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Nižšie Obsahuje darčekové odkazy na materiály ako palivo, skimmer, návnada, oheň atď. Aktualizácie často.

  1. Ak máte radi preklad a chcete preložiť viac stránok. Alebo ak zistíte akúkoľvek chybu v preklade, pošlite komentár.
  2. Navštívte každý deň a požiadajte o dennú dávku bezplatného materiálu.
  3. Ak potrebujete pomoc, použite komentár na Facebooku dole.
  4. Na nárokovanie alebo posielanie darčekov nemusíte byť priatelia. Preto nie sú bonusovými odkazmi pre priateľov.
  5. Ak sa vám nedarí nárokovať si darčekové odkazy, obnovte stránku a vždy vyskúšajte najnovšie príspevky, na ktoré nekliknete.
  6. Poznámka: Názvy položiek sú trochu neporiadok. Položky po umiestnení kurzora myši zobrazia podrobnosti o každom prepojení.
 Ana  is farming with fewer clicks! Ana  used Vehicle Parts to build a better Water Tractor in their Garage! Now it can cover even more plots with a single click, and there are extra parts to share!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is farming with fewer clicks! Ana  used Vehicle Parts to build a better Water Seeder in their Garage! Now it can cover even more plots with a single click, and there are extra parts to share!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is farming with fewer clicks! Ana  used Vehicle Parts to build a better Water Tractor in their Garage! Now it can cover even more plots with a single click, and there are extra parts to share!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is farming with fewer clicks! Ana  used Vehicle Parts to build a better Harvester in their Garage! Now it can cover even more plots with a single click, and there are extra parts to share!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is farming with fewer clicks! Ana  used Vehicle Parts to build a better Tractor in their Garage! Now it can cover even more plots with a single click, and there are extra parts to share!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is farming with fewer clicks! Ana  used Vehicle Parts to build a better Tractor in their Garage! Now it can cover even more plots with a single click, and there are extra parts to share!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is farming with fewer clicks! Ana  used Vehicle Parts to build a better Water Seeder in their Garage! Now it can cover even more plots with a single click, and there are extra parts to share!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is farming with fewer clicks! Ana  used Vehicle Parts to build a better Harvester in their Garage! Now it can cover even more plots with a single click, and there are extra parts to share!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is farming with fewer clicks! Ana  used Vehicle Parts to build a better Tractor in their Garage! Now it can cover even more plots with a single click, and there are extra parts to share!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is farming with fewer clicks! Ana  used Vehicle Parts to build a better Water Harvester in their Garage! Now it can cover even more plots with a single click, and there are extra parts to share!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is farming with fewer clicks! Ana  used Vehicle Parts to build a better Water Tractor in their Garage! Now it can cover even more plots with a single click, and there are extra parts to share!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is now level 11 in FarmVille
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9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is sharing free gifts! Ana  is sharing a free Comet Tail and wants you to have one. Accept now to send a gift back!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  needs your help to uncover a Spoilt Grain! Ana  has found a Spoilt Grain! Help to uncover the prize hidden within!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is making progress on their Discarded Popcorn and wants you to claim their spare parts! Ana  is over half-way finished with their Discarded Popcorn! They have some left-over materials and want to share them with you!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  has uncovered a Grain Sorting that was hidden in Valley Treasures! Ana  has finished uncovering a Grain Sorting! They have some leftover materials, so get some now!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  needs your help! Ana  needs help selling their Felt Cape.  If you help, they will help you too! Sell Felt Cape to win a Kayden Cat!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is making progress on their Spoilt Grain and wants you to claim their spare parts! Ana  is over half-way finished with their Spoilt Grain! They have some left-over materials and want to share them with you!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana asked you a question: Would I prefer to do indoor daily chores or outdoor daily chores? Ana is looking to find out if they will be on the Cinderella vs Snow White Personality list and wants to know what you think.
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  needs your help to uncover a Spoilt Grain! Ana  has found a Spoilt Grain! Help to uncover the prize hidden within!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is handing out FREE SAMPLES! Ana  is giving away free Hybrid Loganberry Bushels in their Market Stall. Holy moly! Act fast! Ana
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  found some fuel to share with you so that you can farm faster! Ana  was plowing on their farm and struck oil - black gold! They can
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  needs your help to uncover a Discarded Popcorn! Ana  has found a Discarded Popcorn! Help to uncover the prize hidden within!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  needs your help to uncover a Spoilt Grain! Ana  has found a Spoilt Grain! Help to uncover the prize hidden within!
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9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is now level 14 in FarmVille
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9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is carving a spectacular Valley Fair out of stone! Ana  is carving a spectacular Valley Fair into a marvel of nature in FarmVille
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is building their Valley Fair and needs parts! Ana  needs another Cement Brick to complete their Valley Fair. Help out and get one for yourself, too!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  thinks Ginger has the best Floating Hyacinth Bushels around! Ana  just visited Ginger
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9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is building their Valley Fair and needs parts! Ana  needs another Glass Pane to complete their Valley Fair. Help out and get one for yourself, too!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  has uncovered a Grocer Owl that was hidden in Valley Treasures! Ana  has finished uncovering a Grocer Owl! They have some leftover materials, so get some now!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  thinks Igor Ricardo has the best Red Globe Grapes Bushels around! Ana  just visited Igor Ricardo
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9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is trying to make goods but is lacking some bushels in FarmVille! Ana  was hard at work in their Craftshop but is fresh out of Buddha Belly Bushels! Without those bushels they won
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is asking their friends for the Icecrown Pegasus and also sharing one too! Ana  is celebrating the Rio De Janerio and needs a Icecrown Pegasus! If you help out, you
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  needs your help! Ana  needs help selling their Party Hat.  If you help, they will help you too! Sell Party Hat to win a Fancy Chimp!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana asked you a question: Would I prefer to do indoor daily chores or outdoor daily chores? Ana is looking to find out if they will be on the Cinderella vs Snow White Personality list and wants to know what you think.
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is now level 16 in FarmVille
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9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana asked you a question: Would I prefer to get a ring proposal or a kiss proposal? Ana is looking to find out if they will be on the Cinderella vs Snow White Personality list and wants to know what you think.
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is climbing to the highest mountain! Ana  has discovered the joy of building a gigantic Valley Fair in FarmVille
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is building their Valley Fair and needs parts! Ana  needs another Glass Pane to complete their Valley Fair. Help out and get one for yourself, too!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  has uncovered a Farmhand Ocelot that was hidden in Valley Treasures! Ana  has finished uncovering a Farmhand Ocelot! They have some leftover materials, so get some now!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  needs your help to uncover a Ruined Food Stall! Ana  has found a Ruined Food Stall! Help to uncover the prize hidden within!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  needs your help! Ana  needs help selling their Party Hat.  If you help, they will help you too! Sell Party Hat to win a Fancy Chimp!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  dropped this Building Cement from a Valley Fair! Ana  has so much stuff that they could not carry this Building Cement! Grab it now and build your own Valley Fair!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  needs your help! Ana  needs help selling their Top Hat.  If you help, they will help you too! Sell Top Hat to win a Fresh Haricut Rooster!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  needs your help to uncover a Spoilt Grain! Ana  has found a Spoilt Grain! Help to uncover the prize hidden within!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana asked you a question: Would I prefer to get a ring proposal or a kiss proposal? Ana is looking to find out if they will be on the Cinderella vs Snow White Personality list and wants to know what you think.
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is asking their friends for the Feather Head Dragon and also sharing one too! Ana  is celebrating the Rio De Janerio and needs a Feather Head Dragon! If you help out, you
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  found some fuel to share with you so that you can farm faster! Ana  was plowing on their farm and struck oil - black gold! They can
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana asked you a question: Would I prefer blue princess dress or golden gown bodice? Ana is looking to find out if they will be on the Cinderella vs Snow White Personality list and wants to know what you think.
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  needs your help to uncover a Ruined Food Stall! Ana  has found a Ruined Food Stall! Help to uncover the prize hidden within!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  found some fuel to share with you so that you can farm faster! Ana  was plowing on their farm and struck oil - black gold! They can
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  dropped this Building Cement from a Valley Fair! Ana  has so much stuff that they could not carry this Building Cement! Grab it now and build your own Valley Fair!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is carving a spectacular Valley Fair out of stone! Ana  is carving a spectacular Valley Fair into a marvel of nature in FarmVille
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  dropped this Glass Pane from a Valley Fair! Ana  has so much stuff that they could not carry this Glass Pane! Grab it now and build your own Valley Fair!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is building their Valley Fair and needs parts! Ana  needs another Cement Brick to complete their Valley Fair. Help out and get one for yourself, too!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is climbing to the highest mountain! Ana  has discovered the joy of building a gigantic Valley Fair in FarmVille
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  is building their Valley Fair and needs parts! Ana  needs another Glass Pane to complete their Valley Fair. Help out and get one for yourself, too!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred
 Ana  needs your help! Ana  needs help selling their Face Masks.  If you help, they will help you too! Sell Face Masks to win a Spa Day Duck!
Gift Links
9 mesiac 1 týždeň pred

Dôležité tipy, ktoré vám pomôžu reklamovať a zdieľať FarmVille darčeky

  1. Môžete si uplatniť nárok FarmVille odkazy na položky kliknutím na ňu alebo kliknutím na tlačidlo začiarknutia a zbierať.
  2. Za normálnych okolností je možné reklamovať položky s menším počtom kliknutí alebo najnovšie položky.
  3. Môžete tiež použiť tlačidlo zhromažďovania všetkých na automatické zhromažďovanie všetkých odkazov na jednej stránke. Nezabudnite upraviť časový interval podľa rýchlosti vášho systému.
  4. Všetky položky ukazujú aktuálny čas, kedy sa skutočne vygenerovali, najnovšie položky majú väčšiu šancu na získanie bonusu.
  5. Na rovnaký odkaz nemôžete nárokovať bonus viackrát. Niektoré odkazy možno nefungujú. To neznamená, že všetky odkazy nefungujú.
  6. Výhoda prihlásenia pomocou Facebooku zabráni dvojitému kliknutiu na ten istý príspevok. Šetrí to čas. Po nárokovaní položiek môžete stránku obnoviť a zobraziť nové odkazy.
  7. Filtrovať všetky FarmVille návštevy darčekov kliknutím a menami FarmVille Stránka filtrovania položiek.
  8. Každý materiál, ktorý zdieľate, bude nárokovať každý a na oplátku vám poskytne rovnaký počet položiek od každého používateľa. Napríklad: (vaša 1 odoslaná položka) + (má 5 kliknutí od ostatných) = (Do vášho dostanete 5 rovnakých materiálov FarmVille Game ) Nezabudnite, že vaše zdieľanie zvýši vaše šance na väčšie využitie FarmVille položka.
  9. Poznámka: Vyššie uvedená teória funguje pre niekoľko položiek alebo niekoľko hier.
  10. Na odoslanie položky použite ľubovoľný doplnok prehliadača alebo manuálne. Za kľúče tiež získate kľúče. Ak chcete odoslať svoje príspevky, prejdite sem.

Táto webová stránka nie je pridružená FarmVille. Obchodné značky sú majetkom príslušných vlastníkov. Obsah a materiály hier Autorské práva FarmVille. Všetky práva vyhradené..
