Posted - 7 years 2 months ago
TEAM COMP 14 - DOUBLE TROUBLE!!ROSTERS, RULES, SCHEDULE, PAYOUTS AND MORE!It's time to pit old and new together in a clash of veteran Titans, Purpose Built VS El Chaka!! This season will have a first... the wildcard fighters are worth twice as many points as normal fighters! Welcome to Team Competition 14! This season, the coaches are in total control as they have been asking for for years (literally). This season, for the first time, the coaches decided exactly who their teams would be. Your coach will be the SOLE communication between the teams and the Admin. So if you have any issues, please talk to your coach or teammates. If they don't know the answer, they can reach out to the Admin. The coach will also determine the matchups, double check the scores and help you strategize your way to victory. Both coaches will receive admin permission for the team comp page. The scores should be kept daily by the coaches and updated on the team comp page found here.
Link SCHEDULE:Competition starts Monday, Jun 19, 2 points week Jul 24, 2 ends Jul 3 2 (6 week comp)PAYOUTS:Winners This season, every registered fighter from the winning team will earn 10 gold + 5 hired trainers!!!! Gym named after winning team The Coach will earn 15,0 gold + 5 hired trainers!!!Losing team Will receive 2,0 gold each Coach will receive 3,5 goldMATCHUPS:The coach who is in 2nd place after each week's tournaments will choose the following week's matchups. They will post them on the Team Comp page as soon as they asap each week. If the matchups are not posted before the daily tournament is run, then there will be no matchup points awarded for that tournament so its imperative to post the matchups before Amateur has completed on Monday night. ONLY the two coaches will have authority/access to the team comp page to post the matchups.For example If a coach updates the team comp page with matchups at Monday 11:pm cst, then no matchup points are awarded for Amateur, but the rest of the week they will be.If a coach updates the team comp page with matchups at Wednesday 3pm cst, then no matchup points are awarded that week for Amateur or Flyweight but the rest of the week's tourneys are good.SCORING:This season is similar to past seasons in terms of scoring. We will give 1 point per position based on how many players there are in each weight class with a 5 point cap. The winner of a matchup also receives 1 point. (The wildcard fighters are double value each week)For example:If there are 3 players in Featherweight:#1 player 3 points#2 player 2 points#3 player 1 pointIf there are 6 players in Featherweight:#1 player 5 points#2 player 4 points#3 player 3 points#4 player 2 points#5 player 1 point#6 player 1 point for winning a matchup, so max points for any one regular fighter per week is 6 points, except during the final week of comp. Max points for wildcard fighter is 11 points, except during the final week of comp. (matchup points are not doubled for wildcard fighters)DOUBLE POINTS on last week of competition.If there are 5 players in a weight class:#1 player 1 player 8 points#3 player 6 points#4 player 4 points#5 player 2 point(wildcard fighters would be double that on last week of comp)WILDCARDSBeginning immediately, each team can create 4 new fighters. These fighters can belong to anyone, it does not matter who creates them or manages them.These wildcard fighters will be TWICE as VALUABLE as any other fighter on each team. (They will score double the normal points)The Coach must confirm these fighters to the admin (so there isn't any hanky panky.. like a player from team "A" creating a fighter name similar to someone on team "B" to try and sabotage). No, nothing like that would ever occur here at MMA Fight Club... Once the Coach confirms these new fighter's names to the admin, they will be added to the teams rosters. Once they are added, they cannot be substituted for any new fighter.The 4 new fighters from each team must be in the following weight classes:2 in Amateur2 in Featherweight (skipping flyweight as there is no guarantee it will work unfortunately, sorry)*IMPORTANT* The names of these wildcard fighters must use the following prefix...TC14DT_yournameexample TC14DT_YoHoTEAM ROSTERSAmatuer11x Wasteland PBgarbageman TECX Artman PB3ddy 14 TECspawn 187 PBX13 Chaka TECFlyweightAli Oneal TECTC6 Biteme TECblade 187 PBpanther 7 PBFeatherShaun B PB TC1 TECX12 Hizitzu TECborn canadian PB4orce TECUSMC PFC TECSimsonov PBblade 7 PB XXDamonXX PBMiddleweightTC6 Wasteland PBBozo Lives On PBben ruff TECHeavyweightMack The Attack PBTC5 Williewe 1TECCoach PB PBSuperheavymcdaddie TECNiev PBTC8 Chaka Antrax TECUnlimitedHizitzu TECDeathtrap 98 PB********************************************************************************IMPORTANT NOTE TO COACHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!********************************************************************************PLEASE READ THOROUGHLY *BEFORE* COMP STARTS!!!!!********************************************************************************If there are ANY issues/questions or anything that you do not completely understand, please address them now, before comp begins. Changing rules during comp is never good so if there is anything you do not understand or think should be changed, then PM both the Admin and the other coach ASAP!!*******************************************************************************Good luck BOTH TEAMS!!!
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