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Posted - 12 Hours 1 Minute ago
Get ready for some AMERICAN IDOL TRIVIA! We want to put your trivia skills to the test and see if you can answer questions from American Idol #past and present. Share your answers in the comments! Your daily Freebie Link:
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Posted - 1 Day 2 Hours ago
How sharp are you Blitzers? Weve got two versions of the ready for you to look at, but only one of the versions has the cities in the correct #order. Which version do you think is correct? Let us know in the comments. After you answer, make sure to check out the island full of these amazing new cities! ** Your daily gift is in the previous post ** *No purchase necessary. In-app purchases (including random items) optional. 21+.:
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Posted - 1 Day 16 Hours ago
When you watch American Idol, you know theres going to be some top-tier singing performances, but that doesnt mean one doesnt stand above the rest. To be honest, it was hard for us to choose favorite moment between Lionel phoning a famous friend (no spoilers here!), the heavy metal duet, and one of favorite bands from the turn of the century making a comebackkinda. Let us know which moment from the latest #episode was your favorite! Your daily Freebie Link:
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Posted - 6 Days 23 Hours ago
Board Blitz has reached this cool dressing room... we wonder to whom it #belongs? So, before you head off to roll the dice and win amazing prizes, let us know if you can spot which of the images below doesnt match the bigger picture. ** Your daily gift waits in today's previous video post ** No purchase necessary. In-app purchases (including random items) optional. 21+.:
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Posted - 1 Week 4 Days ago
With so many cities under his belt, Blitzys starting to have trouble recognizing famous #monuments from the places hes visited. Please help him out by letting us know which city from the newest island this monument is from! Your daily Freebie Link:
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Posted - 1 Week 4 Days ago
The moles are back and digging around for some new #treasures With Holy Moley 2 now open to all, you get to help them find what theyre looking for! See if you can save the moles some time by letting them know how many diamond rings there are in the image. Make sure to share how many you found in the comments. Your daily Freebie Link purchase necessary. In-app purchases (including random items) optional. 21+.:
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Posted - 1 Week 6 Days ago
While Blitzy was out for a nice winter stroll, he spotted something in the distance. He slowly approached it but still couldnt make out exactly what it was. He obviously needs some help, Blitzers. Can you connect the #dots and figure out what the item is? Your daily Freebie Link:
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Posted - 2 Weeks 3 Days ago
Theres no better place to stock up on milk than the #Milky Market, so it sure is a good thing the market is open again. Did we mention you can get amazing prizes from collecting milk while daubing, too? Sounds like all of us should be heading to the market as soon as possible. Before you head into BB and get the milk flowing, see if you can spot the milky pattern in the image below. Your daily Freebie Link:
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Posted - 2 Weeks 5 Days ago
Were of the opinion that pets are fellow family members, which means we take National Love Your #Pet Day VERY seriously. To celebrate, we want everyone to share a pic of your fluffy, feathered, scaly, slimy, or drooly best friend in the comments. Be proud of your pets Blitzers, its your chance to show them off for everyone to see! Your daily Freebie Link:
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Posted - 2 Weeks 6 Days ago
We all know the famous saying, You havent seen beauty until youve seen a snails silhouette. Oh, you havent? Hmm, maybe its just us. Either way, the fastest snails in town are back and ready for racing with Snail Trail. While you're trying to keep up with these slow speedsters, see if you can figure out which snails #silhouette is in the image below! Your daily Freebie Link:
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Posted - 3 Weeks 5 Days ago
As is tradition every year, it's up to Blitzy to plan Valentines Day for him and Moxie, but what should he do? He could take her for a bike ride around the park, but he might get too sweaty. Maybe he could rent a hot air balloon and fly high in the sky, or is that way too extravagant? A simple night gazing at stars could be nice unless Moxie thinks thats too simple and boring. Blitzy just doesnt know what to do! Help him out by giving him #suggestions in the comments. Your daily Freebie Link:
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Posted - 1 month 1 Day ago
Space spins is the name, winning rewards, and collecting blobbers is the game. Who will you be collecting blobbers with though? Thats for you to #decide! Let us know who your favorite Space Spins character is in the comments. Your daily Freebie Link:
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Posted - 1 month 3 Days ago
Blitzy and Bingo Blitz have taken you all around the #world! Youve seen the sights and heard the sounds, but do you know where the game of Bingo originated? Is it: USA Italy France UK Share your guess with us in the comments! Your daily Freebie Link:
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Posted - 1 month 4 Days ago
Blitzers, are you ready for a Bingo #Night like no other? For the first time, were having a special PLUS exclusive Bingo Night in one of favorite cities, New Orleans! You already know itll be full of partying, dancing, food, prizes, fun, and BINGO! Make sure your PLUS subscription is up to date, do it fast so you can register for the contest to enter now. See you guys there! Your daily Freebie Link registration: Freebie Link open for US Blitzers only. You must be an active PLUS member to qualify. Participation is subject to the Official Rules: Freebie Link:
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Posted - 1 month 5 Days ago
Blitzers, are you ready for a Bingo #Night like no other? For the first time, were having a special PLUS exclusive Bingo Night in one of favorite cities, New Orleans! You already know itll be full of partying, dancing, food, prizes, fun, and BINGO! Make sure your PLUS subscription is up to date, do it fast so you can register for the contest to enter now. See you guys there! Your daily Freebie Link open for US Blitzers only. You must be an active PLUS member to qualify. Participation is subject to the Official Rules - Freebie Link:
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Posted - 1 month 5 Days ago
Blitzy always leaves his phone on vibrate because of how easily he gets distracted by notification sounds. Doug, on the other hand, keeps his phone ringer on full volume. He wants everyone to hear his ringtone which is an original song, sung by him, about his favorite tin can. Are you #more like Blitzy and keep your phone on vibrate or more like Doug and have your ringer on always? Let us know in the comments! Your daily Freebie Link:
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Posted - 1 month 6 Days ago
We cant wait to roll the dice and head to Chef Moxies next destination in Moxies American Roadtrip! But we cant get going until you find the #missing part of this image. In the comments, let us know which piece you think finishing this image so we can get on the road. Your daily Freebie Link:
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Posted - 1 month 1 Week ago
Moxies Rolling Wheels in more ways than one now that shes got her very own food truck! But no matter how many wheels shes rolling, well always need to roll dice to win the amazing prizes she has to offer. In between rolling your dice, tell us about your favorite food #truck food in the comments! Here is your daily gift Freebie Link:
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Posted - 1 month 1 Week ago
Moxies moving to the beat of her own drum now that shes in her new food truck! But shes still got to find the right #path to her ingredients. Help Moxie steer the food truck in the right direction so she can get her ingredients and make the best food she possibly can! Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 1 month 1 Week ago
Monkey Business is now open for all! With the Monkeys relaxing in the winter heat, theres only one bear brave enough to disturb them. Winston! Help Winston find all the #snorkels by letting him know where they are in the comments before he completely ruins the monkeys hot spring experience! Your combined daily gift & Story gift is in the previous post :
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Posted - 1 month 1 Week ago
Moxies #shutting down shop tomorrow! That means youve only got one day left to finish as many dishes in Moxies Deep Dine as you can! Let us know how many dishes you have left to make in the comments. Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 1 month 1 Week ago
We all know Moxie, shes got at least a million and one ideas about what she wants to do after Moxies Deep Dine. Of course, shes only going to be able to choose one idea. Two things she knows for sure are that her next adventure HAS to be above water and that she wants to reach as many people as possible.What do you guys think its going to be? Leave your #guesses in the comments! Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 1 month 2 Weeks ago
While Moxies enjoyed her time underwater, she still misses those #earthy veggies you can only get fresh when back on the surface. Foods like potatoes, beets, carrots, and sweet potatoes make her feel more at home than anything else! What ingredient that you use all the time makes you feel most at home? Tell us in the comments. Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 1 month 2 Weeks ago
Spotting numbers and daubing all day must make you guys pretty skilled at catching a Bingo by now. However, the question still remains: Just how good are your Bingo eyes Blitzers? Well, its time to put them to the test and see how many #differences you can find between these two Bingo cards. So how many differences can you find? Tell us in the comments! Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 1 month 2 Weeks ago
With a new island coming, we know one thing is for sure. NEW CITIES! Now to test your city knowledge, get ready for some new island trivia. Try to figure out which city were referring to in the sentence below. Then leave your guess in the comments. My common language is #Arabic, which city am I? Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 1 month 3 Weeks ago
Hidden treats has returned, nows your chance to uncover ancient treasure and win amazing rewards! But not all artifacts are as #ancient as others. In fact, some things in this image arent ancient at all! See if you can spot whats out of place. Then let us know what it is in the comments. Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 1 month 3 Weeks ago
As always with Moxie, her current food venture is coming to a close as she prepares to move on to bigger and better things. What that means for all you Blitzers is youre running out of time to finish all your dishes, so head to Moxies Deep Dine before its too late! But before you do, we want to know what the last dish you #completed was. Tell us in the comments! Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 1 month 3 Weeks ago
Blitzys preparing to get out there and make his New Years Resolutions come true in the new room Snack Track! And now that its open for all, you can join him in his fitness journey. All he needs is the perfect outfit and accessories because lets be honest, is it really exercising if you dont look amazing while youre doing it? Put your favorite workout #combo for Blitzy in the comments. Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 1 month 3 Weeks ago
Try to figure out which color aliens in each row and column are missing to solve this Space Spins #Sudoku! Then, once youre already thinking about aliens, head into Bingo Blitz to play some real Space Spins! So, which color aliens are missing? Put your answer in the comments! Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 1 month 3 Weeks ago
Blitzys caught in a knot Blitzers! He needs to untangle all his ropes but just cant figure it out. This is a hard one, but we know you can solve it! Let him know which of the four #ropes he has to cut to free the other three in the comments. Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 1 month 3 Weeks ago
Are you ready to put two and two together Blitzers? Try to figure out the #phrase these images are trying to say! Put your guesses in the comments. (Hint: Dont be nervous, this will help ) Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 1 month 4 Weeks ago
B-I-N-G-ROOLLLLLLLLLLLLL! If we arent playing Bingo then we better be rolling dice for amazing prizes in! Dont miss out on this amazing Bingo Night in Rolling Trails where Bingo isnt the only way to win prizes. Can you spot the #differences in the images below? Let us know what you find in the comments! Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 2 months 13 Hours ago
im bak blitzers! since i have the most fanciest of palletes in the hole ocean, ive been asked to reevue drews specialist dish, majestical minestrone. wut I can say is that it was tastier than any fishhee food ive ever had and id give it 4/5 fish starz! my tasters picked up hints of ketchup from the greekland eyelands, a litle spot of Italiano ceereeal and of corsse a big splash of fresh ocean water from the Nepal mountains. yoo guyzz neeed to try it for yorsleves and tell me, what is your #rating for a minestrone soup in the comments! Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 2 months 3 Days ago
Lifes just more fun when we do it together! Think about itcooking, shopping, playing Bingo... sure, you can do them alone, but isnt it so much better with friends? Blitzy and the gang are already #teaming up and having a blastare you ready to join in?Gather your Blitz Buds and get set for something exciting coming tomorrow. You wont want to miss it! Whats something you think is okay to do alone but way more fun with friends? Let us know! Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 2 months 1 Week ago
The only real way to bring in the New Year is with a Bingo card full of all your BB accomplishments from 2024. Which of these BB tasks were you able to #accomplish this year? Let us know in the comments and make sure you tell us if you scored a Bingo! Then send it to your Blitzer friends so you can compare your 2024 in BB! Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 2 months 1 Week ago
Drew and Blitzy will be hosting the most #Bingotastic New Years party Bingoville has ever seen! Its sure to have more Bingo moments than we can count, and maybe even some regular ones as well. Regardless of whether youre partying in Bingoville or anywhere else, everyone has their favorite party food. If you were hosting a New Years party, which of these foods would you want to serve? Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 2 months 1 Week ago
2025 is just around the corner, and were here to give you a glimpse of what it holds for you! Take a look at this #wordsearch and find the first word that stands out to youits a sign of whats waiting for you in the new year! Hopefully, it will help inspire you with what you can accomplish in the coming year. The possibilities are endless! Will it be happiness, friendship, or something else? Drop your word in the comments below and share what 2025 has in store for you! Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 2 months 1 Week ago
Better turn those festive brains on Blitzers because we have some Christmas trivia coming your way! The trivia question is: Which country started the modern tradition of putting up a decorated Christmas tree? Let us know your answer in the comments! Fun fact: Doug thought he invented the idea of putting up a Christmas #tree until the first time he visited Nana during the holiday season. Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 2 months 2 Weeks ago
Its Christmas Day! Making snowmen, drinking hot cocoa, decorating gingerbread houses, going to a Christmas party, sitting by the fireplace! There are so many ways to spend Christmas, and each one is just as special as the next. Tell us about your favorite Christmas activity in the comments so we can spread the #cheer for all to hear! Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 2 months 2 Weeks ago
Blitzy and Moxie LOVE decorating their Christmas Tree with special ornaments. Its a good thing too because Blitzy can bring back any unique ornaments he thinks deserve a spot during his travels! Now, of all the amazing #ornaments you see on the tree, which one from the bank did Blitzy and Moxie decide NOT to hang up? Let us know in the comments! Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 2 months 2 Weeks ago
Santa Blitzy is dropping off presents left and right in Rolling Trails! Dont miss out on some wonderfully Blitzmas rewards and roll the dice now! In the meantime, see if you can figure out the missing #number from the image below. Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 2 months 3 Weeks ago
We finally figured out whos been eating all the cookies. It was EVERYONE! Blitzy, Mitzy, Doug, Winston, and even Nana all secretly snuck a bite or two from Moxies delicious cookies. What can we say? If a plate of Moxies cookies were sitting on a #plate near us, it would be pretty hard to resist! With the mystery solved, its time to bring the focus back to cookies. What cookies do you like to bake most during the holiday season? Answer in the comments! Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 2 months 3 Weeks ago
Moxie keeps baking #cookies for Fill N Win and someone keeps eating them! Its up to us to figure out who the mysterious cookie thief is. Take a look around this image and see if you can spot any clues. 5 of you who figure it out will win 1000 credits each! You have 24 hours so start guessing... Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 2 months 4 Weeks ago
Attention, Blitzers!META (Facebook) is currently facing widespread outages, which might also impact your Bingo Blitz experience.To continue enjoying your favorite bingo fun without interruptions, we recommend switching to web platform: Freebie Link. The link works perfectly on PC and is not impacted by the current issues. Just log in as usual and keep the daubs rolling! The outages are affecting multiple features, including comments, groups, and more. Rest assured, your daily gift is ready and waiting for you to claim whenever you likeor after the issues are resolved (if you havent already claimed it).We appreciate your patience and understanding and will provide updates as soon as META resolves the problem. Thank you for sticking with us! :
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Posted - 3 months 3 Hours ago
Its Tacoooooooooooo Tuesdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Tacos are versatile, wonderful, incredible, and delicious. We all know theres no such thing as a bad taco, but everyone has a preference, so we want to know what you prefer. Fish Tacos or Meat #Tacos? Tell us in the comments! Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 3 months 18 Hours ago
Have you ever wondered what the rains looking at when its falling from the sky? Wellneither have we, but that wont stop us from asking you what the top of this #umbrella looks like! Leave your answer in the comments below. Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 3 months 1 Day ago
Oh no! Your alarm just went off and you need to head to work! Ughhhh it would be so nice to sleep in for just one more hour, but wait ITS SUNDAY! Time to turn over and get comfy because you're not getting out of bed anytime soon! Comment below what your comfiest #sleeping position is! Is it on your back, on the side, or maybe on your stomach? Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 3 months 3 Days ago
The temperature has dropped Blitzers, things are getting frosty, even the dice. But dont let that stop you! Blitz 'N Roll is here, and it doesnt care about the temperature, its still got amazing rewards waiting to be won! Just roll the dice and they all could be yours. Speaking of dice, can you find all of them hidden in the image? (Except for the one in the logo ). Let us know how #many you found in the comments! Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 3 months 4 Days ago
Theres nothing like the last piece of Nanas delicious Pumpkin pie! Now that Pumpkin Rush is open for all, you can figure out who gets the last #piece yourselves and get some Bingo along the way! That wont stop us from asking you to try and figure out who gets the last piece in the image below though. Tell us who you think gets it in the comments! Your combined daily gift & Story gift wait for you here Freebie Link:
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Posted - 3 months 1 Week ago
Look at how much Bingo Blitz has improved! Change can seem scary but in the right hands, it always turns out great! Weve got a small makeover coming around the corner Blitzers, but dont worry! Weve been working on this for a while, and we promise youre going to love it! Tell us about a makeover in your life that turned out to be for the #better! Due to some technical difficulties with stories, today's daily gift contains the Story gift as well Freebie Link:
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