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Posted - 7 months 2 Weeks ago
Greetings wanderers!If you haven't downloaded the latest technical update yet, be sure to do that to keep yourself safe from bugs! Follow the link, the update is waiting for you! :
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Posted - 7 months 2 Weeks ago
How players start their day::
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Posted - 5 years 10 months ago
How players start their day:
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Posted - 5 years 10 months ago
How players start their day:
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Posted - 5 years 10 months ago
Friends, were proud to announce that the studio is about to release a new game! Lately weve been actively expanding staff, and all their forces, minds and talents were focused on the new project. Pretty soon well launch the game, so follow the group, be the first to test the game and get bonuses at the start of the project!
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Posted - 5 years 10 months ago
The world of Exile lays in ruins after a devastating war in which the God themselves arose from darkness and fought on the side of their servants. When the dust settled the civilization was gone, the remaining tribes fell into barbaric state. The Great Temple is filled with Demigods feasting in the Hall of Fame, while highlanders are doomed to eke out a living.According to the ancient ritual anyone can challenge the Temple's Sovereigns and take his place in the Hall. You dared to rise against your fate. Dared but lost and got exiled. The defeat only made you stronger, wiser and colder. Now you're left with nothing but the furious thirst for vengeance. Don't miss the launch of the new game and get starting rewards right away! What you need to do:1. Subscribe to group.2. Share this post. That's all! When the game launches we'll set you up with a nice bonus.
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Posted - 5 years 10 months ago
The world of Exile lays in ruins after a devastating war in which the God themselves arose from darkness and fought on the side of their servants. When the dust See More
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Posted - 5 years 11 months ago
Greetings wanderers! If you haven't downloaded the latest technical update yet, be sure to do that to keep yourself safe from bugs! Follow the link, the update is waiting for you!... Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 11 months ago
Greetings wanderers!If you haven't downloaded the latest technical update yet, be sure to do that to keep yourself safe from bugs! Follow the link, the update is waiting for you! See More
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Posted - 5 years 11 months ago
Greetings wanderers!If you haven't downloaded the latest technical update yet, be sure to do that to keep yourself safe from bugs! Follow the link, the update is waiting for you! Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 11 months ago
Darling, the walkers have come:
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Posted - 5 years 11 months ago
Cersei remembers the old version of the game. Do you?
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Posted - 5 years 11 months ago
Greetings, wanderers! We've release an update, a small one but a very strategically important for the world of Survival Island Evo. Firstly, we've thoroughly revised the tutorial. It'll be much easier for all the newcomers to settle into the rhythm of forsaken islands.... Secondly, we've added a helping ally a talking amulet JAY. You can now talk to JAY during the tutorial and the first questline in Quite Haven. Thirdly, we've polished the game a bit more to clear up the existing bugs. This is quite a meticulous process but we're ready to keep tuning the game up as much as it takes all for players enjoyment. Be sure to download it to stay up to date with the current version of Survival Island Evo and get maximum protection against bugs and errors!
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Posted - 5 years 11 months ago
Greetings, wanderers!We've release an update, a small one but a very strategically important for the world of Survival Island Evo. Firstly, we've thoroughly revised the tutorial. It'll be much easier for all the newcomers to settle into the rhythm of forsaken islands. Secondly, we've added a helping ally a talking amulet JAY. You can now talk to JAY during the tutorial and the first questline in Quite Haven. Thirdly, we've polished the game a bit more to clear up the existing bugs. This is quite a meticulous process but we're ready to keep tuning the game up as much as it takes all for players enjoyment. Be sure to download it to stay up to date with the current version of Survival Island Evo and get maximum protection against bugs and errors!
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Posted - 5 years 11 months ago
Greetings, wanderers!We've release an update, a small one but a very strategically important for the world of Survival Island Evo. Firstly, we've thoroughly revised the tutorial. It'll be much easier for all the newcomers to settle into the rhythm of forsaken islands. See More
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Posted - 6 years 1 Day ago
You've waited long enough and we finally did it! We've just launched an update that includes self-restoring resources. From now on all trees and stone veins on the home island location will keep renewing again and again in due time. This means you'll be able to build your home faster, higher and sturdier! Let's take a look at what the update offers 1. Tuned up the tutorial.... 2. Made all the resources on the home location respawn in time. 3. Integrated models for grass, berry bushes and copper veins. 4. Fixed minor bugs. Follow the link and update the game. Don't delay for too long, the nature needs you to be reborn. Freebie Link
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Posted - 6 years 1 Day ago
You've waited long enough and we finally did it! We've just launched an update that includes self-restoring resources. From now on all trees and stone veins on the home island location will keep renewing again and again in due time. This means you'll be able to build your home faster, higher and sturdier!Let's take a look at what the update offers:1. Tuned up the tutorial. See More
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Posted - 6 years 1 Day ago
You've waited long enough and we finally did it! We've just launched an update that includes self-restoring resources. From now on all trees and stone veins on the home island location will keep renewing again and again in due time. This means you'll be able to build your home faster, higher and sturdier!Let's take a look at what the update offers:1. Tuned up the tutorial.2. Made all the resources on the home location respawn in time.3. Integrated models for grass, berry bushes and copper veins.4. Fixed minor bugs.Follow the link and update the game. Don't delay for too long, the nature needs you to be reborn. Freebie Link
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Posted - 6 years 6 Days ago
How did we battle own servers? We'll tell you how! The problems jumped at us several at a time and we had to fight back without any break! It felt like real survival! Luckily all's finally fixed and working! Thank you for your support, looking forward to seeing you in the game! Freebie Link
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Posted - 6 years 1 Week ago
Greetings, wanderers! standoff with the servers is still going on. Tomorrow were planning to give them another chance and go for another reboot, so the game will be unavailable for some time. Maintenance work wont take long, we'll get everything done in an hour or even faster.More details upcoming.
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Posted - 6 years 2 Weeks ago
Friends! Yesterday we were tweaking up servers just a little bit but sometimes they like to get stubborn and spiral out of control. special forces are already taming the shrew so tomorrow the game will be unavailable for some time. Be sure to write to us if you face any bugs or mishaps after everything gets back to normal. Thank you for your support and understanding.
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Posted - 6 years 2 Weeks ago
Greetings, wanderers! Today we continue narration about mysteries of the home island location. What are your thoughts about the giant sea monster bones? How did it get there? Apparently it is an underwater mammal coming from the ancient times its size and bone structure significantly differ from any large creatures known to science.What happened to this sea monster? Did it get disoriented and cast ashore? Perhaps it was chased by an even bigger predator? There are tons See More
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