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Posted - 8 years 5 months ago
Unfortunately, we are still waiting the legal approval. We hope to have better news soon! Meanwhile, since we cannot yet release a public demo, we decided to send a playable version of the game to Alexander Brandt, who has run one of the first and biggest fan pages of True Fear. He will soon post a review on his blog the B&B Games Freebie Link ... We are working to make the demo public and hope that the full game will soon follow!
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Posted - 8 years 5 months ago
A little update on what is going on. Currently we are going through the legal steps necessary for an early release of True Fear Forsaken Souls 2 on Steam. While the process turned out to be longer than we expected, Big Fish Games are being extremely helpful in this process. This is very cool of them - it shows that BFG care about their customers and are genuinely interested in everyone enjoying True Fear as early as possible, even if it is on another portal. As soon as we c...an, we will be making a few exciting announcements. Keep in mind though, that we will now have to put the game through the QA process. This is a first for us as previously BFG took care of everything on their end. We do not know yet how long exactly it will take, but we will be throwing all resources on it to release the game as early as technically possible. We are working on releasing a playable demo earlier to hopefully make the wait more bearable and possibly even help with the QA. Thank you very much for you patience!
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Posted - 8 years 6 months ago
We have received bad news and wanted to make sure that we have a solution before announcing it. To surprise Big Fish Games were not very interested in the sequel to True Fear. We were told that there are already a lot of quality games waiting for release and True Fear 2 wont launch until the summer of 2017 As a result we will probably release the game ourselves on Steam and a few other portals. It was a big decision for us, but there was absolutely no way that we woul...d make you wait another six months. Having said so, we are still trying to work with Big Fish. We will post the release dates as soon as we know them hopefully before the end of September. Despite having to take on a few jobs on the side to help pay the salaries, we are on schedule to have the release version by the end of September. Then, hopefully, well have a release date fast enough. We expect to come back with more news next week!
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Posted - 8 years 8 months ago
A little update on the situation! We'll clearly not be ready for an August release, but everything looks on track for late September. The game is finished and the only things that keep us are sounds and music. Dimmie has been torturing Eric for months now, going through iteration after iteration and we hope that soon they will settle on something and we'll finally play the finished game!... Meanwhile, here are some new sketches and screenshots from the game!
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Posted - 8 years 9 months ago
We finally have some news! True Fear Forsaken Souls Part 2 will come out somewhere between August and October this year. We were hoping that to have the exact date and that it will be earlier, but unfortunately this is all we have for now. This may not be viewed as good news and I understand if many will be annoyed or even angry. However for us at Goblinz, having seen how many times this project was close to not seeing light of day at all, this is good news! The game IS read...y and once the last technical problems are fixed and a few minor modifications made, it WILL be published. Once again I apologize for not keeping my word and not answering earlier. I understand than some may see this as a sign of my lack of caring, but I assure you that it is the result of exactly the opposite. For the last weeks I kept postponing this post hoping that we will have some better news. I do read every comment and care deeply about them. I feel extremely bad about betraying your trust. But, as a good friend recently put it - the longer you don't answer someone you care about, the harder it becomes to answer. I was hoping to come back with good news, so I kept postponing... The game is better than the first and unlike the first it will be allowed to be published (almost) exactly as we imagined it. There are several moments in the game that are much scarier than anything we were ever allowed (or had the technical level) to do before. The whole team is working hard on speeding it's release. We will publish some news about the game and new images soon! Dimmie
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Posted - 8 years 11 months ago
We present the True Fear Forsaken Souls Part 2 trailer! Unlike in the trailer of the first game, where we showed almost all memorable moments from the game in the game, we decided to show just one important moment and leave the rest out. Let us know in the comments if you feel that the trailer should have shown more!... The bonus chapter is going into QA in a couple of weeks and we should obtain a launch date shortly after. Fingers crossed! Thank you for your patience and all the amazing messages of support!
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Posted - 8 years 11 months ago
We'll release the trailer for True Fear Forsaken Souls Part 2 on Monday! Sorry for being late as usual... Dimmie asks to say that it's his fault, which is probably true - as with most cut-scenes, he has been personally supervising every aspect. Just for the trailer it took 24 takes with (the very talented) Celia Quillian (who is reprising her role of Holly's mother) before Dimmie validated the voice and went on to torture Eric Los (who's back as the main composer).... We do have a tentative launch date, but as we have not respected any date we have announced, we have decided to wait a little longer before making the announcement this time to see if any unexpected problems arise. But the game is ready and in testing! Thank you again for your patience and all the amazing messages! Dimmie goes through them all and then posts some around the office to motivate the team. And it works!
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Posted - 9 years 2 Weeks ago
Hey! When I posted the last message, I expected by now to upload the trailer and announce the release date. Unfortunately, I still can't do either. We relied on outsourcing for several tasks and now we're stuck waiting for some of those contractors. We are waiting for proofreading and some actors. They are very talented professionals and I am sure that the delay will be worth it.... But the good news is that the main game is ready and we are finishing up the bonus chapter! Hopefully soon you will get to see the trailer and we will set a tentative release date with Big Fish. Thank you for your support and understanding! It really means a lot to us! Dimmie
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Posted - 9 years 1 month ago
Sorry we're not giving any news! We are hoping to make a big announcement in 2-3 weeks.
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Posted - 9 years 4 months ago
It looks like we have the final schedule! We are almost on track to finish the game by December. Maybe 2-3 weeks late over a few minor issues, but no longer. However, unfortunately it was impossible for the publisher to start the QA before we submit the final version, so now we have to wait for the test of the game. The said QA should start in late December or early January. It usually lasts a little less than two months. Of course we will try to expedite the process. Then we... will have to wait for an available launch date (which can take months), but Big Fish Games assured me that True Fear will be given priority. In other words the game will most likely be launched in March. Yes, a year and a half late... I have already mentioned several times the reasons for the delays. Now, having just played the (almost) final game, I have to say that I do not regret my decision to spend more time on it. Yes, we could have spent less time and much less money, as the publisher has suggesting. But, for me, the biggest advantage of being an independent developer is to be able to make the games I like. Even if we take two years per game and can barely stay afloat. The sequel is not only better looking, with better effects and different settings, it is also almost three times longer than the original game. Here are a few screenshots from the first 4 cutscenes. And the cutscenes actually get better as the game goes on. Of course I agree that such delays are unacceptable. Especially in a case of a trilogy. Once again, I am very sorry! We are doing everything in power to make sure that such a fiasco doesn't happen again A year ago we had two artists, now we have eight. A year are ago we had one 3D artist and now we have three. A year ago we didn't have a dedicated effets artist and now we do. A year ago I was the only game designer and now I have two assistants. I am not going to repeat the mistake of announcing a date for the final chapter, but it should take significantly less. Hopefully 3-4 times less. Thank you for your patience and continuous support!!! It made a huge difference both for me and for the team! Sincerely, Dimmie Azu
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Posted - 9 years 6 months ago
We have finished the main game and we will test it and do the SFX and voice-overs during September. Early October the game should go into QA. Meanwhile we are working on the bonus chapter. Unfortunately we had to shift some of forces towards the Android and STEAM versions of the first game. Otherwise we could have run out of cash before finishing the second.... It's hard to tell when the game will be finally published, but usually it takes us 2-3 months to pass QA. Hopefully this time it will be faster.
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Posted - 9 years 8 months ago
We apologize for not giving any news! Unfortunately the iOS sales were very disappointing and we couldn't hire more people as we initially intended. So we all concentrate on work and no one finds time to make and select the screenshots. Sorry about that! Here are some new pictures from the game and a couple of stills from the Intro. Dimmie also apologizes for not answering any messages lately. He literally does the job of three people right now. He should be available soon, ...though. Maybe some of you could wonder why the iOS sales were "very disappointing" (Dimmie asked to address this issue here as well). The publisher's theory basically was "people want Candy Crush, not to read long stories". Dimmie's theory is that it is not easy playing a dark game on a smaller screen or to get involved in a scary story without the comfort of a bigger monitor, more comfortable position and better sound. Please don't worry, though, the sequel IS coming out and it is close to being submitted for QA as planned.
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Posted - 9 years 10 months ago
Hi everyone! My name is Dimmie Azu. I write and direct True Fear Forsaken Souls. I see many people wondering why is it that we decided to remake most of the game and thus delay it by so long. It is a legitimate question and would like to try and answer it. When we submitted True Fear to Big Fish Games, we were told that their audience does not like to be scared, 90% of them skip all cutscenes and generally don't care about the story. ... We spent over 6 months changing the game, making it brighter, lighter, less scary, shortening the cutscenes, cleaning up the blood and removing all "religious material" (pentagrams and such). Without that the game would not be published. It was a huge pain and cost and while doing it, we kept this in mind for the sequel. Please don't blame Big Fish Games, though. They only wanted us to have better sales and not offend their core audience. So it's not like they are evil or something. When the game came out, Big Fish came to us and admitted they were wrong and basically gave us more freedom for the next installment. So we went and started undoing those changes that we just made to the sequel. At the same time we saw the amazing reviews of the game and felt like we owe fans something better. We wanted the sequel to compare to the first game, almost the same that the first game compared to "other" games. We saw that many players asked the game to be scarier, while some said that they loved the story, but didn't like the scares. So we added the Fear Levels. And I can tell you that the Extra Fear level has a few REALLY terrifying moments. We saw that many players asked for a more challenging HARD difficulty level and we made sure that the sequel has that. We saw that many players complained about the value of the Bonus Chapter and so we made sure the new Bonus Chapter has something unique. But most importantly, we wanted the sequel to have something completely new that doesn't change the creepy concept of the game, but adds a completely new mechanic. And we think we did just that with a couple of new features. Ultimately, we overstretched ourselves, experimenting and redoing things from scratch too much. In retrospective, this was a mistake and I realise that we probably would have served fans best by respecting the promised date rather than adding extra features. I feel deeply sorry about this and the only thing that I can say in defence is that whether you wanted this or not, you will get a game that's truly closer to a horror movie than the first game.
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Posted - 9 years 11 months ago
We have just uploaded a few screenshots and some concept art from the sequel! The game is almost finished, but we are still working on the cut-scenes which we want to be significantly better and scarier. It may take us another 2-4 months to finish them and cast the actors. We wanted to address some complaints from the first game and the Hard difficulty level will be much harder. The player will have to deduce many "realistic" actions from reading notes and looking for clues.... Also we have tried to make the game graphics brighter while keeping the creepy factor. This was quite delicate and we hope we did it right. We have also added 3 Fear Levels and even at the medium setting the game will be scarier than the first. We are particularly happy with the night vision goggles phases in the game. Hopefully, we will upload some screenshots of it in a couple of weeks! Let us know what you think of the screenshots!
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Posted - 9 years 11 months ago
Incredibly enough, we finally get a Facebook page! First of all, we would like to really thank everyone for the incredible support you have shown for True Fear Forsaken Souls I! The amazing and heartwarming reviews at the Big Fish Games website were the best reward a team can receive and was an incredible inspiration to us all. ... Secondly, we would like to apologize for the delays in the production to the sequel of True Fear. While there were many factors due to the delay, the main one was decision to address all the complaints and wishes we saw in the reviews. So that ended up having us redo the game almost from scratch and was in retrospective a huge undertaking. Still, we think it will be worth the wait and we hope that you will appreciate and enjoy best game yet! Currently we are very busy preparing for the imminent launch of True Fear Forsaken Souls I on iOS. But come back next week for more details and the first images of the sequel!
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