Posted - 7 years 4 months ago
WPC Beta Test Texas Hold'em Tournament After a week tough and exciting competition, we finally have top three winners , and Tim. Congratulations to the champion of week 1 tournament - (ID100074)! Winning player may contact customer service within 5 workdays to collect prize. At the meantime, week 2 tournament is now on (11/21 11/28). Free chips are already distributed to players accounts. Every player may have the chance to win the prizes, good luck! ...1. Tournament registration Week 1 Tournament 11/14-11/20 Week 2 Tournament 11/21-11/28 Week 1 Players may register for the week 1 tournament by 18:00 13th November. Week 2 Players may register for the week 2 tournament by 18:00 20th November. 2. Registered players are invited to join Wechat customer service group, all registered players will receive 12000 free competition chips to play in the tournament. 3. During the tournament period, players have to participate in designated dealers room (Colleen, Diamond, Stacie, Carrie and Vin). All participants will be ranked by the amount of chips won by the end of the competition week. 4. The tournament starts daily from 12:00 to 21:00, with maximum 1000 buyin chips per time. Unlimited re-buy of 1000 chips allow. 5. The weekly tournament winner will receive $50 cash bonus. 6. The results will be announced in 2 workdays after the tournament finishes. customer service will contact the winning players to give out the prizes. NOTE Hands played in non-designated dealers room are not counting into the final results. WPC official team reserves the right to the final decision on interpreting the promotion rules.
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