Posted - 9 years 10 months ago
Hi everyone! My name is Dimmie Azu. I write and direct True Fear Forsaken Souls. I see many people wondering why is it that we decided to remake most of the game and thus delay it by so long. It is a legitimate question and would like to try and answer it. When we submitted True Fear to Big Fish Games, we were told that their audience does not like to be scared, 90% of them skip all cutscenes and generally don't care about the story. ... We spent over 6 months changing the game, making it brighter, lighter, less scary, shortening the cutscenes, cleaning up the blood and removing all "religious material" (pentagrams and such). Without that the game would not be published. It was a huge pain and cost and while doing it, we kept this in mind for the sequel. Please don't blame Big Fish Games, though. They only wanted us to have better sales and not offend their core audience. So it's not like they are evil or something. When the game came out, Big Fish came to us and admitted they were wrong and basically gave us more freedom for the next installment. So we went and started undoing those changes that we just made to the sequel. At the same time we saw the amazing reviews of the game and felt like we owe fans something better. We wanted the sequel to compare to the first game, almost the same that the first game compared to "other" games. We saw that many players asked the game to be scarier, while some said that they loved the story, but didn't like the scares. So we added the Fear Levels. And I can tell you that the Extra Fear level has a few REALLY terrifying moments. We saw that many players asked for a more challenging HARD difficulty level and we made sure that the sequel has that. We saw that many players complained about the value of the Bonus Chapter and so we made sure the new Bonus Chapter has something unique. But most importantly, we wanted the sequel to have something completely new that doesn't change the creepy concept of the game, but adds a completely new mechanic. And we think we did just that with a couple of new features. Ultimately, we overstretched ourselves, experimenting and redoing things from scratch too much. In retrospective, this was a mistake and I realise that we probably would have served fans best by respecting the promised date rather than adding extra features. I feel deeply sorry about this and the only thing that I can say in defence is that whether you wanted this or not, you will get a game that's truly closer to a horror movie than the first game.
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