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Posted - 5 years 1 month ago
Try to hit the jackpot for Lady Luck! Post a screenshot of 777 on Yena's Slot for a chance to win the Goddess of Luck skin! PT Chegou a hora de conseguir o jackpot para a Deusa da Sorte! Poste uma print com o jackpot 777 na roleta da Yena para uma chance de ganhar a skin Deus da Sorte!... SP Intenta llevarte el bote por la Diosa Fortuna! Postea una foto de 777 dentro del tragaperras de yena para tener un chance de ganar la skin de Diosa de la Fortuna!
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Posted - 5 years 1 month ago
Test your luck with Yena's new skin! The Goddess of Luck will soon be fighting to tip the scales in your favor on the battlefield! PT Teste sua sorte com a nova skin da Yena! A Deusa da Sorte estar em breve lutando contra o destino ao seu lado no campo de batalha!
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Posted - 5 years 1 month ago
Time to take part in a new challenge! The Valor LATAM Tournament is being hosted by the AoV Moderator Team. Take part for the opportunity to enjoy the excitement of competition and win vouchers! Sign up here! Link For more details, pls refer to AoV discord group Link
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Posted - 5 years 1 month ago
An actual, real puppy, which is not Krizzix in a costume, is also available today!
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Posted - 5 years 1 month ago
Krizzix, the Deceiver, is now available! Pick up this hero to trick your enemies into defeat!
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Posted - 5 years 1 month ago
This cute puppy, which is obviously not Krizzix in disguise, will soon be available! By sheer coincidence, this definitely-not-Krizzix skin will be available on the same day as Krizzix! PT Esse adorvel cachorro -que obviamente no o Krizzix disfarado- estar disponvel em breve! Por pura coincidncia essa skin definitvamente-no--o-Krizzix estar disponvel na mesma data do lanamento do heri!... SP Este lindo cachorro (Quien obvimente no es Krizzix disfrazado), llegar pronto por mera coincidencia, esta skin que definitivamente no es de Krizzix estar disponible el mismo da que Krizzix!
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Posted - 5 years 1 month ago
Dear Challengers, abnormal problems with the system have led to errors in the points and duration of the recent returning player promotional event Moren's Workshop, and the description of the Nov. Lucky Draw Selection Chest does not match the items actually offered by the chest (the correct description should be select one of the following Wisp, Wisp Frogzooka, Ignis, Ignis Lord of the Frost). We are very sorry for this error and will be more vigilant to avoid such bugs i...n the future. To express apologies, we will send Violet and Liliana to players with returning player points of 2 or more via in-game mail in early December. In addition, challengers affected by the Nov. Lucky Draw Selection Chest bug can fill in the following form to change their skin or hero. The link is as follows Link Again, we sincerely apologize to you, and we will continue to improve operational capabilities, try best to prevent such incidents from happening again, and work to improve the player's gaming experience. Thank you for your understanding and support!
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Posted - 5 years 1 month ago
Krizzix is a powerful hero who can make all his teammates invisible! Here's a sneak peak at Krizzix and his skills so that you can get a preview of how to harness his awesome power! PT O Krizzix um heri poderoso que pode tornar todos os membros da sua equipe invisveis! Confira uma prvia das habilidades do Krizzix e o quo incrvel ele !... SP Krizzix es un hroe poderoso que puede hacer a todos sus compaeros de equipo invisibles! Aqu hay un adelanto de Krizzix y sus habilidades para que tengas una vista previa y as sepas como aprovechar al mximo su gran poder!
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Posted - 5 years 1 month ago
A new hero approaches the battlefield! Krizzix will soon be ready to support you and your team to victory in Arena of Valor! PT Um novo heri se aproxima dos campos de batalha! O Krizzix estar disponvel em breve para ajudar o seu time no caminho da vitria no Arena of Valor!... SP Un nuevo hroe se aproxima al campo de batalla! Krizzix pronto estar listo y ser el soporte en tu equipo para llevarte a la victoria en Arena of Valor.
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Posted - 5 years 1 month ago
Ignis's Lord of the Frost is now here to bring a cold snap to your battlefield!
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Posted - 5 years 1 month ago
Moren's Workshop is open now! Complete quests and earn points towards some awesome rewards!
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Posted - 5 years 1 month ago
Ignis dons his white wizard's regalia to transform his fiery touch into an icy command! Lord of the Frost Ignis is coming soon! PT Ignis est pronto para transformar seu toque ardente em um comando gelado! A skin Senhor do Gelo do Ignis est chegando!... SP Ignis se viste con sus insignias reales de mago blanco para transformar su toque ardiente en un comando glacial! La skin de Ignis "Lord of the Frost" est en camino!
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Posted - 5 years 1 month ago
Maloch's Pumpkin Reaper and Diaochan's Witch's Creed skins are here to celebrate halloween. Dress up as your favorite heroes and trick and treat your way to victory! PT A skin Ceifador de Abbora do Maloch e Crena das Bruxas da Diaochan j esto disponveis para comemorarmos o Halloween em Athanor. Vista sua fantasia com seu heri favorito e corra atrs da vitria ao estilo gostosuras ou travessuras!... SP Las skins de Maloch "Caza Calabazas" y la de Diaochan "Credo de Bruja" Ya estan aqui para celebrar el halloween1. Vistete con tu heroe favorito y haz trato o truco para ganar!
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Posted - 5 years 1 month ago
This beautiful witch chooses trick over treat! Be bewitched by Diao Chan this halloween...her Witch's Creed skin is coming soon! PT Essa linda bruxa prefere travessuras do que gostosuras! Seja enfeitiado pela Diaochan neste Halloween em sua nova skin, Crena das Bruxas em breve!... SP Esta hermosa bruja elije travesuras en vez de dulces! S embrujado este Halloween por Diaochan! Su skin "Credo de Bruja" llegar pronto!
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Posted - 5 years 1 month ago
This monster takes your candy instead! Reap the bounties of Halloween enemies with Pumpkin Reaper Maloch, coming soon! PT Esse monstro ir roubar todos os seus doces! Colha as recompensas dos inimigos nesse Halloween com a nova skin, Ceifador de Abbora do Maloch, em breve!... SP Este mounstruo se lleva tus caramelos! Roba las recompensas de tus enemigos de halloween con la skin de Maloch "Caza Calabazas", viene pronto!
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Posted - 5 years 1 month ago
Gildur's The Wayward Son skin is now available!
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Posted - 5 years 1 month ago
Halloween is coming to Arena of Valor! As always, it's time to put on some new costumes for some of your favorite heroes! Guess who's dressing up this year?
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Posted - 5 years 1 month ago
New Special Pack is up for grabs! Available from Oct. 22th to Nov. 5th. Seize this chance for a Premium Skin!
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Posted - 5 years 1 month ago
Exchange student Gildur's here! This Wayward Son comes with bodyguards and the resources to punish you if you get on his bad side! PT O estudante de intercmbio Gildur est aqui! Este Filho Rebelde vem com guarda-costas e recursos para puni-lo se voc ficar no caminho dele!... SP El estudiante de intercambio Gildur ya esta aqui! Este hijo rebelde viene con guardaespaldas y los recursos para castigarte si te interpones en su camino!
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Posted - 5 years 1 month ago
Hayate's Amethyst Guard skin is now available!
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Lunar elegance graces this agent of justice and destruction as Hayate will soon join Enzo on the Amethyst Guard! PT A elegncia lunar abenoa tambm esse agente da justica e destruio. O Hayate ser o prximo convocado junto ao Enzo para a Guarda Amatista!... SP La elegancia lunar apremia este agente de justicia y destruccion, Hayate se incorporar a la Guardia Amatista junto a Enzo!
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Enzo becomes a member of the Amethyst Guard! Pick up this blue, lunar themed skin for Enzo soon! PT O Enzo se tornou um membro da Guarda Ametista. Adquira a nova skin azulada e com tema lunar do Enzo em breve!... SP Enzo se une a la Guardia Amatista! Pronto podrs obtener este conjunto lunar azulado para Enzo!
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Season 1 Xeniel's Codex is now available! Time to earn a wealth of new rewards through its missions! Link
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Lauriel adorns herself in Emerald Justice! Pick up this new skin in this new codex season! SP Lauriel se adorna de Justicia Esmeralda! Consigue este conjunto en el nuevo cdice de Xeniel!
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Fancy a Volkath with a more (evil) gentleman's touch? Pick up this skin along with Volkath! PT Brinque com o Volkath e d a ele um toque de cavaleirismo em sua skin. Adquira ela junto do heri com um desconto exclusivo!... SP Te gustaria un Volkath Elegante y con un toque caballeroso? (Y tambien malvado!) Obtn este atuendo junto con Volkath!
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
The harsh police state requires a ruthless hand of justice! Quillen will be that hand. Nicknamed the Viper, this Dystopian Enforcer will be ready to enforce his deadly brand of justice soon! PT O estatuto policial exige uma mo implacvel de justia! E o nome dessa mo ser Quillen. Apelidado de Viper, esse Executor Distpico estar pronto para impor sua marca mortal de justia em breve nos campos de batalha.... SP El severo estado policial requiere una mano justiciera despiadada. Quillen ser el encargado. Conocido como Viper, el ejecutor de la distopa muy pronto estar listo para ejercer justicia mortal!
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
In 2052, the city was rife with crime. The black market was filled with illegal augmentations and weapons, and every ordinary person equipped with them could kill people like flies. The government has set up a secret police force to control the situation in junction with staff from a mysterious biotech company. They operated all night, and no one knew where they were. If you encountered them, it would be your last night.... PT Apaga o crime! Salva o mundo! No ano 2052 abundou o crime na cidade. O mercado negro estava cheio de aumentos e armas, pelo que cada pessoa que tiver uma, podia matar pessoas como moscas, o governo criou uma fora de policiais segreda conjunto com o pessoal de uma companhia de biotecnologia, eles trabalharam toda a noite, ningum sabia onde estavam, se fosses apanhado, seria a tua ltima noite. SP En el ao 2052, abundaba el crimen en la ciudad. El mercado negro estaba lleno de aumentos y armas, por lo que cada persona que las poseyera podia matar gente como moscas. El gobierno ha creado una fuerza de policia secreta para controlar la situacion en conjunto con el personal de una compaia de biotecnologia. Operaron toda la noche, nadie sabia donde se encontraban. Si te los encontraras, seria tu ultima noche! "
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Heaven's Wrath arrives with a touch of luxurious emerald. Embrace this new regalia for Lauriel, coming soon! PT Acima das montanhas escarpadas, a fada com penas de esmeralda caiu.... SP La furia del cielo llega con un toque de esmeralda lujosa. Consigue esta nueva regala para Lauriel, proximamente!
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
The darkness will soon be here, arriving on a dread horse in the form of Volkath, the Black Apostate! PT As trevas esto se aproximando e em breve, chegando eu seu aterrorizante cavalo na forma de Volkath, o Apstolo Negro!... SP La oscuridad se acerca... Llega en un caballo horroroso manifestndose en la forma de Volkath, el Renegado Oscuro.
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Violet's Wedding Day has arrived!
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
"What is life without freedom?" In search of true freedom, Volkath was tempted by the false light and fell into the abyss. Yet Volkath has since returned. He is determined to conquer Athanor, and no one will stop him!... PT O que a vida sem liberdade? Em busca da verdadeira liberdade, Volkath foi tentado pela luz falsa e caiu no abismo. No entanto, Volkath retornou e est determinado a conquistar Athanor, e ningum o impedir! SP Qu es la vida sin libertad? En su busqueda de libertad verdadera, Volkath fue tentado por luz falsa y se derrumb en el abismo. A pesar de eso ha vuelto determinado a conquistar Athanor y nadie lo detendr.
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Volkath has risen once again. His return will lead to a new era for Athanor. Will he be unleashed to cause death and destruction, or will he be sent once again into the abyss?
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Do you love Violet? Make Violet yours with this lovely wedding day dress, and allow her to support you with her equally lovely (and devastating) arsenal! PT Voc ama a Violet? Faa essa prova de amor e confira a sua nova skin, com o seu belo vestido de casamento e permita que ela te retribua com amor incondicional e seu devastador arsenal.... SP Amas a Violet? Haz que sea parte de ti con este encantador vestido de novia y deja que ella te proteja con su igualmente encantador (Y devastador) arsenal! Do you love Violet? Make Violet yours with this lovely wedding day dress, and allow her to support you with her equally lovely (and devastating) arsenal! En Do you love violet? Take this proof of love and check out your new skin, with your beautiful wedding dress and allow it to repay you with unconditional love and your devastating arsenal.... SP Do you love violet? Make it part of you with this lovely wedding dress and let her protect you with her equally charming (and devastating) Arsenal!
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Yena is now available in the shop!
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Didn't pick up the Crescent Maiden the first time? Now's your chance to get her! Yena will soon be able in the shop for gold or vouchers! PT No conseguiu adquirir a Donzela da Lua Crescente na sua primeira apario? No se preocupe, porque agora chegou a sua hora! A Yena estar disponvel em breve na loja atravs de gold ou vouchers.... SP Perdiste a la Doncella de la Luna Creciente la primera vez? Ahora es tu oportunidad de obtenerla! Yena estar disponible en la tienda muy pronto a cambio de oro o vouchers! Didn't pick up the Crescent Maiden the first time? Now's your chance to get her! Yena will soon be able in the shop for gold or vouchers! En Couldn't acquire the maiden of the crescent moon on her first appearance? Don't worry, because now it's time! Yena will be available soon in store through gold or vouchers.... SP Did you lose the maiden of the crescent moon the first time? Now is your chance to get it! Full will be available in the store very soon in exchange for gold or vouchers!
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Lumburr's Timeworn Guardian skin is now available!
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
The venerable guardian of Ancient Athanor arises again! Lumburr, the Timeworn Guardian is on its way! PT O venervel guardio da antiga Athanor ressurge! Lumburr, o Guardio Timeworn est a caminho!... SP El venerable guardin del antiguo Athanor resurge! Lumburr... La skin Timeworn pronto estar disponbile!
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Max's Crescent Moon Pure White skin is now available!
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Wisp's Frogzooka skin is now available!
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Wisp clearly doesn't play fair in a pillow fight. I mean seriously, who could possibly win against her plushie but overwhelming barrage? PT A Wisp claramente no joga justo em uma guerra de travesseiros. Com toda a certeza, quem poder vencer ela e sua imensa pelcia?... SP Claramente Wisp no juega limpio en las peleas de almohadas. Es decir... Quin tiene posibilidades frente a su abrumador bombardeo de peluches?
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Wisp is coming over for a sleepover in her Frogzooka pajamas! Beware of her cannos firing (cute) stuffed animals! PT A Wisp j est pronta com o seu pijama Frogzooka para juntar-se a festa de pijamas! Cuidado com os seus canhes atirando os mais fofos ursinhos de pelcia existentes!... SP Wisp viene a la pijamada en su pijama de Frogzooka! Cuidado con sus caones lanzadores de animales de peluche!
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Tulen's Yin & Yang skin is now available!
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Hellborn Errol is now available!
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
This new version has added a number of innovative features, including Smart Ping system. new DCL download method, and world view system. We look forward to your suggestions and feedback, whether good or bad, and we'll use it to create a better gaming experience for you! Click here to submit Link
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
The patch notes are now available. See what's changed in the latest version of the game! English Patch Notes Link
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
iOS is ready to update! Hooray! PT o jogo j est disponvel para ser atualizado no iOS! Yay! SP El juego ya est disponible para actualizarse en iOS! Yay!
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
There are two sides to Tulen. One that brings light and justice to the battlefield. The other brings darkness and death. Be both sides of Tulen with the new Yin & Yang skin! PT Existem dois lados no Tulen um que traz luz e justia no campo de batalha, enquanto o outro traz trevas e morte. Seja ambos com o novo visual do Tulen, Yin & Yang!... SP Para Tulen hay dos lados. Uno brinda luz y justicia al campo de batalla. El otro trae consigo oscuridad y muerte. Se los dos lados de Tulen con la nueva Skin Yin & Yang!
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Thank you for your patience! The new version of Arena of Valor is now available on Google Play store for play! However, for iOS players, the App Store has not updated, so please keep an eye on status pages. We will let you know when it is updated. Also, we have prepared an extra reward for your understanding and support! Enjoy and happy gaming!... Link
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
The Arena of Valor servers will be down for maintenance as we implement the latest patch. We apologize for the inconvenience! Link UTC 9.25, 3: - 10: GMT-3 9.25, : - 7: CEST 9.25, 05: - 12:
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Here's a look at the heroes who will be adjusted in the latest patch! Link
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