Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Goblinz team!For reasons beyond control we've spent most of the year with a skeleton crew (more on that later by Dimmie), but we've been hiring back since August.My name is Polina and I'll be one of the two part-time community managers. Goblinz never had a marketing or media person (which explains the absolutely abysmal communication track record), but from now on there will always be someone to answer your questions, even if I have to bug Dimmie hourly about them!I love the True Fear series and have played one Act of Part 3 and it is amazing! I've picked a few images below.We hope to know the dates in the coming months and from now on will be making regular posts.Now I give the floor to Dimmie and he's going to tell the story, in my opinion, worth reading to the end. Dimmie, to you:Hello!A year ago the future looked bright and for the first time we felt confident of keeping promises to you. Finally, money was coming in and all we had to do was make games, which is something we love doing. What could go wrong? Well, a lot.Below is a detailed account of what has happened. I doubt that it will be an interesting read, but feel like I owe you all the details. Skip to the last paragraphs for Part 3 details. Goblinz doesn't not have an office. team works from home from all over the world (literally all over the globe). However, the bulk of programmers and artists are from Eastern Europe. About a year ago it became increasingly difficult to transfer the salaries there due to geopolitical events (it doesn't get more "beyond control" than this). At first a third of transfers would "come back" (minus random, never explained fees that were never refunded). Then the transfers simply stopped. You see, apparently, it was cheaper for banks to simply refuse all transfers than study each one in detail and risk popping on the radar... We have virtually ceased activity by early 2019 and still it took us months to pay the employees what we owed them. We were able to pay the last dues just a month ago!It took us all this time to fix this seemingly "easy problem". Basically, we had to find a bank that specializes in video games and was able and willing to justify transfers to the controlling authorities. So short version - since August we've paid everything we owed and are almost at full capacity again. Read on if you want more details.At this point you may ask yourselves "sure, we get it, but why no news for over a year!?" A fair question...I have known that we would have to open a new company for a while, but we didn't have a dime to spare - everything was going into Part 2 and we still had to borrow every month. As soon as Part 2 came out, I made opening the company my priority and was assured by lawyers that it wouldn't take more than three months. Why so long? Banks willing to work with certain zones take an extra long time vetting their new clients - makes sense! So, having the dates, I confidently made the post a year ago - last post.And then the "beyond control" thing happened again, and again, and again. Every time I was given a new date, usually "two more weeks", and then in two weeks something new was happening. Each time I would write a post and each time I wouldn't post it, thinking to myself "okay, we have zero credibility now, instead of promising dates, let's wait until it actually happens". And each time I was right to wait. By late Spring, having lost most of the team I've built over 19 years, I had lost hope and couldn't bring myself to write anything or answer any letter.It would take (more) pages to cover everything that we went through, but I will detail one particular moment just to illustrate how incredibly unbelievable the situation was at times.Late Winter we were almost there! A lot of crazy, statistically unbelievable things have happened, but we were there. All I had to do, was receive a letter by regular mail, print, sign, scan and mail back... except the letter wouldn't arrive! I went to investigate and found out that the postal service in Paris were on strike (funny, heh?). I went to the post office and was told that they kept a minimal service and that next day they would get me my letter. Next day I receive a happy text message from the concierge of my building (in France it is typical for all mail to come to the concierge and then be distributed) - the letter had arrived! concierge, Jerome, is a great guy, a fan of True Fear, who has helped us a lot on the French version. After I had been nagging him about THE LETTER for days, he was understandably excited for us.I remember taking my time leaving my apartment. It felt serene, like a storm had passed. I even wrote an email to the team, saying that we are at the "finish line". When I finally did go, I found the concierge sitting on the floor in front of his door with a screwdriver. I remember having a nervous laugh and even taking a photo. The door broke down and, trying to save money, Jerome tried to open it himself... Predictably enough, by the time we called a professional, the door was well beyond easy fixing. When the door finally opened, it was night and the weekend had already begun.I signed the papers and was waiting for Monday to mail them by DHL, thus avoiding the ongoing strike... only to wake up Monday to the news that the bank that we were using for some transfers at the time, also worked with Venezuela and, thus, was from now on on a sanctions list! And that absolutely absurd coincidence immediately triggered a red flag at new bank, restarting the whole vetting process all over again, this time with increased scrutiny!!! And I know that even if the letter were already in the mail, it wouldn't have changed a thing, but still, the coincidence of it happening that exact day felt uncanny...I really hope that at least some of you like my work enough to believe that if I were to invent an excuse, I would have come up with something less unbelievable. I remember thinking to myself up to a point that this would make for a good story until it got so unrealistic that even telling it felt weird. And that point came BEFORE the above letter incident - hense my nervous laugh when I saw the concierge with the screwdriver.But, unfortunately, a lot of things that have happened to both company and several of its core members during this year were a fine example of how truth, not being constrained by realism, can indeed sometimes afford being stranger than fiction...If you've read that far into my mumblings, let me thank you by sharing some details of current situation! As you may have seen by recent releases on PS4 and Switch, we're alive again - the team is almost complete and most of the talents have quit their new jobs and are back with us! Some had amazing stories to tell - one of lead artists took that time to paint the ceilings of a church, for example! But we're back and very excited to be working again!As of now Part 3 has over 5 playable hours and 3 of those are 100% finished (sounds, animations, etc). There are already 34 puzzles and almost 7 minutes of cut-scenes. Basically, I'd say that we've done 40% of the work on Part 3, not counting the testing and platform specifics. Since we're still hiring, it will take us a couple more months to figure out the dates, but so far the work is going well and on schedule.To put in perspective, right now we have a finished game almost the length of Part 1. However Part 3 need to be the longest and most polished installment. As you may know, originally True Fear wasn't supposed to be a trilogy, so Part 3 has to be "disproportionately" rich in revelations and be significantly scarier - as the ending of a horror movie should be. In some ways Part 3 will also be closer to Part 1. I don't want to spoil anything, but there will be more of the "locked inside a haunted house" vibe we had in Part 1.There will be two endings, as I have originally planned (but had almost given up on). More on that later! I feel bad for the very long letter, but believe that after so many broken promises I owed it to those willing to read through it. Also. I missed "talking" to you, guys! There will be someone answering the comments and letters from now on. We are in constant contact and all information will come directly from me. I will, obviously keep answering many letters myself - now that I have help, it will be much easier! Still, give us some time to sort through the 1000+ unread letters first!Dimmie
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