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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Empire 2027 Games - Leadership Contest Show your empire status, Commander and get chance to win 20,000 tokens! We will reward 7 lucky players with the prize. To participate in the contest please add the following in the post:... 1. Screenshot from the game. 2. Add game url. 3. Write the game name. 4. Write your player number. Players that will have the most activity & comments on their post will have better chance to win. The contest is until the date 9.3.2020 Your support important to us. Good luck to all, iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Dear players, We continue work on the massive multiplayer game World Leaders. Here is the new registrations options, menu's... In the game you will have resources, factories, stock exchange, weapons markets you can build/sell/buy..., alliances and much more...... The game will be released in 7.9.2020. (We hope sooner with your support) Please continue to support us to speed up work. Thank you, iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
World Empire 2027 - Game update (Version 1.5.6) * Fixed issues with neighbors borders not updated or army lost. * Fixed issues with sea invade that the defender forces doubles in case of cease fire. * Updated countries armies, relations and economy based on real data. * Improve game accessibility and fix some language mistakes (Persian, Arabic, Greek and Korean).... * Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial Intelligence. We plan to add many new options in the game scenarios/spy/diplomatic/war/weapons/technologies... Your support important to us to continue developing. Thank you, iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Dear players, We continue to work on the massive multiplayer World Leaders. Here are the government type that will be in the game :) Please continue to support us to speed up work. Thank you,... iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Wishing you all good health, happiness, and success in the coming year and always. Happy New Year! Love you all from iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Empire update World Empire 2027 * Updated the scenario Return of the Ottoman empire. In the scenario Turkey found Gas & Oil near Cyprus and because of that the budget is 4 times big then today. Also Turkey influence & power grow and they controlling the countries Iraq, Syria, Kuwait, Cyprus and Lebanon.... In all Empire games * Updated countries armies, relations and economy based on real data. * Improved referral & bonus system for invite friends and family. (200 Tokens bonus for every new player coming from your referral url) * Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial Intelligence. Scenarios We will be glad to add more scenarios to the games. (Please for the year 2027) Please write what you have in mind and we will consider to add it. We plan to add many new options in the game scenarios/spy/diplomatic/war/weapons/technologies... Your support important to us to continue developing. Thank you, iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Empire Games update 1.5.1 * The game support now Korean language (Thank you Azure (Hajun Im) for your amazing help) * Added new scenarios 1. China/North Korea vs USA/Japan/South Korea... 2. Pakistan vs India 3. Iran vs Saudi Arabia 4. Return of the Ottoman empire (Gas & Oil found in Turkish territory and because of this the country get more income from 2027) * Added to Brazil the Riachuelo class submarine and FT-100 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) * Added Algeria the BLC-M5 Armored Personnel Carrier and EL Djazar Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) * Updated world countries armies, relations and economy based on real data. * Fixed reported bugs and continue to improved the Artificial intelligence. Scenarios We will be glad to add more scenarios to the games. Please write what you have in mind and we will consider to add it. Translators We will be glad for help to translate the game to other languages and we will reward players that helping us. If you can help please contact us. We plan to add many new options in the game scenarios/spy/diplomatic/war/weapons/technologies... Your support important to us to continue developing. Thank you, iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Coming up next week in World Empire 2027... Added new scenarios 1. China/North Korea vs USA/Japan/South Korea 2. Pakistan vs India 3. Iran vs Saudi Arabia... 4. Return of the Ottoman empire (Gas & Oil found in Turkish territory and because of this the country get more income from 2027) Scenarios We will be glad to add more scenarios to the games. Please write what you have in mind and we will consider to add it. We plan to add many new options in the game scenarios/spy/diplomatic/war/weapons/technologies... Your support important to us to continue developing. Thank you, iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Dear players, We glad to announce that we bring up all empire 2027 games in Amazon app store and we hope next year with your support we will bring it up for IOS and PC. Please continue to support us by sharing games to family and friends. Thank you, iGindis Team Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
World Leaders The new game will be released in 7.9.2020 (We hope sooner with your support) Show your true leadership skills...Create imaginary country, select your title and government type, name your capital...... Each world in the game will support up to 100,000 players worldwide & multilingual support. Winner in the end of era will get amazing leadership trophy. In the game you will have resources, factories, stock exchange, weapons markets you can build/sell/buy..., alliances and much more...Are you ready to lead commander...? Please support us to speed up work. Thank you, iGindis Team Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
World Empire 2027 Leader did you tried the USA vs Russia & China scenario...? Are you ready to lead your country, Supreme Commander? More scenarios coming soon...... Please continue to support us. Thank you, iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Empire 2027 - Games update * Added new options in war room to bring back forces home. 1. Bring all forces back home from all fronts. (Will also stop sea invasion and return troops) 2. Bring 10% from forces back home. 3. Bring 25% from forces back home.... 4. Bring 50% from forces back home. 5. Bring 75% from forces back home. * Added Iran Surface-to-Air Missiles Bavar-373 * Added Vietnam HS-6L HALE UAV's, Z153 Main Battle Tanks and DNVN - PTH85D44-VN18 Artillery * Fixed issue with Japan in Latin America (Super weapon) * Fixed reported bugs and continue to improved the Artificial intelligence. Translators We will be glad for help to translate the game to other languages and we will reward players that helping us. If you can help please contact us. We plan to add many new options in the game scenarios/spy/diplomatic/war/weapons/technologies... Your support important to us to continue developing. Thank you, iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
New massive multiplayer game name World Leaders Will be up in the end of next year...(We hope sooner) Show your true leadership skills... Create imaginary country, select your title and government type, name your capital...... Each world in the game will support up to 100,000 players worldwide & multilingual support. Winner in the end of era will get prize. In the game you will have resources, factories, stock exchange, weapons markets you can build/sell/buy..., alliances and much more... Please support us to speed up work. Thank you, iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 5 months ago
Empire 2027 Games Contest Show your empire status, Commander. Post screenshots of your empire status and we will reward 7 lucky players with 20,000 tokens! To participate in the contest please write the game name with your player number for the reward when posting the image.... Players that will include the game url and will have the most activity on the post will have better chance to be rewarded. The contest is until the date 29.12.2019 Please support us by sharing & telling to family and friends about games. Good luck to all, iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 5 months ago
iGindis Games update World Empire version 1.3.8 * Added new option in game settings to fix game data in case you having issues with relations and borders. * Optimize U.N. voting for requests and resolutions. * Updated countries economy, armies and relations status based on real data. ... * Fixed anti-air missiles defense system calculations for small countries. * Added Brazilian Main Battle Tank EE-T1 Osrio * Added Romanian TR-85M1 Bizon Main Battle Tank * Added Indonesian KRI Alugoro (405) Submarine. * Added Indonesian R-HAN 122 Artillery. * Added Indonesian PKR Sigma frigate class. ** We adding news weapons for countries who produce them only. * Fixed reported bugs and continue to improved the Artificial intelligence. Translators If you want to help us to add your language please contact us by email contact@igindis.com We will reward players that helping us. We plan to add many new options in the game scenarios/spy/diplomatic/war/weapons/technologies/resources... Your support important to us to continue developing. Thank you, iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 5 months ago
iGindis YouTube channel crossed 10,000 subscribers! Freebie Link Please all join to the channel and sure games with family and friends. Thank you all for your amazing support in us. iGindis Team Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 5 months ago
iGindis Games update World Empire version 1.3.7 * Added Thai help page support. (Thank you Krittameth Chobdee for your amazing support) * Fixed issues that cause some times when giving independence or rebuilding country to not complete the process. * Fixed issues that cause borders and relations status not to sync.... * Fix for diplomacy, economy and news. (Regions, search and all buttons) * Fixed issue with UAV's that cause it to fail even the enemy country do not have anti-air missiles. * Fixed issues with countries with no sea can buy sea units or attack with sea units. * Fixed issues with sound playing in ads when you marked to play without sound. * Fixed all game help pages to support SSL (https) * Fixed reported bugs and continue to improved the Artificial intelligence. Asia Empire version 2.3.1 * Added Thai language support in Asia Empire. (Thank you Chaiwat Somsri for your amazing support) * Fixed reported bugs and continue to improved the Artificial intelligence. Europe Empire 2.2.0 * Added for EU players GDPR Consent for ads data. * Fixed reported bugs and continue to improved the Artificial intelligence. Translators If you want to help us to add your language please contact us by email contact@igindis.com We will reward players that helping us. We plan to add many new options in the game scenarios/spy/diplomatic/war/weapons/technologies/resources... Your support important to us to continue developing. Thank you, iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 5 months ago
World Empire 2027 Game update (1.3.6) * Added Thai language support. (Thank you Napat Srirattanapong for your amazing support) * Thank game support now 34 languages. (Thank you all for your amazing support) * Fixed some text not showing in xlarge screens. * Fixed main screen crash for some devices.... * Fixed reported bugs and continue to improved the Artificial Intelligence. Translators If you want to help us to add your language please contact us by email contact@igindis.com We will reward players that helping us. We plan to add many new options in the game scenarios/spy/diplomatic/war/weapons/technologies/resources... Your support important to us to continue developing. Thank you, iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 6 months ago
World Empire 2027 Trailer Please support us by sharing this video with family and friends. Thank you for your help. iGindis Team Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 6 months ago
Dear players, Please download new version of the game 1.3.4 in world empire 2027 We fixed many reported issues by players and made it more stable. * Fixed issues when countries going to war without declaration of war.... * Fixed issues when country lost and you cannot return forces from border. * Fixed invite friends reward url. * Fixed Latvian language. (Thank you Edvards Krmi for your amazing help) * Added Georgian help page. (Thank you Tornike Kupreishvili for your amazing help) * Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial intelligence. In Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin and Middle East Empires We fixed issues that cause to some players not to get playerID. In Europe and Asia Empires Added Georgian language support & help page. (Thank you Tornike Kupreishvili for your amazing help) We plan to improve a lot the games and your support important to us to continue developing. plan is to add many new options in the game scenarios/spy/diplomatic/war/weapons/technologies/resources/massive multiplayer... Your support important to us to continue developing. Thank you for your support. iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 6 months ago
Dear players, Please download new version for the game World Empire (Version 1.3.3) We fixed many issues and made it more stable. * Fixed disappearing countries after conquest.... * Fixed some diplomacy actions not showing animations. * Fixed issues with giving independence the world countries still mark the country as lost. * Fixed in the commando attack the relations update. * Added in the news screen sound effect when the main screen ready message popup. * Fixed Georgian language. * Fixed duplicate ads. * Enabled blocked devices. * Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial intelligence. We plan to improve a lot the game and your support important to us to continue developing. Please support us in Google play with 5 stars and help us by sharing games to family and friends. Thank you for your support. iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 6 months ago
Dear players, We just released the version 1.3.0 in World Empire 2027 Please start new game and if you have issues after the update please report to us. Version 1.3.0... * Added Georgian language support. (Thank you Tornike Kupreishvili for your amazing help) * Fixed in case of loading game the regions and search stop to working. * Fixed border of Singapore with Malaysia. * Fixed covert operations and war actions sent by AI. * Fixed spies missions sent by AI. * Fixed UN requests sent by AI. * Fixed issues with superpowers relations random change in case of civilians get hit. * Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial intelligence. World Empire 2027 support from android 21+ We got many complains about the game slowness in old versions of android devices. It can take from 4 min to 5 min to pass turn in old android versions compare devices with android versions 21+ it can take 1+ min or less to pass turn. The game will support from version Lollipop 21+ and above. All other games support all android versions and you can play in them. The pass turn in World Empire take more time than other games because there are more calculations that the Artificial Intelligence (AI) doing. When passing turn the AI do thousands of calculations for 180 countries in the game compare to 50 countries is Asia Empire. (More countries mean more calculations to do by the AI) We plan to add many new options in the game scenarios/spy/diplomatic/war/weapons/technologies/resources... Your support important to us to continue developing. Please invite your family and friends to games. Thank you, iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 6 months ago
Dear players, We finally finish to debug the World Empire 2027 game. Fix all the reported issues and added easy tools you asked for in diplomacy. Please all download the last version 1.2.8 and make sure you start new game after the update. ... For old devices with Android versions Jelly Bean and KitKat the game could be slow but it will work for you. In World Empire there 180 countries and because of that all the calculations it can be slow. (We will check the option to improve it more in the future) If you love what we are doing and work please help us by rating game in Google play with 5 stars and tell your family and friends about games. What we fixed in version 1.2.8 * Added in diplomacy option to see all countries. * Fixed issues players cannot get playerID. * Fixed issues with give independence to a country. * Fixed random countries losing with no reason. * Fixed issues with relations changing without news. * Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial intelligence. We plan to add many new options in the game scenarios/spy/diplomatic/war/weapons/technologies/resources... Also plan to add soon massive multiplayer game and hotseat. Your support important to us to continue developing. Thank you, iGindis Team Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 6 months ago
World Empire 2027 Show your world empire status, Commander. Post screenshots of your empire status and we will reward 7 lucky players with 20,000 tokens! To participate in the contest please write the game name with your player number for the reward when posting the image.... Players that will include the game url and will have the most activity on the post will have better chance to be rewarded. The contest is until the date 27.10.2019 Please support us by sharing & telling to friends and family. Good luck to all, iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 6 months ago
Dear players, New game update is up version 1.2.5 * Support tablets including xlarge screens. * Fixed issues with devices with Pie version. * Fixed cases your country attack your country.... * Fixed issues with country losing to multiple countries. * Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial intelligence. Make sure you start new game after you update. Do not load old game and do not continue game after update. Write us if the issue continue after the update. Your support important to us to continue developing. Thank you, iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 6 months ago
Dear players, We usually will never ask for this. The game World Empire 2027 have very low rating in Google play and because of that the reward ads will not work. We got low rating because at start we had many bugs & issues and after few updates we got all fixed. Please we do plan to improve a lot the game and for this we need your support.... If you can please rate game World Empire 2027 in Google play with 5 stars. This will help us to add many new options in the game and to enable the rewards ads for free tokens. Thank you, iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 6 months ago
Dear players, New & improved battle system... We fixed something that many of you complained about for long time. The issue was that in case of multiple wars/fronts your country lost quickly without sending army to border. ... From now in case of multiple fronts your army will split in the following way If you have for example 1,000,000 troops, 200,000 apc, 100,000 tanks, 50,000 artillery In case your country will have wars with 4 countries you have border and you country will be invaded by sea from another far country. The AI will split your army to 5 fronts To 4 fronts the troops will be deployed to border. The country that invade to your country will be blocked with forces stay in your country bases to defend your land. Total every front will have 200,000 troops, 40,000 apc, 20,000 tanks and 10,000 artillery. You can manage the forces from the war room and withdraw forces back to your country and after to send split the forces to each front as you wish. In case of small country army the forces will sent fully to front. The system every turn will calculate the forces and send forces to borders as needed. We hope you like new battle system. If you do please support us by sharing and by invting friends to games. In case you did not rated yet games in google play please help us with good rating. Thank you all for your amazing support. iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 6 months ago
Dear players, Like we wrote you the game still under beta and we fixing every issue you report. Please download the new game version of the game. (1.1.6) Make sure you start new game after updating to new version.... * We check and approve that now the game support devices with 1024MB RAM and above. * There are thousands of calculations for the AI to check, for some players it can take some time to pass turn. (It's all depend on your device memory size) * Fixed many reported issues with relations, borders, economy, war... We plan to improve a lot the game and for this we need players support. Your support important to us to continue developing. Thank you. iGindis
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Posted - 5 years 6 months ago
Dear players, We glad to announce that World Empire 2027 is up in Google play. First we release it as beta version and we still checking and optimizing it. In case you find issues please report it. ...
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Posted - 5 years 7 months ago
Are you ready to lead the world? World Empire 2027 Will be up in 1.9.2019 Please support us by sharing & telling to friends and family.
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Posted - 5 years 7 months ago
Dear players, World empire is almost complete and we still have a lot of checking and fixing to do. (The release date will be in 1.9.2019) We need your help with some text translation to other languages. Many players helping us now and we will be glad for extra help from players who know Georgian and Latvian.... If you can help us please contact us by email contact@igindis.com * If you do not see your language here we will be glad to add it. Please contact us also. * Players that helping us to translate get rewards. The game translated to the following languages English, French, Hungarian, Italian, Persian, Russian, Portuguese, Polish, Romanian, Serbian, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Albanian, Azerbaijani, Greek, German, Turkish, Spanish, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Arabic, Bangla, Slovak, Bosnian, Malay, Hebrew, Dutch, Bosnian, Czech and Urdu * Because there are 180 countries in the game we added option to select by region or to filter country by name. (Searching by name support all languages) Thank you all for your amazing help. iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 7 months ago
Coming soon... Please help us by sharing & tagging the games to family and friends. Thank you, iGindis ...
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Posted - 5 years 7 months ago
Dear players, We updated all games and fixed many issues please update the game. * Improve the game loading speed. * Reserves from now paying taxes as regular civilians.... * Added option to repeat actions in diplomacy room. * Updated countries power, economy and relations based on last reports. * Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial intelligence. We plan to add many new options in the game spy/diplomatic/war/weapons/technologies/resources... Your support important to us to continue developing. Thank you, iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 8 months ago
Dear players, About 80% from the work is done and we just want to show you before we release it in 1.9.2019 what we did. We still have a lot of work to do and checking. But here it is and we hope you will love it as we did :) Its important to us that you continue to support us by sharing the games to family and friends, buy packages and by giving us good rating in all social media.... We plan to improve a lot the game and for this we need players support. Thank you all for your amazing support. iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 8 months ago
Dear players, The World Empire 2027 work is in progress and we completed about 70% The official release date is 1.9.2019 and we hope it will be before. Please support us by inviting your family and friends to the games. It will help us speed up work.... Thank you for helping us, iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 8 months ago
Dear players, We make these games for this reasons "Make war in internet and in reality peace" & "One Earth, One global human nation, One for all and all for one!" (You can see goals inside games) The big goal is to put all aggression in games but in reality let's make peace. Its important to us to push these goals. If you love games than please send them to your family and friends. Thank you for supporting us. iGindis Team Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 8 months ago
Show your empire status, Commander? Post a screenshots of your empire status and we will reward 7 lucky players with 20,000 tokens! To participate in the contest please write the game name with your player number for the reward when posting the image.... Players that will include the game url and will have the most activity on the post will have better chance to be rewarded. The contest is until the date 13.8.2019 Good luck to all :)
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Posted - 5 years 9 months ago
World Empire 2027 official banner In the game we plan 180 countries. (Countries that smaller than 500,000 civilians we did not added...We will add them in the future) The World Empire 2027 work is in progress and we completed about 50% The official release date is 1.9.2019 and we hope it will be before. (Still a lot of work)... Please support us by inviting your family and friends to the games. It will help us speed up work. Thank you for helping us, iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 9 months ago
Dear players, The World Empire 2027 work is in progress and we completed about 30% The official release date is 1.9.2019 and we hope it will be before. Please support us by inviting your family and friends to the games. It will help us speed up work.... Thank you for helping us, iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 9 months ago
Dear players, Please update the game to last version we changed the servers IP's. We are moving the servers to new location and because of this you may have some issues loading the extra screen. Thank you,... iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 10 months ago
Show your empire status, Commander? Post a screenshots of your empire status and we will reward 7 lucky players with 20,000 tokens! To participate in the contest please write the game name with your playerID for the reward when posting the image. Players that will include the game url will have better chance to be rewarded.... The contest is until the date 1.7.2019 Good luck to all :)
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Posted - 5 years 10 months ago
Update in all Empire 2027 Games We are glad to announce that we finished to developed the first stage and its up in all empire games. (Europe, Asia, Latin and Africa) First we want to thank all the amazing players that helped us to translate so quickly new options. (United Nations, Leader events, Sandbox and Many new diplomatic options) Thank you all for your amazing help...
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Posted - 5 years 10 months ago
Testing New options in Latin America Empire 2027 Dear players, We bring up the new options to Latin America Empire 2027 and we will be glad if you can all test the new options. Write us comments if the game faster and if you find bugs. In few days of testing we will bring up in all other empire games.... * Added United Nations, Leader events, SandBox and many new diplomacy options. * Added Slovak language support. * Fixed issues with multiplayer. * Roll back the science technology back to 99 levels. * Better score system to analyze your leadership skills. * Fixed bugs and continue to improved the Artificial intelligence. Translators We will be glad for help to translate few lines in Azerbaijani, Italian, Urdu, Hungarian, Chinese, Dutch, Georgian and Portuguese. We will reward you for helping us. Your support important to us to continue developing. Thank you, iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 10 months ago
Dear players, We are glad to announce that we finished to developed the first stage and we hope until 26.5.2019 or sooner we will get enough help from players to translate all to other languages. If you can help speed up the translations please contact us contact@igindis.com The first stage update including United Nations, Sandbox, Leader events and new diplomatic options. (Trade embargo, Demand declare war, Demand stop war)... We need help in the following languages Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bangle, Bosnian, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Dutch, French, Georgian, Greek, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Latvian, Malay, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Serbian, Spanish, Turkish, Urdu, Vietnamese Extra options * Added Slovak support to Latin America (Thank you Samuel Spital for your amazing help) * Added Albanian support to Europe Empire (Thank you Florian Dollani for your amazing help) * Fixed many issues with multiplayer. * Roll back the science technology back to 99 levels. * Many improvements in spy, war and diplomatic options. We will be glad to bring it up sooner and its all depend on players support to help translate. (We will reward players that helping us) Thank you, iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 10 months ago
Hi Everyone, We finished to develop the Sandbox and we almost finished the United Nations. (90%) "One Earth, One global human nation, One for all and all for one!"... In 2 weeks we will finish to develop the other new options and after we will your help to translate. Please continue to support us by telling everyone about games. Thank you, iGindis Team
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Posted - 5 years 10 months ago
Coming soon...United Nations and many new options in all Empire 2027 games... United Nations The United Nation can help weak/small countries and also can help to restrict big countries. * Every country can send one request every month (turn)...
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Posted - 5 years 11 months ago
Dear players, Here some of the new Empire 2027 options we plan to add. Will be total 18 new options that will be added to all Empire 2027 games. More information will come soon... Trade embargo (Diplomacy) Your country will stop the trade with the target country and your allies will join the action....
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Posted - 6 years 1 month ago
Full tutorial for Empire 2027 games. (Single player & multiplayer) Freebie Link Lead your empire! Free turn based strategy war game. You can find all games here Freebie Link ... Please share post if you love games. The multiplayer will be up in next week in Latin America Empire and after few days of checking we will start to bring it up also in other empire games. Thank you for supporting us, iGindis Team
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Posted - 6 years 1 month ago
Dear players, We decided to switch from Google+ community to Instagram community. Please join us and share your game story there. We will post all game updates also in new Instagram community.... Freebie Link Join us to see the latest updates. iGindis Team
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Posted - 6 years 2 months ago
What's your favorite spy/war missions, Commander? Post a screenshots of your favorite action and we will reward 7 lucky players with 10,000 tokens! To participate in the contest please write the game name with your playerID for the reward when posting the image. Players that will include the game url will have better chance to be rewarded. The contest is until the date 28.2.2019... Good luck to all :) Freebie Link
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