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Diese Seite enthält City Girl Life Abstimmungslinks von Spielern. Sie können klicken, um abzustimmen und Glam, Coins oder Metro Pass als Belohnung zu erhalten.

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Click to Vote for Jo!!, , ,
Click to Vote for Jo!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Click to Vote for Lisa!!, , ,
Click to Vote for Lisa!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Елена completed the mission: Leisure Day in City Girl!!, , ,
Елена completed the mission: Leisure Day in City Girl!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Елена completed the mission: Straighten Up in City Girl!!, , Елена is living the dream in the big city. Are you? Click here for an instant mystery bonus!,
Елена completed the mission: Straighten Up in City Girl!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Елена completed the mission: Déjà Vu in City Girl!!, , Елена is living the dream in the big city. Are you? Click here for an instant mystery bonus!,
Елена completed the mission: Déjà Vu in City Girl!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Елена completed the mission: Lost Items in City Girl!!, , Елена is living the dream in the big city. Are you? Click here for an instant mystery bonus!,
Елена completed the mission: Lost Items in City Girl!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Елена completed the mission: Open Mic in City Girl!!, , ,
Елена completed the mission: Open Mic in City Girl!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Елена completed the mission: Coffee Reconnaissance in City Girl!!, , ,
Елена completed the mission: Coffee Reconnaissance in City Girl!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Елена completed the mission: Puzzled in City Girl!!, , ,
Елена completed the mission: Puzzled in City Girl!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Елена is hanging with Natali in the big city!!, , Елена visited Natali-s apartment in City Girl. Click for your Bonus!,
Елена is hanging with Natali in the big city!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Елена completed the mission: Research Project in City Girl!!, , ,
Елена completed the mission: Research Project in City Girl!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Елена is hanging with Regine in the big city!!, , Елена visited Regine-s apartment in City Girl. Click for your Bonus!,
Елена is hanging with Regine in the big city!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Елена completed the mission: Take a Hike in City Girl!!, , Елена is living the dream in the big city. Are you? Click here for an instant mystery bonus!,
Елена completed the mission: Take a Hike in City Girl!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Елена completed the mission: Coffee Shop Blues in City Girl!!, , Елена is living the dream in the big city. Are you? Click here for an instant mystery bonus!,
Елена completed the mission: Coffee Shop Blues in City Girl!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Елена completed the mission: Coffee Reconnaissance in City Girl!!, , ,
Елена completed the mission: Coffee Reconnaissance in City Girl!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Brenda completed the mission: Zoey-s Experiment in City Girl!!, , Brenda is living the dream in the big city. Are you? Click here for an instant mystery bonus!,
Brenda completed the mission: Zoey-s Experiment in City Girl!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Jo completed the mission: Zoey-s Experiment in City Girl!!, , Jo is living the dream in the big city. Are you? Click here for an instant mystery bonus!,
Jo completed the mission: Zoey-s Experiment in City Girl!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Jo completed the mission: One Girl-s Trash... in City Girl!!, , ,
Jo completed the mission: One Girl-s Trash... in City Girl!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Gaby has become the Ultimate Celebrity Chef in City Girl Life!!, , All that hard work paid off. Gaby has reached the pinnacle of their career. On to the next challenge! Click for your Glam Reward!,
Gaby has become the Ultimate Celebrity Chef in City Girl Life!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Sunshine just increased their relationship level with Juliya!!, , Sunshine and Juliya are now Confidants in City Girl! Click for your Bonus!,
Sunshine just increased their relationship level with Juliya!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Concepcion is hanging with Clarita in the big city!!, , Concepcion visited Clarita-s apartment in City Girl. Click for your Bonus!,
Concepcion is hanging with Clarita in the big city!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Charo has become the Ultimate Visionaria de renombre in City Girl Life!!, , All that hard work paid off. Charo has reached the pinnacle of their career. On to the next challenge! Click for your Glam Reward!,
Charo has become the Ultimate Visionaria de renombre in City Girl Life!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Jo is hanging with Norma in the big city!!, , Jo visited Norma-s apartment in City Girl. Click for your Bonus!,
Jo is hanging with Norma in the big city!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Jo is hanging with Carole in the big city!!, , Jo visited Carole-s apartment in City Girl. Click for your Bonus!,
Jo is hanging with Carole in the big city!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Jo-s Knowledge skill just reached level 69 in City Girl Life!!, , ,
Jo-s Knowledge skill just reached level 69 in City Girl Life!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Jo is hanging with Dori-Lee in the big city!!, , Jo visited Dori-Lee-s apartment in City Girl. Click for your Bonus!,
Jo is hanging with Dori-Lee in the big city!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Jo-s Music skill just reached level 69 in City Girl Life!!, , ,
Jo-s Music skill just reached level 69 in City Girl Life!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Jo is hanging with Chana Annie in the big city!!, , Jo visited Chana Annie-s apartment in City Girl. Click for your Bonus!,
Jo is hanging with Chana Annie in the big city!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Jo-s Safety Sense skill just reached level 69 in City Girl Life!!, , ,
Jo-s Safety Sense skill just reached level 69 in City Girl Life!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Jo is hanging with NatalieAnn in the big city!!, , Jo visited NatalieAnn-s apartment in City Girl. Click for your Bonus!,
Jo is hanging with NatalieAnn in the big city!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Jo visited Paula for the first time!!, , Jo visited Paula-s apartment in City Girl Life. This place is cozy! Click for your Free Bonus!,
Jo visited Paula for the first time!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Jo is hanging with Lorena in the big city!!, , Jo visited Lorena-s apartment in City Girl. Click for your Bonus!,
Jo is hanging with Lorena in the big city!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Jo-s Cooking skill just reached level 69 in City Girl Life!!, , ,
Jo-s Cooking skill just reached level 69 in City Girl Life!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Jo is hanging with Allison in the big city!!, , Jo visited Allison-s apartment in City Girl. Click for your Bonus!,
Jo is hanging with Allison in the big city!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Jo-s Observation skill just reached level 69 in City Girl Life!!, , ,
Jo-s Observation skill just reached level 69 in City Girl Life!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Jo visited Jessica for the first time!!, , Jo visited Jessica-s apartment in City Girl Life. This place is cozy! Click for your Free Bonus!,
Jo visited Jessica for the first time!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Jo is hanging with Sandy in the big city!!, , Jo visited Sandy-s apartment in City Girl. Click for your Bonus!,
Jo is hanging with Sandy in the big city!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Jo is hanging with Aldy in the big city!!, , Jo visited Aldy-s apartment in City Girl. Click for your Bonus!,
Jo is hanging with Aldy in the big city!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Jo is hanging with Ilia in the big city!!, , Jo visited Ilia-s apartment in City Girl. Click for your Bonus!,
Jo is hanging with Ilia in the big city!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Strei is hanging with Mariana in the big city!!, , Strei visited Mariana-s apartment in City Girl. Click for your Bonus!,
Strei is hanging with Mariana in the big city!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Strei completed the mission: Abzählen in City Girl!!, , Strei is living the dream in the big city. Are you? Click here for an instant mystery bonus!,
Strei completed the mission: Abzählen in City Girl!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Gabriela visited Mónica for the first time!!, , Gabriela visited Mónica-s apartment in City Girl Life. This place is cozy! Click for your Free Bonus!,
Gabriela visited Mónica for the first time!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Ousley has become the Ultimate Celebrity Chef in City Girl Life!!, , All that hard work paid off. Ousley has reached the pinnacle of their career. On to the next challenge! Click for your Glam Reward!,
Ousley has become the Ultimate Celebrity Chef in City Girl Life!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Ousley-s Fashion skill just reached level 12 in City Girl Life!!, , ,
Ousley-s Fashion skill just reached level 12 in City Girl Life!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Dawn is hanging with Heather in the big city!!, , Dawn visited Heather-s apartment in City Girl. Click for your Bonus!,
Dawn is hanging with Heather in the big city!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Lorena is hanging with Lucy in the big city!!, , Lorena visited Lucy-s apartment in City Girl. Click for your Bonus!,
Lorena is hanging with Lucy in the big city!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Brenda completed the mission: Coffee Shop Blues in City Girl!!, , Brenda is living the dream in the big city. Are you? Click here for an instant mystery bonus!,
Brenda completed the mission: Coffee Shop Blues in City Girl!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Jhoanymar is hanging with Charo in the big city!!, , Jhoanymar visited Charo-s apartment in City Girl. Click for your Bonus!,
Jhoanymar is hanging with Charo in the big city!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Rose-Lise completed the mission: Organiser la semaine in City Girl!!, , ,
Rose-Lise completed the mission: Organiser la semaine in City Girl!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Diane is hanging with Jo in the big city!!, , Diane visited Jo-s apartment in City Girl. Click for your Bonus!,
Diane is hanging with Jo in the big city!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Jo-s Investigation skill just reached level 68 in City Girl Life!!, , ,
Jo-s Investigation skill just reached level 68 in City Girl Life!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Brenda completed the mission: Plan for the Week in City Girl!!, , ,
Brenda completed the mission: Plan for the Week in City Girl!!
2 Jahr 2 Monat vor
Siham completed the mission: Prendre le temps de humer un café in City Girl!!, , ,
Siham completed the mission: Prendre le temps de humer un café in City Girl!!
2 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Rosa Maria completed the mission: Gato perdido in City Girl!!, , ,
Rosa Maria completed the mission: Gato perdido in City Girl!!
2 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Rose-Lise is hanging with Alyona in the big city!!, , Rose-Lise visited Alyona-s apartment in City Girl. Click for your Bonus!,
Rose-Lise is hanging with Alyona in the big city!!
2 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Siham completed the mission: La frénésie des films in City Girl!!, , ,
Siham completed the mission: La frénésie des films in City Girl!!
2 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Rosa Maria is hanging with Christine in the big city!!, , Rosa Maria visited Christine-s apartment in City Girl. Click for your Bonus!,
Rosa Maria is hanging with Christine in the big city!!
2 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Brenda completed the mission: Stop and Smell the Coffee in City Girl!!, , ,
Brenda completed the mission: Stop and Smell the Coffee in City Girl!!
2 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Jo completed the mission: Stop and Smell the Coffee in City Girl!!, , ,
Jo completed the mission: Stop and Smell the Coffee in City Girl!!
2 Jahr 3 Monat vor
Belen is hanging with Catherine in the big city!!, , Belen visited Catherine-s apartment in City Girl. Click for your Bonus!,
Belen is hanging with Catherine in the big city!!
2 Jahr 3 Monat vor

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