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Posted - 1 decade 2 months ago
Apple just approved new update of Memozzle in the coming 12h you will be able to update the app. This update solve bugs on iPod and issues with advertising. Apple ha appena approvato il nuovo aggiornamento del Memozzle, nel prossimo 12h sarete in grado di aggiornare l'applicazione. Questo aggiornamento risolve bug su iPod e bug con la pubblicit.... Apple acaba de aprobar nuestra nueva actualizacin de Memozzle, en las prximas 12h podrs actualizar la aplicacin. Esta actualizacin resuelve los errores en el iPod y errores con la publicidad. Apple vient d'approuver notre nouvelle mise jour de Memozzle, dans le 12h venir, vous serez en mesure de mettre jour l'application. Cette mise jour rsout les bugs sur l'iPod et les problmes avec de la publicit. A Apple acaba de aprovar o nosso novo Memozzle atualizao. No prximo 12h voc pode atualizar o aplicativo. Esta atualizao corrige os erros no iPod e erros publicidade. Memozzle. 12 , . Ipod .
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Posted - 1 decade 2 months ago
A user from AOL made a review and posted this nice video Link
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Posted - 1 decade 2 months ago
Hoje ns danamos, Samba. Top 1 de todos os jogos baixados no Brasil. Obrigado a todos. Today we dance Samba. Top 1 of all the games downloaded in Brazil. Thank you to all. Oggi balliamo Samba. Top 1 di tutti i giochi scaricati in Brasile. Grazie a tutti.... Hoy bailamos, Samba. Top 1 de todos los juegos descargados en Brasil. Gracias a todos. Aujourd'hui, nous dansons la Samba. Top 1 de tous les jeux tlchargs au Brsil. Merci tous. Samba. 1, , . .
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Posted - 1 decade 2 months ago
On iPhone and iPad people who still use iOs 6 will have some problems with Memozzle. We are working on it. If you cannot wait new release please upgrade to iOs 7. Su iPhone e iPad persone che utilizzano ancora iOS 6 avr alcuni problemi con Memozzle. Stiamo lavorando su di esso. Se non potete aspettare la nostra nuova versione si prega di aggiornare a iOs 7. Las personas de iPhone y iPad que todava utilizan iOS 6 tendrn algunos problemas con Memozzle. Estamos trabajando... en ello. Si no puedes esperar nuestra nueva versin, por favor actualice a iOs 7. Sur iPhone et iPad, les gens qui utilisent encore iOs 6 peuvent avoir quelques problmes avec Memozzle. Nous y travaillons. Si vous ne pouvez pas attendre notre nouvelle version, s'il vous plat veuillez mettre jour iOs 7.
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Posted - 1 decade 2 months ago
Grazie a tutti, oggi in 1 giorno abbiamo raggiunto oltre 120.000 turni giocati.Grazie anche a Alex, da Memozzle che si preso cura dei nostri sistemi. Thanks to all, today in 1 day we have reached over 120.000 rounds played.Thanks also to Alex, from Memozzle Team who has taken care of systems. Gracias a todos, hoy, en 1 da hemos llegado a ms de 120.000 rondas disputadas. Gracias tambin a Alex, de Memozzle que ha tomado el cuidado de nuestros sistemas.... Merci tous, aujourd'hui en un jour nous avons atteint plus de 120.000 parties joues. Merci aussi Alex, de Memozzle qui a pris soin de nos systmes.
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Posted - 1 decade 3 months ago
Memozzle lanzado hoy para iPhone / iPad en Espaa. La segunda aplicacin gratuita ms descargada despus de Facebook. Gracias a todos nuestros fans. Memozzle launched today for iPhone/iPad in Spain The second free app most downloaded after Facebook. Thanks to all fans.
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Posted - 1 decade 3 months ago
Memozzle lanciato oggi per iPhone / iPad in Italia. La terza applicazione gratuita pi scaricata. Grazie a tutti i nostri fan. Memozzle launched today for iPhone/iPad in Italy. The third free app most downloaded. Thanks to all fans.
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Posted - 1 decade 3 months ago
Initial tests in iPhone for Latin America has been positive we have reached the TOP 5 in most of the countries in the Board Game category. We want to thank all the players in this part of the world who support us. Soon the rest of the iPhone / iPad users of the world will be able to play to Memozzle. Las pruebas iniciales de iPhone para Amrica Latina han sido positivas ya que hemos alcanzado el TOP 5 en la mayora de los pases en la categora de juegos de mesa. Queremos dar las gracias a todos los jugadores de esta zona del mundo que nos apoyan y de sus comentarios. Pronto el resto de usuarios del mundo de iPhone/iPad podrn jugar a Memozzle.
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Posted - 1 decade 3 months ago
Users who have recently upgraded to Android version 4.4.3 may have had some incidents during their games due to the Android version change. We are working on it. If you have had any problems please write to support@netplay.mobi Gli utenti che hanno recentemente aggiornato alla versione Android 4.4.3 possono aver avuto alcuni incidenti durante i loro giochi da il cambiamento di versione di Android. Stiamo lavorando su di esso. Se hai avuto problemi, scrivere a support@netplay....mobi Los usuarios que han actualizado recientemente a la versin de Android 4.4.3 pueden haber tenido algunas incidencias durante sus partidas por el cambio de versin de Android. Estamos trabajando en ello. Si ha tenido algn problema escriban a support@netplay.mobi , Android 4.4.3, , - Android . . - support@netplay.mobi Les utilisateurs qui ont rcemment actualis la version Android 4.4.3 peuvent avoir eu quelques incidents lors de leurs matchs en raison du changement de la version d'Android. Nous y travaillons. Si vous avez eu des problmes vous pouvez svp crire support@netplay.mobi
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Posted - 1 decade 3 months ago
Algunas jugadores de Mxico en iphone nos han indicado varios bugs en la aplicacin. Hemos corregido varios y estamos a la espera de que una nueva versin sea aprobada por Apple.
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Posted - 1 decade 3 months ago
In the last 27 minutes we have experienced some server problems. The situation is now normal. We apologize. If any player has lost a round due to this problem, please contact us. Negli ultimi 27 minuti abbiamo vissuto alcuni problemi di server. La situazione ora normale. Ci scusiamo. Se un giocatore ha perso un round a causa di questo problema, non esitate a contattarci. Durante los ltimos 27 minutos hemos experimentado algunos problemas de servidor. La situacin es ahora ...normal. Queremos disculparnos. Si algn jugador ha perdido su partida que nos contacte. Les 27 dernires minutes, nous avons eu quelques problmes de serveur. La situation est maintenant normale. Nous nous excusons. Si un joueur a perdu un tour cause de ce problme, n'hsitez pas nous contacter. 27 . . . - , .
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Posted - 1 decade 3 months ago
Congratulations to Mamenmoore, from Spain who has reached the record of playing 12.635 games. Thanks to Mamen and many others we have reached 12.030.453 rounds played to date. Congratulazioni a Mamenmoore dalla Spagna, che ha raggiunto il record di giocare 12.635 giochi. Grazie a Mamen e molti altri ci hanno raggiunto 12.030.453 turni giocati fino ad oggi. Felicitaciones a Mamenmoore de Espaa, que ha alcanzado el rcord de jugar 12.635 juegos. Gracias a Mamen y muchos otros... hemos alcanzado 12.030.453 rondas disputadas hasta la fecha. Flicitations Mamenmoore de l'Espagne qui a atteint un record de 12.635 parties joues. Merci Mamen et bien d'autres on a atteint 12.030.453 tours jous ce jour. Mamenmoore , 12635 . 12.030.453 .
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Posted - 1 decade 3 months ago
iPhone promo video
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Posted - 1 decade 4 months ago
Finally we got Memozzle approved for iPhone and iPad. For the moment we are doing a soft launch in Mexico, where the app is available since Saturday. Once we complete the test we will launch it to all the countries. All the Mexican can invite their friends to play. Soon the rest of countries. Memozzle stato finalmente approvato per iPhone e iPad. Attualmente abbiamo lanciato in Messico, dove l'applicazione disponibile da Sabato. Dopo aver completato il test, Memozzle sar... disponibile per tutti i paesi. I messicani possono invitare i suoi amici a giocare. In pochi giorni, gli altri paesi. Memozzle fue finalmente aprobado para iPhone y iPad. Por el momento, lo lanzamos en Mxico, donde la aplicacin est disponible desde el sbado. Cuando hayamos completado las pruebas, Memozzle estar disponible para todos los pases. Los mexicanos pueden invitar a sus amigos a jugar. En pocos das, los otros pases. Enfin Memozzle a t approuv pour l'iPhone et l'iPad. Pour le moment, nous faisons un lancement sur le Mexique, o l'application est disponible depuis samedi. Lorsque nous aurons termin le test, Memozzle sera disponible pour tous les pays. Les mexicains peuvent inviter leurs amis jouer. Bientt, le reste des pays. Memozzle iPhone IPad. , . , Memozzle . , . , .
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Posted - 1 decade 4 months ago
Many of you are asking us when the iPhone/iPad version will be available. We just can say Soon. The testing process is longer as we initially forecasted, we are doing best to be able to have it as soon as possible. Muchos de vosotros nos estn preguntando cuando la versin iPhone / iPad estar disponible. Slo podemos decir Pronto. El proceso de prueba es ms largo de lo inicialmente previsto, estamos haciendo nuestro mejor esfuerzo para ser capaces de tenerlo, lo ms... pronto posible. Molti di voi ci chiedono quando la versione per iPhone / iPad sar disponibile. Possiamo solo dire fra poco. Il processo di test pi lungo di quanto originariamente previsto, stiamo facendo del nostro meglio per essere in grado di farlo il pi presto possibile. Beaucoup d'entre vous nous demandent quand la version iPhone / iPad sera disponible. Nous pouvons seulement dire bientt. Le processus de test est plus long que prvu, nous faisons de notre mieux pour tre en mesure de le faire ds que possible.
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Posted - 1 decade 4 months ago
Happy Easter to all ! Buona Pasqua a tutti! Feliz Pascua a todos!!... ! Joyeuses Pques tous!
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Posted - 1 decade 5 months ago
We've noticed that some players do abuse the game, insulting other players in the chat or altering the results of the ranking. All accounts where misuse is detected, will be closed.Respect to others is an important value for us. Hemos detectado que algunos jugadores hacen un mal uso del juego, insultndo a otros jugadores en el chat o alterando los resultados del ranking. Todas las cuentas en las que se detecte un mal uso sern cerradas.El respeto a los dems es un valor impo...rtante para nosotros. Abbiamo notato che alcuni giocatori fanno un cattivo uso del gioco, insultare altri giocatori in chat o alterare i risultati della classifica. Tutti gli account in cui viene rilevato l'uso improprio, saranno chiusi. Rispetto agli altri un valore importante per noi. Nous avons remarqu que certains joueurs abusent du jeu, insultant d'autres joueurs dans le chat ou en modifiant les rsultats de classement. Tous les comptes o un abus est dtect seront ferms. Le respect d'autrui est une valeur importante pour nous. , , . , , . .
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Posted - 1 decade 5 months ago
Many players are asking for the iPhone, iPad version. We are still waiting for the release from the Apple team. Is currently under review. We hope soon to be able to release it.
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Posted - 1 decade 5 months ago
24 hours ago, we have submitted the version of Memozzle for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. We are waiting Apple to review it and make it available. So soon you will be able to play also with your friends with an iPhone or iPad or iPod Touch. 24 ore fa, abbiamo presentato la versione di Memozzle per iPhone, iPad e iPod Touch. Stiamo aspettando Apple per rivedere e renderlo disponibile. Cos presto sarete in grado di giocare anche con i vostri amici con un iPhone o iPad o iPod To...uch. Hace 24 horas, hemos presentado la versin de Memozzle para iPhone, iPad y iPod Touch. Estamos a la espera de Apple para revisarlo y ponerlo a disposicin. As que pronto podrs tambin jugar con tus amigos con un iPhone o iPad o iPod Touch. Il ya 24 heures, nous avons prsent la version de Memozzle pour iPhone, iPad et iPod Touch. Nous attendons d'Apple de l'examiner et de la rendre disponible. Ainsi, bientt vous serez en mesure de jouer aussi avec vos amis avec un iPhone ou un iPad ou iPod Touch. 24 IPhone, IPad IPod Touch. . , Iphone Ipad Ipod Touch. 24 horas atrs, que apresentaram a verso do Memozzle para iPhone, iPad e iPod Touch. Estamos esperando a Apple para analis-lo e torn-lo disponvel. Assim, em breve voc ser capaz de jogar tambm com seus amigos com um iPhone ou iPad ou iPod Touch.
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Posted - 1 decade 5 months ago
In the last 24 hours some issues has been reported by different players regarding the load of the Facebook pics. This issue is not on side but in the Facebook one. The issue should be solved in the coming 48h.
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Posted - 1 decade 6 months ago
We have put in the Android market a new version 1.0.32. All the people that had problems with the 1.0.29 yesterday should actualise to the new one. Hemos puesto en el mercado Android una nueva versin 1.0.32. Todas las personas que tenan ayer problemas con la 1.0.29 deben actualizar a la nueva. Abbiamo messo sul mercato Android una nuova versione 1.0.32. Tutte le persone che hanno avuto problemi ieri con 1.0.29 dovrebbero passare a quello nuovo.... Android Market 1.0.32. , 1.0.29 . Nous avons mis sur le march une nouvelle version Android 1.0.32. Toutes les personnes qui avaient des problmes hier avec la 1.0.29 doivent mettre jour la nouvelle.
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Posted - 1 decade 6 months ago
New Master level available. Be careful, cards move. Nuevo nivel Master disponible. Cuidado, las cartas se mueven. Nuovo livello Master, disponibile. Attenzione, le carte si muovono.... Master, . , . Nouveau niveau Master disponible. Attention, les cartes bougent.
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Posted - 1 decade 6 months ago
We want to thanks Alfredo and Leticia, 2 players who had helped us to find a bug that happens to some players. These players were getting invalid games. The bug had been fixed in the Android version 1.0.29 to be release in 4-5 days from now. Thanks Alfredo, Thanks Leticia. Vogliamo ringraziare Alfredo e Leticia, 2 giocatori che ci hanno aiutato a trovare un bug che accade ad alcuni giocatori. Questi giocatori stavano ottenendo giochi non validi. Il bug era stato risolto nella... versione Android 1.0.29 da rilasciare in 4-5 giorni da oggi. Grazie Alfredo, grazie Leticia. Queremos agradecer a Alfredo y Leticia, 2 jugadores que nos han ayudado a encontrar un error que le sucede a algunos jugadores. Estos jugadores reciban juegos no vlidos. El error ha sido corregido en la versin 1.0.29 de Android que se lanzar en 4-5 das a partir de ahora. Gracias Alfredo, gracias Leticia. Nous voulons remercier Alfredo et Leticia, 2 joueurs qui nous ont aid trouver un bug qui arrive certains joueurs. Ces joueurs obtenaient des jeux invalides. Le bug a t corrig dans la version Android 1.0.29 librer en 4-5 jours partir de maintenant. Merci Alfredo, Merci Leticia. , 2 , , . 1.0.29 Android, 4-5 . , .
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Posted - 1 decade 6 months ago
We had during 25 minutes some server issues from 3:00 am to 3:25 am. The issue is solved sorry for the inconvenience. If you had a round or game affected please write us to support@netplay.mobi Abbiamo avuto durante 25 minuti alcuni problemi di server, da 03:00 a 03:25. Il problema risolto spiace per l'inconveniente. Se tu avessi una ronda o un gioco influenzato scriveteci a support@netplay.mobi
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Posted - 1 decade 7 months ago
If you are a Memozzle addict, and have reached over 3.000 points get a free shirt. Just write us at support@netplay.mobi with your details and nickname. Limited units available.While stocks last.
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Posted - 1 decade 7 months ago
Memozzle team was invited to Google Headquarters in Europe to the App Developers Event
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Posted - 1 decade 7 months ago
On the last releases done, we have included a feature that allow a player to block a specific user. This feature was included to help the situation where some players do not respect the others, but we are seeing that some users in the Global Ranking are making a misuse of it, to avoid to play with others. We will work shortly to find a solution to avoid this misuse. We believe in the competitiveness, transparency and fair play.
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Posted - 1 decade 7 months ago
15 s version Us / Google Play
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Posted - 1 decade 7 months ago
We are working on the design of the Extreme level, we invite players to submit ideas on how they imagine it. Estamos trabajando en el diseo del nivel Extreme, invitamos a nuestros jugadores para enviarnos ideas sobre cmo se lo imaginan. Stiamo lavorando sulla progettazione di livello Extreme, invitiamo i nostri giocatore a presentare idee su come immaginano questo livello. Nous travaillons sur la conception de niveau Extrme, nous invitons nos joueurs soumettre leurs ides sur ce niveau. , , , .
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Posted - 1 decade 7 months ago
15 seconds promo video Usa
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Posted - 1 decade 7 months ago
Hard week on the global ranking, Nostreesequipe from Italy and (Sophia Taryanova) from Russia have alternated the first position followed closely by Jordi Saladich from Spain. The highest growth in gaining position reaching the TOP 20 have been for Deborah Luna from the United States of America. The Global Top 20 is highly competitive.
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Posted - 1 decade 8 months ago
Many people are asking us "Some of my friends have an iPhone, when they will be able to challenge me ?" We expect during this quarter to be able to release an iPhone version and all current players will be able to challenge their FB friends that have an iPhone.
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Posted - 1 decade 8 months ago
We are happy of the work team has done until now, and specially when the positive feedback we got are increasing. Recently one of players wrote us saying "The only game I play consistently besides the famously addictive Candy Crush". Thanks to the more than 150,000 people who rely on us worldwide. We invite people with suggestions to write us at support@netplay.mobi
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Posted - 1 decade 8 months ago
Some people told us that many players still scared to play the new Super Level. We welcome all to try it, matching 3 cards is a big difference. And even the best players in the Hero Level are not the best in Super one.
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Posted - 1 decade 8 months ago
The Global Top 50 has become so competitive, people from France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Venezuela, United Kingdom and United States are competing to keep their positions. Is so challenging, every day the positions are changing. Many few reach or keep the Global Top 10, mainly dominated by Italian, Russian and Spanish players.
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Posted - 1 decade 8 months ago
Today we receive an email from an user that told us that Memozzle help him with his memory problems due to his Multiple Sclerosis. We are happy to hear, that a game like Memozzle gives fun to users but also can help them. When we created Memozzle we wanted to make games where people can improve their skills and we are proud to see we are doing it.
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Posted - 1 decade 8 months ago
Don't forget to update Memozzle to play the new Super Level just released and reach 1.850 points to unlock it.
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Posted - 1 decade 8 months ago
We have just released the Super level. No more pairs, 3 Cards to match in this level. Not easy put your memory at work :)))
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Posted - 1 decade 8 months ago
We start Top 500 with people over the world Brazil, Canada, France, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Uk, Usa, Venezuela... and more that are not yet in the Top 500. We are happy to allow people from any part of the world to plat together.
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Posted - 1 decade 8 months ago
Happy New year 2014 to all!! The first player in 2014 to play was from Italy, "super mamma". After 4 months, we have reached 1.200.000 games played, over 125.000 players from all the world. Thanks for all. We are working hard to release this week the Super Level, with a new game play, that will surprise all the players.
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Posted - 1 decade 8 months ago
Merry Christmas to all. The Top 10 ranking welcome new players from UK, France and Russia. All competing for the first positions with Spanish and Italian people who led the ranking the past days.
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Posted - 1 decade 9 months ago
Our 15 s promo video for France
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Posted - 1 decade 9 months ago
Our promotional video for Russia
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Posted - 1 decade 9 months ago
Our 15 seconds promotional video in Spanish
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Posted - 1 decade 9 months ago
Working on the Super level. Soon to be released.
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Posted - 1 decade 9 months ago
A lot of players are asking us about points and ranking. Here some tips, how the points work 1) During a match + whenever two cards are coincident +100 points + each time you return two cards do not match, and you have already overthrown one of them - 5 points... + Additional points are obtained when you get to make coincident pairs one after another - First pair 100 - Second consecutive pair 100 +10 - Third consecutive pair 100 +30 - Fourth consecutive pair 100 +40 - Fifth consecutive pair 100 +50 2 ) Your position in the ranking / Top List Your position in the ranking, do not just depend on your game result, but also with who you're playing against - If you play against people from a much lower level to yours and you win, the impact in your points is very low, even close to 0 when the distance between you and the other player is great . - If that player wins you, it has a significant impact for you you lose points - If you win someone on your level or best, you earn more points The aim is to progress, it would not be fair that winning a less good player, you get a significant increase in points.
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Posted - 1 decade 9 months ago
Our promotional video in Italy.
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Posted - 1 decade 9 months ago
Finally the issue has been solved. Sorry to all the players for the interruption.
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Posted - 1 decade 9 months ago
We are having some problems with servers this afternoon. The company that gives us the service has suffered an electrical fault that can creates some connection problems in the game. We hope that will be solved in the next hour.
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Posted - 1 decade 9 months ago
We are finishing the testing of a new version 1.0.23 which should be available if there is no setback in 4 days. This release introduces a new function when someone specifically challenges you that is the acceptance or rejection of the game. Until you have accepted to play with an user who challenges you, he will not be able to send you more than one request.This will solve the fact that someone challenge you massively. These rules obviously do not apply when you start a new random game. Requesting a random opponent means you are accepting to play against anybody the system assigns you randomly.
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This Website is not affiliated With Memozzle Free. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Game Content and Materials Copyright Memozzle Free. All right reserved.