con te! ¡Amaru quiere compartir jugo de naranja contigo! ¡Benjamin quiere compartir jugo de naranja contigo! ¡Benjamin quiere compartir Papas Fritas contigo! ¡Carlos quiere compartir jugo de naranja contigo! ¡Diablesa quiere compartir jugo de naranja contigo! ¡Fede quiere compartir Papas Fritas contigo! ¡Hank quiere compartir jugo de naranja contigo! ¡Hank quiere compartir Papas Fritas contigo! ¡He conseguido una Bronze Crown en Caravana Europea en Viaje en el Tiempo! ¡Jaime Andres quiere compartir jugo de naranja contigo! ¡Jairo quiere compartir jugo de naranja contigo! ¡Juan quiere compartir jugo de naranja contigo! ¡Juana quiere compartir jugo de naranja contigo! ¡Paco quiere compartir jugo de naranja contigo! ¡Rosa Ester quiere compartir jugo de naranja contigo! ¡Rosa Ester quiere compartir Papas Fritas contigo! ¡Segundo quiere compartir jugo de naranja contigo! ¡Shaila quiere compartir jugo de naranja contigo! ¡Susi quiere compartir jugo de naranja contigo! ¡Vera quiere compartir jugo de naranja contigo! ¡Volker quiere compartir jugo de naranja contigo! Ada wants to share Orange Juice with you! Adele wants to share Orange Juice with you! Ainhoa, I beat your score in Great Wall of China Bonus! Alex wants to share Orange Juice with you! Alex wants to share Potato Chips with you! Alistair wants to share Orange Juice with you! Amélia veut partager des Chips avec vous ! Amélia veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Andy möchte Orangensaft mit dir teilen! Ann wants to share Orange Juice with you! Anne wants to share Orange Juice with you! Annemarie wants to share Orange Juice with you! Anthony wants to share Orange Juice with you! Anthony, I beat your score in Roman Fountain Bonus! Armando veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Arved wants to share Orange Juice with you! Audrey veut partager des pièces avec vous ! Audrey veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Bailee wants to share Orange Juice with you! Beatrice veut partager des Chips avec vous ! Beatrice veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Ben wants to share Orange Juice with you! Ben wants to share Potato Chips with you! Bernadette veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Bevo wants to share Orange Juice with you! Bevo wants to share Potato Chips with you! Bill wants to share Orange Juice with you! Billy wants to share Orange Juice with you! Bob wants to share Orange Juice with you! Bob wants to share Potato Chips with you! Bobby wants to share Orange Juice with you! Bonnie wants to share Orange Juice with you! Brandon wants to share Orange Juice with you! Brandon wants to share Potato Chips with you! Bre wants to share Orange Juice with you! Bruce wants to share Orange Juice with you! Carlos quer compartilhar um Suco de Laranja com você! Carol wants to share Orange Juice with you! Carolyn wants to share Orange Juice with you! Carolyn wants to share Potato Chips with you! Charolette, I beat your score in Cannon Field Bonus! Charolette, I beat your score in Cannon Field! Charolette, I beat your score in Mountain Village! Charolette, I beat your score in Opera Tables! Charolette, I beat your score in Victim-s Riverboat Bonus! Chris wants to share Orange Juice with you! Christian möchte Orangensaft mit dir teilen! Christine veut partager des Chips avec vous ! Christine veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Claude veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Claudia vuole condividere un succo d-arancia con te! Claudinnha quer compartilhar um Suco de Laranja com você! Claudinnha wants to share Orange Juice with you! Clement veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Coleen wants to share Orange Juice with you! Coleen wants to share Potato Chips with you! Cora wants to share Orange Juice with you! Corina quer compartilhar um Suco de Laranja com você! Cozette wants to share Orange Juice with you! Crystal wants to share Orange Juice with you! Dan wants to share Orange Juice with you! Dan wants to share Potato Chips with you! Danielle veut partager des Chips avec vous ! Danielle veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Danielle wants to share Orange Juice with you! Danny wants to share Orange Juice with you! Dawn wants to share Orange Juice with you! Deborah wants to share Orange Juice with you! Debra wants to share Orange Juice with you! Denise veut partager des Chips avec vous ! Denise veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Donna Pacheco wants to share Orange Juice with you! Dora möchte Orangensaft mit dir teilen! Douglas quer compartilhar um Suco de Laranja com você! Eliza wants to share Orange Juice with you! Eliza wants to share Potato Chips with you! Enrico vuole condividere Patatine con te! Enrico vuole condividere un succo d-arancia con te! Eric veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Eu ganhei a Bronze Crown em Jardins de Chambord em Viagem no Tempo! Eu ganhei a Bronze Crown em Rua de Londres em Viagem no Tempo! Fabienne veut partager des Chips avec vous ! Fabienne veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Fiona wants to share Orange Juice with you! Frances wants to share Orange Juice with you! Frances wants to share Potato Chips with you! Francesco, I beat your score in Hippie Van! Francesco, I beat your score in Palace Ruins! Francine veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Francoise veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Frank wants to share Orange Juice with you! Franky möchte Orangensaft mit dir teilen! Fritz möchte Orangensaft mit dir teilen! Gabriela wants to share Orange Juice with you! Georg möchte Orangensaft mit dir teilen! Gerard veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Gerard, I beat your score in Great Wall of China! Gerard, I beat your score in Mountain Village Bonus! Gerard, I beat your score in Shogun-s Bedroom Bonus! Gerard, I beat your score in Shogun-s Bedroom! Gift Links Gilbert veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Gilles veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Giorgos wants to share Orange Juice with you! Giorgos, I beat your score in Barracks Staircase! Giorgos, I beat your score in Circus Maximus Box Bonus! Glenda wants to share Orange Juice with you! Gouiler wants to share Orange Juice with you! Gracie veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Hank wants to share Orange Juice with you! Hans möchte Orangensaft mit dir teilen! Hans wants to share Orange Juice with you! Hans wants to share Potato Chips with you! Harold wants to share Orange Juice with you! Harold wants to share Potato Chips with you! Helle wants to share Orange Juice with you! I got the Bronze Crown in Altar in Travel in Time! I got the Bronze Crown in Black Market Alley Bonus in Travel in Time! I got the bronze crown in Blackbeard-s Desk in Travel in Time! I got the bronze crown in Bride-s Changing Room in Travel in Time! I got the bronze crown in Central Park Bonus in Travel in Time! I got the bronze crown in Chief-s Living Room in Travel in Time! I got the Bronze Crown in Circus Recliner in Travel in Time! I got the bronze crown in Coffee Table in Travel in Time! I got the bronze crown in Control Room Bonus in Travel in Time! I got the Bronze Crown in Embassy Gate Bonus in Travel in Time! I got the bronze crown in Fire Pit in Travel in Time! I got the Bronze Crown in Fountain Mechanism in Travel in Time! I got the Bronze Crown in Fountain Reservoir in Travel in Time! I got the bronze crown in Garden in Travel in Time! I got the Bronze Crown in Great Wall of China in Travel in Time! I got the bronze crown in Indoctrination Room in Travel in Time! I got the bronze crown in Information Panel in Travel in Time! I got the bronze crown in Leonardo-s Workbench in Travel in Time! I got the bronze crown in Market Stall in Travel in Time! I got the Bronze Crown in Marketplace Bonus in Travel in Time! I got the bronze crown in Rebel Work Station in Travel in Time! I got the Bronze Crown in Rebels- Lair in Travel in Time! I got the bronze crown in Secluded Waterfall in Travel in Time! I got the bronze crown in Ship-s Deck Bonus in Travel in Time! I got the bronze crown in Ship-s Deck in Travel in Time! I got the Bronze Crown in Square Stairs in Travel in Time! I got the Bronze Crown in Throne Room Bonus in Travel in Time! I got the Bronze Crown in Victim-s Bedchamber in Travel in Time! I got the bronze crown in Voodoo Priestess- Hut in Travel in Time! I got the gold crown in Anubis Square Bonus in Travel in Time! I got the gold crown in Anubis Square in Travel in Time! I got the Gold Crown in Black Market Alley in Travel in Time! I got the gold crown in Black Market Store in Travel in Time! I got the Gold Crown in Bunker Desk in Travel in Time! I got the Gold Crown in Cannon Field Bonus in Travel in Time! I got the Gold Crown in Cannon Field in Travel in Time! I got the gold crown in Central Park Bonus in Travel in Time! I got the Gold Crown in Chariot in Travel in Time! I got the Gold Crown in Chief-s Desk in Travel in Time! I got the gold crown in Da Vinci-s Workshop Bonus in Travel in Time! I got the gold crown in Da Vinci-s Workshop in Travel in Time! I got the Gold Crown in Embassy Driveway in Travel in Time! I got the gold crown in Fire Pit in Travel in Time! I got the gold crown in Indoctrination Room in Travel in Time! I got the gold crown in Islanders- Village in Travel in Time! I got the gold crown in Jail Cell Bonus in Travel in Time! I got the gold crown in Jail Cell in Travel in Time! I got the gold crown in Kitchen Bonus in Travel in Time! I got the gold crown in Kitchen Counter in Travel in Time! I got the gold crown in Mainmast Base in Travel in Time! I got the Gold Crown in Mongolian War Settlement in Travel in Time! I got the gold crown in Newsroom Bonus in Travel in Time! I got the gold crown in Newsroom Desk in Travel in Time! I got the gold crown in Party Buffet in Travel in Time! I got the Gold Crown in Queen-s Bedroom Bonus in Travel in Time! I got the gold crown in Rebels- Lair Bonus in Travel in Time! I got the Gold Crown in Roman Atrium in Travel in Time! I got the gold crown in Sailing Port in Travel in Time! I got the gold crown in Ship-s Deck Bonus in Travel in Time! I got the Gold Crown in Silver Tree Fountain in Travel in Time! I got the gold crown in Skull Island Dock in Travel in Time! I got the Gold Crown in Slave Bed in Travel in Time! I got the Gold Crown in Snowy Patio in Travel in Time! I got the gold crown in Square Stairs in Travel in Time! I got the gold crown in Street Bonus in Travel in Time! I got the gold crown in Throne Room Bonus in Travel in Time! I got the gold crown in Voodoo Priestess- Hut in Travel in Time! I got the gold crown in Wedding Ceremony Room Bonus in Travel in Time! I got the gold crown in Wedding Ceremony Room in Travel in Time! I got the Silver Crown in Bacchus Statue in Travel in Time! I got the Silver Crown in Black Market Alley Bonus in Travel in Time! I got the Silver Crown in Black Market Alley in Travel in Time! I got the silver crown in Black Market Store in Travel in Time! I got the Silver Crown in Bunker Desk in Travel in Time! I got the silver crown in Chief-s Desk in Travel in Time! I got the silver crown in Coffee Table in Travel in Time! I got the silver crown in Da Vinci-s Workshop in Travel in Time! I got the Silver Crown in Fountain Mechanism in Travel in Time! I got the silver crown in Garden in Travel in Time! I got the Silver Crown in Hidden Chamber in Travel in Time! I got the silver crown in Indoctrination Room in Travel in Time! I got the silver crown in Information Panel in Travel in Time! I got the silver crown in Jail Cell in Travel in Time! I got the silver crown in Kitchen Counter in Travel in Time! I got the Silver Crown in Marketplace Bonus in Travel in Time! I got the silver crown in Newsroom Bonus in Travel in Time! I got the Silver Crown in Newsstand in Travel in Time! I got the Silver Crown in Opera Stage in Travel in Time! I got the Silver Crown in Opera Tables in Travel in Time! I got the silver crown in Party Buffet in Travel in Time! I got the Silver Crown in Queen-s Bedroom Bonus in Travel in Time! I got the silver crown in Rebels- Lair Bonus in Travel in Time! I got the silver crown in Rooftop Party in Travel in Time! I got the silver crown in Sailing Port Bonus in Travel in Time! I got the silver crown in Ship-s Deck in Travel in Time! I got the Silver Crown in Square Stairs in Travel in Time! I got the silver crown in Street in Travel in Time! I got the silver crown in Throne Room Bonus in Travel in Time! I got the Silver Crown in Throne Room in Travel in Time! I got the silver crown in Time Machine in Travel in Time! I got the Silver Crown in Victim-s Riverboat Bonus in Travel in Time! I got the silver crown in Wedding Ceremony Room in Travel in Time! Δημητρης wants to share Orange Juice with you! Inge möchte Orangensaft mit dir teilen! Irene wants to share Orange Juice with you! Isabelle veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Iveta wants to share Orange Juice with you! J-ai obtenu la Bronze Crown dans Cabane de la Prêtresse Vaudoue Bonus dans Travel in Time ! J-ai obtenu la Bronze Crown dans Escalier de la Caserne dans Travel in Time ! J-ai obtenu la Bronze Crown dans Feu de Camp dans Travel in Time ! J-ai obtenu la Bronze Crown dans Jardin dans Travel in Time ! J-ai obtenu la Bronze Crown dans Marché dans Travel in Time ! J-ai obtenu la Bronze Crown dans Marches de la Salle du Trône dans Travel in Time ! J-ai obtenu la Bronze Crown dans Quai de l-Île du Crâne Bonus dans Travel in Time ! J-ai obtenu la Gold Crown dans Cabane de la Prêtresse Vaudoue Bonus dans Travel in Time ! J-ai obtenu la Gold Crown dans Cabane de la Prêtresse Vaudoue dans Travel in Time ! J-ai obtenu la Gold Crown dans Centre du Village dans Travel in Time ! J-ai obtenu la Gold Crown dans Chute d-Eau Isolée dans Travel in Time ! J-ai obtenu la Gold Crown dans Débris dans Travel in Time ! J-ai obtenu la Gold Crown dans Feu de Camp dans Travel in Time ! J-ai obtenu la Gold Crown dans Intérieur de la Cabane Bonus dans Travel in Time ! J-ai obtenu la Gold Crown dans Plage de Sable dans Travel in Time ! J-ai obtenu la Gold Crown dans Quai de l-Île du Crâne dans Travel in Time ! J-ai obtenu la Silver Crown dans Établi dans Travel in Time ! J-ai obtenu la Silver Crown dans Cabane de la Prêtresse Vaudoue Bonus dans Travel in Time ! J-ai obtenu la Silver Crown dans Centre du Village dans Travel in Time ! J-ai obtenu la Silver Crown dans Chambre de la Victime Bonus dans Travel in Time ! J-ai obtenu la Silver Crown dans Chute d-Eau Isolée dans Travel in Time ! J-ai obtenu la Silver Crown dans Débris dans Travel in Time ! J-ai obtenu la Silver Crown dans Intérieur de la Cabane Bonus dans Travel in Time ! J-ai obtenu la Silver Crown dans Jardin dans Travel in Time ! J-ai obtenu la Silver Crown dans Plage de Sable Bonus dans Travel in Time ! J-ai obtenu la Silver Crown dans Quai de l-Île du Crâne Bonus dans Travel in Time ! J-ai obtenu la Silver Crown dans Quai de l-Île du Crâne dans Travel in Time ! J-ai obtenu la Silver Crown dans Salle d-Opérations dans Travel in Time ! J-ai obtenu la Silver Crown dans Village des Habitants de l-Île dans Travel in Time ! Jack wants to share Orange Juice with you! Jack wants to share Potato Chips with you! Jackie Dockerill wants to share Orange Juice with you! Jackie Dockerill wants to share Potato Chips with you! Jake wants to share Orange Juice with you! Jan wants to share Orange Juice with you! Jan wants to share Potato Chips with you! Janet wants to share Orange Juice with you! Janet wants to share Potato Chips with you! Jasmina wants to share Orange Juice with you! Jasmine a débloqué ce quartier : Présent Modifié ! Jasmine a débloqué ce quartier : Renaissance ! Jasmine veut partager des Chips avec vous ! Jasmine veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Jbeto quer compartilhar um Suco de Laranja com você! Jean-luc veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Jean-marc a débloqué ce quartier : Présent Modifié ! Jean-marc veut partager des Chips avec vous ! Jean-marc veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Jean-Paul veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Joachim möchte Orangensaft mit dir teilen! Joachim, I beat your score in Market Stalls! Jocelyne veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Johan, I beat your score in Couches! John F wants to share Orange Juice with you! John wants to share Orange Juice with you! Jos ranked #3 detective in Travel in Time! Jos unlocked a new district: Renaissance! Jos wants to share Orange Juice with you! Judy wants to share Orange Juice with you! Kamil seninle Portakal Suyu paylaşmak istiyor! Karl wants to share Orange Juice with you! Karl wants to share Potato Chips with you! Kate wants to share Orange Juice with you! Kathy wants to share Orange Juice with you! Kathy, I beat your score in Mountain Village Bonus! Kathy, I beat your score in Victim-s Riverboat! Ken wants to share Orange Juice with you! Kenny wants to share Orange Juice with you! Kit wants to share Orange Juice with you! Kyle wants to share Potato Chips with you! Lars möchte Orangensaft mit dir teilen! Laura wants to share Orange Juice with you! Len wants to share Orange Juice with you! Lisa wants to share Orange Juice with you! Lizzy wants to share Orange Juice with you! Loay wants to share Orange Juice with you! Loretta wants to share Orange Juice with you! Lynn Ann wants to share Orange Juice with you! Mónica Lisa quer compartilhar um Suco de Laranja com você! Majdis wants to share Orange Juice with you! Majdis wants to share Potato Chips with you! Man S wants to share Orange Juice with you! Maria wants to share Orange Juice with you! Mario möchte Orangensaft mit dir teilen! Mario veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Mary wants to share Orange Juice with you! Mary wants to share Potato Chips with you! Maureen wants to share Orange Juice with you! Melissa wants to share Orange Juice with you! Michael wants to share Orange Juice with you! Michel veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Mirjana veut partager des Chips avec vous ! Mirjana wants to share Orange Juice with you! Mirjana wants to share Potato Chips with you! Missy Maggie wants to share Orange Juice with you! Missy Maggie wants to share Potato Chips with you! Nadine veut partager des Chips avec vous ! Nadine veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Nagilen wants to share Orange Juice with you! Nancy, I beat your score in Marketplace! Nese möchte Orangensaft mit dir teilen! Niagara veut partager des Chips avec vous ! Niagara veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Nickie wants to share Orange Juice with you! Nickk wants to share Orange Juice with you! Oswaldo veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Ovidiu wants to share Orange Juice with you! Ozzie wants to share Orange Juice with you! Paige quer compartilhar um Suco de Laranja com você! Pamela wants to share Orange Juice with you! Pascale veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Pata veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Patricia wants to share Orange Juice with you! Paul möchte Orangensaft mit dir teilen! Paul wants to share Orange Juice with you! Paula, I beat your score in Opera Stage! Peri wants to share Orange Juice with you! Petra möchte Kartoffelchips mit dir teilen! Petra möchte Orangensaft mit dir teilen! Petra, j-ai battu to score dans Marché! Pierre veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Réjean veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Rachel wants to share Orange Juice with you! Ralf möchte Orangensaft mit dir teilen! Raymond veut partager des Chips avec vous ! Raymond veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Rebecca wants to share Orange Juice with you! Reinhard möchte Orangensaft mit dir teilen! Rex wants to share Orange Juice with you! Richard wants to share Orange Juice with you! Rick wants to share Orange Juice with you! Rick, I beat your score in Marketplace Bonus! RL wants to share Orange Juice with you! Robert wants to share Orange Juice with you! Robertas wants to share Orange Juice with you! Rodolfo wants to share Orange Juice with you! Rosanne wants to share Orange Juice with you! Sean unlocked a new district: Age of Sail! Sean wants to share Orange Juice with you! Sean wants to share Potato Chips with you! Sero veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Sigrid möchte Orangensaft mit dir teilen! Silvio desbloqueou um novo distrito: Presente Alterado! Silvio quer compartilhar um Suco de Laranja com você! Stéphane veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Stefania wants to share Orange Juice with you! Steve wants to share Orange Juice with you! Steven wants to share Orange Juice with you! Steven wants to share Potato Chips with you! Stu wants to share Orange Juice with you! Sue wants to share Orange Juice with you! Teddy wants to share Orange Juice with you! Terri unlocked a new district: The 1960s! Terri wants to share Orange Juice with you! Terri wants to share Potato Chips with you! Terry wants to share Orange Juice with you! Thierry veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Tina wants to share Orange Juice with you! Tito veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Tom wants to share Orange Juice with you! Tommy wants to share Orange Juice with you! Toni wants to share Orange Juice with you! Ursula wants to share Orange Juice with you! Uschi möchte Orangensaft mit dir teilen! Uwe möchte Orangensaft mit dir teilen! Veronica wants to share Orange Juice with you! veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Vida, I beat your score in Lounge Area! Vincent veut partager un Jus d-Orange avec vous ! Vingilf wants to share Orange Juice with you! Walter möchte Orangensaft mit dir teilen! wants to share Orange Juice with you! William wants to share Orange Juice with you! Yendri wants to share Orange Juice with you! Zé quer compartilhar um Suco de Laranja com você!
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