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Posted - 6 Hours 33 Minutes ago
Hello everyone,We appreciate your understanding and the detailed reports you've shared since the latest release. We want to be fully transparent about the issues we're investigating and the fixes we are preparing at the moment.We understand the frustration you are experiencing and the discussions about a rollback you are having, and we want to reassure you that team has been working nonstop to address the most critical issues impacting the gameplay. Also, we want to assure you that we wont be performing a rollback, instead a hotfix is currently in the works to help with the most gamebreaking issues. While we cannot provide an exact timeline, we aim to deploy fixes as soon as possible.We are aware that some of you are experiencing difficulties logging in via Facebook. This issue is not on side, but we have a workaround for you. For now, if you are affected, we recommend unlinking your CH account from your FB account via the support team, and once the issue is resolved on Facebooks side, you will be able to link it once again. Form to contact support team: Freebie Link Regarding the reported missing items, your items may appear to be gone, but they are still in your account and will become visible again. Similarly, duplicated items are a visual bug and do not require a rollback.The following is a list of key issues that are currently under investigation, and a part of them are planned for next hotfix:What will be included first in the hotfix (JFYI this may not be the full list):UI is unresponsive after interacting with a Player in-gameEquipping an Amulet/Bangle takes both slots in the InventoryEquipping any Bangle drops the Bangle in the Player slotSkill points automatically adjust the maximumPlayers are unable to trade all itemsBank and clan bank inventory has issues with the scroll functionality Purchase System Not Available popup appears when trying to obtain Platinum What we are investigating at the moment: Mail Bug (Mobile): Unable to send exactly 4000 coins; counter forces amount to 4080 Graphics/Terrain Settings Reset (Mobile): Fast graphics and terrain settings do not stay enabled after game reloads, forcing a manual reset each time.Hotbar Items Not Working: Players unable to use newly added hotbar itemsHotbar Cooldown Bug (Mobile): Restoration potions trigger a cooldown on jewelry slots, preventing them from being used independently Inventory Page Empty (Mobile): First page in equipment is empty, but items appear on subsequent pages. Also, item count numbers appear too large Skill Point Glitch (Mobile): Skill points fail to register when reaching the maximum limit, resetting progress when exiting the menu Manual Gear Swapping Issue (Mobile): Dragging gear onto a character does not work as intended; the game requires players to press "equip" instead. Armor swapping is tedious due to delay in registering drag actionsBounty Quests Not Registering: Completed bounty quests still appear as active, and they disappear from the quest logLeaderboard Display Error (PC): Shows the same option A twice instead of Option BFashion Set Glitch: Character and set effects glitch, changing colors and forms when viewed in the inventoryLoot Drop Issues: Drops do not appear in the last page of inventory but in random spots, requiring manual searching through the pages or searching by name in the search bar.Enemies Not Affected by Fog (Mobile): Carrowmore Tunnels enemies appear clearly while the rest of the environment is foggedVoA Map Lag: Characters take 20-40 seconds to load, FPS drops drastically in specific areas, and boss effects (especially flying bosses) cause severe lagPlease note that this list may evolve as we continue testing and prioritizing fixes.In the meantime, we encourage you to report any additional problems in the designated channel on Discord or to support team.We appreciate your continued support and understanding as we work to deploy a fix.:
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Posted - 1 Week 3 Days ago
Heroes!Tomorrow, March 5th, at 10 AM CET we will close the servers for maintenance to release 6.0.0! Not only that! March 5th is a very special date as it marks the beginning of a new era for Celtic Heroes. We are excited to announce the official PC release of Celtic Heroes on Steam!After months of testing, countless battles, and your amazing feedback, we are finally ready to bring the world of Celtic Heroes to an entirely new platform: Freebie Link A massive thank you to all the people who have joined us through all the testing phases and played a crucial role in helping this launch. Your support has helped us make this moment possible.As we move forward, please note that all previous Beta accounts will be removed to ensure a fresh start for everyone on the new server Cerridwen and to maintain fairness for all players on this new server.This is more than just a launchits the beginning of a new chapter in Celtic Heroes history. We can't wait to see you in game!Stay tuned for more details tomorrow!:
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Posted - 2 Weeks 1 Day ago
Heroes,Tomorrow, at 10 AM CET, we will close the servers for maintenance for 1 hour to end the Better with Freinds event.:
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Posted - 3 Weeks 4 Days ago
Heroes! Tomorrow, at 10 AM CET, we will close the servers for maintenance to end the 16h lowered RT of all EG Bosses, begin the Better with Friends event, and release the 5.3.2 version. Thank you for your patience!:
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Posted - 1 month 4 Days ago
Heroes!Tomorrow, February 4th, at 10 AM CET we will close the servers for 1h to deactivate the Yule Legacy Adventures, Treasure Hunter Hrungnir, and the Yule Seasonal Vendor. We will activate Ostara Legacy Adventures and lowered RT for all EG bosses at 16h event. You will notice the snowy weather will also come to an end.:
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Posted - 1 month 1 Week ago
Heroes!Tomorrow, January 28th, at 10 AM CET, we'll close the servers for 1h to end the Treasure Hunter Necromancer and begin Treasure Hunter Hrungnir.:
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Posted - 1 month 2 Weeks ago
Heroes!Tomorrow, January 21st, at 10 AM CET, we will close the servers for 1h maintenance to end the Yule Seasonal Celebrations, Treasure Hunter Dhiothu, and begin Treasure Hunter Necromancer, which will be active until January 28th. Please note that the seasonal vendor "Laidy Eira of Eile" will be present until February 4th.:
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Posted - 1 month 3 Weeks ago
Heroes! Tomorrow, January 7th, at 10 AM CET, we will perform a 1h maintenance to end Treasure Hunter Gelebron and begin Treasure Hunter Bloodthorn.:
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Posted - 2 months 1 Day ago
Heroes!The Alpha is finally here and waiting for you! As promised, the Alpha test wont be boring! You will be able to enjoy the party experience and profession progression, and each account will have 20K Platinum so you can enjoy your time and test as many things as you like.For more information about the Alpha, please follow this link: Freebie Link 300 lucky people who won the raffle will be included in the #alpha-steam-bugs channel where they will be able to share their experience. Reminder: Some of you have provided the wrong Discord names, so if you are not able to see the alpha channel and participate, please ping six1882 here: Freebie Link cant wait to see you there!:
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Posted - 2 months 1 Day ago
Heroes!Thank you for all the reports that you've sent us! We are happy that so many of you joined us in the Steam Alpha. We'd like to clear up some confusion around the Alpha. Some time ago, we created a raffle using this form, which is still active: Freebie Link . For first wave of tests, we needed 300 amazing people to join the Alpha thus a raffle was created and people were chosen. This is why some of you received a Steam activation key in your mailboxes. We plan to have a second wave, so anyone who wants to join in and test will be able to, so please don't shy away and send your details in the form! We noticed that the provided in the email Discord invite link wasn't active, so here is an active one for those of you who haven't found us: Freebie Link We are still adding people in the #alpha-steam-bugs channel, so if you have a key and you are still not added, please tag six1882 in the #beta-test channel - Steam Alpha thread. We are continuously adding everyone. Thank you all for the amazing support!:
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Posted - 2 months 1 Day ago
Heroes!We're excited to announce that today we're kicking off another round of Beta testing for the new zone, with changes that were made thanks to your reports. Please note that for today only iOS users will have access to the build. The Android build is expected to be approved tomorrow. Here you can find more information: Freebie Link Once again, huge thanks for your support and assistance! :
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Posted - 2 months 1 Day ago
Heroes!The Second Wave for the Steam Alpha is finally happening! Please check your email to see if you received a key. Keep in mind that not everyone received an email, as this was a raffle. Follow the link to learn more: Freebie Link In the next 2h, we will be adding all new people to the alpha-steam-bugs channel.:
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Posted - 2 months 1 Day ago
Heroes!It's Beta time again! This time, a brand-new mount is making its debut. The rest, I'll let you discover for yourself here: Freebie Link: The Android version is coming soon, but for now, the Beta is open for iOS users only.Enjoy!:
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Posted - 2 months 1 Day ago
Heroes!Thank you for your patience! The servers are now open and with that, the Samhain Celebrations along with version 5.1.0 begin! If you want to learn more about what are the new additions, changes and fixes that come with 5.1.0, click here: Freebie Link:
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Posted - 2 months 1 Day ago
Heroes! We have prepared something special for you today! We'd like to take you behind the scenes, share thoughts and experience on issues you brought to attention during the past year, and offer a sneak peek of some of plans for the future.We've prepared a letter for all of you amazing people.Not only that but to make sure this is not one-sided, we want your thoughts on all aspects of what we are passing on to you, so please don't be shy to go to special channel.Click here to read it: Freebie Link can't wait to hear your thoughts!:
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Posted - 2 months 1 Day ago
Heroes!Weve received a report that fraudulent emails impersonating company may be circulating. Heres how you can protect yourself and recognize official communication from us:Scammers often make spelling and grammar mistakes in their emails. Carefully check for anything that looks unprofessional or suspicious.Always confirm the senders email address. official email is ch_noreply@decagames.com. Any email claiming to be from us but sent from a different address should be treated as fraudulent.We will never ask you for personal information, payment details, or money transfers in an email.We will never ask for your account password.Be cautious of emails requesting you to click on links, provide sensitive data, or wire money to third-party accounts (e.g., PayPal accounts).Do not click on any links or download attachments from unexpected emails. Hover over any links to check their destination before clicking.We promote updates, events, and offers only through official social media platforms like Discord (Freebie Link) and Facebook page (Freebie Link).What to do if you receive a suspicious email:Do not respond to the email or provide any information.Do not click on links or download attachments.Mark the email as spam in your inbox to help prevent further communication.If you have any doubts about an email claiming to be from us, always double-check with official social media channels or support team (Freebie Link).Below you can see an example of what a scam email could look like::
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Posted - 2 months 1 Day ago
Happy New Year, Heroes! As we say goodbye to 2024 and step into 2025, we want to take a moment to thank all of you for being part of the Celtic Heroes community.This year brought its share of challenges, but it also marked some exciting milestones, like the introduction of the Valley of the Ancients. Your support and feedback have been invaluable, and were truly thankful to have such a dedicated and passionate community of players by side.Our team is working hard to bring even more exciting content to the game in 2025. Thank you for sticking with us. Your support for the game means so much to us, and were looking forward to an amazing new year together!Heres to 2025! Lets make it a year full of joy, adventure, and great memories in Celtic Heroes.Cheers,The Celtic Heroes Team:
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Posted - 2 months 1 Week ago
Heroes!Open Steam Beta is finally here for all of you to enjoy! All you need to know on how to download the game and log in is here: Freebie Link note that although this is an open beta, participation will be managed manually due to technical constraints. This means that each account will be accepted individually.:
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Posted - 2 months 3 Weeks ago
Heroes!Its that time of the year again!Tomorrow, December 17th, 2024 at 10 AM CET, the Celtic Heroes servers will close for maintenance, marking the start of the Yule 2024 Celebration. The event will continue until Tuesday, January 14th, 2025. YAY! Not only that! After this maintenance, you will be able to enjoy the new 5.2.0 version! Weve added some new features, so hurry up and check them out: Freebie Link For this years Yule Celebration we have one hell of an amazing schedule! Here is what you can expect tomorrow: Freebie Link As promised, weve prepared an event calendar for you, but it's not the usual type. We are excited to announce that Celtic Heroes has a new website! Starting now, this will be the place to check for the monthly event schedule, updates about the game, the status of the servers and so much more! Freebie Link:
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Posted - 2 months 4 Weeks ago
Heroes! It's finally time to reveal the mysterious Crowsight Commander Fashion set. During this Yule Celebration, you will have the chance to obtain it, so stay tuned for more information next week. Until then, let's make things interesting! The first three champions and two randomly chosen ones who have found the differences between the male and female silhouettes will get 50 Platinum. Leave your answers in the comment section below. To point them out, please send us a screenshot of this image and mark or circle the differences. You have until tomorrow at 12 PM CET to participate. * Only followers of the page can be eligible for a reward. We are looking for 7 differences. ..........................................HINT: From the character's perspective, the correct one is the silhouette with the crow on the left boot.:
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Posted - 3 months 6 Days ago
Heroes!Reaching the end of this month, we've prepared a surprise for you! Tomorrow, November 29th, at 11 AM CET, we will close the servers for 1h of maintenance to activate Double Platinum offers along with Better with Friends and All EG Bosses will be with 7h Respawn time.These events will be active until Monday, December 2nd. We'll see you in-game! :
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Posted - 3 months 2 Weeks ago
Heroes!Tomorrow, November 20th, at 10 AM CET, we will close the servers for 1h of maintenance. More information will be shared when the servers are opened.:
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Posted - 3 months 3 Weeks ago
Heroes!Tomorrow, at 10 AM CET, we will close the servers for 1h 30Mins to disable the current ongoing events - Benefit with Friends and all bosses with 13h of RT. With the opening of the servers Treasure Hunters Gelebron will begin and will end on November 12th. Thank you for your patience!:
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Posted - 3 months 3 Weeks ago
Heroes!The servers are now open, and youll notice that the rollback has taken your accounts back to November 5th at 10 AM CET. Weve also implemented a fix for the Auction House issue and it will be in safe mode for the time being. We understand how this affected your gameplay so we are adding a small compensation for the lost time and effort. Available between November 7th and November 10th, youll find additional free bundles to help support your progress:Free Resurrection Idols - Claim up to 5 Resurrection Idol Sets.Free Mount Whistles - Each player can claim 5 offers, with each containing 5 Mount Whistles.Free Goods Box - Claim this box up to 3 times. Each box contains the following items, with varying quantities on each open:Book of Alteration: x1Book of Rebirth: x1Leystone Fragment: up to x10Mount Whistle: up to x10Super Elixir of Maximum Health: up to x7Heroic Travelling Elixir: up to x5Heroic Elixirs (Attack, Armour, Haste): up to x5 eachInvisibility Potion: up to x5Heroic Combination Elixir: up to x3Heroic Elixir of Knowledge: up to x3Restoration Potion Set: up to x3Super Potions (Attack, Defense, Armour, Haste): up to x7 eachSuper Regeneration Potion: up to x5Super Energiser Potion: up to x5Super Shrink Potion: up to x2Super Growth Potion: up to x2Note: All items are non-tradeable and can only be used by the character that claims them.Additionally, between the 7th and 12th of November, a Triple XP event will be active to help accelerate your progress and get back to where you left off.Also, for the next 21 hours, weve increased the daily free reward offer for Leystone Fragments as part of the Samhain celebration. You can claim it up to 5 times per account, up from the usual 3 times.All purchases affected by the rollback made between November 5th after the maintenance and before the rollback, today on November 7th are fully recovered, with an additional 15% bonus platinum added.Last but not least, EG Boss drops, including Valley Rare monster drops, are restored to match any progress made before the rollback.:
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Posted - 3 months 3 Weeks ago
Heroes!In 40 minutes at 10 AM CET we will close the servers to release the 5.1.1 version. The maintenance will take up to 1.5 hours. More details will be shared soon.:
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Posted - 3 months 3 Weeks ago
Heroes! Here's a sneak peek at the new upcoming Crowsight Commander fashion set. Full reveal coming soon! :
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Posted - 4 months 3 Days ago
Heroes!The servers are now open, and youll notice that the rollback has taken your accounts back to November 5th at 10 AM CET. Weve also implemented a fix for the Auction House issue and it will be in safe mode for the time being. We understand how this affected your gameplay so we are adding a small compensation for the lost time and effort. Available between November 7th and November 10th, youll find additional free bundles to help support your progress:Free Resurrection Idols - Claim up to 5 Resurrection Idol Sets.Free Mount Whistles - Each player can claim 5 offers, with each containing 5 Mount Whistles.Free Goods Box - Claim this box up to 3 times. Each box contains the following items, with varying quantities on each open:Book of Alteration: x1Book of Rebirth: x1Leystone Fragment: up to x10Mount Whistle: up to x10Super Elixir of Maximum Health: up to x7Heroic Travelling Elixir: up to x5Heroic Elixirs (Attack, Armour, Haste): up to x5 eachInvisibility Potion: up to x5Heroic Combination Elixir: up to x3Heroic Elixir of Knowledge: up to x3Restoration Potion Set: up to x3Super Potions (Attack, Defense, Armour, Haste): up to x7 eachSuper Regeneration Potion: up to x5Super Energiser Potion: up to x5Super Shrink Potion: up to x2Super Growth Potion: up to x2Note: All items are non-tradeable and can only be used by the character that claims them.Additionally, between the 7th and 12th of November, a Triple XP event will be active to help accelerate your progress and get back to where you left off.Also, for the next 21 hours, weve increased the daily free reward offer for Leystone Fragments as part of the Samhain celebration. You can claim it up to 5 times per account, up from the usual 3 times.All purchases affected by the rollback made between November 5th after the maintenance and before the rollback, today on November 7th are fully recovered, with an additional 15% bonus platinum added.Last but not least, EG Boss drops, including Valley Rare monster drops, are restored to match any progress made before the rollback.:
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Posted - 4 months 4 Days ago
Heroes!It's Beta time again! This time, a brand-new mount is making its debut. The rest, I'll let you discover for yourself here: Freebie Link: The Android version is coming soon, but for now, the Beta is open for iOS users only.Enjoy!:
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Posted - 4 months 4 Days ago
Heroes!Today, at 10 AM CET we will close the servers for 1h of maintenance to disable Treasure Huner Dhiothu and enable Halloween Legacy Adventures that will be active until 3rd of December. Thank you for your patience!:
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Posted - 4 months 4 Days ago
Heroes!Samhain 2024 is on doorstep! Tomorrow, at 10 AM CET, we will close the servers for an indefinite amount of time to begin the celebrations with the new update 5.1.0 and Treasure Hunter The Necromancer, Treasure Hunter Hrunginr, Treasure Huner Proteus and Bonus Bounties will be increased to 5 free bounties and up to 10 additional bounty quests with pledges. Please note that the event will not affect the Ancient Bounty Board, there will be as follows 1 free daily and 3 additional ones with Ancient pledges.TH The Necromancer, TH Hrungnir, and Bonus Bounties will be active until the end of the Samhain Celebrations which is on November 12th. TH Proteus will be active until October 29th. We will keep you updated on the exact time of the server opening. Please stay tuned for further announcements.Thank you for your patience!:
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Posted - 4 months 4 Days ago
Heroes!Thank you for your patience! The servers are now open and with that, the Samhain Celebrations along with version 5.1.0 begin! If you want to learn more about what are the new additions, changes and fixes that come with 5.1.0, click here: Freebie Link:
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Posted - 4 months 4 Days ago
Heroes!Today, at 10 AM CET we will close the servers to perform a 1h maintenance to end Treasure Hunter Proteus and begin Benefit with Friends along with lowering the RT of all bosses to 13h. Thank you for your patience!:
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Posted - 4 months 4 Days ago
Heroes! We have prepared something special for you today! We'd like to take you behind the scenes, share thoughts and experience on issues you brought to attention during the past year, and offer a sneak peek of some of plans for the future.We've prepared a letter for all of you amazing people.Not only that but to make sure this is not one-sided, we want your thoughts on all aspects of what we are passing on to you, so please don't be shy to go to special channel.Click here to read it: Freebie Link can't wait to hear your thoughts!:
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Posted - 4 months 4 Days ago
Heroes!Tomorrow, at 10 AM CET, we will close the servers for 1h 30Mins to disable the current ongoing events - Benefit with Friends and all bosses with 13h of RT. With the opening of the servers Treasure Hunters Gelebron will begin and will end on November 12th. Thank you for your patience!:
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Posted - 6 months 2 Weeks ago
Heroes! Today, at 10 AM CET, we will close the servers for 1h of maintenance to de-activate TH the Necromancer along with Better with Friends and activate TH Hrungnir with 16-30h respawn time and daily bounties will be x5 with up to x10 bounties with pledges. Thank you for your patience!:
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Posted - 6 months 3 Weeks ago
Heroes!Today, at 12:30 PM CET, we will close the servers for a 3h maintenance to release the 4.4 version that includes the following changes:Treasure Hunter Gelebron event - the event is now added to the new version and you can expect it to be active in April :
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Posted - 6 months 3 Weeks ago
Heroes!Tomorrow, at 9 AM CET, we will perform a 1h maintenance to activate the following events:Monster Madness: Efnisien the Necromancer and Hrungnir 8-12 hours :
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Posted - 6 months 3 Weeks ago
Heroes!We've got a little sneak peek for you! Check out this cool fishing spot we're adding to the new zone. There's a lot more cool stuff coming up, so keep an eye out. Can't wait to show you what's next! :
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Posted - 6 months 3 Weeks ago
Heroes!Tomorrow, at 11 AM CET, we will close the servers for approximately 1.5h. During this time, all current events will be deactivated. Additionally, we are making the Tavern and the Arena global again. Thank you for your patience!:
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Posted - 6 months 3 Weeks ago
Heroes!We are happy to inform you that the new 4.4.2 version is available in the stores with the following fixes:Text & Checkboxes: We noticed that the 'Settings' menu text and checkboxes were feeling a bit cramped on iPads, like a giant in a gnomes house. Weve tailored them to fit snugly, ensuring everything is now fully visible and clickable. :
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Posted - 6 months 3 Weeks ago
Heroes!Get ready for an epic lineup in the days ahead! If you want to learn more about tomorrow's maintenance and what you can expect, click here: Freebie Link Stay tuned for an event calendar that will be shared soon!
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Posted - 6 months 3 Weeks ago
Heroes!As promised, we've prepared an event calendar for one month ahead. Here is what you can expect::
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Posted - 6 months 3 Weeks ago
Heroes!Tomorrow, at 12 PM CET, we will close the servers for 1h of maintenance to disable the 2.5XP event and activate the Better with Friends 2.0 and the Treasure Hunter Bloodthorn events. The events will be active until May 7th. :
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Posted - 6 months 3 Weeks ago
Heroes!We understand that due to yesterday's prolonged downtime there was a bit of a delay in the long-awaited 2.5XP event. It was definitely not something we intended to do. This is why we want to add something to the event calendar that was requested before the start of the events.Starting on April 30th, we will begin not only the Treasure Hunter with Bloodthorn event but also Better with friends. :
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Posted - 6 months 3 Weeks ago
Heroes! Tomorrow, at 11 AM CET, we will close the servers for 1.5h maintenance to deactivate the current ongoing events and start the Treasure Hunter with the Necromancer.Thank you for your patience!:
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Posted - 6 months 3 Weeks ago
Heroes!Did you ever expect to see an Alpha test launch for Celtic Heroes after over a decade of existing? Well, neither did we, but we are excited to be here finally! We're thrilled to announce that soon you can experience Celtic Heroes on Steam for PC. We invite you to join us in the very first wave of this Alpha launch. :
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Posted - 6 months 3 Weeks ago
Heroes!Tomorrow, May 14th, at 11 AM CET, we will close the servers for 1h of maintenance to activate Treasure Hunter Hrungnir with a respawn time of 16-30h. We also have a surprise for you! Beltane is getting extended. Both events will end on May 21st. That's not all! For the next 7 days, the Seasonal Monster drops will be doubled! What does this mean? For the duration of the Treasure Hunters Hrungnir week, you will be able to win twice as many rewards on each Beltane m :
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Posted - 6 months 3 Weeks ago
Heroes!Due to technical difficulties, we will put the Auction House in Safe Mode for the time being to ensure a fair and balanced gameplay experience for all. The following actions will not be available until further notice:You cannot create new listings. :
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Posted - 6 months 3 Weeks ago
Heroes! The Beltane 2024 and Treasure Hunter Hrungnir events will be extended by one day to avoid having two maintenance sessions so close together due to the new release that will be pushed this week. Tomorrow, we will share more information.We appreciate your understanding!:
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Posted - 6 months 3 Weeks ago
Heroes!Tomorrow, May 23rd, at 11 AM CET we will perform a 2h maintenance to disable both the Treasure Hunter Hrungnir and Beltane 2024. During that time we will activate Treasure Hunter Proteus with a respawn time of 11h 45min - 12h 15min. Please note that the Beltane Vendor will still be active until June 4th. This is not all! A new version will be released 4.6.0 with the following changes: :
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This Website is not affiliated With 3D MMO Celtic Heroes. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Game Content and Materials Copyright 3D MMO Celtic Heroes. All right reserved.