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Posted - 10 Hours 24 Minutes ago
Commanders, operation Time Loop will star soon!A time warping anomaly was found on a far away icy planet. Be the first to land on it and claim the Reversibility Artifact!:
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Posted - 3 months 6 Days ago
Commanders, we are aware that you cant update the game on Android.We are in constant contact with Google representatives and we do best to resolve the issue.We hope to open the Galaxy in the next 24 hours. Players that were affected will get a bonus when they update.Meanwhile, you can load your base from the LE Android version of the game via the link below, or temporary switch to a different platform of your choice.Thanks for your patience!LE Android version:Freebie Link:
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Posted - 3 months 6 Days ago
Great news, Commanders,The update 4.0 opens the door to multiple new opportunities for base development and increasing the strength of your army, as well as reconfiguring many of the gameplay characteristics in order to introduce a more interesting and competitive game.Space BaseFirst, its an opportunity to build a Space Base which offers you new upgrades for research and Antimatter production.Just as your opponents, by destroying a main base HQ of your enemy you get access to the coordinates of their Space Base. You can attack it using the Shuttle. If successful, a part of the opponents Antimatter supply will beome yours.Top PlayersYou will finally be able to find out who is the strongest and the most skilled Commander in the Galaxy. In the new Top Players mode commanders will take turns attacking bases of each other, and if the attacking commander deals more damage, he takes the defenders position among Top Players.Modules and ArtifactsTo help new players navigate through the game and have more of them stay longer in the Galaxy, we have decided to introduce a much more simplified functionality of modules and artifacts. We have discarded the Inventory tab, and as of now all operations with modules will take place in the equipment tab of a unit, tower, hero or technology. Same modules will automatically merge and become available for upgrade.We have changed the strength of the modules on higher levels to make it match the difficulty and cost of their upgrade, and we have also added a few new levels for the modules.In order to have the same upgrade system in the game, we had to apply new upgrade rules to artifacts as well. This can sound disappointing to the fans of the Endurance Artifact and other super powerful artifacts because now the same artifacts will automatically turn into one artifact of a higher level and there will be no more option to use artifacts of the same type on different types of units, towers, heroes or technologies.We therefore ask for your understanding of this new feature and as compensation for the inconvenience, we offer you to choose any artifacts you wish in the amount equal to the number of the duplicated artifacts you had at the time of the update, and a complimentary bonus too. We have also significantly increased the chances of getting modules after a successful attack on the opponents base and added legendary modules as prize in a corporate war.Shields on unitsWe are aware of the issue with using mass and air units with shields and of the way this gameplay mechanics destroys any defense formation, not requiring the players to use their skills. We have given this problem much thought and decided to introduce a counter-mechanics an upgrade of the Amplifying Tower which allows all towers within its range to ignore the opponents shield. We hope that it will increase the number of defense and attack strategies and will add variety to the game and make it more interesting.Reconfiguring the stats of the Units and HeroesWe have increased the Heroes stats to make their strength match their fierce appearance and elite status and to have a reason to build your strategies around them.Many other units have been improved to increase the variety of the attack strategies at later stages in the game.Under development Now we are working on an update that will offer you a space fleet command and battles in outer space. Corporation unions, new corporate wars and much more.Best regards,AMT Games team:
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Posted - 3 months 6 Days ago
Commanders, operation Overheat will start soon!Radiation of a star in the Synthesis system has increased more than 9,000 times! Save the peaceful colonists and get the Absorption Artifact! Hurry up!:
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Posted - 3 months 6 Days ago
Commanders, operation Ion Storm will start soon!Vital resources for the artifact production have been found after a monstrous volcano eruption! Hurry up and claim the Reactivity Artifact!:
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Posted - 3 months 1 Week ago
Orbital Constructions, a company that won the tender for the production of platforms for space bases, is going to soon release them on open sale.While you are waiting for the supply, Orbital Constructions invites all commanders to the test bench to familiarize themselves with the product:Freebie Link:
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Posted - 3 months 3 Weeks ago
Easy-going hackers interested in a new way to stuff their antimatter bank accounts with the resources from space bases have posted a worm-program on the "Pirate Ray" torrent.Installing the program on encrypted hard drives at the enemy headquarters, will download the coordinates of the space base and mark them on your space map. After some time, the base will change its location, so you will have to hurry. And don't forget, that you have to get to headquarters through the defenses.Be careful and do not run the program at your own headquarters, in order to avoid unforeseen expenses!Space map will be available with the release of the update.:
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Posted - 3 months 3 Weeks ago
Operation "Scorched Earth" will start soon!The remains of the recently annihilated Research Center X-15 might contain impressive technologies. We have to land nearby and explore the area in search for a Reconstruction Artifact!:
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Posted - 3 months 3 Weeks ago
Commanders, lets take a closer look at changes to Antimatter in the update:To make an attack on a Space Base, you will have to destroy opponent's main base HQ.Besides, the opponent should have a Space Base of course. You will gain it's coordinates for one hour, but when you make an attack, it will disappear earlier.As for the amount of Antimatter that is taken during an attack: A successful attack can provide you no more than 20% of Space Base Antimatter Capacity, while also no more than your own Space Base Antimatter Capacity.Commanders that currently hold a bigger amount of antimatter, when attacked will only loose a percent of Space Base capacity instead of their current amount.Besides they will not be able to earn more then their capacity as well.Example 1:Opponent has 800 Antimatter out of 1000 capacity. You have 500 out of 1000.If you completely destroy all Storages you will receive 160 Antimatter, which is 20% of 800.Example 2:Opponent has 1200 Antimatter out of 1000 capacity. You have 500 out of 1000.Complete storage destruction will provide you with 200 Antimatter instead of 240, which is 20% of 1000 in this case.Example 3:Opponent has 800 Antimatter out of 1000 capacity. You have 900 out of 1000. Successful raid will result in 100 Antimatter, because your Storages can't keep any more. The opponent will still loose 160 Antimatter.Besides, all commanders without a Space Base will have a basic capacity of 1000, which can only be raised by upgrading the Space Base.:
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Posted - 3 months 3 Weeks ago
Commanders, operation Frozen Legacy will start soon!Secret technologies that had been abandoned after the war were found in the Altair. You can track them down and attempt to obtain Replication Artifact.:
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Posted - 3 months 3 Weeks ago
Commanders, operation Total Annihilation will start soon!A Supernova is expected to explode soon. Hurry up and visit the Terra-0518 planet to get an epic artifact of Destruction!:
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Posted - 3 months 3 Weeks ago
It seems that some users do not receive responses from us. If you are trying to restore an account and didn't receive an answer - please check spam folder and check your blacklist settings. Some users keep writing to us, while we already answered. If you know someone who cannot restore an account, please let them know about that message, thanks!:
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Posted - 3 months 3 Weeks ago
Update 4.1 from 10.10.2019- Added an indicator to the attack HUD that shows if the enemy has a Space Base and the amount of their stored Antimatter - Changed requirements for getting coordinates of a Space Base. Now in order to get the coordinates you need to destroy more than 60% of the enemy base - Now, if your base is under attack when you enter the game, you need to wait until the attack is over - The Hacking Technology no longer affects the Heroes - Added an area around HQ where troops can no longer be teleported - Restored the possibility to buy modules in Operations - Reduced the amount of Antimatter available for loot from 20% to 10% - Added an indicator to the attack HUD that shows the HP bonus to the buildings from modules - Commanders who did not play the game in more than a month will be moved to the end of the Top Players leaderboard - Fixed the bug when the players were not getting the coordinates of the enemy Space Base after they fulfilled all required conditions- Fixed the bug when the Close button appeared in the Space Port menu - Fixed the bug when with an active Advisor you had an incorrect price for instant upgrades:
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Posted - 4 months 3 Days ago
Commanders, operation Time Loop will star soon!:
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Posted - 7 months 5 Days ago
Technologists from MicroHard Modular Inc. finally released individual modules into the market for all types of troops, as usually, the assembly quality of the acquired modules varies greatly.Lucky modules buyers will be happy to find out the delivery with a module of rare or even legendary quality.It is possible to purchase individual modules for units, for heroes, defensive structures and technologies. :
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Posted - 7 months 5 Days ago
Antimatter generators invented recently appear to influence a new technological revolution. Commanders who acquired a decent amount of that resource now started implementing it in construction.Buildings created with antimatter infusion prove to be a lot more durable.Besides that, antimatter in defensive structures has positive effect on it's combat performance, while military researchers also state that unobstructed access to the resource opens lots of new opportunities. :
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Posted - 7 months 5 Days ago
Operation "Burning Reflection" will start soon!Deserts of Mars - that's the battlefield now! That ancient planet in Solar System reportedly hides great technologies in it's depths, including Reflection Artifact!:
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Posted - 7 months 5 Days ago
Robotics Stock Market Drops!The forthcoming of antimatter generators has affected the global economy, as well as manufacturers of robotics and defensive structures.Market demanded better protection for the production of resources, and most corporations decided to satisfy this demand. Components for defensive structures received higher-quality alloys, which also affected their cost. :
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Posted - 7 months 5 Days ago
Amplification Towers UpdateWith the market release of individual modules, shielded armies will become even more numerous and dangerous for the economy of space bases.In order to compensate the inevitable damage to the defenses of their clients, Cosmocom Limited announced a free upgrade of all amplification towers with an improved field generator which will provide affected towers with an ability to successfully deactivate the shields of enemy units. :
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Posted - 7 months 5 Days ago
Orbital Constructions, a company that won the tender for the production of platforms for space bases, is going to soon release them on open sale.While you are waiting for the supply, Orbital Constructions invites all commanders to the test bench to familiarize themselves with the product: Freebie Link
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Posted - 7 months 5 Days ago
Operation "Quantum Leap" will start soon!Quantum break was found near the Arctos planet! Complete the research of the anomaly to create Quantum Artifact, this should be done before the break collapsed!:
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Posted - 7 months 5 Days ago
Easy-going hackers interested in a new way to stuff their antimatter bank accounts with the resources from space bases have posted a worm-program on the "Pirate Ray" torrent.Installing the program on encrypted hard drives at the enemy headquarters, will download the coordinates of the space base and mark them on your space map. After some time, the base will change its location, so you will have to hurry. And don't forget, that you have to get to headquarters through the de :
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Posted - 7 months 5 Days ago
Operation "Scorched Earth" will start soon!The remains of the recently annihilated Research Center X-15 might contain impressive technologies. We have to land nearby and explore the area in search for a Reconstruction Artifact!:
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Posted - 7 months 5 Days ago
Commanders, operation Overheat will start soon!Radiation of a star in the Synthesis system has increased more than 9,000 times! Save the peaceful colonists and get the Absorption Artifact! Hurry up!:
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Posted - 7 months 5 Days ago
Great news, Commanders,The update 4.0 opens the door to multiple new opportunities for base development and increasing the strength of your army, as well as reconfiguring many of the gameplay characteristics in order to introduce a more interesting and competitive game.Space Base :
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Posted - 7 months 5 Days ago
Commanders, operation Frozen Legacy will start soon!Secret technologies that had been abandoned after the war were found in the Altair. You can track them down and attempt to obtain Replication Artifact.:
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Posted - 7 months 5 Days ago
Commanders, operation Total Annihilation will start soon!A Supernova is expected to explode soon. Hurry up and visit the Terra-0518 planet to get an epic artifact of Destruction!:
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Posted - 7 months 5 Days ago
Commanders, we are aware that you cant update the game on Android.We are in constant contact with Google representatives and we do best to resolve the issue.We hope to open the Galaxy in the next 24 hours. Players that were affected will get a bonus when they update. :
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Posted - 7 months 5 Days ago
It seems that some users do not receive responses from us. If you are trying to restore an account and didn't receive an answer - please check spam folder and check your blacklist settings. Some users keep writing to us, while we already answered. If you know someone who cannot restore an account, please let them know about that message, thanks!:
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Posted - 7 months 5 Days ago
Update 4.1 from 10.10.2019- Added an indicator to the attack HUD that shows if the enemy has a Space Base and the amount of their stored Antimatter - Changed requirements for getting coordinates of a Space Base. Now in order to get the coordinates you need to destroy more than 60% of the enemy base - Now, if your base is under attack when you enter the game, you need to wait until the attack is over :
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Posted - 7 months 5 Days ago
Commanders, operation Ion Storm will start soon!Vital resources for the artifact production have been found after a monstrous volcano eruption! Hurry up and claim the Reactivity Artifact!:
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Posted - 7 months 5 Days ago
Commanders, operation Time Loop will star soon!A time warping anomaly was found on a far away icy planet. Be the first to land on it and claim the Reversibility Artifact!:
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Commanders, operation Time Loop will star soon! A time warping anomaly was found on a far away icy planet. Be the first to land on it and claim the Reversibility Artifact!
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Commanders, operation Time Loop will star soon!A time warping anomaly was found on a far away icy planet. Be the first to land on it and claim the Reversibility Artifact!
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Commanders, operation Overheat will start soon!Radiation of a star in the Synthesis system has increased more than 9,000 times! Save the peaceful colonists and get the Absorption Artifact! Hurry up!
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Posted - 5 years 5 months ago
Commanders, operation Ion Storm will start soon! Vital resources for the artifact production have been found after a monstrous volcano eruption! Hurry up and claim the Reactivity Artifact!
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Posted - 5 years 5 months ago
Commanders, operation Ion Storm will start soon!Vital resources for the artifact production have been found after a monstrous volcano eruption! Hurry up and claim the Reactivity Artifact!
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Posted - 5 years 5 months ago
Update 4.1 from 10.10.2019 - Added an indicator to the attack HUD that shows if the enemy has a Space Base and the amount of their stored Antimatter - Changed requirements for getting coordinates of a Space Base. Now in order to get the coordinates you need to destroy more than 60% of the enemy base - Now, if your base is under attack when you enter the game, you need to wait until the attack is over ... - The Hacking Technology no longer affects the Heroes - Added an area around HQ where troops can no longer be teleported - Restored the possibility to buy modules in Operations - Reduced the amount of Antimatter available for loot from 20% to 10% - Added an indicator to the attack HUD that shows the HP bonus to the buildings from modules - Commanders who did not play the game in more than a month will be moved to the end of the Top Players leaderboard - Fixed the bug when the players were not getting the coordinates of the enemy Space Base after they fulfilled all required conditions - Fixed the bug when the Close button appeared in the Space Port menu - Fixed the bug when with an active Advisor you had an incorrect price for instant upgrades
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Posted - 5 years 5 months ago
Update 4.1 from 10.10.2019- Added an indicator to the attack HUD that shows if the enemy has a Space Base and the amount of their stored Antimatter - Changed requirements for getting coordinates of a Space Base. Now in order to get the coordinates you need to destroy more than 60% of the enemy base - Now, if your base is under attack when you enter the game, you need to wait until the attack is over - The Hacking Technology no longer affects the Heroes - Added an area around HQ where troops can no longer be teleported - Restored the possibility to buy modules in Operations - Reduced the amount of Antimatter available for loot from 20% to 10% - Added an indicator to the attack HUD that shows the HP bonus to the buildings from modules - Commanders who did not play the game in more than a month will be moved to the end of the Top Players leaderboard - Fixed the bug when the players were not getting the coordinates of the enemy Space Base after they fulfilled all required conditions- Fixed the bug when the Close button appeared in the Space Port menu - Fixed the bug when with an active Advisor you had an incorrect price for instant upgrades
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Posted - 5 years 5 months ago
Update 4.1 from 10.10.2019- Added an indicator to the attack HUD that shows if the enemy has a Space Base and the amount of their stored Antimatter - Changed requirements for getting coordinates of a Space Base. Now in order to get the coordinates you need to destroy more than 60% of the enemy base - Now, if your base is under attack when you enter the game, you need to wait until the attack is over See More
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Posted - 5 years 5 months ago
Update 4.1 from 10.10.2019- Added an indicator to the attack HUD that shows if the enemy has a Space Base and the amount of their stored Antimatter - Changed requirements for getting coordinates of a Space Base. Now in order to get the coordinates you need to destroy more than 60% of the enemy base - Now, if your base is under attack when you enter the game, you need to wait until the attack is over
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Posted - 5 years 5 months ago
It seems that some users do not receive responses from us. If you are trying to restore an account and didn't receive an answer - please check spam folder and check your blacklist settings. Some users keep writing to us, while we already answered. If you know someone who cannot restore an account, please let them know about that message, thanks!
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Posted - 5 years 5 months ago
Commanders, operation Total Annihilation will start soon! A Supernova is expected to explode soon. Hurry up and visit the Terra-0518 planet to get an epic artifact of Destruction!
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Posted - 5 years 5 months ago
Commanders, operation Total Annihilation will start soon!A Supernova is expected to explode soon. Hurry up and visit the Terra-0518 planet to get an epic artifact of Destruction!
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Posted - 5 years 5 months ago
Commanders, we are aware that you cant update the game on Android. We are in constant contact with Google representatives and we do best to resolve the issue. We hope to open the Galaxy in the next 24 hours. Players that were affected will get a bonus when they update.... Meanwhile, you can load your base from the LE Android version of the game via the link below, or temporary switch to a different platform of your choice. Thanks for your patience! LE Android version Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 5 months ago
Commanders, we are aware that you cant update the game on Android.We are in constant contact with Google representatives and we do best to resolve the issue.We hope to open the Galaxy in the next 24 hours. Players that were affected will get a bonus when they update.Meanwhile, you can load your base from the LE Android version of the game via the link below, or temporary switch to a different platform of your choice.Thanks for your patience!LE Android version Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 5 months ago
Commanders, we are aware that you cant update the game on Android.We are in constant contact with Google representatives and we do best to resolve the issue.We hope to open the Galaxy in the next 24 hours. Players that were affected will get a bonus when they update. See More
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Posted - 5 years 5 months ago
Commanders, we are aware that you cant update the game on Android.We are in constant contact with Google representatives and we do best to resolve the issue.We hope to open the Galaxy in the next 24 hours. Players that were affected will get a bonus when they update.
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Posted - 5 years 5 months ago
Great news, Commanders, The update 4.0 opens the door to multiple new opportunities for base development and increasing the strength of your army, as well as reconfiguring many of the gameplay characteristics in order to introduce a more interesting and competitive game. Space Base...
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Posted - 5 years 5 months ago
Great news, Commanders,The update 4.0 opens the door to multiple new opportunities for base development and increasing the strength of your army, as well as reconfiguring many of the gameplay characteristics in order to introduce a more interesting and competitive game.Space Base See More
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