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Posted - 7 months 1 Week ago
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!:
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Posted - 10 months 5 Days ago
Happy Halloween, dear friends!First, a quick update. Work on Part 3 is progressing (surprisingly) well and we expect to be almost on schedule to start QA in late February or early March. However, there might be a further 3 months to wait as publisher is contemplating a simultaneous multi-platform release. We're still arguing about it and I'll keep you posted!Thanks to the amazing team, the game is looking absolutely gorgeous, but we're still struggling to finish the 4 :
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Posted - 11 months 3 Weeks ago
Dear friends,I have some good news to share with you! In March we finally signed an investor to finish Part 3! The work has been gathering steam since then - I was waiting to see if we could hold the pace before making the announcement. And while there are minor issues, overall it does look like we'll meet the deadlines.Knowing Goblinz, you are probably already wondering "what's the catch". Because, yes, there is one... :
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Posted - 1 year 4 months ago
Dear friends,I have some good news to share with you! In March we finally signed an investor to finish Part 3! The work has been gathering steam since then - I was waiting to see if we could hold the pace before making the announcement. And while there are minor issues, overall it does look like we'll meet the deadlines.Knowing Goblinz, you are probably already wondering "what's the catch". Because, yes, there is one... :
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Posted - 1 year 4 months ago
Dear friends,It might be very hard to imagine a happy new year after the years we just had... But with all the unabated and perhaps unfounded optimism, but with the warmest and most honest intentions we would like to wish you a Happy 2023 Year and Happy Holidays!We do have an investor for the last installment and are planning to release it at the end of summer. The reason why we are not announcing more precise dates is that we are still waiting for a (very-very) large pla :
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Posted - 1 year 6 months ago
Dear friends,:
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Posted - 2 years 8 months ago
Dear friends,Were still in the process of finalizing the schedule of the True Fear Part 3 release. Were looking at Halloween, but are still unsure of the platforms that will be available at launch. Well make another post with the dates and new details from the game soon!We are also happy to celebrate a milestone for Part 1 with you!
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Posted - 2 years 9 months ago
Happy Holidays!!The artwork is by very talented Svetlana Mironets, the lead artist behind all of recent titles. The whole team is wishing you Happy Holidays!Too ashamed of again broken promises to write anything personal, so Ill go straight to the news!
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Posted - 3 years 7 months ago
Hello Friends,Just a quick post to let you know that the work is going on!I was having a hard time finishing a few details of the game, but it seems that all the biggest questions are now answered and what remains are the technicalities of the implementation. Ill try to avoid adding anything new from now on and we could even soon have some dates. A
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Posted - 3 years 7 months ago
Hello Friends,Just a quick post to let you know that the work is going on!I was having a hard time finishing a few details of the game, but it seems that all the biggest questions are now answered and what remains are the technicalities of the implementation. Ill try to avoid adding anything new from now on and we could even soon have some dates. Abrial Da Costa, publishing partner, has found several great deals for us and as a result we are confident that well have the means to finish the trilogy without sacrificing anything.Here are a few images of what we are working on right now. As you may notice, the Trophy figurines will be in glorious 3D this time - rotate and zoom to find hidden details. Also there are two of each Maybe it could have something to do with the different endings Ive mentioned? Dimmie
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
Happy new year, friends!! Several artists at Goblinz took (a little) time to wish you a happy 2021. I couldn't pick one, so all of the versions are attached. For those who don't mind my long letters, please read on! See More
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
Happy new year, friends!! Several artists at Goblinz took (a little) time to wish you a happy 2021. I couldn't pick one, so all of the versions are attached. For those who don't mind my long letters, please read on!
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
Happy new year, friends!! Several artists at Goblinz took (a little) time to wish you a happy 2021. I couldn't pick one, so all of the versions are attached. For those who don't mind my long letters, please read on!For a number of reasons I am spending this NYE alone. A bottle of red wine, a fresh baguette and some cheeses - not complaining!On my way to buy said baguette I passed a homeless person. An old man who wasn't begging; just preparing for sleep. Given how it was freezing outside and it was, after all, New Year Eve, I approached the man and tried to inquire if I could help him somehow. I could not make out what language he was speaking and he couldn't understand any of the dialects I could muster, so I finally gestured him "food". To my surprise the old man jumped up and started going through his bags. When he got up... he handed me a piece of bread - half of what he had...Refusing politely, I gestured that, maybe, I could buy him something from the nearby store. Reluctantly and clearly surprised, the old man gestured that a coffee would be nice. Unfortunately the only place open was the boulangerie (bread store) and they had already cleaned the coffee machine. I asked for an empty to-go cup and a meat cake - a "quiche" if you're somewhat familiar with French dishes. While the lady was heating up the cake, I inquired about the old man. She told me that she saw him, but the younger guys beat him up to keep the "juicy" begging spot by the boulangerie. "It is life" she said.Returning to the old man, I gave him the quiche and gestured that I'll be back with the coffee. Made the coffee, cut a piece of the traditional Soviet cake "muraveinik", my mother baked me for NYE, and went out again. I couldn't find the old man, but his belongings were there, so I waited. The man emerged out of the store with a pack of two cheapest chocolate tablets they had. When he saw me, he rushed to me as if he was afraid that he'll miss me. He gestured that one of the chocolates was for me. I cannot describe what emotions rushing through my being as I stared at the old shaking hands struggling to unwrap the cheap plastic... I can barely "keep it together" even now as I type. To think that someone who has been kicked by life so much would still get up, nay, jump up... to help a perfect stranger... touched me to the core. I'd like to use the words "broke me" if they could be used for something infinitely good.Unfortunately I do not believe in God, living with both the awe at the complexity and beauty of Evolution and with the realisation of it's coldness and "banality". But if I did believe, I would say that I met an Angel tonight and it was a "sign". A sign that there is still a lot of good in this world and, maybe, if each of us finds the strength and time to do at least one good dead even when we ourselves are down - give half bread to a stranger or not stand idly by when the strong and healthy prey on the weak and helpless, 2021 will indeed be better than 2020...Having lived my "Christmas Miracle" (even though on NYE), I'd like to wish you a Happy Year 2021!!! Your comments made my 2020 better and I am but a stranger to you. Thank you!!!Here in Paris it is 2021 already and I feel like it IS a better year. Because we'll choose to make it so.Yours truly,Dimmie
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Posted - 3 years 9 months ago
Happy new year, friends!! Several artists at Goblinz took (a little) time to wish you a happy 2021. I couldn't pick one, so all of the versions are attached. For those who don't mind my long letters, please read on!For a number of reasons I am spending this NYE alone. A bottle of red wine, a fresh baguette and some cheeses - not complaining!On my way to buy said baguette I passed a homeless person. An old man who wasn't begging; just preparing for sleep. Given how it was freezing outside and it was, after all, New Year Eve, I approached the man and tried to inquire if I could help him somehow. I could not make out what language he was speaking and he couldn't understand any of the dialects I could muster, so I finally gestured him "food". To my surprise the old man jumped up and started going through his bags. When he got up... he handed me a piece of bread - half of what he had...Refusing politely, I gestured that, maybe, I could buy him something from the nearby store. Reluctantly and clearly surprised, the old man gestured that a coffee would be nice. Unfortunately the only place open was the boulangerie (bread store) and they had already cleaned the coffee machine. I asked for an empty to-go cup and a meat cake - a "quiche" if you're somewhat familiar with French dishes. While the lady was heating up the cake, I inquired about the old man. She told me that she saw him, but the younger guys beat him up to keep the "juicy" begging spot by the boulangerie. "It is life" she said.Returning to the old man, I gave him the quiche and gestured that I'll be back with the coffee. Made the coffee, cut a piece of the traditional Soviet cake "muraveinik", my mother baked me for NYE, and went out again. I couldn't find the old man, but his belongings were there, so I waited. The man emerged out of the store with a pack of two cheapest chocolate tablets they had. When he saw me, he rushed to me as if he was afraid that he'll miss me. He gestured that one of the chocolates was for me. I cannot describe what emotions rushing through my being as I stared at the old shaking hands struggling to unwrap the cheap plastic... I can barely "keep it together" even now as I type. To think that someone who has been kicked by life so much would still get up, nay, jump up... to help a perfect stranger... touched me to the core. I'd like to use the words "broke me" if they could be used for something infinitely good.Unfortunately I do not believe in God, living with both the awe at the complexity and beauty of Evolution and with the realisation of it's coldness and "banality". But if I did believe, I would say that I met an Angel tonight and it was a "sign". A sign that there is still a lot of good in this world and, maybe, if each of us finds the strength and time to do at least one good dead even when we ourselves are down - give half bread to a stranger or not stand idly by when the strong and healthy prey on the weak and helpless, 2021 will indeed be better than 2020...Having lived my "Christmas Miracle" (even though on NYE), I'd like to wish you a Happy Year 2021!!! Your comments made my 2020 better and I am but a stranger to you. Thank you!!!Here in Paris it is 2021 already and I feel like it IS a better year. Because we'll choose to make it so.Yours truly,Dimmie
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Hi everyone, weve got a lot of supportive messages from you these days (as well as tons of questions for the team about Part 3). As a newly recruited ommunity manager, I'm very pleased to meet you, I truly enjoyed to see all your love and support! Ive never seen the likes of it before! Thank you all for this wonderful experience, please be sure Im here for you anytime and dont hesitate to let me know, Ill be happy to help you! Ill do my best to keep you informed on fu
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Hi everyone, weve got a lot of supportive messages from you these days (as well as tons of questions for the team about Part 3). As a newly recruited ommunity manager, I'm very pleased to meet you, I truly enjoyed to see all your love and support! Ive never seen the likes of it before! Thank you all for this wonderful experience, please be sure Im here for you anytime and dont hesitate to let me know, Ill be happy to help you! Ill do my best to keep you informed on fu See More
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Hi everyone, weve got a lot of supportive messages from you these days (as well as tons of questions for the team about Part 3). As a newly recruited ommunity manager, I'm very pleased to meet you, I truly enjoyed to see all your love and support! Ive never seen the likes of it before! Thank you all for this wonderful experience, please be sure Im here for you anytime and dont hesitate to let me know, Ill be happy to help you! Ill do my best to keep you informed on further updates on my part. Polina.A message from Dimmie for you:Dear friends,I hope that in those difficult times you are safe, taking care and taken care of! Thank you so much for all the letters of support and so many warm wishes!!As usual any game-pertinent information will be at the very end of my message! Were having a special thought for those in the hospitals and their close ones. Being at the hospital with something potentially lethal is always terrifying, but to be there in such times must be unbearable. Thank you for your messages and we wish you a speedy recovery! Stay strong!Id also like to express immense gratitude to those who are working right now so that the rest of us could buy food, receive packages; making sure that the streets are safe, fires extinguished, water and electricity flowing. And especially those who are risking their lives on the frontlines!All of Goblinz are safe and working from home. Everyone told me to wish you the best! And after 20 years of working with people, you know when they mean something (they really do).But today I'd like to get more personalAs someone who had a heart attack at 23 and spent many years with chronic bronchitis (and someone generally prone to overthinking), I started preparing well in advance. I bought a freezer, filled it to the brim, hoarded a pack of (10) masks and stocked on all necessities (yes, lots and lots of toilet paper). Basically, I made sure to have no reason to leave the house for months. But as in every good zombie movie, it is not just the virus itself, it is the people you're barricaded in with. And, just generally, life is too complex to fully anticipate. Please bear with me! Take my mother, for example. A doctor in economics with published books and generally a very smart person. Yet she decided to go skiing with friends in mid-March... on the Italian border! I must say that I do appreciate her logic - at 67 no one knows how many such trips they have left. Unfortunately, the whole station went into lockdown and she had to come back early. I picked her up and she went into quarantine inside her room - the UV lamp I got came in handy! Or take Alice, my girlfriend - successful business woman, a rather rational human being... Who in ten days picked all the tasty stuff out of my three-month food supply, forcing me to go to the store again!I wonder how many of you can somehow relate right now - one side or the other? HahaHowever, like I said, life is anything but predictable. After a few days of being annoyed (and having long debates with myself on the merits of socialism vs meritocracy), I took a different look at the glass that at the time seemed half empty.Cooking meals with my mother in quarantine was actually an amazing experience! Like all of us, I had contemplated having to take care of my parents one day, but this was different. Not an inevitable descent, but an experience. To be able to give some of my mother's care back was an incredible opportunity! Every day we would think of things to cook, of ways to lift her spirits - making faces out of food that we left under her door, sending her stories and links, even eating (and having a few drinks) on video. And later, when mother left the quarantine, I was (at first forcefully) reminded... how much I missed her cooking!!And now that everything is closed, we had to find new ways to pass time together with my girlfriend. Stuff like just sitting and reading nearby (crazy, right?) or even trying a puzzle next week (running out of excuses)! And strangely enough, I am talking more with my closest friends too. Also, so many little things to look forward to - in a week, as a surprise, we'll be cooking a cake for mother's birthday - my first cake!! (cold sweats)Something else I have noticed were traditions. In the new global world they were seemingly making less and less sense. And now local dishes suddenly are the tastiest because, well, that's really the best you can cook with local produce - ancestors weren't dumb after all. I hope that, wherever you are, you are as safe as the situation allows it! And whoever you are with, that you're cutting them some slack and they are cutting you some. But I also hope that maybe this crisis helps us rediscover ourselves as families, as nations (at the very least in local culinary traditions) and as humanity. Maybe, after all is said and done, it isn't the dish that counts or where are we eating it, but who are we eating it with?It is a pleasure and a privilege to be working with such a team as Goblinz. And a great privilege to have such fans and players from so many different countries and cultures! Thank you, friends, for making these days brighter for me, for us! Stay safe! This too will pass, let's make the best of it!Yours truly, DimmieNow finally to some distractions!At Goblinz everybody is working from home and we have just finished finally sending off the necessary equipment and moving servers. There are some delays, but were almost fully functioning again!We are working on the XBox release of both Parts 1 and 2 and are still not giving up hope to release Part 2 on Big Fish Games. We are, of course, working on Part 3 and Id say that were halfway there now. The majority of locations and minigames are done, but theres a lot of work around those and I am still finishing the texts.With the team we have picked a few new images from Part 3. Some may start a few theories, but thats what distractions are for! Polina will make a few posts soon with more news!
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Posted - 4 years 6 months ago
Hi everyone, weve got a lot of supportive messages from you these days (as well as tons of questions for the team about Part 3). As a newly recruited ommunity manager, I'm very pleased to meet you, I truly enjoyed to see all your love and support! Ive never seen the likes of it before! Thank you all for this wonderful experience, please be sure Im here for you anytime and dont hesitate to let me know, Ill be happy to help you! Ill do my best to keep you informed on fu...
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Goblinz team! For reasons beyond control we've spent most of the year with a skeleton crew (more on that later by Dimmie), but we've been hiring back since August. My name is Polina and I'll be one of the two part-time community managers. Goblinz never had a marketing or media person (which explains the absolutely abysmal communication track record), but from now on there will always be someone to answer your questions, even if ...
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Goblinz team!For reasons beyond control we've spent most of the year with a skeleton crew (more on that later by Dimmie), but we've been hiring back since August.My name is Polina and I'll be one of the two part-time community managers. Goblinz never had a marketing or media person (which explains the absolutely abysmal communication track record), but from now on there will always be someone to answer your questions, even if I have to bug Dimmie hourly about them!I love the True Fear series and have played one Act of Part 3 and it is amazing! I've picked a few images below.We hope to know the dates in the coming months and from now on will be making regular posts.Now I give the floor to Dimmie and he's going to tell the story, in my opinion, worth reading to the end. Dimmie, to you:Hello!A year ago the future looked bright and for the first time we felt confident of keeping promises to you. Finally, money was coming in and all we had to do was make games, which is something we love doing. What could go wrong? Well, a lot.Below is a detailed account of what has happened. I doubt that it will be an interesting read, but feel like I owe you all the details. Skip to the last paragraphs for Part 3 details. Goblinz doesn't not have an office. team works from home from all over the world (literally all over the globe). However, the bulk of programmers and artists are from Eastern Europe. About a year ago it became increasingly difficult to transfer the salaries there due to geopolitical events (it doesn't get more "beyond control" than this). At first a third of transfers would "come back" (minus random, never explained fees that were never refunded). Then the transfers simply stopped. You see, apparently, it was cheaper for banks to simply refuse all transfers than study each one in detail and risk popping on the radar... We have virtually ceased activity by early 2019 and still it took us months to pay the employees what we owed them. We were able to pay the last dues just a month ago!It took us all this time to fix this seemingly "easy problem". Basically, we had to find a bank that specializes in video games and was able and willing to justify transfers to the controlling authorities. So short version - since August we've paid everything we owed and are almost at full capacity again. Read on if you want more details.At this point you may ask yourselves "sure, we get it, but why no news for over a year!?" A fair question...I have known that we would have to open a new company for a while, but we didn't have a dime to spare - everything was going into Part 2 and we still had to borrow every month. As soon as Part 2 came out, I made opening the company my priority and was assured by lawyers that it wouldn't take more than three months. Why so long? Banks willing to work with certain zones take an extra long time vetting their new clients - makes sense! So, having the dates, I confidently made the post a year ago - last post.And then the "beyond control" thing happened again, and again, and again. Every time I was given a new date, usually "two more weeks", and then in two weeks something new was happening. Each time I would write a post and each time I wouldn't post it, thinking to myself "okay, we have zero credibility now, instead of promising dates, let's wait until it actually happens". And each time I was right to wait. By late Spring, having lost most of the team I've built over 19 years, I had lost hope and couldn't bring myself to write anything or answer any letter.It would take (more) pages to cover everything that we went through, but I will detail one particular moment just to illustrate how incredibly unbelievable the situation was at times.Late Winter we were almost there! A lot of crazy, statistically unbelievable things have happened, but we were there. All I had to do, was receive a letter by regular mail, print, sign, scan and mail back... except the letter wouldn't arrive! I went to investigate and found out that the postal service in Paris were on strike (funny, heh?). I went to the post office and was told that they kept a minimal service and that next day they would get me my letter. Next day I receive a happy text message from the concierge of my building (in France it is typical for all mail to come to the concierge and then be distributed) - the letter had arrived! concierge, Jerome, is a great guy, a fan of True Fear, who has helped us a lot on the French version. After I had been nagging him about THE LETTER for days, he was understandably excited for us.I remember taking my time leaving my apartment. It felt serene, like a storm had passed. I even wrote an email to the team, saying that we are at the "finish line". When I finally did go, I found the concierge sitting on the floor in front of his door with a screwdriver. I remember having a nervous laugh and even taking a photo. The door broke down and, trying to save money, Jerome tried to open it himself... Predictably enough, by the time we called a professional, the door was well beyond easy fixing. When the door finally opened, it was night and the weekend had already begun.I signed the papers and was waiting for Monday to mail them by DHL, thus avoiding the ongoing strike... only to wake up Monday to the news that the bank that we were using for some transfers at the time, also worked with Venezuela and, thus, was from now on on a sanctions list! And that absolutely absurd coincidence immediately triggered a red flag at new bank, restarting the whole vetting process all over again, this time with increased scrutiny!!! And I know that even if the letter were already in the mail, it wouldn't have changed a thing, but still, the coincidence of it happening that exact day felt uncanny...I really hope that at least some of you like my work enough to believe that if I were to invent an excuse, I would have come up with something less unbelievable. I remember thinking to myself up to a point that this would make for a good story until it got so unrealistic that even telling it felt weird. And that point came BEFORE the above letter incident - hense my nervous laugh when I saw the concierge with the screwdriver.But, unfortunately, a lot of things that have happened to both company and several of its core members during this year were a fine example of how truth, not being constrained by realism, can indeed sometimes afford being stranger than fiction...If you've read that far into my mumblings, let me thank you by sharing some details of current situation! As you may have seen by recent releases on PS4 and Switch, we're alive again - the team is almost complete and most of the talents have quit their new jobs and are back with us! Some had amazing stories to tell - one of lead artists took that time to paint the ceilings of a church, for example! But we're back and very excited to be working again!As of now Part 3 has over 5 playable hours and 3 of those are 100% finished (sounds, animations, etc). There are already 34 puzzles and almost 7 minutes of cut-scenes. Basically, I'd say that we've done 40% of the work on Part 3, not counting the testing and platform specifics. Since we're still hiring, it will take us a couple more months to figure out the dates, but so far the work is going well and on schedule.To put in perspective, right now we have a finished game almost the length of Part 1. However Part 3 need to be the longest and most polished installment. As you may know, originally True Fear wasn't supposed to be a trilogy, so Part 3 has to be "disproportionately" rich in revelations and be significantly scarier - as the ending of a horror movie should be. In some ways Part 3 will also be closer to Part 1. I don't want to spoil anything, but there will be more of the "locked inside a haunted house" vibe we had in Part 1.There will be two endings, as I have originally planned (but had almost given up on). More on that later! I feel bad for the very long letter, but believe that after so many broken promises I owed it to those willing to read through it. Also. I missed "talking" to you, guys! There will be someone answering the comments and letters from now on. We are in constant contact and all information will come directly from me. I will, obviously keep answering many letters myself - now that I have help, it will be much easier! Still, give us some time to sort through the 1000+ unread letters first!Dimmie
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Goblinz team!For reasons beyond control we've spent most of the year with a skeleton crew (more on that later by Dimmie), but we've been hiring back since August.My name is Polina and I'll be one of the two part-time community managers. Goblinz never had a marketing or media person (which explains the absolutely abysmal communication track record), but from now on there will always be someone to answer your questions, even if I have to bug Dimmie hourly about them!I love the True Fear series and have played one Act of Part 3 and it is amazing! I've picked a few images below.We hope to know the dates in the coming months and from now on will be making regular posts.Now I give the floor to Dimmie and he's going to tell the story, in my opinion, worth reading to the end. Dimmie, to you:Hello!A year ago the future looked bright and for the first time we felt confident of keeping promises to you. Finally, money was coming in and all we had to do was make games, which is something we love doing. What could go wrong? Well, a lot.Below is a detailed account of what has happened. I doubt that it will be an interesting read, but feel like I owe you all the details. Skip to the last paragraphs for Part 3 details. Goblinz doesn't not have an office. team works from home from all over the world (literally all over the globe). However, the bulk of programmers and artists are from Eastern Europe. About a year ago it became increasingly difficult to transfer the salaries there due to geopolitical events (it doesn't get more "beyond control" than this). At first a third of transfers would "come back" (minus random, never explained fees that were never refunded). Then the transfers simply stopped. You see, apparently, it was cheaper for banks to simply refuse all transfers than study each one in detail and risk popping on the radar... We have virtually ceased activity by early 2019 and still it took us months to pay the employees what we owed them. We were able to pay the last dues just a month ago!It took us all this time to fix this seemingly "easy problem". Basically, we had to find a bank that specializes in video games and was able and willing to justify transfers to the controlling authorities. So short version - since August we've paid everything we owed and are almost at full capacity again. Read on if you want more details.At this point you may ask yourselves "sure, we get it, but why no news for over a year!?" A fair question...I have known that we would have to open a new company for a while, but we didn't have a dime to spare - everything was going into Part 2 and we still had to borrow every month. As soon as Part 2 came out, I made opening the company my priority and was assured by lawyers that it wouldn't take more than three months. Why so long? Banks willing to work with certain zones take an extra long time vetting their new clients - makes sense! So, having the dates, I confidently made the post a year ago - last post.And then the "beyond control" thing happened again, and again, and again. Every time I was given a new date, usually "two more weeks", and then in two weeks something new was happening. Each time I would write a post and each time I wouldn't post it, thinking to myself "okay, we have zero credibility now, instead of promising dates, let's wait until it actually happens". And each time I was right to wait. By late Spring, having lost most of the team I've built over 19 years, I had lost hope and couldn't bring myself to write anything or answer any letter.It would take (more) pages to cover everything that we went through, but I will detail one particular moment just to illustrate how incredibly unbelievable the situation was at times.Late Winter we were almost there! A lot of crazy, statistically unbelievable things have happened, but we were there. All I had to do, was receive a letter by regular mail, print, sign, scan and mail back... except the letter wouldn't arrive! I went to investigate and found out that the postal service in Paris were on strike (funny, heh?). I went to the post office and was told that they kept a minimal service and that next day they would get me my letter. Next day I receive a happy text message from the concierge of my building (in France it is typical for all mail to come to the concierge and then be distributed) - the letter had arrived! concierge, Jerome, is a great guy, a fan of True Fear, who has helped us a lot on the French version. After I had been nagging him about THE LETTER for days, he was understandably excited for us.I remember taking my time leaving my apartment. It felt serene, like a storm had passed. I even wrote an email to the team, saying that we are at the "finish line". When I finally did go, I found the concierge sitting on the floor in front of his door with a screwdriver. I remember having a nervous laugh and even taking a photo. The door broke down and, trying to save money, Jerome tried to open it himself... Predictably enough, by the time we called a professional, the door was well beyond easy fixing. When the door finally opened, it was night and the weekend had already begun.I signed the papers and was waiting for Monday to mail them by DHL, thus avoiding the ongoing strike... only to wake up Monday to the news that the bank that we were using for some transfers at the time, also worked with Venezuela and, thus, was from now on on a sanctions list! And that absolutely absurd coincidence immediately triggered a red flag at new bank, restarting the whole vetting process all over again, this time with increased scrutiny!!! And I know that even if the letter were already in the mail, it wouldn't have changed a thing, but still, the coincidence of it happening that exact day felt uncanny...I really hope that at least some of you like my work enough to believe that if I were to invent an excuse, I would have come up with something less unbelievable. I remember thinking to myself up to a point that this would make for a good story until it got so unrealistic that even telling it felt weird. And that point came BEFORE the above letter incident - hense my nervous laugh when I saw the concierge with the screwdriver.But, unfortunately, a lot of things that have happened to both company and several of its core members during this year were a fine example of how truth, not being constrained by realism, can indeed sometimes afford being stranger than fiction...If you've read that far into my mumblings, let me thank you by sharing some details of current situation! As you may have seen by recent releases on PS4 and Switch, we're alive again - the team is almost complete and most of the talents have quit their new jobs and are back with us! Some had amazing stories to tell - one of lead artists took that time to paint the ceilings of a church, for example! But we're back and very excited to be working again!As of now Part 3 has over 5 playable hours and 3 of those are 100% finished (sounds, animations, etc). There are already 34 puzzles and almost 7 minutes of cut-scenes. Basically, I'd say that we've done 40% of the work on Part 3, not counting the testing and platform specifics. Since we're still hiring, it will take us a couple more months to figure out the dates, but so far the work is going well and on schedule.To put in perspective, right now we have a finished game almost the length of Part 1. However Part 3 need to be the longest and most polished installment. As you may know, originally True Fear wasn't supposed to be a trilogy, so Part 3 has to be "disproportionately" rich in revelations and be significantly scarier - as the ending of a horror movie should be. In some ways Part 3 will also be closer to Part 1. I don't want to spoil anything, but there will be more of the "locked inside a haunted house" vibe we had in Part 1.There will be two endings, as I have originally planned (but had almost given up on). More on that later! I feel bad for the very long letter, but believe that after so many broken promises I owed it to those willing to read through it. Also. I missed "talking" to you, guys! There will be someone answering the comments and letters from now on. We are in constant contact and all information will come directly from me. I will, obviously keep answering many letters myself - now that I have help, it will be much easier! Still, give us some time to sort through the 1000+ unread letters first!Dimmie
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Goblinz team!For reasons beyond control we've spent most of the year with a skeleton crew (more on that later by Dimmie), but we've been hiring back since August.My name is Polina and I'll be one of the two part-time community managers. Goblinz never had a marketing or media person (which explains the absolutely abysmal communication track record), but from now on there will always be someone to answer your questions, even if See More
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Goblinz team!For reasons beyond control we've spent most of the year with a skeleton crew (more on that later by Dimmie), but we've been hiring back since August.My name is Polina and I'll be one of the two part-time community managers. Goblinz never had a marketing or media person (which explains the absolutely abysmal communication track record), but from now on there will always be someone to answer your questions, even if
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Posted - 5 years 10 months ago
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!! We are happy to say that the iOS version has been released a few days ago and seems to not be experiencing any major issues! This was first, experimental release on iOS and next time we expect to release both the Android and iOS versions at the same time. Tomorrow we're starting to roll out a new update with several Bonus Material features, such as replaying a puzzle or watching cutscenes. We were also hoping to include the game updat...es as well (3 new jump scares, updated texts and minor fixes), but those will have to wait January. My vision of the "Making Of" section of Bonus Material was impossible to implement and we'll publish a bigger update once we finish work on the alternative. The update may take a few days to show on some platforms. Some bad news on the localization front, though. German publisher currently cannot translate the game and we're looking into different options right now. A big thanks for those who have offered to help us with translations or proofreading! You'll hear from me early January! We're working on making the documents more readable. We are planning to translate the game to German, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian. Also hoping to translate to Korean, Polish and Chinese. We're working on the Playstation 4 and Switch versions of the game and should know the release date soon. Right now we expect it to happen before winter's end. After that we will work on re-releasing True Fear Part 1 on iOS (the game hasn't been updated since launch), update it on all systems and then we'll start working on the XBox version. The release on Big Fish Games will probably only happen after the Extra Episode is released (for the Collector Edition). The game may come out on Zylom earlier - I'll know soon! Finally, the Extra Episode is right now scheduled for Spring. Most likely late Spring or even early Summer. It is looking to be almost as long as True Fear Part 1 now and keeps growing. It is story-rich and should confirm/cancel some theories I've been reading (thank you for those!). Haha We'll soon show some content and give more information! Thank you for an amazing year! You have been the best players we could dream of! Thank you for your patience, neverending support and amazing letters and reviews!!! Dimmie and the Goblinz
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Posted - 5 years 10 months ago
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!! We are happy to say that the iOS version has been released a few days ago and seems to not be experiencing any major issues! This was first, experimental release on iOS and next time we expect to release both the Android and iOS versions at the same time. Tomorrow we're starting to roll out a new update with several Bonus Material features, such as replaying a puzzle or watching cutscenes. We were also hoping to include the game updat...es as well (3 new jump scares, updated texts and minor fixes), but those will have to wait January. My vision of the "Making Of" section of Bonus Material was impossible to implement and we'll publish a bigger update once we finish work on the alternative. The update may take a few days to show on some platforms. Some bad news on the localization front, though. German publisher currently cannot translate the game and we're looking into different options right now. A big thanks for those who have offered to help us with translations or proofreading! You'll hear from me early January! We're working on making the documents more readable. We are planning to translate the game to German, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian. Also hoping to translate to Korean, Polish and Chinese. We're working on the Playstation 4 and Switch versions of the game and should know the release date soon. Right now we expect it to happen before winter's end. After that we will work on re-releasing True Fear Part 1 on iOS (the game hasn't been updated since launch), update it on all systems and then we'll start working on the XBox version. The release on Big Fish Games will probably only happen after the Extra Episode is released (for the Collector Edition). The game may come out on Zylom earlier - I'll know soon! Finally, the Extra Episode is right now scheduled for Spring. Most likely late Spring or even early Summer. It is looking to be almost as long as True Fear Part 1 now and keeps growing. It is story-rich and should confirm/cancel some theories I've been reading (thank you for those!). Haha We'll soon show some content and give more information! Thank you for an amazing year! You have been the best players we could dream of! Thank you for your patience, neverending support and amazing letters and reviews!!! Dimmie and the Goblinz
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Posted - 5 years 10 months ago
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!! We are happy to say that the iOS version has been released a few days ago and seems to not be experiencing any major issues! This was first, experimental release on iOS and next time we expect to release both the Android and iOS versions at the same time. Tomorrow we're starting to roll out a new update with several Bonus Material features, such as replaying a puzzle or watching cutscenes. We were also hoping to include the game updat...es as well (3 new jump scares, updated texts and minor fixes), but those will have to wait January. My vision of the "Making Of" section of Bonus Material was impossible to implement and we'll publish a bigger update once we finish work on the alternative. The update may take a few days to show on some platforms. Some bad news on the localization front, though. German publisher currently cannot translate the game and we're looking into different options right now. A big thanks for those who have offered to help us with translations or proofreading! You'll hear from me early January! We're working on making the documents more readable. We are planning to translate the game to German, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian. Also hoping to translate to Korean, Polish and Chinese. We're working on the Playstation 4 and Switch versions of the game and should know the release date soon. Right now we expect it to happen before winter's end. After that we will work on re-releasing True Fear Part 1 on iOS (the game hasn't been updated since launch), update it on all systems and then we'll start working on the XBox version. The release on Big Fish Games will probably only happen after the Extra Episode is released (for the Collector Edition). The game may come out on Zylom earlier - I'll know soon! Finally, the Extra Episode is right now scheduled for Spring. Most likely late Spring or even early Summer. It is looking to be almost as long as True Fear Part 1 now and keeps growing. It is story-rich and should confirm/cancel some theories I've been reading (thank you for those!). Haha We'll soon show some content and give more information! Thank you for an amazing year! You have been the best players we could dream of! Thank you for your patience, neverending support and amazing letters and reviews!!! Dimmie and the Goblinz
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Posted - 5 years 10 months ago
The French version was released on Android and Steam today! The iOS version has been submitted for review yesterday and should become live any day now! And, yes, it will have the French language (even if the description is in English - it takes time to update). We will have news on the German translation any day now! Also we soon start work on the Spanish and Portuguese versions! Have a great weekend!... La version Franaise est dsormais disponible sur Android et Steam! La version iOS va sortir d'ici 1-2 jours, normalement! Bon weekend tous!
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Posted - 5 years 10 months ago
We have been testing the iOS version for over two weeks now and will release it in the next few days. It may happen as soon as this weekend or next week at the latest, depending on how long does the submission process take. The French version will only be released next week. The German version should be ready in the course of December. We are also starting work on the Portuguese and Spanish versions thanks to the offer of several fans to help us with the translation! Thank yo...u so much!!! A few words from Dimmie. In French. Bonjour! Je sais que ce n'est plus la premire annonce de dates que je fais pour la version Franaise, mais cette fois-ci, c'est la bonne. Nous allons enfin la sortir la semaine prochaine! Nous tions srs d'y arriver cette semaine, mais la qualit de la traduction tait moins bonne que nous esprons. Du coup je suis en train de relire tous les textes et j'espre terminer durant le weekend. Nous comptons sortir le Chapitre Supplmentaire (4+ heures de jeu) ce Printemps et cette fois la version Franaise sera prte le jour du lancement. Au fur et mesure que nous remboursons nos dettes, il devient plus facile de planifier et de tenir les dlais... Merci encore de votre patience!!! Sortir le jeux sur plusieures plateformes tait un nouveau challenge pour nous et faire la traduction nous-mmes aussi. Mais nous apprenons de nos erreurs! Dimmie
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Posted - 5 years 10 months ago
We have been testing the iOS version for over two weeks now and will release it in the next few days. It may happen as soon as this weekend or next week at the latest, depending on how long does the submission process take. The French version will only be released next week. The German version should be ready in the course of December. We are also starting work on the Portuguese and Spanish versions thanks to the offer of several fans to help us with the translation! Thank yo...u so much!!! A few words from Dimmie. In French. Bonjour! Je sais que ce n'est plus la premire annonce de dates que je fais pour la version Franaise, mais cette fois-ci, c'est la bonne. Nous allons enfin la sortir la semaine prochaine! Nous tions srs d'y arriver cette semaine, mais la qualit de la traduction tait moins bonne que nous esprons. Du coup je suis en train de relire tous les textes et j'espre terminer durant le weekend. Nous comptons sortir le Chapitre Supplmentaire (4+ heures de jeu) ce Printemps et cette fois la version Franaise sera prte le jour du lancement. Au fur et mesure que nous remboursons nos dettes, il devient plus facile de planifier et de tenir les dlais... Merci encore de votre patience!!! Sortir le jeux sur plusieures plateformes tait un nouveau challenge pour nous et faire la traduction nous-mmes aussi. Mais nous apprenons de nos erreurs! Dimmie We have been testing the iOS version for over two weeks now and will release it in the next few days. It may happen as soon as this weekend or next week at the latest, depending on how long does the submission process take. The French version will only be released next week. The German version should be ready in the course of December. We are also starting work on the Portuguese and Spanish versions thanks to the offer of several fans to help us with the translation! Thank yo...u so much!!! A few words from Dimmie. In French. hello! I know this is no longer the first date announcement I make for the French version, but this time it's the right one. We're finally getting her out next week! We were sure to make it this week, but the quality of the translation was less good than we hope. So I'm re-reading all the texts and I hope to finish during the weekend. We plan to release the Additional Chapter (4 + hours of play) this Spring and this time the French version will be ready on launch day. As we pay off debts, it becomes easier to plan and keep the deadlines... Thank you again for your patience!!! Getting the game out on several platforms was a new challenge for us and doing the translation ourselves too. But we learn from mistakes! Dimmie
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Posted - 5 years 11 months ago
While we're almost done fixing the worst issues with the game, we can go back to release schedule again. Thank you for your patience! We are finally releasing the Mac version of True Fear Part 2 tonight! The iOS version is in testing and should be out in a week or maybe two. The French version is almost ready, while the German version will take a few more weeks. The PS4 and Switch versions will be finished before the end of winter, but it is too early to announce a firmer date. Hopefully it will happen closer to mid-winter, but we cannot say yet.
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Posted - 5 years 11 months ago
While we're almost done fixing the worst issues with the game, we can go back to release schedule again. Thank you for your patience! We are finally releasing the Mac version of True Fear Part 2 tonight! The iOS version is in testing and should be out in a week or maybe two. The French version is almost ready, while the German version will take a few more weeks. The PS4 and Switch versions will be finished before the end of winter, but it is too early to announce a firmer date. Hopefully it will happen closer to mid-winter, but we cannot say yet.
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Posted - 5 years 11 months ago
It is happening! True Fear Forsaken Souls Part 2 should be now live on Google Play and Steam! We still cannot believe it! Thank you so much for your support and your incredible patience with us! I'll repeat that the game is only released on Android and Steam (PC) for the moment. The iOS and Mac versions will follow in a couple of weeks. French language will be added in a few days and German will be added in a little longer. The PS4 and Switch releases might happen as early a...s late December, but more likely early 2019. This is the first time we are releasing the game without an actual publisher, so this is the first time we had to run the QA ourselves. There might be glitches. Actually, no, there definitely will be a few glitches. We apologize for them and will be fixing them ASAP and updating the game! Also a few features will be added in a couple of weeks - some of the Bonus Material, a lot more music (we're having a glitch with it) and even a couple more subplots. Dimmie will be polishing the game through November. Dimmie wanted to write a big letter, but is too busy now. Definitely expect a long and tearful letter any time soon! Haha We have just assembled the data from testers and the game is even longer than we expected - the average time was close to 10 hours! Dimmie is even afraid that it is a little too vast and it is sometimes hard to keep track. Let us know what you think! We all hope that you will enjoy the game! (is this really happening?)
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Posted - 5 years 11 months ago
It is happening! True Fear Forsaken Souls Part 2 should be now live on Google Play and Steam! We still cannot believe it! Thank you so much for your support and your incredible patience with us! I'll repeat that the game is only released on Android and Steam (PC) for the moment. The iOS and Mac versions will follow in a couple of weeks. French language will be added in a few days and German will be added in a little longer. The PS4 and Switch releases might happen as early a...s late December, but more likely early 2019. This is the first time we are releasing the game without an actual publisher, so this is the first time we had to run the QA ourselves. There might be glitches. Actually, no, there definitely will be a few glitches. We apologize for them and will be fixing them ASAP and updating the game! Also a few features will be added in a couple of weeks - some of the Bonus Material, a lot more music (we're having a glitch with it) and even a couple more subplots. Dimmie will be polishing the game through November. Dimmie wanted to write a big letter, but is too busy now. Definitely expect a long and tearful letter any time soon! Haha We have just assembled the data from testers and the game is even longer than we expected - the average time was close to 10 hours! Dimmie is even afraid that it is a little too vast and it is sometimes hard to keep track. Let us know what you think! We all hope that you will enjoy the game! (is this really happening?)
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Posted - 5 years 11 months ago
It looks like we are on track to release the game today 8pm Paris time, which is 3pm ET! Everybody is running around like crazy, bumping into each other. Dimmie is testing the game, sighing at every feature that didn't make it into the build. Don't worry, though, we'll be updating the game through November with all of those! We are releasing the Android and the PC (Steam) versions simultaneously. The iOS and Mac versions will follow in a couple of weeks. Mac probably even ear...lier. For the moment, only the English and Russian versions are ready. Dimmie is still working on the French version and we expect it to be ready in a few days. The German version will take longer, possibly over a month. We'll announce the dates for other websites and platforms soon too. But first we'll take a couple of days collecting the data and fixing the issues that may come up. So, a little less than eight hours to go!
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Posted - 5 years 11 months ago
We are sorry to announce that we have to postpone the Android release by... two days! :( The Steam PC version stays on track, but may be also postponed by two days. We'll confirm that on Wednesday or Thursday. So right now we are standing to release both the Android and the PC (Steam) versions on Friday November 2nd. The Mac and iOS versions should be very close behind.... We apologize for yet another delay!!! A word from Dimmie Hi! I know that we haven't even started rebuilding your trust and here go again... Unfortunately, releasing the game on PC/Mac, Android/iOS and with gamepad support at the same time was too much for us. We should have given up on gamepad support (to add it later with an update), but I somehow missed that... I imagine that many of you are thinking something like "I knew it" or even "I bet that after two days there will be another five". We totally deserve this! All I can say is, we are not asking for a month or even a week, but two days. We are working literally day and night to make this happen. I very sincerely apologize for again not keeping word. I especially apologize to those who made plans, freed up time to play the game! I know how you feel and I am deeply sorry! Dimmie
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Posted - 6 years 5 Days ago
We have promised that the PC/Mac, Android and iOS version of True Fear Forsaken Souls Part 2 will be released on Halloween. Good news - all three versions are ready! - The Android version will be released on Google Play on October 31st. Possibly even earlier in some territories. - The PC/Mac version will be released on Steam between October 28th and November 2nd. It is less in control than Android, so we cannot yet name a precise day. - The iOS version will be a bit late...
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Posted - 6 years 1 month ago
We are very happy to announce, that we have the dates for the release of True Fear Forsaken Souls Part 2! The PC/Mac version will come out on Halloween. We are absolutely sure of it! We are also hoping to release the Android and iOS versions on the same day, but we may run late by a couple of weeks. We should have a better idea by October! Playstation 4 version should be ready in December, but probably will not come out until January. But we'll try!... One thing that may disappoint, is that so far we are sure about the Halloween release of the PC/Mac version on Steam only. We are still waiting to learn the dates on other portals. Hopefully, it will also be Halloween or at least very close. Right now the game is 100% finished and Dimmie is adding his final touches while we are testing the game. Dimmie always keeps adding and changing little things up until the game is released (and often beyond), so no need to worry!
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Posted - 6 years 2 months ago
We have released older HOPA Mystery Valley on Google Play! The game was reassembled from scratch with Dimmie working on all the controls and original artists coming back to update some of the art. The game now supports the wide screens and has a much better touch functionality. We are currently working on adding a Bonus Material section with some art and the achievements that will be added in a free update some time soon. The game has been released on iOS a long time ago ...
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Posted - 6 years 2 months ago
A quick heads up. As "usual" we are running a bit late on schedule and will only deliver the version to Dimmie for his final test on August 15th, two weeks later than planned. However, we saw it coming and planned the tests around it. As a result, the delay should not affect the grand picture - we are still on track to send the game to the publishers on September 1st! Since at times several members of the team were free, together with Dimmie they were working on a small side project. More on that this Friday!
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Posted - 6 years 3 months ago
A quick update. It looks like we're on track to finishing the modifications by the end of July! Possibly first week of August at the latest. Dimmie is pushing for more transparency, so below are the details. Maximum effort! There were a lot of modifications 23 scenes were changed, 3 totally new locations were added, as well as 6 new puzzles. Furthermore, we are recording a lot of new voiceovers right now. The playthrough is much smoother, the story much clearer.... We are also happy to say that Svetlana, the lead artist behind Mystery Valley and True Fear 1 is back with us! She left three years ago for health reasons and then we couldn't hire her back because... well, we had no money. We expect her to start work on True Fear 3 in August. We'll send the new version to producers early August and we do not expect too much feedback. Even if there is, we are not likely to do much about it - we are all happy with the current version and want it out ASAP! So, hopefully, by September 1st we will have the final PC/Mac version. Depending on the publishers, the game may come out right away or wait a couple more months for a good release date / publisher QA. We are pretty confident to release the Android version for Halloween. Since we do not go through a publisher on Android, there are less uncertainties. Then, a month or two later we expect to have the iOS version. We also hope to have a PS4 version ready for Halloween, but there are more things that can potentially go wrong there. We will keep you posted on all developments!
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Posted - 6 years 4 months ago
We have received the feedback from producers a few weeks ago and it wasn't all good... While the graphics quality and overall value was praised, the story and gameplay was confusing to most. As a result, we're in for 1-2 months of last minute changes. Read on for (tedious) details from Dimmie if you have the courage Hey!...
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Posted - 6 years 6 months ago
We are sending True Fear Forsaken Souls Part II to the first publisher today! It is a month later than we expected, but only due to unforeseeable circumstances outside control. Dimmie wrote a two page letter (with a graph!) to explain the situation in detail, but we talked him out of publishing it. We know you are tired of excuses. We'll see the first feedback from this (friendly) retail publisher and then send the game to the big digital publishers a couple of weeks lat...er. Soon after we'll know the release date! Attached are a few screenshots from the current version. Each member of the team picked one from the images we added recently. Three shots from the cutscenes and three images from the game. In total three are from the bonus chapter. Hopefully next post will have THE date!
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Posted - 6 years 8 months ago
We have been testing the game since December and, while I was expecting to have it ready for release by now, I was given the estimates a few days ago and they don't look good... The team has estimated that it will take 2-4 months to release True Fear Forsaken Souls Part II. I must say that I was more than disappointed by the news and have spent the last days talking to different members and seeking second opinions. Unfortunately, it seems that those estimates are correct. Be...cause the work on the game has stopped and restarted so many times, going through 3 team leaders, 4 game designers (my assistants) and 2 game engines, we now have many bugs and inconsistencies that need to be found and fixed. There is also something else. I have written the game 6 years ago and had a very specific vision. During the years compromises were made to save money or simply accommodate other people's or publisher's desires. While separately, each little thing seemed insignificant, it became clear now that the story took somewhat of a back seat and I find it unacceptable. The story is pretty interesting and the trilogy does come, in my opinion, to a very cool and logical conclusion. I was given the option to wave some problems and adapt the story to release the game a bit earlier but, frankly, I do not want to take it. The game was in development so long already (and actually looks and plays really well) and it would a pity to not add the final touches to save a month or two. We are currently finalizing the to-do lists and should have a more precise estimate by the end of the month at which point we will make another announcement. Now, I know that this may seem pretty much like any post we've made in the last years, but there are some differences. First of all, all the major casual game publishers are onboard, so we know that the game will be on Big Fish Games, for example. Second, we have the team and money to do it. Holding out 4 months may be challenging, but we do expect to finish earlier - possibly as early as in 2 months. Also we will be releasing the first chapter on Sony PS4 and Nintendo Switch soon, which should bring in some cash. Finally, we already have the design and budget for the final part. We estimate that it should take no longer than a year to be released after part 2. Possibly less than 9 months. Obviously, coming from us, dates probably mean nothing, but we have a great (almost) all new team, so let's see how we hold the "2-4 months" promise! Hopefully, one day we will rebuild trust! Once again, thank you for the wonderful messages!!! I keep printing and adding them to my wall. Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to be fully transparent. For a change. Dimmie Azu
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Posted - 6 years 10 months ago
We would like to take today as an opportunity to inform you of the state of cursed trilogy. We are sending the game to Big Fish Games and a couple of other publishers before end January. We have already agreed and the game will be published. Then, as soon as we are given a date a date, we will announce it. For those who still remotely trust what we're saying, some details After last announcement, the Android sales failed to materialize. The first 5 months brought i...n less than $300... Later the sales did pick up and did so quite significantly. We expect to reach a MILLION downloads by the end of the year! Unfortunately, by that time we were once again deep in debt and had to take on several minor jobs. We went back to True Fear in September and were hoping to release the game by the end of the year (hence the snowy cover page), but failed to predict the sheer amount of bugs and errors. We'll figure out who's fault it is before we start work on the last chapter... After we failed to keep last word, Dimmie decreed that we won't make any more public announcements until we have a solid date. We don't exactly have that now, but we're absolutely confident in the above statement - the game is finished, bonus chapter and bonus materials included and we're just waiting for a few texts now. We have no other plans and we do have the necessary finance to finish everything. Thank you so much for everything! We've thanked you for the patience and support so many times that it is hard to say anything else with a straight face... A special thanks to new Android fans - if True Fear 2 sales will be anything like the first game, Android alone should finance the sequel. Meaning that we will no longer depend on publishers and approvals in the future. It took us almost 18 years to get here. And Dimmie would like to thank all those sending their support and (very deserved) outrage. He particularly liked the one message about the fact that many fans had time to have children while waiting for the sequel. He printed and hang that one over his desk. Happy Holidays!!!
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Posted - 7 years 7 months ago
An update on what is happening! We expect the QA to be finished in two weeks and to receive the finals texts around mid-April. We'll fix the found issues, integrate the texts and that's it. Frankly, we would rather not give any dates, given past record. The good news is that after that there are no more unknowns! We have went through the Steam release process for the first episode and know exactly what to expect and how long does it take (a few days). Why is it taking so ...long? First of all, we have never had to organize the QA and localization process ourselves. Then there's the fact that only 3 people on the team actually work on True Fear now. The others are on work for hire projects to pay for everyone. Thank you very much for your offers to crowdfund the game! Dimmie admits now that it might have been a good idea back in September, but now, when we're a couple of months away from the game release, it'll only complicate things. We are all at Goblinz very grateful for all the support! We also totally understand those whose patience has long ran out - ours would have too, probably... We may have a good news soon, though. Dimmie and a few others have been working on a new True Fear concept outside the Forsaken Souls trilogy and will be presenting a prototype to a big publisher in May. We will be looking for testers this April! Here are a two stills from the mid-game "Enlightenment" cut-scene and two images from the Bonus Chapter of the game.
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Posted - 7 years 8 months ago
Despite your great reviews, the Android version didn't get much traction. So we have taken a job on the side to raise some money - been busy working night and day on it. We should finish the job in two weeks and move on to releasing True Fear Part II. It shouldn't take us more than two months. We realize that by now nothing we say means anything, so we'll just keep on working and hopefully this will be the first time we'll keep word.... The only silver lining to this is that Dimmie has been spending all his free time making minor changes to True Fear. Since we are releasing the game ourselves, Dimmie has decided to try and revert any censored changes and bring the story back to what is was originally intended. Also the two scares that were judged to be "too much" and were removed are going to be back in the game.
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Posted - 7 years 10 months ago
We have just released True Fear Part I on Android! Link The release on Steam got us about 6 of the money we need to release Part II ourselves (localization and QA) and we are confident the Android version should provide the rest.... To publishers dismay Dimmie insisted that we stress out that this is EXACTLY the same version that was released on Steam and you should NOT buy it if you already played the game! We tremendously appreciate your support, but this would be a rip off at this point. Dimmie's words. However, if you could rate the free demo or even give it a good review (copy paste if you already have reviewed the game) it could be extremely useful! Thank you!
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Posted - 7 years 11 months ago
Here are the links to the True Fear Forsaken Souls 2 playable demo! PC - Link Mac - Link ... We have never released anything ourselves, so we hope that everything goes well and the server runs smoothly. Fingers crossed. Also, we are still waiting for digital signature, so you will likely see a message telling you that the file could be potentially dangerous as the publisher is unknown. Please let us know your thoughts and impressions!
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Posted - 7 years 11 months ago
We would like to thank everyone for supporting release on Steam and for your fantastic reviews!!! If haven't already, please leave us a review! Reviews are very important on Steam. Much more so than on any other portal. If you have already left a review on another portal, you can simply copy paste it to Steam or just write a few words. As long as you click the "recommend" button, it helps the game!... Thank you!!! The demo of Part II will be live on Steam tomorrow. Steam will automatically update the game, unless you are playing it. While the demo is mostly a finished game, some things are still not final and some scenes may lag and even crash. There are two problems in particular - no game music and some Facts (notes, etc) are missing. We usually add the music and Facts after the QA to avoid having to re-do it if the publisher asks us to change something. While both the music and the Facts play, of course, a large part in the immersion, we hope that you will still enjoy the demo! Please let us know what you thought of it! We are working to make the demo available for free to everyone. We still need to solve a few legal and technical issues, but it should happen in 2-3 weeks. By that time we also hope to have a release date. Fingers crossed!
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Posted - 8 years 6 Days ago
True Fear Forsaken Souls Part I has finally been released on Steam!!! Link This is a very important step for us! Not only should Steam generate a welcomed new source of income that will right away go towards starting work on True Fear 3, but generally Steam is a very good new platform that doesnt interfere with the games content.... Finally, this release should help pave the way for an earlier release of the sequel! This is the ultimate edition of the game and as such the Steam release has a few new and unique features in addition to all the features of the Collectors Edition - All hidden object scenes have been redone - made darker and more logical to suit the games atmosphere better. - An options allows you to forgo hidden object scenes altogether and play all new actions scenes instead. - The game features a couple of original uncensored scenes, one of the earlier, uncensored versions of the Intro and a new puzzle. - A full gamepad support has been specifically tailored to the game. - Finally, the game features the whole set of Steam Assets 6 Emoticons, 5 Trading Cards, 5 Profile Backgrounds, 5 Badges, 1 Foil Badge and supports both the Steam Achievements and Steam Cloud Saves. While the game hardly has enough new features to warrant purchasing it again, we wanted to thank those, who will, by including in this release a link towards the playable demo of the sequel. Since September, Steam only takes into account reviews posted by people who have purchased the game and on Steam reviews are very important. The link to the demo will become active on October 31st. The same demo will become publically available a few weeks later.
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