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Posted - 2 Hours 15 Minutes ago
There's an event in Sound City: Mus-mech day!Gain double experience for Battleground battles and Expeditions!:
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Posted - 2 Days 13 Hours ago
War of Machines!According to data of City's Department of Defense, individual mastery of Mus-mech pilots keeps growing every day. It's time to find out which band is the greatest when it comes to Mus-mech combats once again!War of the Machines is a unique event during which the bands will fight each other at the Battleground over the cool titles and decent rewards. Besides that every participant of the War can gain special containers and keys to them in the combat.Attention! All battles of War of machines event will happen according to "Survival" mode rules. Fighting in the "Survival" battle, the defeated Mus-mech doesn't just die right away, but in the end of the turn, which allows it to perform all the planned actions.General rulesAll the Mus-mechs that participate in War of Machines receive equal base power of 25 000. The final power is affected by enhancements of ranks, modules, residences and marks of distinction. A band may create only one squad (not less than 5 pilots). It takes Battleground pass to sign in for the squad.The commanders can gather a squad and send it into the battle. The band leader becomes a commander automatically and can promote other band members to commanders.A victory in the battle provides rating points to the band, while defeat reduces the band's rating. As the War of Machines is over, the best bands are rewarded by special ranks and gain bricks to develop their residences. The highest rank "Irresistibles of I rank" increases the bricks income by 75%. The higher is the place, the best is the reward. The band ranks are reserved by the bands until the next War of Machines.Looking for trophiesThe pilots get a chance to gain extra trophies during the combats of the War of the Machines and at Battlegrounds for 7 days. There's a chance that some cargo units and electronic keys remain undamaged after the defeat of enemy Mus-mech. It means that the pilots who take part in Mus-mech destruction can gain these units and keys to them. The trophies are shared only between the "active" pilots. More good news: the pilots of the Mus-mech which were destroyed in the first turn will gain a share of remaining equipment from the battlefield.There're two kinds of cargo modules which you can find and take: Three-ton and Ten-ton. The tonnage defines volume of valuable equipment and resources inside the cargo container. You need special keys to access the contents of Three-ton and Ten-ton: Triangular key and Binary key accordingly. The cargo containers and keys can't be stored in inventory forever. The built-in self-destruction system activates and destroys an object in 14 days.Secret unitAccording to the official information the Mus-mech pilots load cargo containers are loaded useful resources, torns, sweets, military food, breath control pills and various Mus-mech units, but some pilots are smugglers and load them with unique Magnetic amplifier super-unit.The unit's technology is not fully discovered but it's found out that it somehow affects the core structure and increases Mus-mech battle power. Equip the Magnetic amplifier into the free equipment slot to gain Attack and Armor bonuses. The unit can be modified by repeated find to +5 level and adds +20% Attack and +15% to Mus-mech Armor. The thermonuclear processes affect the unit's integrity in negative way, so exactly in 5 days the Magnetic amplifier shall break and crumble.To the trainingsThe Mus-mech pilots will receive additional reward for their participation in the War of the Machines. Useful units, such as Plasma grenade, Wave phaser or Proton grenade, are handed to all the responsible pilots. Visit the event at 2nd and 4th days to gain Triangular key and Binary key accordingly.We wish you good mood!The music is immortal!Best regards, MusicWars Administration:
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Posted - 4 Weeks 1 Day ago
Ringstone Day comes to Sound City!Defeat an enemy and receive 2 ringstones.:
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Posted - 4 Weeks 1 Day ago
Japanese fansThe brightest representatives of Japanese fan-clubs arrive to Sound City due to the tourism promotion program!Meet the sweet fans from the country of rising sun!:
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Posted - 2 months 3 Days ago
New Year generosity!Santa offers a unique chance to those, who failed to gain the Christmas artifacts. The final wave of presents contains ALL the Christmas artifacts and exclusive - Cryonizator!CryonizatorOver-compact device developed by professor Sondenberg based on microwave oven. The phasic gamma-transformation allows to synthesize the cryonic particles and integer them into the solid substance. In other words, it can turn the Usual stone into Cryonite.Cryonizator +10 can be activated up to 4 times a day and bring 20 Cryonite per use. This device shall serve its owner for good 30 days.Atention! 15000 3 in 1 sets which contain Santa's Presents, Elf's Presents and Snowman's Present are delivered to Sound City at special price.Hurry up! The final wave of presents ends on February, 1, 2022!We wish you good mood!The music is immortal!Best regards, MusicWars Administration.:
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Posted - 2 months 3 Days ago
Important reminder!We remind that sale of presents with DOUBLE chance to contain the unique Power Capacitor ends in one day. Upgrade your artifacts in time and gain the maximal advantage!We wish you good mood!The music is immortal!Best regards, MusicWars Administration.:
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Posted - 2 months 3 Days ago
Tournament Day comes to Sound City!Participate in the tournaments and receive double amount of credits, stars and MegaWatts!:
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Posted - 2 months 3 Days ago
Santa's last day!Santa has given all the presents away and prepares to fly for home. It's the last day to get the Christmas presents and upgrade the artifacts of this winter!Tomorrow the presents end, the Christmas club closes and the unused mandarins disappear, so the city residents have a short time to open the purchased presents and spend QUIDs.We wish you good mood!The music is immortal!Best regards, MusicWars Administration.:
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Posted - 2 months 3 Days ago
Hardcore Steel!"Hardcore Steel!" - yelled the Supreme Commander and broke the table with a fist. The order number 316 about the beginning of Mus-mech trainings begins right now.The training allows to rank all the pilots and determine the best officers. During the trainings the pilots' achievements and skills will be noted with prestigious ranks and personal rewards. The highly organized officers will receive the main prize: Red Button.The Mus-mech battles participants automatically participate in Hardcore Steel! All the experience point earned in Mus-mech battles become event points. They're counted for the special event rating. The event points are required to define the pilots' ranks inside the certain league and to define the best officers in the subgroups.For the demonstration of high battle abilities the Mus-mech pilots receive various ranks which give significant bonus to Mus-mech power, gain consolation prizes and the highest ranking officers win the most precious reward - Red Button!The highest rank, "Terminator", increases power of Mus-mech by 25%. Now all the ranks you receive during the event are active until the beginning of next similar event.The event participants are divided into 6 leagues. Each league is defined by one condition: musician's level (inclusive):- Diamond - 27-30 level;- Platinum - 23-26 level;- Gold - 19-22 level;- Silver - 15-18 level;- Bronze - 10-14 level;- Wooden - 6-9 level.The first 10 000 musicians in each league's rating will receive precious reward in Cryonite and Torns.The first 250 musicians in each league's rating will be granted access to the Red Button! The artifact significantly increases the number of achieved dominance points in battle over the territory.The higher is your position in rating, the stronger artifact you can obtain! The pilots who score 1 to 3 position shall gain access to the Red Button for 21 days. 3 times per day they can use it to gain +125% to dominance points on Territory! The bonus access requires some time and in this very case the recharge of Red Button takes 7 hours.Artifact's life time varies from 7 to 21 days depending on modification level.The winners and prize-takers shall be rewarded on February, 8Looking for trophiesDuring these 7 days the pilots gain a chance to obtain extra trophies during the battles. There's a chance that some cargo units and electronic keys remain undamaged after the defeat of enemy Mus-mech. It means that the pilots who take part in Mus-mech destruction can gain these units and keys to them. The trophies are shared only between the "active" pilots. More good news: the pilots of the Mus-mech which were destroyed in the first turn will gain a share of remaining equipment from the battlefield.There're two kinds of cargo modules which you can find and take: Three-ton and Ten-ton. The tonnage defines volume of valuable equipment and resources inside the cargo container. You need special keys to access the contents of Three-ton and Ten-ton: Triangular key and Binary key accordingly. The cargo containers and keys can't be stored in inventory forever. The built-in self-destruction system activates and destroys an object in 14 days.Secret unitAccording to the official information the Mus-mech pilots load cargo containers are loaded useful resources, torns, sweets, military food, breath control pills and various Mus-mech units, but some pilots are smugglers and load them with unique Magnetic amplifier super-unit.The unit's technology is not fully discovered but it's found out that it somehow affects the core structure and increases Mus-mech battle power. Equip the Magnetic amplifier into the free equipment slot to gain Attack and Armor bonuses. The unit can be modified by repeated find to +5 level and adds +20% Attack and +15% to Mus-mech Armor. The thermonuclear processes affect the unit's integrity in negative way, so exactly in 5 days the Magnetic amplifier shall break and crumble.To the trainingsThe Mus-mech pilots receive additional reward for presence at the field trainings. Useful units, such as Plasma grenade, Wave phaser or Proton grenade, are handed to all the responsible pilots. Visit the event at 2nd and 4th days to gain Triangular key and Binary key accordingly.ContractSheldon has contacted the sponsors of Field trainings and managed to gain additional exemptions for event participants. The pilots who sign the contract shall be guaranteed to get the wonderful prizes if all the requirements of the contracts are met. The requirements aren't hard to meet: you just need to participate the Mus-mech battles and get your team to the victory. The sponsors promise many torns and some useful units for the Mus-mech.We wish you good mood!The music is immortal!Best regards, MusicWars administration:
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Posted - 2 months 3 Days ago
MegaWatt Day!MegaWatt Day comes to Sound City!Win under the flag, participate in band tournaments and receive double amount of MegaWatts!:
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Posted - 2 months 3 Days ago
A cortege of Sweden fans comes to the city! The best representatives of Scandinavian peninsula want to check the city's hospitality personally.Welcome the stunning and beautiful Sweden fans!:
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Posted - 2 months 3 Days ago
The loving darlings celebrate Valentine's day on February 14. Fall in love, present valentines to each other and you'll be able to get Cupid's Amulet! The most active lover shall get gain a unique present: Exclusive Studio Design!Cupid's AmuletThe exact replica of the love god's weapon allows to summon Cupid himself into the territory battle. He'll perish the enemy with love arrow which can stun an enemy for 1-2 turns with some chance. The chance doubles if the enemy is of opposite gender. The owner also gains bonus to all parameters which depends on character's level.The amulet must be equipped for usage!Give the valentines to your friends and gain Cupid's Amulet +10 which drastically increases character parameters, has 100% chance to stun the opposite gender enemy and has a high chance to stun the enemy for 2 turns dealing maximal damage!Remember, you can obtain an amulet of highest level only during the "Valentine's day event!Love lettersThe holidays come to Sound City with St. Valentine's Day. You can enter the others' studios and express your signs of attentions to the friends and beloved ones, presenting valentines to them. The friends keep these valentines and can trade them for pleasant and useful gifts in a special event shop.You need Cupid's Coins to present valentines. You can receive coins only from the Love God who descends to Sound City every day and ask to fulfill three tasks for him.The most loving citizens can present a whole pack of scarlet hearts at once for a small fee. Such a present won't go unnoticed!Super-prize for the first Cupid!You become a participant of an unprecedented event linked to St. Valentine's Day once you present first valentine. Present as many valentines as you can during the event, become the first Cupid in Sound City and receive an EXCLUSIVE STUDIO DESIGN as present! The design shall be made personally for the winner according to his or her wishes.Double profitThe happy owners of the valentines can trade them for prizes and gifts in the special shop. Every day you can get 2 random studio items, 1 random weapon and 3 gifts of various size.Keep in mind that once the time ends the new gifts with new contents will be delivered to the shop and the old ones disappear!Evil ChestEvil Chests have appeared in the City's streets. They terrorize the passers-by and demand their credits. This issue has to be resolved once and forever! Maybe these chests aren't as simple as it appears to be on a first sight...We wish you good mood!The music is immortal!Best regards, MusicWars administration.:
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Posted - 2 months 3 Days ago
Tournament marathon!A long time ago, in a far away galaxy the two forces have clashed in a hard battle. The last Jedi rebel who lurked at far away planet Earth has been found by a Sith, the messenger of Galaxy Emperor himself!Before the Galaxy enforcers came there, Sound City Police has arrested both of them for breaking the shop showcase with their lightsabers.The Mayor has ordered the scientists to research formulas to transform the usual weapons into the Jedi swords and to run the Tournament Marathon while the rowdies are jailed.The participant of tournament marathon shall struggle for Torns, Cryonite and unique formulas: Force of Darkness and Force of Light. The personal achievements in the events and even presence may earn a fair reward: Gold Parachute. It contains zen-spirits or stem cells, graphite and 3 breath control pills, and with a chance Chocolate Grammy and ringstones.Any participant shall receive special tournament points for a stage. They're necessary to define the musician's position in the tournament top within an exact league. Each completed stage guarantees 100 points to each participant and the band tournament participants receive 100 points multiplied by the number of team participants per stage. Tournament winners shall gain extra 50% points compared to the other participants. The total score shall be multiplied by the coefficient of the league the musician belongs to.The event participants are divided into 6 leagues. Each league is defined by one condition: pilot's level:- Diamond - 27-30 level;- Platinum - 23-26 level;- Gold - 19-22 level;- Silver - 15-18 level;- Bronze - 11-14 level;- Wooden - 4-10 level.The first 10 000 musicians in each league's rating will receive precious reward in Cryonite and Torns.The first 250 musicians in each league's rating will gain the unique Force of Darkness formula! The formula allows to turn your weapon into the most dangerous weapon in Sound City history: Sword of Darkness! Force of Darkness dramatically increases the owner's strength and grants the owner with unique ability - it draws the enemy's life on hit and adds it to the owner's and prevents the enemies from fleeing. The most important quality of this sword is generation of up to 7 additional ringstones after victory in the clan war.The higher is your position in rating, the stronger formula you shall obtain! The musicians who score 1 to 3 positions shall get the Formula of Darkness +5 which adds +30% to character's strength!Formula's life time varies from 7 to 21 days depending on its level.The reward ceremony shall be held on February, 17!Archie's rewardArchie is ready to help all the active musicians. His special tasks will allow all the event participants to get Formula of Light. The tasks allow to upgrade the Formula of Light to +3 level and two more levels may be obtained for presence in the event at 1st and 5th days. The full +5 Formula of Light allows to transform your weapon into the Sword of Light, which increases it's owner's strength by +30% and can heal its master up to 4 times for 20-30%.Attention! During the tournament marathon the participation limits for tournament winners shall be lifted. You can join the tournaments without restrictions.Drinks and steroids!Barman Jack has got the mayor's license for the new cocktails. Now you can try Mexican, Octarium, Genesis and Stardust and increase your parameters.Those who have addiction and law troubles can purchase breath control pills at very good price.All these goods shall be available in drinks shop only during the Tournament Marathon!:
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Posted - 2 months 3 Days ago
Fight Club"Fight Club" organization runs an underground tournament once again. It's rumored that Henry Fukcer, the event organizer, has received 1 million credits to his personal account from an unknown sponsor. It's known for sure that the prizes and rewards for the tournament participants are provided by the event's main sponsor: "Tooth for a tooth" dental clinic.All the participants of Fight Club receive various ranks which grant tangible bonus to character's parameters and guarantee consolation prizes while the leaders gain most precious rewards.Rise your fists, storm into the RING and become a leader to win Henry Fukcer's main prize!The participation terms remain intact: the master-judges shall judge your battle efficiency and grant points for victories in Territorial or Clan-war battles. Once you gain a necessary score, you receive access to the RING. One fight on the ring costs 1 fist 3 fists allow to unleash a Super-attack on your enemy: character's parameters shall be increased by +50%!A victory on the RING guarantees a sum of event points. Fight club measures participants' efficiency by their numbers and the most worthy club members shall gain prestigious ranks that increase character's parameters during the upcoming battles. Now all the ranks you receive during the event are active until the beginning of next similar event.The stronger is your enemy, the more points you can earn!Each fighter has a chance to win secret cases and keys for them for the victories on the Ring. The cases contain useful resources, sweets, VIP-card, Torns, used to play Wheel of Fortune and special items: weapon - Skullcrusher knuckles and accessories: Shorts and Mouth guard. Red case is way more rich than the black one. Be careful! The cases and keys are guarded by electronic self-destruction system and shall be stored only for 14 days!Event points are necessary to determine musicians' ranks in the event rating within a certain league.The event participants are divided into 6 leagues. Each league is defined by one condition: musician's level (inclusive):- Diamond - 27-30 level;- Platinum - 23-26 level;- Gold - 19-22 level;- Silver - 15-18 level;- Bronze - 10-14 level;- Wooden - 4-9 level.The first 10 000 musicians in each league's rating will receive precious reward in Cryonite and Torns.The first 250 musicians in each league's rating will gain unique artifact: Fukcer! The artifact notably increases amount of dominance points you gain in territory battles.The higher is your rank in the rating, the stronger artifact you gain! The musicians who score 1, 2 and 3 places shall gain Golden Fukcer which adds +75% to dominance points on Territory!The artifact's lifetime is 7 to 21 days depending on its power.Rewarding ceremony of champions and prize-winners of Fight Club event will be held in February, 26Henry Fukcer and "Fight club" organization raise the bets!Since this moment the high ranks obtained during the event shall add notable bonus to the parameters. And those who obtain the "Angel of Death" rank shall gain +100% bonus to the parameters!We wish you good mood!The music is immortal! Best regards, MusicWars Administration.:
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Posted - 2 months 3 Days ago
Sound City runs an event: Mission Day!Complete missions on the city map and gain double amount of credits and stars!:
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Posted - 2 months 1 Week ago
The loving darlings celebrate Valentine's day on February 14. Fall in love, present valentines to each other and you'll be able to get Cupid's Amulet! The most active lover shall get gain a unique present: Exclusive Studio Design!Cupid's AmuletThe exact replica of the love god's weapon allows to summon Cupid himself into the territory battle. He'll perish the enemy with love arrow which can stun an enemy for 1-2 turns with some chance. The chance doubles if the enemy is of opposite gender. The owner also gains bonus to all parameters which depends on character's level.The amulet must be equipped for usage!Give the valentines to your friends and gain Cupid's Amulet +10 which drastically increases character parameters, has 100% chance to stun the opposite gender enemy and has a high chance to stun the enemy for 2 turns dealing maximal damage!Remember, you can obtain an amulet of highest level only during the "Valentine's day event!Love lettersThe holidays come to Sound City with St. Valentine's Day. You can enter the others' studios and express your signs of attentions to the friends and beloved ones, presenting valentines to them. The friends keep these valentines and can trade them for pleasant and useful gifts in a special event shop.You need Cupid's Coins to present valentines. You can receive coins only from the Love God who descends to Sound City every day and ask to fulfill three tasks for him.The most loving citizens can present a whole pack of scarlet hearts at once for a small fee. Such a present won't go unnoticed!Super-prize for the first Cupid!You become a participant of an unprecedented event linked to St. Valentine's Day once you present first valentine. Present as many valentines as you can during the event, become the first Cupid in Sound City and receive an EXCLUSIVE STUDIO DESIGN as present! The design shall be made personally for the winner according to his or her wishes.Double profitThe happy owners of the valentines can trade them for prizes and gifts in the special shop. Every day you can get 2 random studio items, 1 random weapon and 3 gifts of various size.Keep in mind that once the time ends the new gifts with new contents will be delivered to the shop and the old ones disappear!Evil ChestEvil Chests have appeared in the City's streets. They terrorize the passers-by and demand their credits. This issue has to be resolved once and forever! Maybe these chests aren't as simple as it appears to be on a first sight...We wish you good mood!The music is immortal!Best regards, MusicWars administration.:
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Posted - 2 months 1 Week ago
A cortege of Sweden fans comes to the city! The best representatives of Scandinavian peninsula want to check the city's hospitality personally.Welcome the stunning and beautiful Sweden fans!:
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Posted - 2 months 1 Week ago
MegaWatt Day!MegaWatt Day comes to Sound City!Win under the flag, participate in band tournaments and receive double amount of MegaWatts!:
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Posted - 2 months 1 Week ago
Tournament marathon!A long time ago, in a far away galaxy the two forces have clashed in a hard battle. The last Jedi rebel who lurked at far away planet Earth has been found by a Sith, the messenger of Galaxy Emperor himself!Before the Galaxy enforcers came there, Sound City Police has arrested both of them for breaking the shop showcase with their lightsabers.The Mayor has ordered the scientists to research formulas to transform the usual weapons into the Jedi swords and to run the Tournament Marathon while the rowdies are jailed.The participant of tournament marathon shall struggle for Torns, Cryonite and unique formulas: Force of Darkness and Force of Light. The personal achievements in the events and even presence may earn a fair reward: Gold Parachute. It contains zen-spirits or stem cells, graphite and 3 breath control pills, and with a chance Chocolate Grammy and ringstones.Any participant shall receive special tournament points for a stage. They're necessary to define the musician's position in the tournament top within an exact league. Each completed stage guarantees 100 points to each participant and the band tournament participants receive 100 points multiplied by the number of team participants per stage. Tournament winners shall gain extra 50% points compared to the other participants. The total score shall be multiplied by the coefficient of the league the musician belongs to.The event participants are divided into 6 leagues. Each league is defined by one condition: pilot's level:- Diamond - 27-30 level;- Platinum - 23-26 level;- Gold - 19-22 level;- Silver - 15-18 level;- Bronze - 11-14 level;- Wooden - 4-10 level.The first 10 000 musicians in each league's rating will receive precious reward in Cryonite and Torns.The first 250 musicians in each league's rating will gain the unique Force of Darkness formula! The formula allows to turn your weapon into the most dangerous weapon in Sound City history: Sword of Darkness! Force of Darkness dramatically increases the owner's strength and grants the owner with unique ability - it draws the enemy's life on hit and adds it to the owner's and prevents the enemies from fleeing. The most important quality of this sword is generation of up to 7 additional ringstones after victory in the clan war.The higher is your position in rating, the stronger formula you shall obtain! The musicians who score 1 to 3 positions shall get the Formula of Darkness +5 which adds +30% to character's strength!Formula's life time varies from 7 to 21 days depending on its level.The reward ceremony shall be held on February, 17!Archie's rewardArchie is ready to help all the active musicians. His special tasks will allow all the event participants to get Formula of Light. The tasks allow to upgrade the Formula of Light to +3 level and two more levels may be obtained for presence in the event at 1st and 5th days. The full +5 Formula of Light allows to transform your weapon into the Sword of Light, which increases it's owner's strength by +30% and can heal its master up to 4 times for 20-30%.Attention! During the tournament marathon the participation limits for tournament winners shall be lifted. You can join the tournaments without restrictions.Drinks and steroids!Barman Jack has got the mayor's license for the new cocktails. Now you can try Mexican, Octarium, Genesis and Stardust and increase your parameters.Those who have addiction and law troubles can purchase breath control pills at very good price.All these goods shall be available in drinks shop only during the Tournament Marathon!:
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Posted - 2 months 1 Week ago
Sound City runs an event: Mission Day!Complete missions on the city map and gain double amount of credits and stars!:
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Posted - 2 months 1 Week ago
Fight Club"Fight Club" organization runs an underground tournament once again. It's rumored that Henry Fukcer, the event organizer, has received 1 million credits to his personal account from an unknown sponsor. It's known for sure that the prizes and rewards for the tournament participants are provided by the event's main sponsor: "Tooth for a tooth" dental clinic.All the participants of Fight Club receive various ranks which grant tangible bonus to character's parameters and guarantee consolation prizes while the leaders gain most precious rewards.Rise your fists, storm into the RING and become a leader to win Henry Fukcer's main prize!The participation terms remain intact: the master-judges shall judge your battle efficiency and grant points for victories in Territorial or Clan-war battles. Once you gain a necessary score, you receive access to the RING. One fight on the ring costs 1 fist 3 fists allow to unleash a Super-attack on your enemy: character's parameters shall be increased by +50%!A victory on the RING guarantees a sum of event points. Fight club measures participants' efficiency by their numbers and the most worthy club members shall gain prestigious ranks that increase character's parameters during the upcoming battles. Now all the ranks you receive during the event are active until the beginning of next similar event.The stronger is your enemy, the more points you can earn!Each fighter has a chance to win secret cases and keys for them for the victories on the Ring. The cases contain useful resources, sweets, VIP-card, Torns, used to play Wheel of Fortune and special items: weapon - Skullcrusher knuckles and accessories: Shorts and Mouth guard. Red case is way more rich than the black one. Be careful! The cases and keys are guarded by electronic self-destruction system and shall be stored only for 14 days!Event points are necessary to determine musicians' ranks in the event rating within a certain league.The event participants are divided into 6 leagues. Each league is defined by one condition: musician's level (inclusive):- Diamond - 27-30 level;- Platinum - 23-26 level;- Gold - 19-22 level;- Silver - 15-18 level;- Bronze - 10-14 level;- Wooden - 4-9 level.The first 10 000 musicians in each league's rating will receive precious reward in Cryonite and Torns.The first 250 musicians in each league's rating will gain unique artifact: Fukcer! The artifact notably increases amount of dominance points you gain in territory battles.The higher is your rank in the rating, the stronger artifact you gain! The musicians who score 1, 2 and 3 places shall gain Golden Fukcer which adds +75% to dominance points on Territory!The artifact's lifetime is 7 to 21 days depending on its power.Rewarding ceremony of champions and prize-winners of Fight Club event will be held in February, 26Henry Fukcer and "Fight club" organization raise the bets!Since this moment the high ranks obtained during the event shall add notable bonus to the parameters. And those who obtain the "Angel of Death" rank shall gain +100% bonus to the parameters!We wish you good mood!The music is immortal! Best regards, MusicWars Administration.:
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Posted - 2 months 1 Week ago
Japanese fansThe brightest representatives of Japanese fan-clubs arrive to Sound City due to the tourism promotion program!Meet the sweet fans from the country of rising sun!:
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Posted - 2 months 1 Week ago
Ringstone Day comes to Sound City!Defeat an enemy and receive 2 ringstones.:
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Posted - 2 months 1 Week ago
War of Machines!According to data of City's Department of Defense, individual mastery of Mus-mech pilots keeps growing every day. It's time to find out which band is the greatest when it comes to Mus-mech combats once again!War of the Machines is a unique event during which the bands will fight each other at the Battleground over the cool titles and decent rewards. Besides that every participant of the War can gain special containers and keys to them in the combat.Attention! All battles of War of machines event will happen according to "Survival" mode rules. Fighting in the "Survival" battle, the defeated Mus-mech doesn't just die right away, but in the end of the turn, which allows it to perform all the planned actions.General rulesAll the Mus-mechs that participate in War of Machines receive equal base power of 25 000. The final power is affected by enhancements of ranks, modules, residences and marks of distinction. A band may create only one squad (not less than 5 pilots). It takes Battleground pass to sign in for the squad.The commanders can gather a squad and send it into the battle. The band leader becomes a commander automatically and can promote other band members to commanders.A victory in the battle provides rating points to the band, while defeat reduces the band's rating. As the War of Machines is over, the best bands are rewarded by special ranks and gain bricks to develop their residences. The highest rank "Irresistibles of I rank" increases the bricks income by 75%. The higher is the place, the best is the reward. The band ranks are reserved by the bands until the next War of Machines.Looking for trophiesThe pilots get a chance to gain extra trophies during the combats of the War of the Machines and at Battlegrounds for 7 days. There's a chance that some cargo units and electronic keys remain undamaged after the defeat of enemy Mus-mech. It means that the pilots who take part in Mus-mech destruction can gain these units and keys to them. The trophies are shared only between the "active" pilots. More good news: the pilots of the Mus-mech which were destroyed in the first turn will gain a share of remaining equipment from the battlefield.There're two kinds of cargo modules which you can find and take: Three-ton and Ten-ton. The tonnage defines volume of valuable equipment and resources inside the cargo container. You need special keys to access the contents of Three-ton and Ten-ton: Triangular key and Binary key accordingly. The cargo containers and keys can't be stored in inventory forever. The built-in self-destruction system activates and destroys an object in 14 days.Secret unitAccording to the official information the Mus-mech pilots load cargo containers are loaded useful resources, torns, sweets, military food, breath control pills and various Mus-mech units, but some pilots are smugglers and load them with unique Magnetic amplifier super-unit.The unit's technology is not fully discovered but it's found out that it somehow affects the core structure and increases Mus-mech battle power. Equip the Magnetic amplifier into the free equipment slot to gain Attack and Armor bonuses. The unit can be modified by repeated find to +5 level and adds +20% Attack and +15% to Mus-mech Armor. The thermonuclear processes affect the unit's integrity in negative way, so exactly in 5 days the Magnetic amplifier shall break and crumble.To the trainingsThe Mus-mech pilots will receive additional reward for their participation in the War of the Machines. Useful units, such as Plasma grenade, Wave phaser or Proton grenade, are handed to all the responsible pilots. Visit the event at 2nd and 4th days to gain Triangular key and Binary key accordingly.We wish you good mood!The music is immortal!Best regards, MusicWars Administration:
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Posted - 2 months 1 Week ago
There's an event in Sound City: Mus-mech day!Gain double experience for Battleground battles and Expeditions!:
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Posted - 2 months 1 Week ago
The loving darlings celebrate Valentine's day on February 14. Fall in love, present valentines to each other and you'll be able to get Cupid's Amulet! The most active lover shall get gain a unique present: Exclusive Studio Design!Cupid's AmuletThe exact replica of the love god's weapon allows to summon Cupid himself into the territory battle. He'll perish the enemy with love arrow which can stun an enemy for 1-2 turns with some chance. The chance doubles if the enemy is of :
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Posted - 2 months 1 Week ago
Tournament marathon!A long time ago, in a far away galaxy the two forces have clashed in a hard battle. The last Jedi rebel who lurked at far away planet Earth has been found by a Sith, the messenger of Galaxy Emperor himself!Before the Galaxy enforcers came there, Sound City Police has arrested both of them for breaking the shop showcase with their lightsabers.The Mayor has ordered the scientists to research formulas to transform the usual weapons into the Jedi swords and :
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Posted - 2 months 1 Week ago
Fight Club:
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Posted - 2 months 1 Week ago
War of Machines!:
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Posted - 4 months 3 Weeks ago
Urgent news: due to the latest intelligence data the vast army of mutants has entered the tunnel and marches towards the city center! The total mobilization is announced to launch the secret plan "Earth Tremor"! scientists have prepared the devices which dramatically increase the might of humans to oppose the huge monster and protect against radiation. beloved mayor and his son have already shown an example of bravery and shot off more than two hundred eyes from the m :
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Posted - 4 months 3 Weeks ago
Santa's special offer!Starting today you can purchase the wonderful 3 in 1 sets which contain Santa's Present, Elf's Present and Snowman's present. Instead of 2+ 7 + 20 you'll spend only 22$ for this set! Hurry up, the 3 in 1 sets are available only until January, 1 inclusive!Hurry up to purchase the presents at maximal discount of -33%! :
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Posted - 4 months 3 Weeks ago
Happy New Year!The Mayor and Santa congratulate all the residents of Sound City and wish them all good luck, happiness and success in all the beginnings in the New Year.The game Administration joins the congratulations and gives a Christmas present to each resident of Sound City! :
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Posted - 4 months 3 Weeks ago
2022 year presents!The new gifts have been urgently delivered to the city! Besides Roket pet and the useful resources they may contain Christmas Sock! This useful decoration shall surprise you with FREE Christmas presents every day!Armored Ram :
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Posted - 4 months 3 Weeks ago
Important day!We hasten to inform you that one only day of DOUBLE chance to find Christmas Sock and unique car Armored Ram in the presents is left. Be in time to upgrade the artifacts and gain the maximal advantage!We wish you good mood! :
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Posted - 4 months 3 Weeks ago
Fight Club"Fight Club" organization runs an underground tournament once again. It's rumored that Henry Fukcer, the event organizer, has received 1 million credits to his personal account from an unknown sponsor. It's known for sure that the prizes and rewards for the tournament participants are provided by the event's main sponsor: "Tooth for a tooth" dental clinic.All the participants of Fight Club receive various ranks which grant tangible bonus to character's parameter :
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Posted - 4 months 3 Weeks ago
Offer of the year!Santa's great offer: 3 in 1 sets at the most affordable price of 32 rubies! The set contains Santa's Present, Elf's Present and Snowman's Present.Hurry up! The 3 in 1 sets and the presents with double chance to find Cage are available only before January,19! :
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Posted - 4 months 3 Weeks ago
Important reminder!Today you have a last opportunity to get the 3 in 1 sets and presents with Super-units for the Mus-mechs and double chance to find Cage!Hurry up! Tomorrow the sets will disappear from the shops! :
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Posted - 4 months 3 Weeks ago
War of Machines!According to data of City's Department of Defense, individual mastery of Mus-mech pilots keeps growing every day. It's time to find out which band is the greatest when it comes to Mus-mech combats once again!War of the Machines is a unique event during which the bands will fight each other at the Battleground over the cool titles and decent rewards. Besides that every participant of the War can gain special containers and keys to them in the combat. :
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Posted - 4 months 3 Weeks ago
Even more holidays!Santa is not going to stop! This time he has prepared a new lot of presents. Aside from the other super-prizes the presents can contain The One Ring and a mysterious device, - Power CapacitorPower Capacitor :
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Posted - 4 months 3 Weeks ago
There's an event in Sound City: Torn day!Gain double torns Mus-mech battles!:
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Posted - 4 months 3 Weeks ago
It's the day of women's beauty and the high fashion today.The Italian fans arrive to city today!Welcome the temperamental Italian girls!:
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Posted - 4 months 3 Weeks ago
Subway!The activity of undead musicians has been spotted in the Subway. Sound City mayor has announced: "We should catch all the skeletons in the Subway and bury them back into the ground! Supply each hunter with a set of shovels and give the helmets to those brave enough to descend to the lower floors."Attention! Many treasures are hidden in the Subway, but you can get the contents of the chests only when the floor is totally cleaned. The deeper is the floor, the stronge :
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Posted - 4 months 3 Weeks ago
New Year generosity!Santa offers a unique chance to those, who failed to gain the Christmas artifacts. The final wave of presents contains ALL the Christmas artifacts and exclusive - Cryonizator!Cryonizator :
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Posted - 4 months 3 Weeks ago
Important reminder!We remind that sale of presents with DOUBLE chance to contain the unique Power Capacitor ends in one day. Upgrade your artifacts in time and gain the maximal advantage!We wish you good mood! :
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Posted - 4 months 3 Weeks ago
Tournament Day comes to Sound City!Participate in the tournaments and receive double amount of credits, stars and MegaWatts!:
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Posted - 4 months 3 Weeks ago
Santa's last day!Santa has given all the presents away and prepares to fly for home. It's the last day to get the Christmas presents and upgrade the artifacts of this winter!Tomorrow the presents end, the Christmas club closes and the unused mandarins disappear, so the city residents have a short time to open the purchased presents and spend QUIDs. :
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Posted - 4 months 3 Weeks ago
Hardcore Steel!"Hardcore Steel!" - yelled the Supreme Commander and broke the table with a fist. The order number 316 about the beginning of Mus-mech trainings begins right now.The training allows to rank all the pilots and determine the best officers. During the trainings the pilots' achievements and skills will be noted with prestigious ranks and personal rewards. The highly organized officers will receive the main prize: Red Button. :
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Posted - 4 months 4 Weeks ago
It is the end!Death has knocked on the Mayor's door today and dropped a hint that the time has come to return the Jacks to the domain of the dead and the spirits. No one can argue with Death, so all the evil spirits shall leave the city tomorrow.The musicians have one last day to purchase mystical per Lord Dracula and train him to maximum and to obtain the other uniques from the hereafter.:
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Posted - 4 months 4 Weeks ago
Santa reveals the secret of the presents!Only the presents purchased before January, 2, 2022 have double chance to contain a unique Rocket pet!Gather the Christmas collection buying the presents! :
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Posted - 1 year 11 months ago
Important reminder!:
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