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Posted - 1 month 2 Days ago
Dear Survivors,NetEase Connect 2 the annual global product launch event, is going live today, May 2 at 1 PDT/ 13:3 Win OPPO Reno 7 5G Now! 3 lucky winners will be selected for the big prize!To Enter1. Follow @NetEaseOfficial2. Comment Love For ROS in the following post (Link):
Total Number Of Clicks: | 0 |
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Posted - 1 month 2 Days ago
Anti-CheatThank you all Survivors so much for everyone's help in Anti-cheat, your report contributes a lot to create a fair game experience. Let's work together to maintain the game we love We have banned more than 557 accounts last week and here is a part of the list of the permanent penalties on players who have used illegal cheat program:232411894 AsaKapaaaa213633042 wittgeng234002389 pukAhDog123233994998 TheKing3r233618649 234006353 MONETTE2828233996811 qpowieudhc100230941599 ARLOUNEWPROO233998030 9w8ww8eue233994267 kalmado234001438 huygahu234001954 hakers032610234003324 bobokakalmado233997025 100sssssqoam129223471616 234000870 233708206 OppOqqO231176067 16bhebz234001742 anthony032610208265654 YYBARO234004900 qkkwkwkaka234007159 Vital1shotZz233993977 amnxs232176214 KiloPro1280233996668 QPALMZNXKSaa233994884 TheKing57234001761 ggggdjdnxncf189840068 RestandPeace208756588 233992670 OunJuJuHaaa210940608 umazkiNarTo234006932 MeGootokillyou234008180 vip9999999234005040 NotNotUWant234003233 bobokakalmado231723954 G233996466 212668304 148ZenCzac203855125 tejolmelvin1233863719 SepaiMark233995501 QPOWEIRUYT100211850610 VirussGaming025231014856 BRee01234006949 monette2828282233998892 9ddjdjdb8xbu3xe234007718 isjzjzksjs233889352 BABAKES233636942 jdjdndnehe233994233 aduhlaranemen231414660 PAR233997642 QPLAMZXBSNKEO233996774 sksjsksklk233992830 FbEiiSak234002076 hchfhjngcgchjc233842227 09UNKNOW09233997082 100mznxbvclaqpeo233992590 nanajj1231651992 j?g?a?m?i?n?g233996427 bdhdhf234002730 kinginamopatay157721361 krpona202978117 kingofthegill233997958 828w828w8e8e223596848 ??alihar?????yt?229544866 ULSVI232922256 tranporter123233999896 jsdjsoskdkd233993668 Night233992436 rxrtyujhgr234007457 vvvvvvvdtyuuyghi234003942 Hshwhbsdw233966635 jondl123233993166 NoMaidens230584352 Fkfkfkfkfk9233992739 adkskstrkdkkd222968430 EKUBYASA227722664 BabyKoSiBash234006371 233993649 ffdfgygvh233996655 Sintaxxc233992803 HeangLanho228141112 MACTARENE234006978 hhgfffffggh234006201 kalmado198636704 sS210308676 Cedric233997846 asknsjsjsjs233995359 QPALZMNXKSEO21p234001984 AnhMeaHgz233981521 HDmalmal218808340 yawabol2x233998522 ksmsmsjskz234004712 Westogenoius216862961 233995518 fuchdjffm233995582 dhuaavsugfaffaer234002323 hagagv233999340 Christian031231741162 APEXpolki228350583 uurujffji234019415 jhshshdjfnjcf234029543 pwjeiw234023899 BNRSOpro234030369 isjsiskejsoe234014686 sjzjissisk228510419 coyanzpro234019307 bxbxhfhfjfjr210680533 XNXXtorjack234046174 hfufugig234054297 rickyberinguela234023480 iiiuuutyr234039595 rrufi0s230835762 jerick234060175 tongtest234018281 T1tatangz233792897 ExitBasKdor234013104 ieueueueueuu234038747 rufiios234058271 Kaisksjsk234039086 Bsgeergwe219965609 ddddd175ddd234019596 uuuiiijno234016251 gggdshdbd234019089 dbbdhsiws234011291 234014740 Romel001234036600 bbxbxhyd234040408 hhhhjjjss234009497 ehdbdwidnx234018933 oqjsxx233822407 234019436 wwwwwjjjn234012271 jxix7x7x7x234012810 skityyyyyyyy234013403 uueididkdkoee234056261 nanjqiqnnqju1q234013680 MAXXY234040117 RUFI0S234017069 bajzkzoz222617161 jadede234036796 OGGYNYBaestar234009511 mamamamn159247209 vvbccn218795414 yawabol2x146360523 Dave431234019000 bbbbiiiinn234009461 AhTeav234058372 GoodGirlXiu234058333 ururifi234056669 pqkdkwz234055224 234012592 Ashley234016713 BaYuYot234041109 AndrianMobile234020121 meosifjd234020454 ChieNoLimit234020674 kalmado234012702 Ashley234040996 ggfcxhjjvv226269867 PESEHxYou234019547 ncncncjdkzs231415576 ajokljkl233726312 234057217 222514849 jadede234018822 Boyvisal1677234017205 CheaBoyZz234017266 gjdnnxjxx234016644 reportmei234012526 hhgtyy234019134 ffffhhhytu234029052 mqkahs234028958 HSOEOWS234037609 BABAGILOL234017936 Chamerin234016313 XXworris230597919 HOR234028453 wiiwuwuw230110643 monettejoy234008759 kalmado234020152 itzrufi0s234018400 T1tatangx234011909 sjwjsjdjejs234056461 kamnauqnn11234056842 pwjekws234037918 Aimlockba234013337 jdkdkdndjdd234040988 kalmado234017350 fhjdnxnjdnd234012126 xcxcxcdc234041733 copyh45219510937 QuertyFox234028875 GTGAGI234020450 bxhbfchchcbc231415512 9755757351234020794 baidn234038091 kalmado234038152 234037879 LOLAIWIWOW234044885 :
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Posted - 1 month 2 Days ago
Anti-CheatThank you all Survivors so much for everyone's help in Anti-cheat, your report contributes a lot to create a fair game experience. Let's work together to maintain the game we love We have banned more than 845 accounts last week and here is a part of the list of the permanent penalties on players who have used illegal cheat program:230054520 junperater194300156 yakuok12234149015 ESEBA13230884692 Bloy99194584423 PrincessRoseJean231387802 KING?PEPE234155959 ZeroOoOo08234146948 slemdkdke234131341 KissNickLove234140950 Simp4Zyan234149381 jajajakkajajsjjs234150378 Rrccsskjskxjwjcx234159200 kalmado234147356 234152553 bebeubjji234154936 chunkgb234158048 hdishwiwuw234149774 kalmado234068587 pogilNG195991149 ????YAULOK?????221249993 PTANGINA147220794 KenTheAssassin228146544 CROCODILE20234150130 Checkbike234153935 SweetManggo234155556 YanZ231106901 HAIKAL3024231188769 BurnoK02231773308 PTstars234146345 kdbdkdndjdb234133689 Kalmado113575035 ?Humbles?fromYT?234153262 Zzero08220153182 archilyn2006161098251 TrashTalkK234151512 jajzjzkbsnsj234158456 babyamo234076729 Havata234149175 123456q124234153659 234157359 ggguij224994781 234160920 kiritoaljun234158962 babyamo229265974 ???Pdea??rayan47496391 zXMarcXz234159465 lenibobo221486753 brotesaangel234154874 fhnkjj234148716 eseba13234131404 YAWAKA09233667663 HYPER229512671 GANGLeader234151278 LFjayzCastro234146564 mangmangoaks229049766 THERMainSkyLer229493382 ???234146926 3oi3u3ue234157436 ulolzZzZ234157784 bjgghfhgh234156544 jvhgyfyvhv234148427 eseba18188021631 234158976 Hizero08234156962 hvbbb234156684 Hehdbdew234150066 delicuente13233975752 UZUMAKINRUT234156517 hhdgdheh205030315 AlturaLENG234146659 peodkdke234158067 yuuuioo234149408 ucvuucychvib234146905 8273uud90704092 kirito121089234148898 MODMENu222527748 sPo228575786 ??????james???234151644 papparapo234160179 jsjsjsjsosos231413739 jemmapalautog233902441 albertcalibod31234156584 jbhvyfy234157560 bhvyfyfhvhg08234155323 TanjiroYT219751081 KingIvaN208430331 NINJAIVAN212454827 gg234149829 jdksjddkkd233632662 Choupapi18234160313 Cguhgy232242996 nhelmar15234152973 jfiisytre221790819 RANNEL5473233689207 RENEDYSKRRT230260348 LuuTueNhi230145057 cc219485688 Wolves153230275533 BONBONIX234159328 sjjzsjisks:
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Posted - 1 month 1 Week ago
Anti-CheatThank you all Survivors so much for everyone's help in Anti-cheat, your report contributes a lot to create a fair game experience. Let's work together to maintain the game we love We have banned more than 557 accounts last week and here is a part of the list of the permanent penalties on players who have used illegal cheat program:232411894 AsaKapaaaa213633042 wittgeng234002389 pukAhDog123233994998 TheKing3r233618649 234006353 MONETTE2828233996811 qpowieudhc100230941599 ARLOUNEWPROO233998030 9w8ww8eue233994267 kalmado234001438 huygahu234001954 hakers032610234003324 bobokakalmado233997025 100sssssqoam129223471616 234000870 233708206 OppOqqO231176067 16bhebz234001742 anthony032610208265654 YYBARO234004900 qkkwkwkaka234007159 Vital1shotZz233993977 amnxs232176214 KiloPro1280233996668 QPALMZNXKSaa233994884 TheKing57234001761 ggggdjdnxncf189840068 RestandPeace208756588 233992670 OunJuJuHaaa210940608 umazkiNarTo234006932 MeGootokillyou234008180 vip9999999234005040 NotNotUWant234003233 bobokakalmado231723954 G233996466 212668304 148ZenCzac203855125 tejolmelvin1233863719 SepaiMark233995501 QPOWEIRUYT100211850610 VirussGaming025231014856 BRee01234006949 monette2828282233998892 9ddjdjdb8xbu3xe234007718 isjzjzksjs233889352 BABAKES233636942 jdjdndnehe233994233 aduhlaranemen231414660 PAR233997642 QPLAMZXBSNKEO233996774 sksjsksklk233992830 FbEiiSak234002076 hchfhjngcgchjc233842227 09UNKNOW09233997082 100mznxbvclaqpeo233992590 nanajj1231651992 j?g?a?m?i?n?g233996427 bdhdhf234002730 kinginamopatay157721361 krpona202978117 kingofthegill233997958 828w828w8e8e223596848 ??alihar?????yt?229544866 ULSVI232922256 tranporter123233999896 jsdjsoskdkd233993668 Night233992436 rxrtyujhgr234007457 vvvvvvvdtyuuyghi234003942 Hshwhbsdw233966635 jondl123233993166 NoMaidens230584352 Fkfkfkfkfk9233992739 adkskstrkdkkd222968430 EKUBYASA227722664 BabyKoSiBash234006371 233993649 ffdfgygvh233996655 Sintaxxc233992803 HeangLanho228141112 MACTARENE234006978 hhgfffffggh234006201 kalmado198636704 sS210308676 Cedric233997846 asknsjsjsjs233995359 QPALZMNXKSEO21p234001984 AnhMeaHgz233981521 HDmalmal218808340 yawabol2x233998522 ksmsmsjskz234004712 Westogenoius216862961 233995518 fuchdjffm233995582 dhuaavsugfaffaer234002323 hagagv233999340 Christian031231741162 APEXpolki228350583 uurujffji234019415 jhshshdjfnjcf234029543 pwjeiw234023899 BNRSOpro234030369 isjsiskejsoe234014686 sjzjissisk228510419 coyanzpro234019307 bxbxhfhfjfjr210680533 XNXXtorjack234046174 hfufugig234054297 rickyberinguela234023480 iiiuuutyr234039595 rrufi0s230835762 jerick234060175 tongtest234018281 T1tatangz233792897 ExitBasKdor234013104 ieueueueueuu234038747 rufiios234058271 Kaisksjsk234039086 Bsgeergwe219965609 ddddd175ddd234019596 uuuiiijno234016251 gggdshdbd234019089 dbbdhsiws234011291 234014740 Romel001234036600 bbxbxhyd234040408 hhhhjjjss234009497 ehdbdwidnx234018933 oqjsxx233822407 234019436 wwwwwjjjn234012271 jxix7x7x7x234012810 skityyyyyyyy234013403 uueididkdkoee234056261 nanjqiqnnqju1q234013680 MAXXY234040117 RUFI0S234017069 bajzkzoz222617161 jadede234036796 OGGYNYBaestar234009511 mamamamn159247209 vvbccn218795414 yawabol2x146360523 Dave431234019000 bbbbiiiinn234009461 AhTeav234058372 GoodGirlXiu234058333 ururifi234056669 pqkdkwz234055224 234012592 Ashley234016713 BaYuYot234041109 AndrianMobile234020121 meosifjd234020454 ChieNoLimit234020674 kalmado234012702 Ashley234040996 ggfcxhjjvv226269867 PESEHxYou234019547 ncncncjdkzs231415576 ajokljkl233726312 234057217 222514849 jadede234018822 Boyvisal1677234017205 CheaBoyZz234017266 gjdnnxjxx234016644 reportmei234012526 hhgtyy234019134 ffffhhhytu234029052 mqkahs234028958 HSOEOWS234037609 BABAGILOL234017936 Chamerin234016313 XXworris230597919 HOR234028453 wiiwuwuw230110643 monettejoy234008759 kalmado234020152 itzrufi0s234018400 T1tatangx234011909 sjwjsjdjejs234056461 kamnauqnn11234056842 pwjekws234037918 Aimlockba234013337 jdkdkdndjdd234040988 kalmado234017350 fhjdnxnjdnd234012126 xcxcxcdc234041733 copyh45219510937 QuertyFox234028875 GTGAGI234020450 bxhbfchchcbc231415512 9755757351234020794 baidn234038091 kalmado234038152 234037879 LOLAIWIWOW234044885 :
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Posted - 1 month 1 Week ago
Dear Survivors,NetEase Connect 2 the annual global product launch event, is going live today, May 2 at 1 PDT/ 13:3 Win OPPO Reno 7 5G Now! 3 lucky winners will be selected for the big prize!To Enter1. Follow @NetEaseOfficial2. Comment Love For ROS in the following post (Link):
Total Number Of Clicks: | 0 |
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Posted - 1 month 1 Week ago
Anti-CheatThank you all Survivors so much for everyone's help in Anti-cheat, your report contributes a lot to create a fair game experience. Let's work together to maintain the game we love We have banned more than 845 accounts last week and here is a part of the list of the permanent penalties on players who have used illegal cheat program:230054520 junperater194300156 yakuok12234149015 ESEBA13230884692 Bloy99194584423 PrincessRoseJean231387802 KING?PEPE234155959 ZeroOoOo08234146948 slemdkdke234131341 KissNickLove234140950 Simp4Zyan234149381 jajajakkajajsjjs234150378 Rrccsskjskxjwjcx234159200 kalmado234147356 234152553 bebeubjji234154936 chunkgb234158048 hdishwiwuw234149774 kalmado234068587 pogilNG195991149 ????YAULOK?????221249993 PTANGINA147220794 KenTheAssassin228146544 CROCODILE20234150130 Checkbike234153935 SweetManggo234155556 YanZ231106901 HAIKAL3024231188769 BurnoK02231773308 PTstars234146345 kdbdkdndjdb234133689 Kalmado113575035 ?Humbles?fromYT?234153262 Zzero08220153182 archilyn2006161098251 TrashTalkK234151512 jajzjzkbsnsj234158456 babyamo234076729 Havata234149175 123456q124234153659 234157359 ggguij224994781 234160920 kiritoaljun234158962 babyamo229265974 ???Pdea??rayan47496391 zXMarcXz234159465 lenibobo221486753 brotesaangel234154874 fhnkjj234148716 eseba13234131404 YAWAKA09233667663 HYPER229512671 GANGLeader234151278 LFjayzCastro234146564 mangmangoaks229049766 THERMainSkyLer229493382 ???234146926 3oi3u3ue234157436 ulolzZzZ234157784 bjgghfhgh234156544 jvhgyfyvhv234148427 eseba18188021631 234158976 Hizero08234156962 hvbbb234156684 Hehdbdew234150066 delicuente13233975752 UZUMAKINRUT234156517 hhdgdheh205030315 AlturaLENG234146659 peodkdke234158067 yuuuioo234149408 ucvuucychvib234146905 8273uud90704092 kirito121089234148898 MODMENu222527748 sPo228575786 ??????james???234151644 papparapo234160179 jsjsjsjsosos231413739 jemmapalautog233902441 albertcalibod31234156584 jbhvyfy234157560 bhvyfyfhvhg08234155323 TanjiroYT219751081 KingIvaN208430331 NINJAIVAN212454827 gg234149829 jdksjddkkd233632662 Choupapi18234160313 Cguhgy232242996 nhelmar15234152973 jfiisytre221790819 RANNEL5473233689207 RENEDYSKRRT230260348 LuuTueNhi230145057 cc219485688 Wolves153230275533 BONBONIX234159328 sjjzsjisks:
Total Number Of Clicks: | 0 |
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Posted - 1 month 1 Week ago
Dear Player::
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Posted - 3 months 2 Weeks ago
Dear Survivors, Currently RoS 2.0 servers are undergoing certain issues that players may encounter login or matching problems. Devs Team has noticed it and start fixing. Here we express the deepest apology for any inconvenience this may cause, and we will notify you once the problem is solved. Please wait patiently for the follow-up progress.And we will send compensation to ALL players after maintenance! :
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Posted - 3 months 2 Weeks ago
Anti-CheatThank you all Survivors so much for everyone's help in Anti-cheat, your report contributes a lot to create a fair game experience. Let's work together to maintain the game we love We have banned more than 1411 accounts last week and here is a part of the list of the permanent penalties on players who have used illegal cheat program:228094 :
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Posted - 3 months 2 Weeks ago
Attention SurvivorsThere will be a one hours maintenance on March 16that 7:00-8:00 (UTC+8). Both Rules of Survival and Rules of Survival 2.0 will be maintained with the aim of improving your game experience. :
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Posted - 3 months 2 Weeks ago
Season 21 Is Officially KICKING OFF!!!Survivors!! A new journey is inevitably exciting. Are you ready to join the brand new Season Bounty Fightand claim the juicy rewards??!A bunch of cash and honor is waiting for you in the ranking!! Quickly jump into ROS to win dollars back home!Ru :
Total Number Of Clicks: | 0 |
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Posted - 3 months 2 Weeks ago
Survivors! Extra 50% top-up rebate are provided for all of you! Please noted that the rebate event will continue until March 29th.Hope you can ENJOY MERRY&LIVELY time in ROS!:
Total Number Of Clicks: | 0 |
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Posted - 3 months 2 Weeks ago
Anti-CheatThank you all Survivors so much for everyone's help in Anti-cheat, your report contributes a lot to create a fair game experience. Let's work together to maintain the game we love We have banned more than 1280 accounts last week and here is a part of the list of the permanent penalties on players who have used illegal cheat program:23332 :
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Posted - 3 months 2 Weeks ago
Anti-cheating and Penalty InfoWe've detected some players obtained the USD Cash Cards maliciously in the USD Cash Card event that just ended, and we've banned these players and revoked all of their earnings.The Rules of Survival Development Team is always determined to fight cheating behaviors, and we also ask players to have zero tolerance against them and actively report cheaters via the report function or official channels so that we can deal with them immediately. :
Total Number Of Clicks: | 0 |
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Posted - 3 months 2 Weeks ago
Anti-CheatThank you all Survivors so much for everyone's help in Anti-cheat, your report contributes a lot to create a fair game experience. Let's work together to maintain the game we love We have banned more than 919 accounts last week and here is a part of the list of the permanent penalties on players who have used illegal cheat program:233776 :
Total Number Of Clicks: | 0 |
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Posted - 3 months 2 Weeks ago
Attention SurvivorsThere will be a one hours maintenance on March 30th at 7:00-8:00 (UTC+8). Both Rules of Survival and Rules of Survival 2.0 will be maintained with the aim of improving your game experience.Bug Fixes: :
Total Number Of Clicks: | 0 |
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Posted - 3 months 2 Weeks ago
Demon Hunter Super Carnival Draw"But I'll be close behindI will follow you into the dark."Th :
Total Number Of Clicks: | 0 |
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Posted - 3 months 2 Weeks ago
Anti-CheatThank you all Survivors so much for everyone's help in Anti-cheat, your report contributes a lot to create a fair game experience. Let's work together to maintain the game we love We have banned more than 557 accounts last week and here is a part of the list of the permanent penalties on players who have used illegal cheat program:23241 :
Total Number Of Clicks: | 0 |
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Posted - 3 months 2 Weeks ago
Anti-CheatThank you all Survivors so much for everyone's help in Anti-cheat, your report contributes a lot to create a fair game experience. Let's work together to maintain the game we love We have banned more than 845 accounts last week and here is a part of the list of the permanent penalties on players who have used illegal cheat program:23005 :
Total Number Of Clicks: | 0 |
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Posted - 3 months 2 Weeks ago
Dear Survivors,NetEase Connect 2022, the annual global product launch event, is going live today, May 20th, at 10:30 PDT/ 13:30 EDT! Win OPPO Reno 7 5G Now! :
Total Number Of Clicks: | 0 |
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Posted - 2 years 2 months ago
Dear Player:Rules of Survival has ceased operations on June 27, 2022 at 15:00:00 (UTC+8). Thank you for your continuous support and love towards Rules of Survival.:
Total Number Of Clicks: | 0 |
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Posted - 2 years 3 months ago
Dear Player:Rules of Survival has ceased operations on June 27, 2022 at 15:00:00 (UTC+8). Thank you for your continuous support and love towards Rules of Survival.
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Posted - 2 years 6 months ago
Dear Survivors,NetEase Connect 2022, the annual global product launch event, is going live today, May 20th, at 10:30 PDT/ 13:30 EDT! Win OPPO Reno 7 5G Now!
Total Number Of Clicks: | 0 |
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Posted - 2 years 8 months ago
Anti-CheatThank you all Survivors so much for everyone's help in Anti-cheat, your report contributes a lot to create a fair game experience. Let's work together to maintain the game we love We have banned more than 557 accounts last week and here is a part of the list of the permanent penalties on players who have used illegal cheat program:23241
Total Number Of Clicks: | 0 |
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Posted - 2 years 8 months ago
Demon Hunter Super Carnival Draw"But I'll be close behindI will follow you into the dark."Th
Total Number Of Clicks: | 1 |
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Posted - 2 years 8 months ago
Anti-cheating and Penalty InfoWe've detected some players obtained the USD Cash Cards maliciously in the USD Cash Card event that just ended, and we've banned these players and revoked all of their earnings.The Rules of Survival Development Team is always determined to fight cheating behaviors, and we also ask players to have zero tolerance against them and actively report cheaters via the report function or official channels so that we can deal with them immediately.
Total Number Of Clicks: | 0 |
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Posted - 2 years 9 months ago
Survivors! Extra 50% top-up rebate are provided for all of you! Please noted that the rebate event will continue until March 29th.Hope you can ENJOY MERRY&LIVELY time in ROS!
Total Number Of Clicks: | 1 |
Helpful 1 | Not Helpful 0 |
Posted - 2 years 9 months ago
Pioneer RecallEvent Period March 2, 2022 to March 15, 2022Remember those who have been together in battlefield? Maybe it's time to call them back with you for the new journey.
Total Number Of Clicks: | 4 |
Helpful 2 | Not Helpful 0 |
Posted - 2 years 9 months ago
Anti-CheatThank you all Survivors so much for everyone's help in Anti-cheat, your report contributes a lot to create a fair game experience. Let's work together to maintain the game we love We have banned more than 1277 accounts last week and here is a part of the list of the permanent penalties on players who have used illegal cheat program:22165
Total Number Of Clicks: | 2 |
Helpful 2 | Not Helpful 0 |
Posted - 2 years 9 months ago
With the launching of ROS 2.0, we've received tons of feedback from enthusiastic players. We've made a massive amount of optimizations based on the suggestions to provide a better gaming experience.Therefore, we'd like to thank all players for their participation and support.The server will be undergoing maintenance on March 2, 2022, and the details are as below
Total Number Of Clicks: | 5 |
Helpful 3 | Not Helpful 0 |
Posted - 2 years 10 months ago
Anti-CheatThank you all Survivors so much for everyone's help in Anti-cheat, your report contributes a lot to create a fair game experience. Let's work together to maintain the game we love We have banned more than 1633 accounts last week and here is a part of the list of the permanent penalties on players who have used illegal cheat program:23114
Total Number Of Clicks: | 5 |
Helpful 3 | Not Helpful 0 |
Posted - 2 years 10 months ago
Survivors, thanks for your participation in the ROSversary Community Event on January 29th!! Congratulations to all of the lucky winners as follow!For lucky winners listed, please Message Rules of Survival to check for the following process to claim the reward before February 28th. Th
Total Number Of Clicks: | 3 |
Helpful 2 | Not Helpful 0 |
Posted - 2 years 10 months ago
Happy Chinese New Year! The arrival of the Year of Tiger brings a new breath of energy to ROS. Again, the ROS sincerely appreciates your continued support! T
Total Number Of Clicks: | 3 |
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Posted - 2 years 10 months ago
Happy Chinese New Year's EveHi survivors, today is Chinese New Year's Eve! Please check out the New Year Greetings from beloved Rostars!Many thanks to every player again in 2021!W
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Posted - 2 years 10 months ago
Before entering this brutal battlefield, please think carefully Whether to arm yourself to the teeth and engage in a fierce firefight, or to ambush somewhere with the simplest weapon and make a great haul. That all depends on you. Feel free to use your strategy and find ways to gain more advantages in battle!
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Posted - 2 years 10 months ago
The more dangerous the place, the greater the profit tends to be. Ghillie Island has countless coveted resources and mysterious treasures. Explore as many corners as possible as well as loot the enemy, and most importantly, survive! Everything you bring out of the battlefield aids in strengthening yourself. The time is so tight that youd better plan an evacuation route in advance.
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Posted - 2 years 11 months ago
Dear survivors, we are pleased to announce that Rules of Survival 2.0, a brand new update to ROS, will be officially released on January 26th!By then, ROS 2.0 will be launched in the form of DLC. Players can download and update the DLC directly in the original game to experience the new gameplay. ROS 2.0 will be released simultaneously worldwide on multiple platforms including Google Play Store, App Store and PC.ROS 2.0 is not only an ultimate-optimized version based o
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Posted - 2 years 11 months ago
Do you remember the thrill of fighting side by side with your close friends? Time flies over us, but it can't take away the good memories we shared in ROS. Now, we're about to embark on a new era of ROS 2.0. Get yourself prepared to relive the original passion with your old friends!Tag at least one teammate in ROS and leave them a message in the comment below. We will pick 20 lucky players to give out 100 diamonds each. Don't forget to leave your id and server!
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Posted - 2 years 11 months ago
Anti-CheatThank you all Survivors so much for everyone's help in Anti-cheat, your report contributes a lot to create a fair game experience. Let's work together to maintain the game we love We have banned more than 834 accounts last week and here is a part of the list of the permanent penalties on players who have used illegal cheat program:230296
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Posted - 2 years 11 months ago
Anti-CheatThank you all Survivors so much for everyone's help in Anti-cheat, your report contributes a lot to create a fair game experience. Let's work together to maintain the game we love We have banned more than 822 accounts last week and here is a part of the list of the permanent penalties on players who have used illegal cheat program:23019
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Posted - 2 years 11 months ago
Attention Survivors:Rules of Survival will be updated from January 4th, 2022 - January 5th, 2022 with the aim of improving your gaming experience.Check maintenance times below to see when it takes place in your region.
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Posted - 2 years 11 months ago
#2022 Happy New Year, survivors! New adventures are around the corner. Wishing you a year fully loaded with happiness!The ROS sincerely appreciates your continued support! Please share your expectations for the new year of the game, and we will pick 15 lucky players to send out 150 diamonds~Don't forget to leave your ID + Server~Huge thanks to every player again!
Total Number Of Clicks: | 5 |
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Posted - 2 years 11 months ago
#2022 Happy New Year, survivors! New adventures are around the corner. Wishing you a year fully loaded with happiness!The ROS sincerely appreciates your continued support! Please share your expectations for the new year of the game, and we will pick 10 lucky players to send out 150 diamonds~Don't forget to leave your ID + Server~Huge thanks to every player again!
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Posted - 2 years 11 months ago
Anti-CheatThank you all Survivors so much for everyone's help in Anti-cheat, your report contributes a lot to create a fair game experience. Let's work together to maintain the game we love We have banned more than 846 accounts last week and here is a part of the list of the permanent penalties on players who have used illegal cheat program:23012
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Posted - 3 years 1 Week ago
Anti-CheatThank you all Survivors so much for everyone's help in Anti-cheat, your report contributes a lot to create a fair game experience. Let's work together to maintain the game we love We have banned more than 960 accounts last week and here is a part of the list of the permanent penalties on players who have used illegal cheat program:10201
Total Number Of Clicks: | 4 |
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Posted - 3 years 2 Weeks ago
Here comes the long-anticipated monthly offer!Check out more about "Husky Mecha" and "Furniture Destroyer" in-game!Are we all going to howl like wolves tonight?
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Posted - 3 years 2 Weeks ago
Anti-CheatThank you all Survivors so much for everyone's help in Anti-cheat, your report contributes a lot to create a fair game experience. Let's work together to maintain the game we love We have banned more than 1048 accounts last week and here is a part of the list of the permanent penalties on players who have used illegal cheat program:229749808 tetstetsfy229623
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Posted - 3 years 2 Weeks ago
Here comes the long-anticipated monthly offer!Check out more about "Husky Mecha" and "Furniture Destroyer" in-game!Are we all going to howl like wolves tonight?
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Posted - 3 years 2 Weeks ago
Here comes the long-anticipated monthly offer!Check out more about "Husky Mecha" and "Furniture Destroyer" in-game!Are we all going to howl like wolves tonight?
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Posted - 3 years 3 Weeks ago
Anti-CheatThank you all Survivors so much for everyone's help in Anti-cheat, your report contributes a lot to create a fair game experience. Let's work together to maintain the game we love We have banned more than 809 accounts last week and here is a part of the list of the permanent penalties on players who have used illegal cheat program:220945130 Raya217823
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