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Posted - 5 years 1 month ago
Hi, Friends! It's time to take a look at CarX Drift Racing 2 last update - 1.7.2. So, long-term friend TENEO prepared review of it for your to watch. ... Did you manage to play already? Tell us, what do you think of it! Enjoy watching!
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Posted - 5 years 1 month ago
Dear friends! We are happy to announce that long awaited update 1.7.2 for Drift Racing 2 is finally out! And this time we have added something you all have been waiting for! ... From now on, you can play Drift Racing 2 using Dualshock and Xbox One gamepad and some other MFI controllers! Apart from that *We have fixed Wellington. *We have upgraded overall games stability and optimization. *We have optimized all tracks. * We have optimized application work on iphone 5s and iphone 6+ devices. * We have fixed bug with missing rewards for single race. * We have optimized environment elements on St.Petersburg track. *We have fixed sound bug on St. Petersburg track. Thanks a lot for all your messages and information about bugs and technical issues, you help us to make the best game in the world! Good luck on track! CarX Team.
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Posted - 5 years 1 month ago
Hi, Friends! new event in Drift Racing 2 is on! Its time to complete PRO RIDE, but beware it wont be easy! ... You can win CARGO and SPARK ZR. In case, you already have this cars - you can get RAVEN RV8. Event is available for participation till 04.02.2020 Hurry up and good luck! CarX Team P.S By the way,tell us what car would you like to get in future event?
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Posted - 5 years 1 month ago
Check out what some drifters did street drifting and Touge drifting in North Cyprus How is this legal !! Crazy guys
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Posted - 5 years 1 month ago
Hi, racers! How are you? friend Wazzup spent some time to recreate a few youtubers cars in game Drift Racing Online! ... And you just cant miss it! Enjoy! P.S You also can find this video with Tunisian Arabic Dialect just here Freebie Link Yours CarX Team
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Dear Friends! Lunar New Year Steam Sale is on! This is the best chance to buy CarX Drift Racing Online with a 60 % discount! So if youve been waiting for such opportunity - this is it! ... Sale is up to 27.01.2020, dont miss! See you on tracks! CarX Team
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Hi, Friends! We are happy to announce that new event is now officially on! Time has come to start ADVANCED TRAINING! So it wont be easy, like the last time, but the stakes are much higher now. ... You can win not only pilot costume, but also a legendary ZISMO! Event is available for participation till 28.01.2020. Hurry up and good luck! CarX Team
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Dear friends! new event in CarX Drift Racing 2 is officially on! This time you have a chance to win the one and only ICE RANGER! Moreover, we have made things a little bit easier, so anyone can have a try, no matter your drifting skills.... SIMPLE TRICKS will be available for participation till 21.01.2020 13:00 CET (15:00 Moscow time). Hurry up!
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
CarX CarXDriftRacingOnlinePlayStation ... PlayStationpc CarX Drift Racing Online playstation.com CarX Team Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Whats up, CarX fans! One of best achievements last year was publishing CarX Drift Racing Online on Sony PlayStation. It was something very much awaited by fans worldwide and we couldnt let you down. However, back in December we came out only on the European market & its time for Japan to join in.... In the last month those of you who often play in multiplayer mode have been enjoying cross-platform competitions going head to head not only with PC players but also those racing on Sony PlayStation. Its time to welcome Japanese virtual racers, coming from the motherland of drifting. Nihonjin no tomodachi, ykoso! [welcome, Japanese friends] Very soon were hoping to see friends from North American on all CarX Drift Racing Online tracks. CarX Drift Racing Online is your chance to immerse into the real world of drifting. Come together with friends, tune your car and burn some tires! Remember to check out Freebie Link to see what's available. CarX Team
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Hi, Friends! Weve got a great news for you! The thing is, long-term friend TENEO aka CarX Tutorials will be preparing many videos in English explaining how to do better in DR-2 from now on. ... This time TENEO will show you how to make unique and stylish livery for your car. So, if youd like to see more, remember to hit the like button and subscribe to his channel. Enjoy!
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Dear friends! We are happy to announce that new event TOY DRIFT (by the way we are waiting for your thoughts on why exactly its called like this) in CarX Drift Racing 2 has begun and will be available for participation till 14/01/2020 13:00 CET (15:00 Moscow time). So hurry up to test your skills and try luck to win CARROT II or ASURA M1 ! ... Good luck on track! P.S. We know that Wellington has been abducted by the aliens and something terrible had happened with it, but we are already working to fix it. Thanks a lot for your attention. Yours CarX Team.
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Greetings, racers! How are you doing? Its about time to talk about last update of 2019 for Drift Racing Online! Well, to be fair Its always better to show you, not tell! ... So take a look at great video from friend Waazzup! Enjoy! P.S You also can find this video with Tunisian Arabic Dialect just here Freebie Link Yours CarX
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Hi HighwayRacers! We have to inform you that due to technical issues Season 1 will be extended for a 5 days until 10.01.2020 18:00 CET (20:00 Moscow time). We apologize for the inconvenience and disadvantages. ... Your's CarX Team.
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Posted - 5 years 2 months ago
Dear friends! We are truly happy to tell you, that new update for CarX Drift Racing 2 with fix of some bugs is already available. What we have fixed ... * Black and white textures some of android users have come across with. *Tires sounds. *Camera view. *Headless pilot. *Problem with internet connection due to which some of players could not start the game. *Problem with Saint Petersburg track due to which some of players have experienced loss of the drift. Thanks a lot for your feedback and emotions! We are happy to know that you care about game as much as we do! Yours sincerely Car X Team
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Dear Friends! First of all - Christmas is here! We wish you to be happy no matter what and to smile as much as you can! ... Save your kind and passionate hearts we know you have and share this magical time with your family and friends! But we also got a few news for you. We prepared some new Christmas deals and if youve been waiting for a good opportunity to get some gold or silver - this is the best moment to do it! And we are also happy to announce that new event HAPPY2020 in game CarX Drift Racing 2 is scheduled to start 30.12.2019 12:00 PM UTC (15:00 PM Moscow time) so be ready to try it and get new rewards. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Yours sincerely Car X Team
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Greetings, HighwayRacers. Recently, many of players have noticed network issues in multiplayer. At the moment, we are studying the problem and working on the solution. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.... Regards, CarX Team
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Whats up, drifters! Its been 10 days since we became available on Sony PlayStation 4 in Europe and were heading towards availability in North American and Japan. While many of players were happy to learn we were finally out on one of the two top consoles, many of you are wondering whether were planning to come to Xbox. Well, wed be lying if we said we were not. We sure are working hard towards future on Xbox and its time we need you to help us make that arrival... great. Some of you already own and some are planning to buy steering wheels to connect to your Xbox One. Wed like to know which ones you already use and which ones youre planning to buy and why. Please, leave your explanation down below. We appreciate it. CarX Team. NOTE Please, do NOT leave any other comments except for those pertinent to the issue of this post. Thank you!
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Dear friends! new update 1.7.0 is already here! * Long awaited pilot customization - now your Pilot will be unique as your car! ... * New Happy 2020! event and new rewards! * New winter type tires! *New cars Cargo, Spark ZR, Wild Runner *Its winter time on Red Ring track! As usual, it may take a while for all changes to start working properly, so thank you for your patience in advance! Keep us informed if you come across any errors or bugs. We are here for your emotions and comments! See you on the track! Yours CarX
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Whats up, guys! update 1.7.0 is still uploading to store around the world but we wont keep you bored. long-term friend TENEO talks about all of the add-ons of this update on his YouTube channel CarX Tutorials. Since the video is in Russian, we have cooperated with TENEO to prepare subtitles in English. Please, remember to have them on.... Enjoy! CarX Team
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Dear friends, we are ready to introduce new update! As usual, we have to shut down servers for maintenance. All server-related operations are scheduled to start today for 20.12.19 within the next 30 minutes. Make sure youve got your progress synched prior to that. We will announce as soon as all operations are over.... Thank you for your patience! Yours, CarX Team
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
On December 6-8 the first stage of winter Sochi Drift Challenge took place on the Sochi Autodrom track. The configuration of the drift track is quite difficult. Drivers are challenged with a number of side changes, 10 clipping zones and many additional elements and tasks. Anatoliy Scherbak, professional driver and co-founder of CarX Technologies, and the person behind such a realistic physics in CarX games, took part at this stage of the championship.... Heres a short video with Anatoliy passing as follower in his Silvia S15. Time to learn from professional drivers. Enjoy a good drift and check out more on Anatoliy's Instagram page Freebie Link CarX Technologies
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
CarX Drift Racing Online is now available on Sony PlayStation! Today we're available in Europe but we're coming to the US and Japan. Time to expand your gaming options! Go to Freebie Link and check out what's available.... CarX Team
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Hey, CarX fans! We finally did it! CarX Drift Racing Online is now available on Sony PlayStation! As of today, we are available in Europe but we'll soon bring joy to players in the US & Japan.... We would like to thank each one of players who kept asking us about plans to go to consoles all this time. The interest you shared with us really gave team the energy necessary to make it happen. Now CarX Drift Racing Online, so well known to millions of PC players, has crossed the border into the world of Sony PlayStation. This version offers 13 tracks and 42 cars to choose from and almost limitless options for customization. To top it all off, weve expanded your boundaries with multiplayer cross-platform competitions where PlayStation players will be able to compete against PC players. CarX Drift Racing Online is your chance to immerse yourself in the real world of drifting. Get together with friends, tune your car and burn some tires! It's great time for you to join in. CarX Team
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Greetings to all virtual racers! In case you havent seen the video with the first ever in-city tandem drift of two hyper cars, Flanker F, prepare to receive tons of adrenaline, that will keep you up for days on. Just a while ago two Flanker F race cars put on an unprecedented show on the streets of Saint-Petersburg, a city in North-West Russia. In the video youll see a yellow Fanker F driven by Sergey Kabargin, a Russian car racing driver aka ddKaba (his Flanker F has a 600...h.p. engine with 700N.m.) & a blue one driven by Arakadiy Tsaregradtsev, another Russian car racing driver (his Flanker F is equipped with a 700h.p. 900N.m. engine). Both cars are custom design vehicles with only 3 of them in the world right now. Its impossible to find the right words to describe the ride. You should see it for yourself. By the way, all players have an amazing opportunity to not only enjoy the video but also experience the kind of emotions the drivers behind the steering wheel in the above vehicles do because you can buy Flanker F in CarX Drift Racing 2 and race it around St.Petersburg since thats also one of the locations available. Its time to let your emotions out. Its time to act for real. Dont hesitate. Just go and get it. Yours, CarX Team VIDEO Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
5 STEPS TOWARDS SUCCESS IN CARX DRIFT RACING 2 Whats up, you guys!? Are you enjoying another event in your favorite CarX Drift Racing 2? We hope you are) While youre at it, wed like to share some expertise with you.... Sometimes we get complaints that the pay off in the game is too small for you to make enough gold to upgrade your cars. While we admit that we do provide extra goodies to those players who are willing to financially support projects, its also obvious that we offer many ways for free play and ways to make a good amount of in-game cash. This time wed like to share another video from friend Teneo and his channel CarX Tutorials. This video should help you learn become more efficient while playing the game. Teneo believes that there are no lame cars in the game. Rookie pilots and ill-tuned cars are the reason of some trouble. He also explains why its important to go all the way to the end tuning your vehicle if you want to start winning, and talks about the importance of opening as many configs and collecting fans as possible to generate more in-game cash. Thats true! Investment always pays back. He also proves that we do give much gold for moving to the next level and league in multiplayer; at least enough to tune a car from any tier. The video is in Russian but its got English subtitles so remember to turn them on by clicking on the [cc] button at the bottom of the screen. Enough chatting. Time to go back to drifting school. Hey, if you like the video, remember to hit the like button and subscribe. Let us know in the comments section below whether the information you learn from the video has helped you make more. Cheers! CarX Team VIDEO Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Whats up? Estas bem? Naber? Greetings to all players of CarX Drift Racing 2 on all continents? Impatiently waiting for another event? Well, your wishes have been heard :)... Weve rolled out another event called Rookie Drifter with VAZ2102 being the key reward. For those of you who have purchased a special pass, weve got a couple of extra rewards, such as Hakosuka, Zismo or Vaz2107. You might be wondering whether youve got the right car to participate Well, most of Tier1 cars are in. If youre up for a good event, go to St.Petersburg, East Toge or Airfield and follow the instructions. Good luck to every virtual racer regardless of what part of the world you are. Yours, Team CarX
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
Dear friends, We very much appreciate you sharing your ideas and bug reports with us. Your participation is immensely important for the future of projects. It helps us act faster and improve games. We need your help today. Please, provide information requested the following two questions:... Q-1 It has been reported that select devices have their sound switched off after receiving an incoming call during the game. Please, name the device on which you have experienced this issue. Q-2 On select devices parts of the screen are not fully utilized leaving black lines. Please, name the device on which you have experienced this issue. IMPORTANT NOTE In order to make this research efficient, please DO NOT mention any other information (incl. other possible issues) under this post except for the information requested. We aim at improving feedback collection for all products. Efficiency of this post is important both to us, as the developer, and to all players worldwide. Thank you for playing with us! Sincerely, CarX Team
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Posted - 5 years 3 months ago
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Eery year the most famous sales weekend comes right after Thanksgiving Day. Many of you will head to high street stores and online brands in attempt to find the best deals BUT you dont NEED to run anywhere if youre looking for a good deal with CarX Drift Racing 2. Find your BEST DEAL and SAVE A LOT OF MONEY with Black Friday prices for many of cool items in CarX Drift Racing 2. Bring new colors to your gaming time. Go get it!... CarX Team.
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Dear friends, were so happy to be able to finally announce that in close cooperation with Apple we have been able to bring UPDATE 1.6.2 to AppStore where its now available for downloading and installation. Many of you in the Android community were daunted seeing that the start of the events got shifted to tomorrow. Guys, even though there is no end to the everlasting arguing between Android & iOS users about whos platform is the best, we remain to be one team of CarX games... fans which means we are always ready to give a helping hand to competitors. For there is no great victory when its won against your rival who simply tripped over. There was no way we would have left friends from the iPhone community behind. We all compete only with equal opportunities for everyone. Fairness is philosophy. Thanks to everyone whos been so patiently waiting for the problem to be resolved. You guys rock! Now, what are you waiting for? Get on the track and start winning! Your team, CarX Team
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Hi, everyone at the CarX gaming community! This is an IMPORTANT announcement to all iOS players. We regret to confirm that for reasons which are beyond control the iOS version of UPDATE 1.6.2 did not reach AppStore last night. We are currently doing best to resolve the issue ASAP. There will be additional announcements regarding the situation. Please, stay synched to media channels.... Thank you for your patience! Sincerely, CarX Team
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
How is it going, racing fans? Did you get some rest? Did you use the opportunity to charge your devices? Its time to wrap up whatever youve been busy with and start up your devices as we reconnect servers to bring you UPDATE 1.6.2 of legendary CarX Drift Racing 2. As usual its GONNA TAKE SOME TIME (a few hours in select regions) for the game to appear in Play Store and App Store but the game is on its way and its packed with a few new things, among them are those ...so much anticipated events with a number of unique rewards & finally a switch between different assistants. As always, we stick to high standards of customer service so wed appreciate all of your feedback here in the comments section below. In case you run into any bugs, please, dont throw any lightning at us but use energy to report them in detail right away, so that we could fix them. We all share passion to one game, i.e. CarX Drift Racing 2. Please, be polite to those you communicate with. We know game isnt perfect yet and we cant yet bring everything youd like us to introduce, but we aim to make the best racing game ever. Thanks again for all your passion and good luck on the tracks! Sincerely, CarX Team
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Dear friends, Time flies by so fast and here we are about to introduce another update filled with bug fixing and a few extra items. As always, we will be shutting down servers for operations later today. Maintenance time is scheduled for 12PM CET (2PM Moscow time). Make sure you've got your progress synched before that.... plan is not to keep servers down for too long this time. Please, use this time away from your favorite game to mediate or spend some time with your family. We will announce as soon as all operations are over. Yours, CarX Team
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Drifting live from the NEU Drift cup in Cyprus
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Greetings to all virtual racers of the CarX Drift Racing game series! We continue to talk about the latest update for CarX Drift Racing 2, i.e. Update 1.6.1 with which we introduced a whole number of truly amazing changes. We should admit that this update didnt come easy at once but were happy to note that by today most of players have already tuned their cars to match the improved physics.... We did have a surprise this time. It was as much awesome as unexpected. Now all tracks are free to check out. Today you can go & practice on any of the available tracks and buy a config only when you feel confident youre ready to try and collect high score. We, as CarX Team, dont want to take all the credit for this opportunity. Players who had been paying for their tracks before have also had their hand in it. Thank you, guys! Thank you for all your support! Now, since everyone can go & check out all of the tracks available throughout CarX Drift Racing 2, wed love to hear back from you about your favorite ones. Why do you like this or that track? Do you like it for its twists or the picturesque views? What other locations would you like to see added? Share your comments under this post and good luck on the track! Your team, CarX Team
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
What's up, racers! It's been a few days since we rolled out another update, i.e. Update 1.6.1 and so it's time to discuss it in detail. One of the biggest changes that came with it was an improvement to the car physics. It turned out to be a debatable issue, so let's talk about it. Over the past few days we have received various reviews of the updated physics; some of them are really enthusiastic and some are full of disappointment, since a lot of the cars would stop driving ...right with their old settings. The thing is that since the changes to the physics have taken it to the next level in terms of realism, you have to be more precise in tuning your car, just like you would in real life. For those who are still trying to figure out the settings and every other CarX Drift Racing 2 fan, we have prepared another amazing video in cooperation with long term friend Teneo of CarX Tutorials. We hope you all will find some answers and be able to get back on the track ASAP. Good luck out there! CarX Team.
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Two weeks till the worlds best drifters do battle in Japan!
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Whats up, guys!? So, we asked you to take a quick break but the changes weve implemented in this UPDATE 1.6.1 are worth hours. We are starting to reconnect and as usual its gonna take some time (a few hours in some regions) but youre getting the game with more stuff in it. Please, dont jump at conclusions right away. Take some time to look around and check out things like new car physics, improved suspension, handling and engine inertia and the number one change - the al...l new redesigned sounds. As always, wed appreciate all of your feedback here in the comments section below. In case you run into any bugs, please, report em right here. Good luck on the tracks, pilots! Sincerely, CarX Team
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Dear friends, Remember we warned you that since the game is so addictive, you should take a break from time to time. We know it's not easy, so this time we'd like to help you out. servers will be down for a few hours as we upload some of the coolest stuff we promised you before.... Please, take this moment to mediate or spend some time with your family. We'll be back shortly. Yours, CarX Team
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
What's up, friends and fans!? What are you up to these days? Are you busy styling your car or grinding on the track trying to save more money towards your next dream item in the game? Hey, they say "best things come free". It's not always the case, but it sure is this time :) We have prepared something special for you and that something won't cost you a dime. Get ready to embrace the all new completely redesigned sounds that literally sound natural.... Check out this short trailer & don't forget to leave your comments in the comments section below. Remember to buckle up! CarX Team
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Greetings to all drift racing fans and fans of amazing CarX Drift Racing 2! Last week we rolled out another update coded 1.6.0. Unfortunately, it did not come easy; some of players encountered difficulties accessing select game features. The CarX Technologies Team did not take a minute to start looking for the reason and figuring out a solution, while staying in touch with all players worldwide. Fortunately and thanks to the support of players, we were able to... fix most of the problems within the next 24 hours. First of all we would like to say thanks to each one of you for the patience and devotion to the game you guys have shown! The kind of support we received from you was outstanding and brought out the best of your character. We would also like to address all those players who are still facing certain complications using select game elements. Please, accept sincere apologies and reassurance that we are doing best to ensure soonest resolution of any obstacles you might be encountering. By the way, you can help us fix them by describing the problems youre dealing with in detail in your email to support@carx-tech.com. Unfortunately, due to a surge in support requests, problem resolution may take longer than usual. We would appreciate your patience! In any case, we continue to be one team united around favorite CarX Drift Racing 2, a game which we never seize to develop and expand with content and functionality. Lets bring in some positive spirit and share in the comments section below everything that you like about the latest update. Let the race begin! CarX Team
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Can you feel the vibe of something new and really cool? Its coming from the long-awaited Update 1.6.0. of the legendary CarX Drift Racing 2. Its already available for both Android and iOS devices. What's new in this update:... - New tab in Body kits Steering wheel, Transmission, Handbrake, Seat; - New feature Wall Ride - driving close to the wall will give extra DP; - New feature Game Restart; - New cars Betsy, Warrior, Rolla ZR; - New configs in Singleplayer Mode and XDS; - Now you can stretch vinyls in all directions; - Overall optimization and bugfixing. Remember to always sync your progress not to lose your progress. Always with you, CarX Team. * In case its not available in your region yet, just give it some time and it will arrive shortly
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
ANNOUNCEMENT Dear players, as you all know, every gadget needs some maintenance, so as servers, and so we have scheduled it for today, Thursday, October 31. The servers will be down for maintenance from 6PM (CET) till 7PM (CET). ... Sorry for inconvenience. Believe us, its worth it. You will be rewarded for your patience :)
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Posted - 5 years 4 months ago
Can you hear the drum beats!? Its the new update marching your way and its bringing a number of new features youve been dreaming of :) One more feature wed like to show you is a number of new cameras on Springstone, Red Rock and Airfield. Your videos will never be the same. Start practicing as soon as the update comes out because weve prepared a few new contests in which a well captured run will make the difference.... Check out a good example of what your new videos might look like soon and remember to share your emotions with us down below. CarX Team
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Posted - 5 years 5 months ago
Dear friends! On sale started on Steam! You have a good chance to buy the game with a big discount of 44%!... Hurry up to let your friends know! Freebie Link
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Posted - 5 years 5 months ago
What's up, you CarX fans! Cant wait to see that New update message pop up on your screen? Well, you'd better, because its coming soon and its gonna blow your mind with all the add-ons. We have covered a few of them in news feed already and those additions sound to be enough but its never enough for us because we care to bring more. ... Among many of the requests we keep collecting from you, there is one that stands out interior modification. Well, they say beware what you wish for :))) Youre finally getting it. Weve added steering wheel, handbrake, seat and gear shift modification. It's time you can make your cars very personal not only on the outside but also inside. Get ready to push the limits of customization further. The new update is coming soon. Your number one co-pilot, CarX Team
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Posted - 5 years 5 months ago
Whats going on, you guys! As another week is wrapping up, weve prepared some good news for you to think about over the weekend.... Following all kinds of feedback weve been collecting from you, we realized that youd like to have a more advanced vinyl editor. Well, cheer up cuz youre getting it :) Its coming with the new update and it will not only let you resize your vinyls but also stretch them in all directions. We hope youre gonna like it. Keep sharing your emotions and ideas with us! Stay in touch! CarX Team
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Posted - 5 years 5 months ago
Whats up CarX games fans!? The new update which is going to bring many great changes and add-ons to the game is about to come.... Meanwhile, let us open up a little bit on one of its new features. It's called Close to the Wall. We believe, that those of you who have mastered the art of drifting very close to walls should be getting extra reward for your outstanding skills and so you will. Heres a small video to tease you. Check it out and share your excitement in the comments section below. Hold on to the steering wheel and remain fearless on the track! CarX Team
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Posted - 5 years 5 months ago
Last Saturday, 19 October 2019, the final 6th round of the RDS GP (Russian Drift Series) took place at the Sochi Autodrom track. Pilots not only from Russia but also from Japan, China, Latvia and other countries came to take part in the competition. We couldnt skip the event either and so part of the team of CarX Technologies went to Sochi as well. On the second day we set up cockpit, already known to some of players, where drift enthusiasts in general and fans of ou...r games in particular had an exclusive opportunity to try & check out their skills on all virtual tracks of the legendary CarX Drift Racing Online. It was also a great opportunity for us to answer questions coming directly from players. Besides, Anatoly Scherbak, the guy behind CarX physics was there with us to chat with fans. By the way, Anatoly, being a professional drift car pilot, took part in this last RDS GP event on his legendary Silvia S-13 with number 47 on the windshield, and showed one of the best top 32 chasing that day (check out this short video Freebie Link ). On top of that, Anatoly Scherbak got behind the wheel of the cockpit and gave a couple of racing master classes to all drift enthusiasts who came to play game. Besides, everyone had an opportunity to take a picture with the pilot next to his car. Stay tuned to more news from us to find out when the next CarX Team drift fans meeting will take place. Were always thrilled to get to know you better, guys.
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