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Posted - 2 years 9 months ago
FISHAO players, don't miss the riddle from Turkish moderators!Post your answer on Fishao Turkey,good luck!!
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Posted - 2 years 9 months ago
Buonasera cari pescatori oggi vi proponiamo un nuovo contest:Dovete indovinare quanta energia si pu ricavare scambiando tutti questi cocchi ( da Johni ) che a
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Posted - 2 years 9 months ago
-ETKNLK BTMTR--EVENT ALREADY FINISHED-Glde sakl ka Balkpapel ve Balk liras var?
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Posted - 2 years 9 months ago
Win 50-30-20 Fishcoins or 30K Fishbucks.Who is playing ghost here? Post the answer and your FISHAO nickname in the comments.Happy Halloween
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Posted - 2 years 9 months ago
Congrats jonatan_garcia, a 1704 Megalodon, that is something! 50 coins for you. Also for Ludmila777 and GeTHoR, no luck with the Megalodons?Happy fishing for you all!
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Posted - 2 years 9 months ago
Check upcoming events Catch the largest fish.Extra incentive 1st/2nd/3rd places will get extra 50/50/50 Fish Coins!You need a strong line for this event.BTW, halloween event is still open,happy fishing!
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Posted - 2 years 9 months ago
Halloween in FISHAO! That was a great riddle made by mods from Italy, thanks!It was not easy StormX, SUMMONER and Xanthichthys won the fishcoins (50/30/20) and baokhangle gets the fishbucks (30K) for the funniest answer Thanks for playing FISHAO! Tell your friends how you do it
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Posted - 2 years 10 months ago
You got it right, the Humpback aka The Black Devil already started! 3 winners are Alisek04, jelleke59 and toptynka69Tight lines and happy fishing!
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Posted - 2 years 10 months ago
Have a look, FISHAO Turkey prepared a riddle, you can win Fishcoins
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Posted - 2 years 10 months ago
Win 3 x 50 Fishcoins, prepare for Halloween!!Damian is telling something to Agloolik, guess what?!Please post name of the fish, bait, and the exact date and time and your FISHAO nickname. 3 random players win 50 Coins.
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Posted - 2 years 10 months ago
Winner of the Shiny event are mailson25, Grifko and Monalisa_Congrats, you get 50 Fishcoins each and as promised we doubled the event reward:1st mailson25 + 20712 Fishbucks 2nd Grifko+ 16908 Fishbucks 3rd Monalisa_ + 13104 Fishbucks
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Posted - 2 years 10 months ago
Shiny is back! Win 3 x 50 extra Fish Coins!Check upcoming events Catch the most shinies.Grab some shiny potion, find the perfect spot and fish, fish, fish.Extra incentive we don't know the event price yet. But we will double the event price for the 1st/2nd/3rd places!Shiny times!
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Posted - 2 years 11 months ago
FISHAO Italia is back with a new riddle where you could go nuts! Try it and post your answer on FISHAO Italia.Happy fishing!
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Posted - 3 years 2 Weeks ago
Rodney says thank you, that was so easy!We have 3 random winners baokhangle, Velho_Biel0924 and Majek9125 Fish Coins are on your accounts.Thanks for playing FISHAO!
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Posted - 3 years 2 Weeks ago
Win 3 x 25 Fishcoins!Rodney is back. As always he does not know which fish he! Tell us the name and location of the fish.Post your answer here, don't forget your FISHAO nickname.3 lucky winners will receive 25 Fishcoins
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Posted - 3 years 1 month ago
Buongiorno pescatori giunto il momento di pescare un pesce raro in tutti questi radar si nasconde un famoso pesce 5 stelle che puoi pescare anche in altre
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Posted - 3 years 1 month ago
Thank you for sharing your ways to play the game!The great FISHAO community is still alive!50 Fish Coins were sent to TOUSEK, uSalcha and yul782.Happy fishing!
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Posted - 3 years 1 month ago
Win 3x50 Fish Coins, tell us how you play FISHAO! Six month now that support for the Adobe Flash plugin ended.Despite the technical difficulties we see thousands of logins a day, around 100 people online at the same time.Tell us how you manage to play FISHAO in the comments. 3 random players win 50 Fish Coins.Happy fishing!
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Posted - 3 years 2 months ago
Good catch! The moderator (yes, it is the legendary Salty) is about to catch an 77 cm Alabama Sturgeon.The clue was the video
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Posted - 3 years 2 months ago
Good catch! The moderator (yes, it is the legendary Salty) is about to catch an 77 cm Alabama Sturgeon.The clue was the video Link viktor_2 Majek91 and Barboraaa win 25 Coins,
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Posted - 3 years 2 months ago
Here is a question for you what fish is this moderator catching next? You might want to browse a little Bonus Question What is wrong in this picture?Post your answers in the comments, don't forget your FISHAO nickname. 3 random winners (with both answ
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Posted - 3 years 2 months ago
Here is a question for you what fish is this moderator catching next? You might want to browse a little Bonus Question What is wrong in this picture?Post your answers in the comments, don't forget your FISHAO nickname. 3 random winners (with both answers correct) win 25 Fish Coins. Happy fishing!
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Posted - 3 years 2 months ago
Salve amici fishaiosi..il nostro Rex ha finito di allevare tutti i pesci e non sapendo che fare si dato al giardinaggio Sapreste dire quante banconote ha speso per creare questo splendido giardino?dai la tua risposta scrivi il tuo nick e metti mi piac
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Posted - 3 years 2 months ago
Salve amici fishaiosi..il nostro Rex ha finito di allevare tutti i pesci e non sapendo che fare si dato al giardinaggio Sapreste dire quante banconote ha s
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Posted - 3 years 3 months ago
Very impressive skills!I think you used a magnifying glass SUMMONER and AmStranger guessed 420 - 50 coins eachTomy_J and 05alejandro guessed 416 - 30 coins eachCongrats and thanks for playing!
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Posted - 3 years 3 months ago
Very impressive skills!I think you used a magnifying glass SUMMONER and AmStranger guessed 420 - 50 coins each
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Posted - 3 years 3 months ago
Guess the number of Pale Chubs and win 100 / 50 / 30 / 20 Fish Coins!Post your answer in comments, dont forget you FISHAO nickname.4 random winners will be drawn next week.Closest guess for 50 / 30 / 20 coins, exact match 100 Coins!Good luck!
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Posted - 3 years 3 months ago
Guess the number of Pale Chubs and win 100 / 50 / 30 / 20 Fish Coins!Post your answer in comments, dont forget you FISHAO nickname.4 random winners will be drawn next week.
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Posted - 3 years 4 months ago
Ciao amici giocatori di Fishao I tre Mod italiani hanno deciso di regalare a fishao un PartyVip nella splendida location di Sibiry ... sono stati invitati ta
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Posted - 3 years 4 months ago
Ciao amici giocatori di Fishao I tre Mod italiani hanno deciso di regalare a fishao un PartyVip nella splendida location di Sibiry ... sono stati invitati tanti personaggi famosi ... sta a voi identificarli Attenzione, alcuni NPC hanno deciso di intruf
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Posted - 3 years 4 months ago
Do you remember the VIP's from 1st of April? Yes, that was a joke, but this riddle on Fishao Italia is not. Put on your thinking hats and post the answer on their page.
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Posted - 3 years 4 months ago
In vista dell'estate Mitch ha deciso che dobbiamo restare tutti in forma .. cos ha deciso di aprire una palestra per tutti i giocatori di Fishao purtroppo ha esagerato un po 'con attrezzature e suppellettili e ora non si ricorda pi quante banconote ha speso ... potresti aiutarlo? In view of the summer Mitch has decided that we must all stay in shape .. so he has decided to open a gym for all Fishao players unfortunately he has exaggerated a bit with equipment and furnishings and now he no longer remembers how many banknotes he spent ... could you help him?dai la tua risposta aggiungi il tuo nick di gioco..metti mi piace e condividigive your answer add your game nick .. like and share
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Posted - 3 years 4 months ago
In vista dell'estate Mitch ha deciso che dobbiamo restare tutti in forma .. cos ha deciso di aprire una palestra per tutti i giocatori di Fishao purtroppo h
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Posted - 3 years 4 months ago
In vista dell'estate Mitch ha deciso che dobbiamo restare tutti in forma .. cos ha deciso di aprire una palestra per tutti i giocatori di Fishao purtroppo ha esagerato un po 'con attrezzature e suppellettili e ora non si ricorda pi quante banconote ha s
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Posted - 3 years 5 months ago
Attention all FISHAO players. To promote the game we have invited very popular people to Pinheira Beach.You can meet them tonight between 19.00 and 19:30 UTC/GMT on English server.They promised to accept all friends request.Keep your eyes open.Very well connected Moderator Duchessa was able to shoot a photo behind the stages, thanks.
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Posted - 3 years 5 months ago
Rex sends a big thanks!The right answer is shown on the scanner now.The 3 random winners (25 Fish Coins) are:jelleke59, nicu134 and Welcome08Thanks for playing FISHAO!
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Posted - 3 years 5 months ago
It is save to say, nobody likes Fish Breeder Rex, but will you help him anyway? His fish scanner is broken again!Help him out Post the 3 exact fish names in the comments.Dont forget your FISHAO nickname.Three random winners (with correct answer ^^) will receive 25 Fishcoins.
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Posted - 3 years 6 months ago
Specchio, specchio delle mie brame, chi la pi bella del reame?Sar la tua foto ad apparire nello specchio magico?Per la Festa dell8 Marzo abbiamo deciso di premiare la foto di donna fishao pi bella e originale. Non sei una donna? Niente paura, puoi sempre indossare una parrucca e dei vestiti femminili. Divertiti a trovare il look pi originale, invia una foto del tuo profilo con il tuo nickname. Non dimenticare di mettere like e condividere. Buona fortuna!Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?Will your photo appear in the magic mirror?For the 8 March party we decided to award the most beautiful and original photo of a fishao woman. Aren't you a woman? Don't worry, you can always wear a wig and feminine clothes. Have fun finding the most original look, send a photo of your profile with your nickname. Don't forget to like and share. Good luck!
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Posted - 3 years 6 months ago
Specchio, specchio delle mie brame, chi la pi bella del reame?Sar la tua foto ad apparire nello specchio magico?Per la Festa dell8 Marzo abbiamo deciso
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Posted - 3 years 6 months ago
Buongiorno pescatori...ecco a voi il nuovo contest!Helena ha deciso di spostarsi dalla spiaggia viaggiando per tutte le aree di fishao...in ognuna di essa ha ricevuto un souvenir da qualche personaggio del gioco...sfortunatamente non ha fatto in tempo a visitare un area..tocca a voi indovinare di quale si tratta Guarda attentamente tutto ci che Helena indossa e capirai dove stata! Ma noi vogliamo sapere quale area lei non ha ancora visitato.Dai la tua risposta-metti il tuo nick di gioco e condividi. Buona FortunaHello fishermen ... here is the new contest!Helena decided to move from the beach by traveling to all areas of fishao ... in each of them she received a souvenir from some character from the game ... unfortunately she didn't have time to visit an area ... it's up to you to guess which one it is Look carefully at everything Helena is wearing and you will understand where she has been! But we want to know which area you haven't visited yet.Give your answer - put in your game nick and share. Good luck
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Posted - 3 years 6 months ago
Buongiorno pescatori...ecco a voi il nuovo contest!Helena ha deciso di spostarsi dalla spiaggia viaggiando per tutte le aree di fishao...in ognuna di essa ha r
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Posted - 3 years 6 months ago
Buongiorno pescatori...ecco a voi il nuovo contest!Helena ha deciso di spostarsi dalla spiaggia viaggiando per tutte le aree di fishao...in ognuna di essa ha r See More
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Posted - 3 years 6 months ago
Concorso di San Valentino:chi tra le donne npc l'ospite fortunato di Steve per una cena romantica?Valentine's Day contest:who among the npc women is Steve
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Posted - 3 years 6 months ago
Concorso di San Valentino:chi tra le donne npc l'ospite fortunato di Steve per una cena romantica?Valentine's Day contest:who among the npc women is Steve's lucky guest for a romantic dinner?dai la tua risposta-metti il tuo nick e condividi. buona fortunagive your answer-put your nickname and share. good luck
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Posted - 3 years 6 months ago
Concorso di San Valentino:chi tra le donne npc l'ospite fortunato di Steve per una cena romantica?Valentine's Day contest:who among the npc women is Steve See More
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Posted - 3 years 7 months ago
NUOVO CONTEST-NEW CONTESTRisolvi questo cruciverba al nr 7 si nasconde il nome di un pesce quella sar la tua risposta! 1. Vuole 50 per dare 10 2. Non si consuma mai3. Ne da 10 ogni 74. Completarlo lobiettivo5. Lo cerchiamo ogni giorno6. Orizzontale Ci si pesca in squadre 6. Verticale Ha un negozio assortito7. Risposta del quiz8. Ha una folta pelliccia bianca9. Passeggia nel tuo giardinoNon dimenticate il vostro nick di gioco faremo un sorteggio e riceverete i vostri premi...clicca mi piace e condividi==============================Solve this crossword puzzle at number 7 hiding the name of a fish that will be your answer!1. He wants 50 to give 102. It never wears out3. From 10 every 74. Completing it is the goal5. We seek it every day6. Horizontal fishing in teams6. Vertical Has an assorted shop7. Quiz answer8. Has thick white fur9. Walk around your gardenDo not forget your game nick we will make a draw and you will receive your prizes ... click like and share
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Posted - 3 years 7 months ago
NUOVO CONTEST-NEW CONTESTRisolvi questo cruciverba al nr 7 si nasconde il nome di un pesce quella sar la tua risposta! 1. Vuole 50 per dare 10 2. Non si con
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Posted - 3 years 7 months ago
We havent forgotten the riddle!Only 3 players found the correct answer.And they are all playing after the End of Flash date, January 12th 2021!That makes us so happy, we double the prize!50 coins each for
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Posted - 3 years 7 months ago
We havent forgotten the riddle!Only 3 players found the correct answer.And they are all playing after the End of Flash date, January 12th 2021!That makes us so happy, we double the prize!50 coins each forThiago1441GTRLukasmarkoradivojevicHappy fishing!
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Posted - 3 years 7 months ago
We havent forgotten the riddle!Only 3 players found the correct answer.And they are all playing after the End of Flash date, January 12th 2021!That makes us so happy, we double the prize!50 coins each for See More
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