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Posted - 4 months 3 Days ago
Itsunos Tale of Love and Hate Showdown Part 2*This story contains spoilers from the main game, so we recommend you finish TCY Season 4 Part 10 before reading.Having broken up into team ninja seeking club and team real ninja seeking club, everyone heads to the starting point. Gather around, everyone.Myu-senpai calls us over to gather around her. Im just going to say this right out front, but we will lose this competition. Huh?!Everyone is taken aback in surprise at Myu-senpais unexpected words. Does that mean...? Thats right. Ive seen the future.Myu-senpais prediction ability... She never knows when she will get her visions, but she is amazingly accurate with them. Man, really...? Cant we do anything?! ...There might be a way. Huh? To tell you the truth, my vision was very vivid this time, so I was able to see a lot of the details. That means that if we change the strategy we were going to go with, we might have a chance to also change the future where we lose. Change the future...? Thats so amazing! Did you by any chance see how they would move and react? Hehe. I actually did this time! All right! But only to the extent that were able to make the first move. After that depends on how hard all of you work. best possible option is to finish them off when we surprise them. If we fail to do that, next best option is to keep attacking before they have a chance to regroup. Ill now tell everyone how to move and who they should attack.According to Myu-senpais prediction ability, three people are moving on their own. The remaining people have split into two groups. We split into three groups, with Myu-senpai, Cy-senpai, and Shiratsuru-senpai being the leaders of each group. Okay! Raita, Hibare, Raku, go along with Cy! Got you! Mina, Hina, and Megu will go along with me. Take caution to stay together and move slowly. Especially you, Hina. I already know without you telling me, Miss Clumsy. Whos clumsy?!Im pretty sure Cy-senpais group will be okay, but what about Shiratsuru-senpais? Myu-senpai calls out to me as I am worrying to myself. Lets go, Itsuno. Right.After separating from the other groups and walking a while, Myu-senpai suddenly stops. From here on out, we will moving separately. Moving separately? Yes. opponents are also moving individually. Wouldnt it be more efficient if we launched a surprise attack on each separate individual? True, but if we dont move now, we wont have another opportunity to catch a certain individual alone. Ah, I get it. You must be talking about Fenrir. Correct. Takato will handle Lily-senpai while I handle Ricka-senpai.I had heard before that Ricka-senpai is Myu-senpais master. A master-pupil confrontation, huh? I hadnt thought Myu-senpai to be the type to go for that. Itsuno and Waka-senpai, please handle Kazuki-senpai. ...?! HUH?! No way! Who do you think youre asking?! Im even more of a non-fighter than Nanao and the others on their team! True, it is a bit troublesome that you cant fight, but dont worry. Itsuno will back you up. She can back me up until the cows come home. Still, nothings going to happen. Try your best, please. Youll run into Kazuki-senpai if you head that way. Takato, you come with me. Okay.Myu-senpai and Takato leave the area.Left behind, Waka-senpai sighs heavily and slumps her shoulders. Awww man... How did things end up like this...? Itsuno, if anything happens, be sure to protect me, okay? S-Sure...Despite not liking it, Waka-senpai comes with me as I head in the direction Myu-senpai told me to. ...I somehow got separated with Waka-senpai as I was walking through the forest. Where did she go...?I look around, but I cant sense her at all. Ah, now that I think about it, she always said she didnt have any stamina, didnt she? I might have left her behind.I bet shes feeling pretty helpless all alone. I decide to turn around and find her.I walk several minutes and finally find her....But I also find Kazuki Araya, as well. Eek! Help me...! Hey, come on now. You make it sound like Im some bad guy.Is he attacking Waka-senpai?Wait, no. She is just probably scared because he appeared suddenly.Still, this is a good chance.He has yet to notice me.If I charge and cut him in the back while Waka-senpai has him distracted... ...Somethings weird... I cant bring myself to draw my sword. And this is the perfect chance, too...Suddenly, Hijiri-senpai appears in front of Waka-senpai, picks her up and starts walking towards me.Yet she simply smiles at me as she passes by and goes somewhere. Are you sure you dont want to launch a surprise attack on me?Kazuki Araya turns around and calls out to me.I see... He noticed me all along. I must have realized that somewhere deep down, and thats why I didnt attack.Thats got to be it... Theres no other reason I wouldnt attack him. How could I launch a surprise attack if you already noticed me? Fair enough. So, what will it be? Do you want to fight me?Isnt it obvious?! Kazuki Araya... Ill kill you!I draw my sword and charge at him.I know I have no chance of beating me head-on, but Ill never win if I dont at least attack. Ill try my luck seeing if I can overpower him with a barrage of attacks!I bring my sword down on him. Haaa!He easily absorbs my full power with his sword. The impact is so much that I feel my arm sting as I attack. Its obvious I am not half the swordsman he is. Hmmm, your attack has a bit more weight to it now. Still, youre putting power into your strike the wrong way.He easily pushes my sword back and breaks my formation. Even a complete beginner knows that a follow-up attack comes now. And also that dodging it is almost impossible.But, I cant afford to be beaten so easily!Using my collapsing formation to my advantage, I swing my right foot up towards his chin. Whoa?!He barely manages to dodge it. Still, this is just me getting away, so while he is busy bending backwards, Ill put some distance between us and regroup No, if I have time to do that, I have time to continue attacking! Flame jutsu: Hellfire!I release a homing flame. I know he is not weak enough to be finished off by that, but at least it will give me time to regroup.Yet, he shows no signs of dodging, and instead casts a finger spell. Burning Hell!The flame I let out is instantly dissipated. Impossible...!Burning Hell is a ninjutsu that I personally made by blowing up the flame from a flame jutsu! How can he use it?! You look surprised. When you become skilled enough as a ninja, you can start interfering with other peoples ninjutsu. Ugh...!Hes way too strong...! Theres no way I can compete against him, let alone kill him... No...Ill do it! Even if I cant compete against him now, some day...!One day...Ill definitely become stronger than him! Graaaaah!I wildly swing my sword around aiming for his neck. Yet, all it ends up cutting is the air due to me tripping and falling on the ground.I look up to see the tip of a sword directly in front of me. I can feel all the energy drain from my body.I stood no chance... Its a complete loss for me.Sensing that I lost the will to fight, Kazuki Araya puts his sword back into his sheath and grins at me, almost as if he were bragging about his win. I win today, as well.Obviously. You dont even have to say it. What a despicable man.But...*Sigh* Surprisingly, I dont feel bad. Huh? What did you say? ...Nothing.Father, Mother, Im sorry.It looks like my revenge against this man is still quite far away. I cant believe this! And to make things worse, I lost to Miss Hopeless and Co.! To think you can still say that even after you lost... Its amazing in a way.Shiratsurus group lost to Nanao-senpai, Hotaru-senpai, Iroha-senpai, and Yamabuki-senpai. And they lost without defeating a single member of the other team. I guess Miss Hopeless and Co. werent so weak, after all.Cy-senpais team managed to defeat Yozuki-senpai and Akari-senpai, but lost to Nanao-senpais team when they came for backup.Oh, and Takato lost as well, it seems. Spouting his usual nonsense, this time about awakening his inner darkness next time or something, he looks sad about his loss.And for Myu-senpais team... Tie this time, but wont lose next time. Same here. I will continue my training."It appears that the match ended in a tie due to both of them being knocked out by their opponents attack.In the end, the ninja seeking club got completely trampled......and the real ninja seeking club was able to keep the real in their name. No! I refuse to accept this! That was just practice! Lets do it again! H-Hina...everyone is exhausted... Thats right, Mina. Plus, we have to honor promise. But, Myu-senpai...Still not convinced, Hina continues throwing her fit when Akari-senpai comes up with an idea. How about you and the others just join the real ninja seeking club for yourselves, Hina? Huh? If you guys join the real ninja seeking club, then you can be part of both the ninja seeking club and the real ninja seeking club at the same time! That should solve things, right? ...W-Would it?Hina doesnt seem to understand. I kind of get what Akari-senpai is saying, but not really. But Akari, they cant be part of two teams. Oh, I see...Akari-senpais idea is swiftly struck down by Enju-senpai. However, Yamabuki-senpai is quick to speak up. Then how about we just merge the ninja seeking club and the real ninja seeking club? If theres no rule to say we cant do it, how about we just disband the ninja seeking club and have everyone join the new-and-improved real ninja seeking club? Hey, thats a nice idea! Can we do that, Enju? Well, I dont think theres a rule that says you cant... Yay! Hina, this means you guys are a part of the real ninja seeking club now! We can be a part of the real ninja seeking club...?Hina has a lot of pride, so I bet she will feel humiliated at the pity and reject the idea of senpai. What a great idea!I guess not... Yeah! Were a part of the real ninja seeking club with senpai now! So it seems, but wont we just be a burden on them? You dont have to worry about that. You guys have more than enough talent. Well help you if something ever comes up. True. You can also split missions up based on their difficulty, so if Myu and their others are okay with it, I will go ahead and process the merge. Please do. I really think everyone will grow immensely if they can complete missions with senpai.And so was the birth of a brand-new real ninja seeking club.With the competition over, everyone talks about going out to celebrate.I decline, saying I already have plans, and begin to walk home. Why are you here?For some reason, Myu-senpai is tagging along. I wanted to talk to you. Talk to me? Yes. I just wanted to hear your thoughts on todays competition. Theres nothing to say really. I stood no chance. I see. Even so, you still wont give up on revenge? Yes. But... But? I think...its been put on hold. ...Myu-senpai stares at me mysteriously. What is it? Itsuno... Dont tell me...Myu-senpai starts to say something, but stops midsentence. Never mind. Its nothing.She flashes me a smile, but I can tell she looks troubled.I wonder what she was trying to ask me...?It would be a long time before I finally figured out the answer to my question.To be continued:
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Posted - 4 months 6 Days ago
Itsunos Tale of Love and Hate Showdown Part 1*This story contains spoilers from the main game, so we recommend you finish TCY Season 4 Part 10 before reading.One day.I head to the club room after classes end.I open the door to find Hibare, Raku, Megu, and Takato in the room. Everyone besides Takato shifts their focus to me.Megu wastes no time in greeting me with a big smile. Good morning, Itsuno! G-Good morning?Hibare grimaces as I reply to Megu in confusion. What do you mean Good morning? Classes have already ended for the day... Oh, right. Haha, its just this is the first time Ive seen you today. Well, we are in different classes. Raku, youre in Itsunos class, right? Yeah. Mina is in the same class, too. Itsuno and Mina are on cleaning duty today. Thats why theyre late. Right. Well, wheres Mina, then? She went to go get Hina.As were talking, the club room door suddenly flies open. Im issuing a challenge to a duel!"Hina shouts immediately as she enters the room. Mina, who is behind her, seems both surprised and shaken by Hinas words.Hibare makes a sharp quip in return. Well, thats one way to make an entrance. Now, just who on earth are you issuing this challenge to? I have a bad feeling about this... To the people in the real ninja seeking club! You mean to senpai? Thats right! How can they call themselves the real ninja seeking club when they disregard us?! Even though theyre old news, they act all high and mighty! I dont think its something you have to get so passionate about. Of course I do! How could they come up with such a cool name despite us being the originals? No offense to senpai, but I really dont think its such a cool name...I agree with Hibare. In my opinion, its actually kind of a corny name. I think Phoenix has a point here.Its Takato, whos been posing strangely for a while now, who speaks up and agrees with Hina. Um...is Phoenix referring to Hina? Indeed. Being that she possess an unbreakable spirit and is able to manipulate fire, Phoenix is the perfect name for her. Takato, thats...so cool!Youve got to be joking...I guess Takato and Hina may be more alike than I thought. I want to see with my own eyes whether or not we are skilled enough to be able to steal the part of real from them. Are you already forgetting how bad we got beaten at the last training camp we had? We are much stronger now than we were then. Plus, if we Empress, Deus Machina, ViewTube Meister, and Itsuno to group, we should be able to beat them. So, youre saying that we should be able to beat them if all of us participate? Even though we lost to them when we had more people the last time we fought them? And dont you have a different name for Itsuno, too? Her true name has yet to make itself known. So, you just cant think of one, huh? Regardless, this isnt something that just we can decide, so how about we talk with Empress? We have a club meeting today, anyway. Well probably get told no, but its worth a try.And so we all gather for the club meeting. Once it starts, Hina wastes no time in suggesting the competition between the real ninja seeking club. A battle with senpai...?Myu-senpai places a hand on her chin and thinks deeply. Dat sounds wike fun! Wets ask onii-chan and the others! Yeah, okay. Ill contact them. All right! A battle with senpai! I cant wait! Youve got to be kidding me. Agreeing to the idea just like that?Hibare seems surprised at the unexpected outcome. Well have to adjust schedules to theirs, so I am not sure when it will be, but we should focus club activities around training until we fight them. Lets definitely win this thing! Heh, theres no loss in my dictionary! Weve already lost to them once...And so, match against the real ninja seeking club is set into motion.The last time I met them was when I apologized for the incident.Just like my fellow club members, the senpai also forgave me quite quickly.Even so, meeting them again makes me somewhat nervousor should I say scared.Several days later.The day of the battle is decided surprisingly quickly and we train until the destined time.We all meet in a forest on the school property. I had everyone from the true ninja seeking club gather just like you asked. Are you sure this is what you want? Yes. Still, these numbers...The true ninja seeking club has 17 members, while we have 12 members, totaling 29 people in all. Quite a lot of people have gathered. So? What will the type of battle be?Akari steps toward Hina and asks in excitement. Saika-style dodgeball! Dodgeball?!Almost everyone in the area is confused, me included.I for sure thought we would be sparring against them. This is actually kind of disappointing.However, some people seem rather excited at the idea. Those people being the ninja from Saika village, Mina, Raita, and Tsubame-senpai. D-Dodgeball?! The ultimate game of life or death! That sounds awesome!Hibare, who is standing next to Raita, immediately retorts with a quip. The ultimate game of life or death? I think youre being a little overdramatic. Huh? What are you talking about? Even though this is practice, one mistake could be the end of the line for you.Raita doesnt seem like hes joking... The other people begin to catch on that this doesnt appear to be any ordinary game.Seeing everyone confused, Tsubame-senpai begins explaining things. Saika-style dodgeball is one of the actual combat drills we run in Saika village. How is dodgeball a combat drill?Kazuki Araya asks the question we are all thinking. Tsubame-senpai says ah, nods her head, and continues her explanation. The rules are surprisingly simple. We will break up into two teams, with the team that eliminates the other one first being the winner. Like I said, its quite simple, but theres a twist. You may use live ammunition and real weapons. This means that this is a sparring match that is very close to an actual battle.People still dont seem satisfied with Tsubame-senpais explanation. No one responds back, and Nanao-senpai raises her hand. Um...where are the balls? Oh. Balls in this case means bullets. It seems as though ancestors said the hail of bullets flying from one side to the other looked exactly like dodgeballs. Thats why we call this combat drill dodgeball. Are you serious?! Why call it dodgeBALL, then? It should be dodgebullets...I almost laugh at Iroha-senpais joke, but I manage to stop myself in the nick of time. Anyway, this will be a mock battle. Thank you all for coming. How could we ever say no to beloved, Myu-myu. Right, Kazuki? Yeah, but go easy, okay? Thank you.As the conversation wraps up, Nanao-senpai raises her hand again. We seem to have more people on team. But we also have a lot of non-fighters, so things should be okay as they are, right? Are you stupid?! Of course not! H-Hina! You cant call senpai stupid... Whats wrong with calling a stupid person stupid? Ill have you know that Im not stupid. I do very well in my studies, and when it comes to the sciences, I had even better grades than Enju. WHAT?! Youre smarter than Enju-senpai?! Why dont you ask her yourself?Enju looks annoyed as the conversation shifts to her. Kashima-san is right. She had better grades than me in science. Ha! How about that? Do you still think Im stupid now? Grrr... Youre just as hopeless as he is! Im hopeless like Kazuki is?! Hey, wait! Why am I being involved in this whole thing now?! Anyway, cut your team down! And one of the people you take out has to be Tsubame. I dont think we could win against her even if all of us came after her!Hm? Is Tsubame-senpai really that strong? Surely not stronger than Kazuki Araya is...Wondering who is stronger, my line of sight land on his. He reacts by giving me a smile.Beautiful and cool...oops! I find myself getting caught up in him, so I quickly look away. In order to make the numbers even, we have to take off five people from team. Since Tsubame has already been decided, who will the other four people be? Well, Im pretty much the representative of us non-combatants, so I nominate myself to be in charge of cheering. Hina immediately responds to Nanao-senpais suggestion. No, you have to join! Why? Because you look weak. Wha?! Also, you, you, and you!Hina points at Yamabuki-senpai, Hotaru-senpai, and Iroha-senpai. You three also have to join in with Miss Helpless here! Miss Helpless... I see...The four senpai picked by Hina get glazed looks in their eyes.I dont know how strong they actually are, but I hope we dont end up regretting this... Thats it for demands. You can pick the other five people yourselves. Huh? Dont you mean eight people? Whats this? Dont tell me you have trouble counting, Hina.Nanao-senpai glares at Hina as she eggs her on. But Hina just sighs deeply as if she were annoyed at Nanao-senpai.*Sigh* Do I really have to spell it out for you? Youre obviously going to give us a handicap!Nanao-senpai is speechless at Hinas bold declaration. Okay, this should do it!It looks like senpai have picked their team.Akari-senpai, Ricka-senpai, Yozuki-senpai, Hayuki-senpai, Yamabuki-senpai, Nanao-senpai, Hotaru-senpai, Iroha-senpai, and Kazuki Araya are the ones chosen to participate. Wait a second.Takato, who is posing weirdly as usual, speaks up. I need to see how much power I have gained. Fenrir, I wish to challenge you in battle!Who the heck is Fenrir? Dazed and confused, Yamabuki-senpai speaks up. By Fenrir, ya mean the wolf of legend in Scandinavian mythology, right? Does that mean ya want Lily-san to participate in this thing? What a roundabout way of asking... Fine, I will join the battle. But that means that they have to remove somebody again, right? Hahaha!Just as senpai are about to talk about it, Takato laughs while changing his weird pose, causing everyone to focus on him. What a strange guy... Theres no need to remove anyone from the team! Have all 10 of them, including Fenrir, come at us!Needless to say, Hina does not like Takatos suggestion one bit. Hey! Stop deciding things on your own! Youre adding people to their team! Adding one more person hardly matters. It does so! And you picked to add Lily-senpai of all people! Shes super strong! Then how about I only attack Takato. Meanwhile, everyone from your team is free to attack me. How does that sound? Permission granted!Seriously? This sounds like some kind of comedy routine... So, give us the deets. Why do ya wanna win so badly that youll rile us up and even make us give ya a handicap?Hina seems to recall something before speaking. Isnt it obvious? When we win, well make you change that ridiculous team name of yours! You mean the real ninja seeking club? Thats right! Were the ninja seeking club right now, not you! I could understand if the name was something like old ninja seeking club, but real ninja seeking club?! I cant allow such a cool and authentic name! You think its cool? I actually think it kind of lacks originality... Hmmm... If youre really that caught up on the name, we could always change it, you know? At least thats what I think...Huh? If their team members dont even like the name, is there really a need for us to even play this dodgeball game?All of a sudden, Akari-senpai shouts something out. No, we cant change it! Its such a cool name! Thats right! We cant just casually throw away the name of the real ninja seeking club! Has to be that name.Both Oka-senpai and Ricka-senpai seem to like the name. I guess we really will have to fight over it. All right. Ill play the role of judge, then. Thank you, Tsubame! For everyone not participating, please help round up the people that get eliminated. Ill let everyone know when things are ready, so please come to the designated starting point when I contact you.Our battle with the ninja seeking club is about to start.I dont really care about having the name of real ninja seeking club, but theres something I want to find out in this match by facing that man...to be continued:
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Posted - 4 months 6 Days ago
Itsunos Tale of Love and Hate Friendship Edition*This story contains spoilers from the main game, so we recommend you finish TCY Season 4 Part 10 before reading.I see a familiar site unfold before me.Its a clear day and I see familiar people walking by the rows of old houses.Everyone looks peaceful, with no sign of sadness in sight.That includes my beloved family standing in front of me. We know youve had it rough, Itsuno. Father, Mother...Tears fall in droves from eyes. But they arent tears of happiness. They are tears of sadness, pain, and helplessness. I couldnt avenge your deaths... Yet even so, I... Its fine, Itsuno. Just live your own life and move forward. There is no need to worry about us. Well be content if you just live a happy life. But...I just cant forgive that man! Thats why I continue to live.Things will be fine. We cannot be by your side anymore, but there are still people who need you. That should be more than enough for you to continue living. But...but...! Now go. Go to those who are waiting for you. Cant I stay here...? Go, Itsuno. We will always be watching over you. Over the life you live and the happiness that awaits you.With those final words, my father and mother fade away, enveloping me in a bright, white light.I open my eyes to find myself looking at an unfamiliar ceiling.The sun must have already set, because only the moonlight and other indirect lighting faintly light up the room.From the looks of things, I seem to be in some kind of infirmary.Im still alive somehow. Zzz... Zzz...I can hear someone breathing in their sleep. I instinctively look around.I spot Myu-senpai using her arm as a pillow to sleep.Dont tell me...shes been here the whole time waiting for me to wake up...?No matter what the case, shell catch a cold like this. I gently shake her awake. Wake up, Myu-senpai. Mmm... Oh, Itsuno? Youll catch a cold like this, you know? Itsuno!!! Whoa?!The second Myu-senpai notices its me, she hugs me tightly. Im so glad youre awake. I cant describe how happy I am... Senpai... Im sorry I caused you so much trouble. No, its fine. Im just so glad youre still alive, and now finally awake.Myu-senpai explains things to me.Some kind of black entity tried to eat my soul away, but was stopped by THAT man.Thats right, Kazuki saved me.How ironic. To think that man I tried to kill end up saving me instead. You were asleep for three whole days, so I was really worried you would never wake up. But Kazuki-senpai reassured me you would. HE did? Yes. He said Now shell be able to come try and defeat me with her own power next time. ... Itsuno, if you insist on fighting senpai, I wont stop you. Heck, Ill even support you. But if you start taking things too far, I wont hesitate to protect Kazuki-senpai with all that I have. I dont want to fight you anymore, Myu-senpai.But despite that, I still loathe that man enough to kill him.One day...I will finish him with my own hand.No matter what it takes.Several weeks later.Im finally released from the hospital and once again start going to Mizaki School. Are you nervous, Itsuno? ... It will be fine. Everyone is waiting for your return.Senpai-senpai and Shiratsuru-senpai encourage me on as I stand in front of the club room for the ninja seeking club.Honestly? Im pretty scared to go in. I did betray everyone, after all.But...I have to make things right. I can leave the club after that.Strengthening me resolve, I open the door.*Pop* *bang* Huh?!I hear several loud sounds and notice confetti and party streamers covering me. Welcome back, Itsuno! What...?Im speechless at the whole thing.The club room is decorated for a party and all sorts of snacks and candy are laid out on the desks. See? I told you, didnt I?Okey, time for sum words fwom the guest of honor.Cy gives me a slight push and I take a step forward.I know she wants me to give some standard speech about returning back to the club, I already know what I have to say. Everyone...Im so sorry.I deeply bow my head as I apologize. The room is immediately filled with silence. I selfishly did my own thing and caused everyone loads of trouble. Im incredibly sorry. You can say that again! Hina... Not a single one of us here thinks you caused us trouble. Thats right! The only one that got a little hurt was Raku, who was sent to the hospital. Haha... And thats definitely your fault, Raku. You shouldnt be so weak that someone like Itsuno is strong enough to beat you. Awww, come on! Itsuno is strong! Men shouldnt be so pitiful! Hau... Anyway, we dont think you caused us a single bit of trouble. If anything, were mad because you didnt confide in us! Youre not making any sense, but I guess thats the gist of it. I guess we just didnt know enough about you, Itsuno.Yeah, now that I think about it, all we knew was that you were a ninja from Daikoku village. Thats why we want you to tell us more about yourself. We really want you to be friend...our nakama. But, I... What a stubborn girl. Look, were ninja, okay?! And more importantly, a lot of people from different villages are gathered here. Its not strange at all that someone would eventually lose their way. We cant stay stuck on that all the time! Hina surprisingly enough seems to be pretty responsible. Yeah... Hey, I heard that! What do you mean by surprisingly enough? Gah! She yelled at us! H-Hey, Hina! Im your senpai! That doesnt matter! Actually, it kind of does... Are you trying to start something, Hibare?! Huh?! Of course not! Okay, okay. Thats enough.Myu-senpai, who had been silently watching from the corner, steps in to calm things down. I think we all know how everyone feels. Now, lets chat it up today! Theres a lot of stuff I havent told everyone yet. Yeah, me tew! But before that, we should probably eat the food we prepared. Couldnt resist the food, huh? Shiratsuru! You make it sound like Im some kind of foodie! You are a foodie. Hmph! Haha! ... Itsuno. Yes? You should start the conversation off. ...Very well.I tell everyone everything, hiding nothing. To think that all happened... Its unbearable even to think about. *Sniffle* Heres a handkerchief, Megu. Thank you... *Blow* We heard about Kazuki-senpai from Sasame, but to think your parents died in that incident... Youre amazing, Itsuno. Eh?Im surprised at Takato Fumas words, especially since he is usually making weird poses trying to be cool. Unlike me, youre not from a family that is known for their ninja prowess, but you still possess such great power. Even if it was used for revenge, you must have worked really hard to get so strong. True. I completely thought you were a natural genius like me. I dont know about you, Raita, but I too thought Itsuno was talented. You really worked hard. Youre incredible! More importantly, what do you intend to do from now? I... Knowing you, youre probably still thinking about killing that dope of a senpai we have, right? H-Hina...?! Its Kazuki-senpai. Im aware of that. I said that on purpose. Are you saying you are making fun of senpai? Eek!Feeling an enormous bloodlust from Myu-senpai, everyone in the room freezes. Well, Hina? I-It was a joke! Im sorry! Good. W-Well, what about it, Itsuno? I...still cant forgive him. I hate him so much I want to kill him. But, I dont want to fight Myu and the other senpais, either. I just...want to be with everyone here in the ninja seeking club. I think thats okay.Raita immediately reacts to my words. You dont have to give up on Kazuki-senpai?Really? Yeah. After all, Kazuki-senpai is an amazing ninja, right? Hes not the type to get done in so easily. And while youre busy chasing after him, you might just see some good things and grow to like him. You think so...? Well, the possibility sure isnt zero, thats for sure. Dats definitewy possible with onii-chan! You might even become wivals wid Mew and Shiratsuru one day! What do you mean by that?! I suppose...that actually could happen...Myu-senpai covers her head in agony, but I have no idea what Cy and her are talking about.Me? Grow to like HIM? Thats impossible... Anyway, we got to learn a bit about Itsuno today, so Im satisfied. Lets continue to know more about each other, okay, Itsuno? ...Can I really stay here? The question is why WOULDNT you stay? This is a welcome home party for you, after all.I can sense the sincerity behind everyones smiles.I see... I can really stay here, huh?*Sob* *sniffle* Thank you, everyone.I give everyone a bright smile and say thank you as tears flow from my eyes. Im home. Welcome home!to be continued:
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Posted - 4 months 6 Days ago
Itsunos Tale of Love and Hate Showdown Part 2*This story contains spoilers from the main game, so we recommend you finish TCY Season 4 Part 10 before reading.Having broken up into team ninja seeking club and team real ninja seeking club, everyone heads to the starting point. Gather around, everyone.Myu-senpai calls us over to gather around her. Im just going to say this right out front, but we will lose this competition. Huh?!Everyone is taken aback in surprise at Myu-senpais unexpected words. Does that mean...? Thats right. Ive seen the future.Myu-senpais prediction ability... She never knows when she will get her visions, but she is amazingly accurate with them. Man, really...? Cant we do anything?! ...There might be a way. Huh? To tell you the truth, my vision was very vivid this time, so I was able to see a lot of the details. That means that if we change the strategy we were going to go with, we might have a chance to also change the future where we lose. Change the future...? Thats so amazing! Did you by any chance see how they would move and react? Hehe. I actually did this time! All right! But only to the extent that were able to make the first move. After that depends on how hard all of you work. best possible option is to finish them off when we surprise them. If we fail to do that, next best option is to keep attacking before they have a chance to regroup. Ill now tell everyone how to move and who they should attack.According to Myu-senpais prediction ability, three people are moving on their own. The remaining people have split into two groups. We split into three groups, with Myu-senpai, Cy-senpai, and Shiratsuru-senpai being the leaders of each group. Okay! Raita, Hibare, Raku, go along with Cy! Got you! Mina, Hina, and Megu will go along with me. Take caution to stay together and move slowly. Especially you, Hina. I already know without you telling me, Miss Clumsy. Whos clumsy?!Im pretty sure Cy-senpais group will be okay, but what about Shiratsuru-senpais? Myu-senpai calls out to me as I am worrying to myself. Lets go, Itsuno. Right.After separating from the other groups and walking a while, Myu-senpai suddenly stops. From here on out, we will moving separately. Moving separately? Yes. opponents are also moving individually. Wouldnt it be more efficient if we launched a surprise attack on each separate individual? True, but if we dont move now, we wont have another opportunity to catch a certain individual alone. Ah, I get it. You must be talking about Fenrir. Correct. Takato will handle Lily-senpai while I handle Ricka-senpai.I had heard before that Ricka-senpai is Myu-senpais master. A master-pupil confrontation, huh? I hadnt thought Myu-senpai to be the type to go for that. Itsuno and Waka-senpai, please handle Kazuki-senpai. ...?! HUH?! No way! Who do you think youre asking?! Im even more of a non-fighter than Nanao and the others on their team! True, it is a bit troublesome that you cant fight, but dont worry. Itsuno will back you up. She can back me up until the cows come home. Still, nothings going to happen. Try your best, please. Youll run into Kazuki-senpai if you head that way. Takato, you come with me. Okay.Myu-senpai and Takato leave the area.Left behind, Waka-senpai sighs heavily and slumps her shoulders. Awww man... How did things end up like this...? Itsuno, if anything happens, be sure to protect me, okay? S-Sure...Despite not liking it, Waka-senpai comes with me as I head in the direction Myu-senpai told me to. ...I somehow got separated with Waka-senpai as I was walking through the forest. Where did she go...?I look around, but I cant sense her at all. Ah, now that I think about it, she always said she didnt have any stamina, didnt she? I might have left her behind.I bet shes feeling pretty helpless all alone. I decide to turn around and find her.I walk several minutes and finally find her....But I also find Kazuki Araya, as well. Eek! Help me...! Hey, come on now. You make it sound like Im some bad guy.Is he attacking Waka-senpai?Wait, no. She is just probably scared because he appeared suddenly.Still, this is a good chance.He has yet to notice me.If I charge and cut him in the back while Waka-senpai has him distracted... ...Somethings weird... I cant bring myself to draw my sword. And this is the perfect chance, too...Suddenly, Hijiri-senpai appears in front of Waka-senpai, picks her up and starts walking towards me.Yet she simply smiles at me as she passes by and goes somewhere. Are you sure you dont want to launch a surprise attack on me?Kazuki Araya turns around and calls out to me.I see... He noticed me all along. I must have realized that somewhere deep down, and thats why I didnt attack.Thats got to be it... Theres no other reason I wouldnt attack him. How could I launch a surprise attack if you already noticed me? Fair enough. So, what will it be? Do you want to fight me?Isnt it obvious?! Kazuki Araya... Ill kill you!I draw my sword and charge at him.I know I have no chance of beating me head-on, but Ill never win if I dont at least attack. Ill try my luck seeing if I can overpower him with a barrage of attacks!I bring my sword down on him. Haaa!He easily absorbs my full power with his sword. The impact is so much that I feel my arm sting as I attack. Its obvious I am not half the swordsman he is. Hmmm, your attack has a bit more weight to it now. Still, youre putting power into your strike the wrong way.He easily pushes my sword back and breaks my formation. Even a complete beginner knows that a follow-up attack comes now. And also that dodging it is almost impossible.But, I cant afford to be beaten so easily!Using my collapsing formation to my advantage, I swing my right foot up towards his chin. Whoa?!He barely manages to dodge it. Still, this is just me getting away, so while he is busy bending backwards, Ill put some distance between us and regroup No, if I have time to do that, I have time to continue attacking! Flame jutsu: Hellfire!I release a homing flame. I know he is not weak enough to be finished off by that, but at least it will give me time to regroup.Yet, he shows no signs of dodging, and instead casts a finger spell. Burning Hell!The flame I let out is instantly dissipated. Impossible...!Burning Hell is a ninjutsu that I personally made by blowing up the flame from a flame jutsu! How can he use it?! You look surprised. When you become skilled enough as a ninja, you can start interfering with other peoples ninjutsu. Ugh...!Hes way too strong...! Theres no way I can compete against him, let alone kill him... No...Ill do it! Even if I cant compete against him now, some day...!One day...Ill definitely become stronger than him! Graaaaah!I wildly swing my sword around aiming for his neck. Yet, all it ends up cutting is the air due to me tripping and falling on the ground.I look up to see the tip of a sword directly in front of me. I can feel all the energy drain from my body.I stood no chance... Its a complete loss for me.Sensing that I lost the will to fight, Kazuki Araya puts his sword back into his sheath and grins at me, almost as if he were bragging about his win. I win today, as well.Obviously. You dont even have to say it. What a despicable man.But...*Sigh* Surprisingly, I dont feel bad. Huh? What did you say? ...Nothing.Father, Mother, Im sorry.It looks like my revenge against this man is still quite far away. I cant believe this! And to make things worse, I lost to Miss Hopeless and Co.! To think you can still say that even after you lost... Its amazing in a way.Shiratsurus group lost to Nanao-senpai, Hotaru-senpai, Iroha-senpai, and Yamabuki-senpai. And they lost without defeating a single member of the other team. I guess Miss Hopeless and Co. werent so weak, after all.Cy-senpais team managed to defeat Yozuki-senpai and Akari-senpai, but lost to Nanao-senpais team when they came for backup.Oh, and Takato lost as well, it seems. Spouting his usual nonsense, this time about awakening his inner darkness next time or something, he looks sad about his loss.And for Myu-senpais team... Tie this time, but wont lose next time. Same here. I will continue my training."It appears that the match ended in a tie due to both of them being knocked out by their opponents attack.In the end, the ninja seeking club got completely trampled......and the real ninja seeking club was able to keep the real in their name. No! I refuse to accept this! That was just practice! Lets do it again! H-Hina...everyone is exhausted... Thats right, Mina. Plus, we have to honor promise. But, Myu-senpai...Still not convinced, Hina continues throwing her fit when Akari-senpai comes up with an idea. How about you and the others just join the real ninja seeking club for yourselves, Hina? Huh? If you guys join the real ninja seeking club, then you can be part of both the ninja seeking club and the real ninja seeking club at the same time! That should solve things, right? ...W-Would it?Hina doesnt seem to understand. I kind of get what Akari-senpai is saying, but not really. But Akari, they cant be part of two teams. Oh, I see...Akari-senpais idea is swiftly struck down by Enju-senpai. However, Yamabuki-senpai is quick to speak up. Then how about we just merge the ninja seeking club and the real ninja seeking club? If theres no rule to say we cant do it, how about we just disband the ninja seeking club and have everyone join the new-and-improved real ninja seeking club? Hey, thats a nice idea! Can we do that, Enju? Well, I dont think theres a rule that says you cant... Yay! Hina, this means you guys are a part of the real ninja seeking club now! We can be a part of the real ninja seeking club...?Hina has a lot of pride, so I bet she will feel humiliated at the pity and reject the idea of senpai. What a great idea!I guess not... Yeah! Were a part of the real ninja seeking club with senpai now! So it seems, but wont we just be a burden on them? You dont have to worry about that. You guys have more than enough talent. Well help you if something ever comes up. True. You can also split missions up based on their difficulty, so if Myu and their others are okay with it, I will go ahead and process the merge. Please do. I really think everyone will grow immensely if they can complete missions with senpai.And so was the birth of a brand-new real ninja seeking club.With the competition over, everyone talks about going out to celebrate.I decline, saying I already have plans, and begin to walk home. Why are you here?For some reason, Myu-senpai is tagging along. I wanted to talk to you. Talk to me? Yes. I just wanted to hear your thoughts on todays competition. Theres nothing to say really. I stood no chance. I see. Even so, you still wont give up on revenge? Yes. But... But? I think...its been put on hold. ...Myu-senpai stares at me mysteriously. What is it? Itsuno... Dont tell me...Myu-senpai starts to say something, but stops midsentence. Never mind. Its nothing.She flashes me a smile, but I can tell she looks troubled.I wonder what she was trying to ask me...?It would be a long time before I finally figured out the answer to my question.To be continued:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
Itsunos Tale of Love and Hate Showdown Part 1:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
Itsunos Tale of Love and Hate Friendship Edition:
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Posted - 4 months 1 Week ago
Itsunos Tale of Love and Hate Showdown Part 2:
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Posted - 6 months 2 Weeks ago
Itsunos Tale of Love and Hate Showdown Part 2*This story contains spoilers from the main game, so we recommend you finish TCY Season 4 Part 10 before reading.Having broken up into team ninja seeking club and team real ninja seeking club, everyone heads to the starting point. :
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Posted - 6 months 2 Weeks ago
The Witch of the Black ForestThere is a place called the Black Forest in central Europe.A young man and witch lived there deep within the forest. :
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Posted - 6 months 2 Weeks ago
Itsunos Tale of Love and Hate Grudge EditionMy name is Itsuno Owari, and I loathe Kazuki Araya.The reason is simple. Its because he killed my family. :
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Posted - 6 months 2 Weeks ago
Itsunos Tale of Love and Hate Showdown Part 1*This story contains spoilers from the main game, so we recommend you finish TCY Season 4 Part 10 before reading.One day. :
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Posted - 6 months 2 Weeks ago
Itsunos Tale of Love and Hate Friendship Edition*This story contains spoilers from the main game, so we recommend you finish TCY Season 4 Part 10 before reading.I see a familiar site unfold before me. :
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Posted - 2 years 5 months ago
Itsunos Tale of Love and Hate Showdown Part 2*This story contains spoilers from the main game, so we recommend you finish TCY Season 4 Part 10 before reading.Having broken up into team ninja seeking club and team real ninja seeking club, everyone heads to the starting point. Gather around, everyone.Myu-senpai calls us over to gather around her. Im just going to say this right out front, but we will lose this competition. Huh?!Everyone is taken aback in surprise at Myu-senpais unexpected words. Does that mean...? Thats right. Ive seen the future.Myu-senpais prediction ability... She never knows when she will get her visions, but she is amazingly accurate with them. Man, really...? Cant we do anything?! ...There might be a way. Huh? To tell you the truth, my vision was very vivid this time, so I was able to see a lot of the details. That means that if we change the strategy we were going to go with, we might have a chance to also change the future where we lose. Change the future...? Thats so amazing! Did you by any chance see how they would move and react? Hehe. I actually did this time! All right! But only to the extent that were able to make the first move. After that depends on how hard all of you work. best possible option is to finish them off when we surprise them. If we fail to do that, next best option is to keep attacking before they have a chance to regroup. Ill now tell everyone how to move and who they should attack.According to Myu-senpais prediction ability, three people are moving on their own. The remaining people have split into two groups. We split into three groups, with Myu-senpai, Cy-senpai, and Shiratsuru-senpai being the leaders of each group. Okay! Raita, Hibare, Raku, go along with Cy! Got you! Mina, Hina, and Megu will go along with me. Take caution to stay together and move slowly. Especially you, Hina. I already know without you telling me, Miss Clumsy. Whos clumsy?!Im pretty sure Cy-senpais group will be okay, but what about Shiratsuru-senpais? Myu-senpai calls out to me as I am worrying to myself. Lets go, Itsuno. Right.After separating from the other groups and walking a while, Myu-senpai suddenly stops. From here on out, we will moving separately. Moving separately? Yes. opponents are also moving individually. Wouldnt it be more efficient if we launched a surprise attack on each separate individual? True, but if we dont move now, we wont have another opportunity to catch a certain individual alone. Ah, I get it. You must be talking about Fenrir. Correct. Takato will handle Lily-senpai while I handle Ricka-senpai.I had heard before that Ricka-senpai is Myu-senpais master. A master-pupil confrontation, huh? I hadnt thought Myu-senpai to be the type to go for that. Itsuno and Waka-senpai, please handle Kazuki-senpai. ...?! HUH?! No way! Who do you think youre asking?! Im even more of a non-fighter than Nanao and the others on their team! True, it is a bit troublesome that you cant fight, but dont worry. Itsuno will back you up. She can back me up until the cows come home. Still, nothings going to happen. Try your best, please. Youll run into Kazuki-senpai if you head that way. Takato, you come with me. Okay.Myu-senpai and Takato leave the area.Left behind, Waka-senpai sighs heavily and slumps her shoulders. Awww man... How did things end up like this...? Itsuno, if anything happens, be sure to protect me, okay? S-Sure...Despite not liking it, Waka-senpai comes with me as I head in the direction Myu-senpai told me to. ...I somehow got separated with Waka-senpai as I was walking through the forest. Where did she go...?I look around, but I cant sense her at all. Ah, now that I think about it, she always said she didnt have any stamina, didnt she? I might have left her behind.I bet shes feeling pretty helpless all alone. I decide to turn around and find her.I walk several minutes and finally find her....But I also find Kazuki Araya, as well. Eek! Help me...! Hey, come on now. You make it sound like Im some bad guy.Is he attacking Waka-senpai?Wait, no. She is just probably scared because he appeared suddenly.Still, this is a good chance.He has yet to notice me.If I charge and cut him in the back while Waka-senpai has him distracted... ...Somethings weird... I cant bring myself to draw my sword. And this is the perfect chance, too...Suddenly, Hijiri-senpai appears in front of Waka-senpai, picks her up and starts walking towards me.Yet she simply smiles at me as she passes by and goes somewhere. Are you sure you dont want to launch a surprise attack on me?Kazuki Araya turns around and calls out to me.I see... He noticed me all along. I must have realized that somewhere deep down, and thats why I didnt attack.Thats got to be it... Theres no other reason I wouldnt attack him. How could I launch a surprise attack if you already noticed me? Fair enough. So, what will it be? Do you want to fight me?Isnt it obvious?! Kazuki Araya... Ill kill you!I draw my sword and charge at him.I know I have no chance of beating me head-on, but Ill never win if I dont at least attack. Ill try my luck seeing if I can overpower him with a barrage of attacks!I bring my sword down on him. Haaa!He easily absorbs my full power with his sword. The impact is so much that I feel my arm sting as I attack. Its obvious I am not half the swordsman he is. Hmmm, your attack has a bit more weight to it now. Still, youre putting power into your strike the wrong way.He easily pushes my sword back and breaks my formation. Even a complete beginner knows that a follow-up attack comes now. And also that dodging it is almost impossible.But, I cant afford to be beaten so easily!Using my collapsing formation to my advantage, I swing my right foot up towards his chin. Whoa?!He barely manages to dodge it. Still, this is just me getting away, so while he is busy bending backwards, Ill put some distance between us and regroup No, if I have time to do that, I have time to continue attacking! Flame jutsu: Hellfire!I release a homing flame. I know he is not weak enough to be finished off by that, but at least it will give me time to regroup.Yet, he shows no signs of dodging, and instead casts a finger spell. Burning Hell!The flame I let out is instantly dissipated. Impossible...!Burning Hell is a ninjutsu that I personally made by blowing up the flame from a flame jutsu! How can he use it?! You look surprised. When you become skilled enough as a ninja, you can start interfering with other peoples ninjutsu. Ugh...!Hes way too strong...! Theres no way I can compete against him, let alone kill him... No...Ill do it! Even if I cant compete against him now, some day...!One day...Ill definitely become stronger than him! Graaaaah!I wildly swing my sword around aiming for his neck. Yet, all it ends up cutting is the air due to me tripping and falling on the ground.I look up to see the tip of a sword directly in front of me. I can feel all the energy drain from my body.I stood no chance... Its a complete loss for me.Sensing that I lost the will to fight, Kazuki Araya puts his sword back into his sheath and grins at me, almost as if he were bragging about his win. I win today, as well.Obviously. You dont even have to say it. What a despicable man.But...*Sigh* Surprisingly, I dont feel bad. Huh? What did you say? ...Nothing.Father, Mother, Im sorry.It looks like my revenge against this man is still quite far away. I cant believe this! And to make things worse, I lost to Miss Hopeless and Co.! To think you can still say that even after you lost... Its amazing in a way.Shiratsurus group lost to Nanao-senpai, Hotaru-senpai, Iroha-senpai, and Yamabuki-senpai. And they lost without defeating a single member of the other team. I guess Miss Hopeless and Co. werent so weak, after all.Cy-senpais team managed to defeat Yozuki-senpai and Akari-senpai, but lost to Nanao-senpais team when they came for backup.Oh, and Takato lost as well, it seems. Spouting his usual nonsense, this time about awakening his inner darkness next time or something, he looks sad about his loss.And for Myu-senpais team... Tie this time, but wont lose next time. Same here. I will continue my training."It appears that the match ended in a tie due to both of them being knocked out by their opponents attack.In the end, the ninja seeking club got completely trampled......and the real ninja seeking club was able to keep the real in their name. No! I refuse to accept this! That was just practice! Lets do it again! H-Hina...everyone is exhausted... Thats right, Mina. Plus, we have to honor promise. But, Myu-senpai...Still not convinced, Hina continues throwing her fit when Akari-senpai comes up with an idea. How about you and the others just join the real ninja seeking club for yourselves, Hina? Huh? If you guys join the real ninja seeking club, then you can be part of both the ninja seeking club and the real ninja seeking club at the same time! That should solve things, right? ...W-Would it?Hina doesnt seem to understand. I kind of get what Akari-senpai is saying, but not really. But Akari, they cant be part of two teams. Oh, I see...Akari-senpais idea is swiftly struck down by Enju-senpai. However, Yamabuki-senpai is quick to speak up. Then how about we just merge the ninja seeking club and the real ninja seeking club? If theres no rule to say we cant do it, how about we just disband the ninja seeking club and have everyone join the new-and-improved real ninja seeking club? Hey, thats a nice idea! Can we do that, Enju? Well, I dont think theres a rule that says you cant... Yay! Hina, this means you guys are a part of the real ninja seeking club now! We can be a part of the real ninja seeking club...?Hina has a lot of pride, so I bet she will feel humiliated at the pity and reject the idea of senpai. What a great idea!I guess not... Yeah! Were a part of the real ninja seeking club with senpai now! So it seems, but wont we just be a burden on them? You dont have to worry about that. You guys have more than enough talent. Well help you if something ever comes up. True. You can also split missions up based on their difficulty, so if Myu and their others are okay with it, I will go ahead and process the merge. Please do. I really think everyone will grow immensely if they can complete missions with senpai.And so was the birth of a brand-new real ninja seeking club.With the competition over, everyone talks about going out to celebrate.I decline, saying I already have plans, and begin to walk home. Why are you here?For some reason, Myu-senpai is tagging along. I wanted to talk to you. Talk to me? Yes. I just wanted to hear your thoughts on todays competition. Theres nothing to say really. I stood no chance. I see. Even so, you still wont give up on revenge? Yes. But... But? I think...its been put on hold. ...Myu-senpai stares at me mysteriously. What is it? Itsuno... Dont tell me...Myu-senpai starts to say something, but stops midsentence. Never mind. Its nothing.She flashes me a smile, but I can tell she looks troubled.I wonder what she was trying to ask me...?It would be a long time before I finally figured out the answer to my question.To be continued: #
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Posted - 2 years 5 months ago
Itsunos Tale of Love and Hate Showdown Part 2*This story contains spoilers from the main game, so we recommend you finish TCY Season 4 Part 10 before reading.Having broken up into team ninja seeking club and team real ninja seeking club, everyone heads to the starting point. Gather around, everyone.Myu-senpai calls us over to gather around her. Im just going to say this right out front, but we will lose this competition. Huh?!Everyone is taken aback in surprise at Myu-senpais unexpected words. Does that mean...? Thats right. Ive seen the future.Myu-senpais prediction ability... She never knows when she will get her visions, but she is amazingly accurate with them. Man, really...? Cant we do anything?! ...There might be a way. Huh? To tell you the truth, my vision was very vivid this time, so I was able to see a lot of the details. That means that if we change the strategy we were going to go with, we might have a chance to also change the future where we lose. Change the future...? Thats so amazing! Did you by any chance see how they would move and react? Hehe. I actually did this time! All right! But only to the extent that were able to make the first move. After that depends on how hard all of you work. best possible option is to finish them off when we surprise them. If we fail to do that, next best option is to keep attacking before they have a chance to regroup. Ill now tell everyone how to move and who they should attack.According to Myu-senpais prediction ability, three people are moving on their own. The remaining people have split into two groups. We split into three groups, with Myu-senpai, Cy-senpai, and Shiratsuru-senpai being the leaders of each group. Okay! Raita, Hibare, Raku, go along with Cy! Got you! Mina, Hina, and Megu will go along with me. Take caution to stay together and move slowly. Especially you, Hina. I already know without you telling me, Miss Clumsy. Whos clumsy?!Im pretty sure Cy-senpais group will be okay, but what about Shiratsuru-senpais? Myu-senpai calls out to me as I am worrying to myself. Lets go, Itsuno. Right.After separating from the other groups and walking a while, Myu-senpai suddenly stops. From here on out, we will moving separately. Moving separately? Yes. opponents are also moving individually. Wouldnt it be more efficient if we launched a surprise attack on each separate individual? True, but if we dont move now, we wont have another opportunity to catch a certain individual alone. Ah, I get it. You must be talking about Fenrir. Correct. Takato will handle Lily-senpai while I handle Ricka-senpai.I had heard before that Ricka-senpai is Myu-senpais master. A master-pupil confrontation, huh? I hadnt thought Myu-senpai to be the type to go for that. Itsuno and Waka-senpai, please handle Kazuki-senpai. ...?! HUH?! No way! Who do you think youre asking?! Im even more of a non-fighter than Nanao and the others on their team! True, it is a bit troublesome that you cant fight, but dont worry. Itsuno will back you up. She can back me up until the cows come home. Still, nothings going to happen. Try your best, please. Youll run into Kazuki-senpai if you head that way. Takato, you come with me. Okay.Myu-senpai and Takato leave the area.Left behind, Waka-senpai sighs heavily and slumps her shoulders. Awww man... How did things end up like this...? Itsuno, if anything happens, be sure to protect me, okay? S-Sure...Despite not liking it, Waka-senpai comes with me as I head in the direction Myu-senpai told me to. ...I somehow got separated with Waka-senpai as I was walking through the forest. Where did she go...?I look around, but I cant sense her at all. Ah, now that I think about it, she always said she didnt have any stamina, didnt she? I might have left her behind.I bet shes feeling pretty helpless all alone. I decide to turn around and find her.I walk several minutes and finally find her....But I also find Kazuki Araya, as well. Eek! Help me...! Hey, come on now. You make it sound like Im some bad guy.Is he attacking Waka-senpai?Wait, no. She is just probably scared because he appeared suddenly.Still, this is a good chance.He has yet to notice me.If I charge and cut him in the back while Waka-senpai has him distracted... ...Somethings weird... I cant bring myself to draw my sword. And this is the perfect chance, too...Suddenly, Hijiri-senpai appears in front of Waka-senpai, picks her up and starts walking towards me.Yet she simply smiles at me as she passes by and goes somewhere. Are you sure you dont want to launch a surprise attack on me?Kazuki Araya turns around and calls out to me.I see... He noticed me all along. I must have realized that somewhere deep down, and thats why I didnt attack.Thats got to be it... Theres no other reason I wouldnt attack him. How could I launch a surprise attack if you already noticed me? Fair enough. So, what will it be? Do you want to fight me?Isnt it obvious?! Kazuki Araya... Ill kill you!I draw my sword and charge at him.I know I have no chance of beating me head-on, but Ill never win if I dont at least attack. Ill try my luck seeing if I can overpower him with a barrage of attacks!I bring my sword down on him. Haaa!He easily absorbs my full power with his sword. The impact is so much that I feel my arm sting as I attack. Its obvious I am not half the swordsman he is. Hmmm, your attack has a bit more weight to it now. Still, youre putting power into your strike the wrong way.He easily pushes my sword back and breaks my formation. Even a complete beginner knows that a follow-up attack comes now. And also that dodging it is almost impossible.But, I cant afford to be beaten so easily!Using my collapsing formation to my advantage, I swing my right foot up towards his chin. Whoa?!He barely manages to dodge it. Still, this is just me getting away, so while he is busy bending backwards, Ill put some distance between us and regroup No, if I have time to do that, I have time to continue attacking! Flame jutsu Hellfire!I release a homing flame. I know he is not weak enough to be finished off by that, but at least it will give me time to regroup.Yet, he shows no signs of dodging, and instead casts a finger spell. Burning Hell!The flame I let out is instantly dissipated. Impossible...!Burning Hell is a ninjutsu that I personally made by blowing up the flame from a flame jutsu! How can he use it?! You look surprised. When you become skilled enough as a ninja, you can start interfering with other peoples ninjutsu. Ugh...!Hes way too strong...! Theres no way I can compete against him, let alone kill him... No...Ill do it! Even if I cant compete against him now, some day...!One day...Ill definitely become stronger than him! Graaaaah!I wildly swing my sword around aiming for his neck. Yet, all it ends up cutting is the air due to me tripping and falling on the ground.I look up to see the tip of a sword directly in front of me. I can feel all the energy drain from my body.I stood no chance... Its a complete loss for me.Sensing that I lost the will to fight, Kazuki Araya puts his sword back into his sheath and grins at me, almost as if he were bragging about his win. I win today, as well.Obviously. You dont even have to say it. What a despicable man.But...*Sigh* Surprisingly, I dont feel bad. Huh? What did you say? ...Nothing.Father, Mother, Im sorry.It looks like my revenge against this man is still quite far away. I cant believe this! And to make things worse, I lost to Miss Hopeless and Co.! To think you can still say that even after you lost... Its amazing in a way.Shiratsurus group lost to Nanao-senpai, Hotaru-senpai, Iroha-senpai, and Yamabuki-senpai. And they lost without defeating a single member of the other team. I guess Miss Hopeless and Co. werent so weak, after all.Cy-senpais team managed to defeat Yozuki-senpai and Akari-senpai, but lost to Nanao-senpais team when they came for backup.Oh, and Takato lost as well, it seems. Spouting his usual nonsense, this time about awakening his inner darkness next time or something, he looks sad about his loss.And for Myu-senpais team... Tie this time, but wont lose next time. Same here. I will continue my training."It appears that the match ended in a tie due to both of them being knocked out by their opponents attack.In the end, the ninja seeking club got completely trampled......and the real ninja seeking club was able to keep the real in their name. No! I refuse to accept this! That was just practice! Lets do it again! H-Hina...everyone is exhausted... Thats right, Mina. Plus, we have to honor promise. But, Myu-senpai...Still not convinced, Hina continues throwing her fit when Akari-senpai comes up with an idea. How about you and the others just join the real ninja seeking club for yourselves, Hina? Huh? If you guys join the real ninja seeking club, then you can be part of both the ninja seeking club and the real ninja seeking club at the same time! That should solve things, right? ...W-Would it?Hina doesnt seem to understand. I kind of get what Akari-senpai is saying, but not really. But Akari, they cant be part of two teams. Oh, I see...Akari-senpais idea is swiftly struck down by Enju-senpai. However, Yamabuki-senpai is quick to speak up. Then how about we just merge the ninja seeking club and the real ninja seeking club? If theres no rule to say we cant do it, how about we just disband the ninja seeking club and have everyone join the new-and-improved real ninja seeking club? Hey, thats a nice idea! Can we do that, Enju? Well, I dont think theres a rule that says you cant... Yay! Hina, this means you guys are a part of the real ninja seeking club now! We can be a part of the real ninja seeking club...?Hina has a lot of pride, so I bet she will feel humiliated at the pity and reject the idea of senpai. What a great idea!I guess not... Yeah! Were a part of the real ninja seeking club with senpai now! So it seems, but wont we just be a burden on them? You dont have to worry about that. You guys have more than enough talent. Well help you if something ever comes up. True. You can also split missions up based on their difficulty, so if Myu and their others are okay with it, I will go ahead and process the merge. Please do. I really think everyone will grow immensely if they can complete missions with senpai.And so was the birth of a brand-new real ninja seeking club.With the competition over, everyone talks about going out to celebrate.I decline, saying I already have plans, and begin to walk home. Why are you here?For some reason, Myu-senpai is tagging along. I wanted to talk to you. Talk to me? Yes. I just wanted to hear your thoughts on todays competition. Theres nothing to say really. I stood no chance. I see. Even so, you still wont give up on revenge? Yes. But... But? I think...its been put on hold. ...Myu-senpai stares at me mysteriously. What is it? Itsuno... Dont tell me...Myu-senpai starts to say something, but stops midsentence. Never mind. Its nothing.She flashes me a smile, but I can tell she looks troubled.I wonder what she was trying to ask me...?It would be a long time before I finally figured out the answer to my question.To be continued
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Posted - 2 years 5 months ago
Itsunos Tale of Love and Hate Showdown Part 2*This story contains spoilers from the main game, so we recommend you finish TCY Season 4 Part 10 before reading.Having broken up into team ninja seeking club and team real ninja seeking club, everyone heads to the starting point. Gather around, everyone.Myu-senpai calls us over to gather around her. Im just going to say this right out front, but we will lose this competition. Huh?!Everyone is taken aback in surprise at Myu-senpais unexpected words. Does that mean...? Thats right. Ive seen the future.Myu-senpais prediction ability... She never knows when she will get her visions, but she is amazingly accurate with them. Man, really...? Cant we do anything?! ...There might be a way. Huh? To tell you the truth, my vision was very vivid this time, so I was able to see a lot of the details. That means that if we change the strategy we were going to go with, we might have a chance to also change the future where we lose. Change the future...? Thats so amazing! Did you by any chance see how they would move and react? Hehe. I actually did this time! All right! But only to the extent that were able to make the first move. After that depends on how hard all of you work. best possible option is to finish them off when we surprise them. If we fail to do that, next best option is to keep attacking before they have a chance to regroup. Ill now tell everyone how to move and who they should attack.According to Myu-senpais prediction ability, three people are moving on their own. The remaining people have split into two groups. We split into three groups, with Myu-senpai, Cy-senpai, and Shiratsuru-senpai being the leaders of each group. Okay! Raita, Hibare, Raku, go along with Cy! Got you! Mina, Hina, and Megu will go along with me. Take caution to stay together and move slowly. Especially you, Hina. I already know without you telling me, Miss Clumsy. Whos clumsy?!Im pretty sure Cy-senpais group will be okay, but what about Shiratsuru-senpais? Myu-senpai calls out to me as I am worrying to myself. Lets go, Itsuno. Right.After separating from the other groups and walking a while, Myu-senpai suddenly stops. From here on out, we will moving separately. Moving separately? Yes. opponents are also moving individually. Wouldnt it be more efficient if we launched a surprise attack on each separate individual? True, but if we dont move now, we wont have another opportunity to catch a certain individual alone. Ah, I get it. You must be talking about Fenrir. Correct. Takato will handle Lily-senpai while I handle Ricka-senpai.I had heard before that Ricka-senpai is Myu-senpais master. A master-pupil confrontation, huh? I hadnt thought Myu-senpai to be the type to go for that. Itsuno and Waka-senpai, please handle Kazuki-senpai. ...?! HUH?! No way! Who do you think youre asking?! Im even more of a non-fighter than Nanao and the others on their team! True, it is a bit troublesome that you cant fight, but dont worry. Itsuno will back you up. She can back me up until the cows come home. Still, nothings going to happen. Try your best, please. Youll run into Kazuki-senpai if you head that way. Takato, you come with me. Okay.Myu-senpai and Takato leave the area.Left behind, Waka-senpai sighs heavily and slumps her shoulders. Awww man... How did things end up like this...? Itsuno, if anything happens, be sure to protect me, okay? S-Sure...Despite not liking it, Waka-senpai comes with me as I head in the direction Myu-senpai told me to. ...I somehow got separated with Waka-senpai as I was walking through the forest. Where did she go...?I look around, but I cant sense her at all. Ah, now that I think about it, she always said she didnt have any stamina, didnt she? I might have left her behind.I bet shes feeling pretty helpless all alone. I decide to turn around and find her.I walk several minutes and finally find her....But I also find Kazuki Araya, as well. Eek! Help me...! Hey, come on now. You make it sound like Im some bad guy.Is he attacking Waka-senpai?Wait, no. She is just probably scared because he appeared suddenly.Still, this is a good chance.He has yet to notice me.If I charge and cut him in the back while Waka-senpai has him distracted... ...Somethings weird... I cant bring myself to draw my sword. And this is the perfect chance, too...Suddenly, Hijiri-senpai appears in front of Waka-senpai, picks her up and starts walking towards me.Yet she simply smiles at me as she passes by and goes somewhere. Are you sure you dont want to launch a surprise attack on me?Kazuki Araya turns around and calls out to me.I see... He noticed me all along. I must have realized that somewhere deep down, and thats why I didnt attack.Thats got to be it... Theres no other reason I wouldnt attack him. How could I launch a surprise attack if you already noticed me? Fair enough. So, what will it be? Do you want to fight me?Isnt it obvious?! Kazuki Araya... Ill kill you!I draw my sword and charge at him.I know I have no chance of beating me head-on, but Ill never win if I dont at least attack. Ill try my luck seeing if I can overpower him with a barrage of attacks!I bring my sword down on him. Haaa!He easily absorbs my full power with his sword. The impact is so much that I feel my arm sting as I attack. Its obvious I am not half the swordsman he is. Hmmm, your attack has a bit more weight to it now. Still, youre putting power into your strike the wrong way.He easily pushes my sword back and breaks my formation. Even a complete beginner knows that a follow-up attack comes now. And also that dodging it is almost impossible.But, I cant afford to be beaten so easily!Using my collapsing formation to my advantage, I swing my right foot up towards his chin. Whoa?!He barely manages to dodge it. Still, this is just me getting away, so while he is busy bending backwards, Ill put some distance between us and regroup No, if I have time to do that, I have time to continue attacking! Flame jutsu Hellfire!I release a homing flame. I know he is not weak enough to be finished off by that, but at least it will give me time to regroup.Yet, he shows no signs of dodging, and instead casts a finger spell. Burning Hell!The flame I let out is instantly dissipated. Impossible...!Burning Hell is a ninjutsu that I personally made by blowing up the flame from a flame jutsu! How can he use it?! You look surprised. When you become skilled enough as a ninja, you can start interfering with other peoples ninjutsu. Ugh...!Hes way too strong...! Theres no way I can compete against him, let alone kill him... No...Ill do it! Even if I cant compete against him now, some day...!One day...Ill definitely become stronger than him! Graaaaah!I wildly swing my sword around aiming for his neck. Yet, all it ends up cutting is the air due to me tripping and falling on the ground.I look up to see the tip of a sword directly in front of me. I can feel all the energy drain from my body.I stood no chance... Its a complete loss for me.Sensing that I lost the will to fight, Kazuki Araya puts his sword back into his sheath and grins at me, almost as if he were bragging about his win. I win today, as well.Obviously. You dont even have to say it. What a despicable man.But...*Sigh* Surprisingly, I dont feel bad. Huh? What did you say? ...Nothing.Father, Mother, Im sorry.It looks like my revenge against this man is still quite far away. I cant believe this! And to make things worse, I lost to Miss Hopeless and Co.! To think you can still say that even after you lost... Its amazing in a way.Shiratsurus group lost to Nanao-senpai, Hotaru-senpai, Iroha-senpai, and Yamabuki-senpai. And they lost without defeating a single member of the other team. I guess Miss Hopeless and Co. werent so weak, after all.Cy-senpais team managed to defeat Yozuki-senpai and Akari-senpai, but lost to Nanao-senpais team when they came for backup.Oh, and Takato lost as well, it seems. Spouting his usual nonsense, this time about awakening his inner darkness next time or something, he looks sad about his loss.And for Myu-senpais team... Tie this time, but wont lose next time. Same here. I will continue my training."It appears that the match ended in a tie due to both of them being knocked out by their opponents attack.In the end, the ninja seeking club got completely trampled......and the real ninja seeking club was able to keep the real in their name. No! I refuse to accept this! That was just practice! Lets do it again! H-Hina...everyone is exhausted... Thats right, Mina. Plus, we have to honor promise. But, Myu-senpai...Still not convinced, Hina continues throwing her fit when Akari-senpai comes up with an idea. How about you and the others just join the real ninja seeking club for yourselves, Hina? Huh? If you guys join the real ninja seeking club, then you can be part of both the ninja seeking club and the real ninja seeking club at the same time! That should solve things, right? ...W-Would it?Hina doesnt seem to understand. I kind of get what Akari-senpai is saying, but not really. But Akari, they cant be part of two teams. Oh, I see...Akari-senpais idea is swiftly struck down by Enju-senpai. However, Yamabuki-senpai is quick to speak up. Then how about we just merge the ninja seeking club and the real ninja seeking club? If theres no rule to say we cant do it, how about we just disband the ninja seeking club and have everyone join the new-and-improved real ninja seeking club? Hey, thats a nice idea! Can we do that, Enju? Well, I dont think theres a rule that says you cant... Yay! Hina, this means you guys are a part of the real ninja seeking club now! We can be a part of the real ninja seeking club...?Hina has a lot of pride, so I bet she will feel humiliated at the pity and reject the idea of senpai. What a great idea!I guess not... Yeah! Were a part of the real ninja seeking club with senpai now! So it seems, but wont we just be a burden on them? You dont have to worry about that. You guys have more than enough talent. Well help you if something ever comes up. True. You can also split missions up based on their difficulty, so if Myu and their others are okay with it, I will go ahead and process the merge. Please do. I really think everyone will grow immensely if they can complete missions with senpai.And so was the birth of a brand-new real ninja seeking club.With the competition over, everyone talks about going out to celebrate.I decline, saying I already have plans, and begin to walk home. Why are you here?For some reason, Myu-senpai is tagging along. I wanted to talk to you. Talk to me? Yes. I just wanted to hear your thoughts on todays competition. Theres nothing to say really. I stood no chance. I see. Even so, you still wont give up on revenge? Yes. But... But? I think...its been put on hold. ...Myu-senpai stares at me mysteriously. What is it? Itsuno... Dont tell me...Myu-senpai starts to say something, but stops midsentence. Never mind. Its nothing.She flashes me a smile, but I can tell she looks troubled.I wonder what she was trying to ask me...?It would be a long time before I finally figured out the answer to my question.To be continued
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Posted - 2 years 6 months ago
Itsunos Tale of Love and Hate Showdown Part 2*This story contains spoilers from the main game, so we recommend you finish TCY Season 4 Part 10 before reading.Having broken up into team ninja seeking club and team real ninja seeking club, everyone heads to the starting point.
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Posted - 2 years 8 months ago
Itsunos Tale of Love and Hate Grudge EditionMy name is Itsuno Owari, and I loathe Kazuki Araya.The reason is simple. Its because he killed my family.
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Posted - 2 years 9 months ago
Sweet Story Hotaru*This story contains spoilers from the main game, so we recommend you finish TCY Season 4 Part 10 before reading.__
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Posted - 2 years 9 months ago
Sweet Story - Nanao*This story contains spoilers from the main game, so we recommend you finish TCY Season 4 Part 10 before reading.__
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Posted - 2 years 10 months ago
Sweet Story - Yamabuki*This story contains spoilers from the main game, so we recommend you finish TCY Season 4 Part 10 before reading.__
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Posted - 2 years 10 months ago
Sweet Story - Myu*This story contains spoilers from the main game, so we recommend you finish TCY Season 4 Part 10 before reading.__
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Posted - 2 years 10 months ago
The Decaying Divine Dragon and the Odd Shrine Maiden Part 2Goki used the Kamuy during his fight with that man.
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Posted - 2 years 11 months ago
Always Live Nobly, Yu Part 1Ryuji and Yuri Fuma.
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Posted - 2 years 11 months ago
Doryu Loves Flowers Part 2Yoshito ends up eating dinner at Maris house.
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Posted - 2 years 11 months ago
Hey there, ninjas! And here it is, my final post to everyone. Let me remind you though, that even though this is my last post, the game is not shutting down, and we will still be releasing Revival events. So feel free to continue to play Moe! Ninja Girls to your hearts content!(The shortening of the Story Ticket recharge time will be implemented in an update and will start from April 3, 5:00 PM (PST).)Thank you again to everyone who has supported us throughout the years.
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Posted - 3 years 1 Day ago
Hey there, ninjas! Producer K here in the house announcing that hugely-popular MORE MISTRESS event is back! We've got the scenarios from MISTRESS event too, so no need to worry! Not only do we have NEW bondage-themed Avatars like MISTRESS event, but we've also got Full Body S&M Princess Outfits of Lily, Nanao, and Hotaru that you couldn't get last time! Don't miss your chance to get them!Whether you're an S or an M, this event is back in action! Are you ready?
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Posted - 3 years 2 Weeks ago
It's time for final event calendar! A BIG thanks to everyone who has been with us for all this time. But now's not the time to be down!!!! We're gonna continue to stay positive, so we hope you'll stick with us! big event this month is Season 4, so we hope you'll enjoy the very end of MNG!
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Posted - 3 years 3 Weeks ago
Hey there, folks! Producer K back in the house to announce new Stimulating Succubus event! And what is the favorite food for succubus heroines? Read and find out! Get ready for an exciting adventure!And we've gone all out with Avatars this time, as well! We've got SUPER enchanting Sexy Succubus Outfits! Only Moe Ninja Girls could pull of such seductive Outfits! This is the ONLY event you can get these Outfits, so don't miss out on both the Outfits and storie
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Posted - 3 years 1 month ago
Hey there, ninjas! Happy Valentine's Day! We've got a special Valentine's Day surprise for those of you who have played previous Fight Master Valentine's Day events!We've made an assortment of previous events! From stories and Avatars you couldn't get from old events to event last year, we've got it all! And we've also got special Avatars made just for this event for REALLY special Avatars!Don't miss your chance to spend the day with the girls! Are you ready?
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Posted - 3 years 1 month ago
Hey there, ninjas! Producer K back in the house! February is coming up, and you know what that means, right? Valentine's Day! And Valentine's Day means chocolate! story this time features hero excited to receive chocolate from all heroines, but when he wakes up, he is tied up and hears a familiar laugh from close by... "Ohohoho! It looks like everyone is here!"Uh-oh... It looks like things won't go so smoothly this year, so be careful as you read!
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Posted - 3 years 1 month ago
Hey there, ninjas! Producer K back in the house! February is coming up, and you know what that means, right? Valentine's Day! And Valentine's Day means chocolate! story this time features hero excited to receive chocolate from all heroines, but when he wakes up, he is tied up and hears a familiar laugh from close by... "Ohohoho! It looks like everyone is here!"Uh-oh... It looks like things won't go so smoothly this year, so be careful as you read!
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Posted - 3 years 1 month ago
Hey there, peeps! It's time for monthly event schedule! Since it's February this month, you know what that means, right? Valentine's Day! We've got a Valentine's Day event oozing with love, so don't miss it!
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Posted - 3 years 1 month ago
Hey there, ninjas! Producer K back, and I'm happy to announce the return of popular event, Lovely Lovers! A lot of you out there have been requesting it, so we are happy to oblige! Spending a sweet moment with one you care about is heaven. This is definitely something just friends can't experience, so enjoy a memorable time with your lover!Our Avatars for the event are sexy and cute date Outfits! The cool blue dresses are out of this world! I don't know what I would I
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Posted - 3 years 1 month ago
Heyyo, ninjas! Producer K here with an announcement for everyone! I'm happy to say that due to popular demand, we have adjusted the dates of Shinobi Quests! This should help ease the burden of everyone who played them at the same time a new Season came out!This time, we are covering Seasons 22-24. This arc saw the appearance of a rival to the Kamuy. The MC also gets a huge boost in power! As usual, we have Early Bird rewards for those of you who missed them the first
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Posted - 3 years 2 months ago
Hey there, everyone. Producer K in the house here with another Cookie Collection Chronicles announcement for everyone. This time we have added the following three events:Go! Go! Cat Rangers!Graduating ClassSexy Armor
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Posted - 3 years 2 months ago
Hey there, ninjas! Producer K in the house! How was everyone's winter break? Did you guys get to relax?Anyway, theme this time is a vacation to a snowy mountain! You'll be enjoying a beautiful view of the falling snow with heroines from the comfort of a nice warm lodge! ...As if! You'll actually be partipating and working together to make ice sculptures in an annual festival held on the mountain! This is the perfect chance to deepen your bonds with the girls even fu
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Posted - 3 years 2 months ago
Hey there, ninjas! Producer K here back with the last of the results for character questions! Today we have the results of the question What type of animal would you want Oka to protect?1 A cat.2 A dragon.3 A horse.
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Posted - 3 years 2 months ago
Happy New Year, ninjas! We hope everyone has a great 2022 and that you'll continue to play and support the game! With that being said, here's the event schedule for January! Is there any event you're looking forward to?
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Posted - 3 years 2 months ago
Hey there, ninjas! How is everyone doing? I'm happy to announce that first Gacha event of the year is finally here! Yayyy! I'm sure you've figured it out by now by looking at the event title, but event this time is about a lantern festival!Imagine being close to the person you like as lanterns are floating in the night sky creating a magic-like atmosphere. I'm sure something good would happen to you if you get my drift!Our Avatars this time are wind fairy outfits
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Posted - 3 years 2 months ago
Hey there, everyone! How are you guys doing? Everyone here at Solmare will be returning to work tomorrow. Man, I really wish I could continue to binge-watch anime lol. Just kidding, Im going to do my best this year for the company! (Company Slave A) Anyway, Im here this time to announce the results for the question What would you want Tengge to do with you the most?1 Have her give you a nice massage.
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Posted - 3 years 2 months ago
Happy New Year, ninjas! We wish everyone out there a great 2022 and we hope youll continue to stick with MNG on journey!
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Posted - 3 years 2 months ago
Hey, ninjas! Producer K back with another results announcement. This time for the question What place would you like to be stuck in with Ricka? 1 A snowy mountain.2 A haunted spot.3 A deserted island.
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Posted - 3 years 2 months ago
Hey there, ninjas! Producer K back in the house with the results to the question What kind of parallel world would you like to go to with Enju?1 A world where you can control time freely.2 A VRMMORPG.3 A world where vampires rule.
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Posted - 3 years 3 months ago
Hey there, everyone! It's time for the December event schedule, which means it's the final event schedule of the year! We've got some great events scheduled to close out the year, so be sure to check out whatever event catches your eye! We hope to see you during Christmas and the New Year!
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Posted - 3 years 3 months ago
Hey there, everyone! Producer K is in the house! As I'm sure you've all guessed from the title, event this time is about a night club! Due to certain circumstances, you find yourself working at a night club called Club MoeNin! It used to be a popular club long ago, but it's fallen on hard times now, with its continued future up to you! Read the story to find out if you can reclaim its former glory!And what would a night club be without sexy Bunny Girl Outfits?! What c
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Posted - 3 years 3 months ago
Cookie Collection Club MoeNin SNS Project!Who will be THE number one bunny girl this week?!The plan is simple. We're going to determine the best bunny girl each week! You can easily participate by voting on Twitter page during the voting period. (Twitter, not Facebook ) The voting results will be announced on 11/15 (JST), 11/22 (JST), and 11/29 (JST). The voting results will be reset on 11/15 (JST) and 11/22 (JST). You can still vote for a bunny girl who was number
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Posted - 3 years 3 months ago
*Notice*We've set up Jewel Pass Bazaar! Kikuko is set up as the landmark!Let's go over Jewel Passes!There is a 10 DAY PASS and 30 DAY PASS!
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Posted - 3 years 3 months ago
Hey there, everyone! Producer K here! It brings me great joy to announce special fifth anniversary event. Moe! Ninja Girls has finally turned five! Isn't that amazing? This is all thanks to YOU, amazing fans! Thank you so much from the bottom of hearts! Here's to celebrating six and seven years, as well! We've gone all-out for event this time! Not only do we have special Photos, but we also have THOSE two in addition to nine heroines! We're also holding
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Posted - 3 years 3 months ago
Thank you for always supporting Moe! Ninja Girls! Believe it or not, MNG has finally turned five years old! While we finished original story with Season 30, thanks to all YOUR love and support, we are alive and well with The College Years story going on now! Now, I know we just took a survey as part of SNS project with Club MoeNin event, but as usual, we'll be holding a popularity contest this year, as well! What place will your favorite character take? Vote
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Posted - 3 years 3 months ago
Thanks for all your votes, ninjas! We've counted the votes from the 11/22 (JST) - 11/27 (JST) voting period, with the winner being Lily! So, three winners of the three voting periods are as follows!1st Round Enju (University Student)2nd Round Akari3rd Round Lily
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