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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
A Letter from the 'Origin Of An Empire King's Choices' Team:Dear players, thank you for choosing game. In the last two months, we have made a series of adjustments and optimizations to improve your gaming experience. Please accept apology for any inconvenience these changes may have caused. We constantly strive to make the game better, and for this reason, please expect more adjustments and optimizations in the future. Thank you for your understanding, we firmly believe your benevolent rule will lead Niveal to prosperity!If you encounter any issues while playing the game, please contact Customer Service as quickly as possible. Una Carta del Equipo de 'Origin Of An Empire King's Choices'Queridos jugadores, gracias por elegir nuestro juego. En los ltimos dos meses, hemos hecho series de ajustes y optimizaciones para mejorar su experiencia de juego. Por favor, acepte nuestras disculpas por cualquier inconveniente que estos cambios puedan haber causado. Nos esforzamos constantemente por mejorar el juego y, por esta razn, espere ms ajustes y optimizaciones en el futuro. Gracias por su comprensin. Creemos firmemente que su gobierno benevolente llevar a Niveal hacia la prosperidad!Si tiene algn problema mientras juega, pngase en contacto con el Servicio de Atencin al Cliente lo antes posible.
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Posted - 3 years 10 months ago
A Letter from the 'Origin Of An Empire King's Choices' Team:Dear players, thank you for choosing game. In the last two months, we have made a series of adjustments and optimizations to improve your gaming experience. Please accept apology for any inconvenience these changes may have caused. We constantly strive to make the game better, and for this reason, please expect more adjustments and optimizations in the future. Thank you for your understanding, we firmly be
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Posted - 3 years 11 months ago
The Iron RoseMy Lord, it has come to my attention that you are fully occupied with military training and that you often conduct inspections of military personnel lasting until very late at night. I am deeply touched by your relentless efforts to lead Niveal back to its former glory. As for the art of military training, I am by no means an expert. I have, however, heard of a noble lady whose elegance and charm are only surpassed by her strategic prowess and military genius. F
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Posted - 3 years 11 months ago
The Iron RoseMy Lord, it has come to my attention that you are fully occupied with military training and that you often conduct inspections of military personnel lasting until very late at night. I am deeply touched by your relentless efforts to lead Niveal back to its former glory. As for the art of military training, I am by no means an expert. I have, however, heard of a noble lady whose elegance and charm are only surpassed by her strategic prowess and military genius. For this reason, many refer to her as the "Iron Rose." Although these are mere rumors, I believe there must be a good reason for her illustrious reputation. Dear Lord, I highly suggest you keep an eye on this lady. If you form an alliance with the Iron Rose, her knowledge of military training shall greatly benefit Kingdom.Yours truly,Kristen/La Rosa de HierroMi Lord, he odo hablar que est usted totalmente ocupado en el entrenamiento militar y que a menudo lleva a cabo inspecciones del personal militar hasta muy tarde en la noche. Estoy profundamente conmovida por sus esfuerzos incansables para llevar de vuelta Niveal a su antigua gloria. En cuanto al arte del entrenamiento militar, no soy de ninguna manera una experta. Sin embargo, he odo hablar de una noble dama cuya elegancia y encanto no son superados por su fuerza estratgica y genio militar. Por esta razn, muchos se le refieren como la "Rosa de Hierro". Aunque esos son nada ms que rumores, creo que debe haber una buena razn por su ilustre reputacin. Por eso, le sugerimos encarecidamente que mantenga un ojo en esta seora. Si forma una alianza con la Rosa de Hierro, su conocimiento del entrenamiento militar beneficiar grandemente nuestro Reino.Sinceramente,Kristen
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Posted - 3 years 11 months ago
Marco Polo's Notes on LearningBefore I arrived in Niveal, I firmly believed that ""he who travels far knows much"". Having voyaged to all corners of the earth, I have indeed been able to expand the horizons of my knowledge. But I have also come to the unfortunate conclusion that the many gorgeous landscapes I witnessed during my travels were nothing but ornate locks to which I lacked the key, and was therefore incapable of truly understanding them. After arriving in Niveal, I have devoted my time to studying various scholarly texts at the University. The ideas these texts convey, though not tangible, have taught me about the myriads of laws and principles which govern world, and provided me with the key necessary to unlock all its wonders and mysteries.My Lord, I sincerely hope you will promulgate the importance of education, and utilize the wisdom contained in books as you guide your Kingdom into the future./Notas sobre Aprendizaje de Marco PoloAntes de llgar a Niveal, crea firmemente que ""el que viaja lejos sabe mucho"". Habiendo viajado a todos los lugares de la tierra, he sido capaz de expandir los horizontes de mi conocimiento. Pero tambin he llegado a la desafortunada conclusin de que los numerosos y magnficos paisajes que he presenciado durante mis viajes no eran ms que cerraduras ornamentadas para las que careca de la llave, por lo tanto era incapaz de comprenderlos verdaderamente. Despus de llegar a Niveal, he dedicado mi tiempo a estudiar varios textos acadmicos en la Universidad. Las ideas que esos textos transmiten, aunque son intangibles, me han enseado sobre las miles de leyes y principios que gobiernan nuestro mundo, y me han proporcionado la clave necesaria para desbloquear todos sus misterios y maravillas.Mi Lord, espero sinceramente que usted promulgue la importancia de la educacin y utilice la sabidura contenida en los libros para guair su Reino hacia el futuro.
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Posted - 3 years 11 months ago
Marco Polo's Notes on LearningBefore I arrived in Niveal, I firmly believed that ""he who travels far knows much"". Having voyaged to all corners of the earth, I have indeed been able to expand the horizons of my knowledge. But I have also come to the unfortunate conclusion that the many gorgeous landscapes I witnessed during my travels were nothing but ornate locks to which I lacked the key, and was therefore incapable of truly understanding them. After arriving in Niveal, I have devoted my time to studying various scholarly texts at the University. The ideas these texts convey, though not tangible, have taught me about the myriads of laws and principles which govern world, and provided me with the key necessary to unlock all its wonders and mysteries.My Lord, I sincerely hope you will promulgate the importance of education, and utilize the wisdom contained in books as you guide your Kingdom into the future./Notas sobre Aprendizaje de Marco PoloAntes de llgar a Niveal, crea firmemente que ""el que viaja lejos sabe mucho"". Habiendo viajado a todos los lugares de la tierra, he sido capaz de expandir los horizontes de mi conocimiento. Pero tambin he llegado a la desafortunada conclusin de que los numerosos y magnficos paisajes que he presenciado durante mis viajes no eran ms que cerraduras ornamentadas para las que careca de la llave, por lo tanto era incapaz de comprenderlos verdaderamente. Despus de llegar a Niveal, he dedicado mi tiempo a estudiar varios textos acadmicos en la Universidad. Las ideas que esos textos transmiten, aunque son intangibles, me han enseado sobre las miles de leyes y principios que gobiernan nuestro mundo, y me han proporcionado la clave necesaria para desbloquear todos sus misterios y maravillas.Mi Lord, espero sinceramente que usted promulgue la importancia de la educacin y utilice la sabidura contenida en los libros para guair su Reino hacia el futuro.
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Posted - 3 years 11 months ago
Marco Polo's Notes on LearningBefore I arrived in Niveal, I firmly believed that ""he who travels far knows much"". Having voyaged to all corners of the earth, I have indeed been able to expand the horizons of my knowledge. But I have also come to the unfortunate conclusion that the many gorgeous landscapes I witnessed during my travels were nothing but ornate locks to which I lacked the key, and was therefore incapable of truly understanding them. After arriving in Niveal,
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Posted - 3 years 11 months ago
Marco Polo's Notes on LearningBefore I arrived in Niveal, I firmly believed that ""he who travels far knows much"". Having voyaged to all corners of the earth, I have indeed been able to expand the horizons of my knowledge. But I have also come to the unfortunate conclusion that the many gorgeous landscapes I witnessed during my travels were nothing but ornate locks to which I lacked the key, and was therefore incapable of truly understanding them. After arriving in Niveal,
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Posted - 4 years 4 Days ago
My Lord, I am so very sorry to bother you while you are busy working. I don't know much about the internal affairs of your great kingdom, since I rarely have cause to discuss it. However, I must confess that while I adore seeing you spare no pains in your work for the sake of the city, I wish there was more I could do to help you. Let me then share a bit of advice. When my father ruled Niveal in your stead, he often found himself in need of aid. In those troubled times he would often receive help from the nobles and knights of the kingdom. He could call on their help because of the relationships he built with them. I humbly suggest you learn from him, and when dealing with difficult problems you'll have dear friends that you can call on yourself to lend you a hand.Forever Yours, Beth/Querido Lord, disculpe por molestarle mientras trabaja. No entiendo mucho sobre los asuntos internos de su gran reino, ya que rara vez tengo ocasin de discutirlos. Sin embargo, tengo que confesar que aunque adoro ver que usted no escatima esfuerzos en su trabajo por la prosperidad de la ciudad, me gustara que hubiera ms que pudiera hacer para ayudarle. Cuando mi padre gobern Niveal en su lugar, siempre necesitaba ayuda. En los momentos problemticos, siempre recibi ayuda de los nobles y los caballeros del reino. Pudo pedirles ayuda debido a la relacin que construy entre ellos. Sugiero humildemente que usted aprenda de l, y cuando se enfrente a los problemas difciles tendr amigos a los que podr pedir ayuda.Sinceramente,Beth
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Posted - 4 years 4 Days ago
My Lord, I am so very sorry to bother you while you are busy working. I don't know much about the internal affairs of your great kingdom, since I rarely have cause to discuss it. However, I must confess that while I adore seeing you spare no pains in your work for the sake of the city, I wish there was more I could do to help you. Let me then share a bit of advice. When my father ruled Niveal in your stead, he often found himself in need of aid. In those troubled times he wo
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Posted - 4 years 1 Week ago
Nightingale's Dance -- CarmenWith the voice of a nightingale and seductive dance moves, many suspect that Carmen dabbles in witchcraft. She likes to have fun, but she won't fall in love easily, and she does not suffer fools. Those who pursue her must be determined, confident in their love, for if they are not, they risk terrible heartache as well as her sharp tongue./Canto del Ruiseor CarmenSu voz es tan bonita como la del ruiseor, y su baile es tan hermoso como una rosa. Cuanto menos que le conozca a Carmen, ms atraccin uno tendr por su belleza. Pero, el corazn de Carmen es como una piedra envuelta en una gasa glamorosa, que atrae a mucha gente pero que es dficil de penetrarlo. Las ancianas dicen que si no tienes una firme determinacin para ganar su corazn, no vale la pena de seguir esforzndote. De otro modo, al final te lastimars.
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Posted - 4 years 1 Week ago
Nightingale's Dance -- CarmenWith the voice of a nightingale and seductive dance moves, many suspect that Carmen dabbles in witchcraft. She likes to have fun, but she won't fall in love easily, and she does not suffer fools. Those who pursue her must be determined, confident in their love, for if they are not, they risk terrible heartache as well as her sharp tongue./Canto del Ruiseor CarmenSu voz es tan bonita como la del ruiseor, y su baile es tan hermoso como una ros
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Posted - 4 years 2 Weeks ago
A Message from CarolineMy Lord, I have visited cities much larger than yours and met lots of other nobles. Though many of them seemed refined and cultured, their hearts were corrupt through and through. They didn't wage wars against one another, but the balance of power between their realms was extremely fickle. You, my Lord, are nothing like them - your honesty and integrity set you apart from all the rest. Though these are positive qualities, I'm worried that they might end up causing your downfall. Your current power is not exactly plentiful, so for the time being, laying low seems like the right thing to do./Chisme de CarolinaHe viajado a algunas ciudades ms grandes y conocido a otros seores nobles. Aunque parecen ser amables, gentiles y facundos en apariencia, sus pensamientos reales son totalmente diferentes. Pero, usted es diferente, siempre trata a la gente con sinceridad y su comportamiento se avenga con sus declaraciones. Esto es defenitivamente su ventaja, sin embargo, el corazn del hombre es incomprensible, tal vez algn da, su sinceridad y confianza pueden convertirse en sus defectos. Su poder actual no puede hacer que duerma bien porque tiene muchos enemigos a su lado. As que ser una buena eleccin que usted se acte sin estruendo ni aparatosidad.
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Posted - 4 years 2 Weeks ago
A Message from CarolineMy Lord, I have visited cities much larger than yours and met lots of other nobles. Though many of them seemed refined and cultured, their hearts were corrupt through and through. They didn't wage wars against one another, but the balance of power between their realms was extremely fickle. You, my Lord, are nothing like them - your honesty and integrity set you apart from all the rest. Though these are positive qualities, I'm worried that they might en
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Posted - 4 years 3 Weeks ago
Terrence's Tips for Internal Affairs"Pay attention to tax collection:Niveal used to be a tiny, inconspicuous town with only a few poor farmers, and with no conflicts in sight. In those days of yore, I set up a very relaxed tax policy for the benefit of denizens. Now that some years have passed, however, realm is under significant financial strain. With denizens' lives flourishing more than ever before, you should reconsider your Castle's tax policy. But I don't
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Posted - 4 years 3 Weeks ago
Terrence's Tips for Internal Affairs"Pay attention to tax collection:Niveal used to be a tiny, inconspicuous town with only a few poor farmers, and with no conflicts in sight. In those days of yore, I set up a very relaxed tax policy for the benefit of denizens. Now that some years have passed, however, realm is under significant financial strain. With denizens' lives flourishing more than ever before, you should reconsider your Castle's tax policy. But I don't See More
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Posted - 4 years 3 Weeks ago
Terrence's Tips for Internal Affairs"Pay attention to tax collection:Niveal used to be a tiny, inconspicuous town with only a few poor farmers, and with no conflicts in sight. In those days of yore, I set up a very relaxed tax policy for the benefit of denizens. Now that some years have passed, however, realm is under significant financial strain. With denizens' lives flourishing more than ever before, you should reconsider your Castle's tax policy. But I don't
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Posted - 4 years 3 Weeks ago
Terrence's Tips for Internal Affairs"Pay attention to tax collection:Niveal used to be a tiny, inconspicuous town with only a few poor farmers, and with no conflicts in sight. In those days of yore, I set up a very relaxed tax policy for the benefit of denizens. Now that some years have passed, however, realm is under significant financial strain. With denizens' lives flourishing more than ever before, you should reconsider your Castle's tax policy. But I don't think I need to go into details. I'm sure you understand financial matters more than an old fogy like me!Carefully handle government affairs:Government affairs must be handled with care! Deal with them according to your current political requirements. At the end of the day, your government policy is closely tied to the profit they yield.Remember, I always have your best interests in mind!"
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Posted - 4 years 3 Weeks ago
Terrence's Tips for Internal Affairs"Pay attention to tax collection:Niveal used to be a tiny, inconspicuous town with only a few poor farmers, and with no conflicts in sight. In those days of yore, I set up a very relaxed tax policy for the benefit of denizens. Now that some years have passed, however, realm is under significant financial strain. With denizens' lives flourishing more than ever before, you should reconsider your Castle's tax policy. But I don't think I need to go into details. I'm sure you understand financial matters more than an old fogy like me!Carefully handle government affairs:Government affairs must be handled with care! Deal with them according to your current political requirements. At the end of the day, your government policy is closely tied to the profit they yield.Remember, I always have your best interests in mind!"
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
A Note from Kristen:My Lord,After inspecting the Interior Ministry's resource revenue records, I noticed that reserves are looking rather bleak. The shortage of Silver is of particular concern. I understand that increasing power comes at a cost, and in order to alleviate the strain on Castle's coffers, I have made a list of methods that will help you obtain more Silver. I hope you'll find it useful.1. Please make sure to utilize Bank Statements sold in the Sto
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
A Note from Kristen:My Lord,After inspecting the Interior Ministry's resource revenue records, I noticed that reserves are looking rather bleak. The shortage of Silver is of particular concern. I understand that increasing power comes at a cost, and in order to alleviate the strain on Castle's coffers, I have made a list of methods that will help you obtain more Silver. I hope you'll find it useful.1. Please make sure to utilize Bank Statements sold in the Sto See More
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
A Note from Kristen:My Lord,After inspecting the Interior Ministry's resource revenue records, I noticed that reserves are looking rather bleak. The shortage of Silver is of particular concern. I understand that increasing power comes at a cost, and in order to alleviate the strain on Castle's coffers, I have made a list of methods that will help you obtain more Silver. I hope you'll find it useful.1. Please make sure to utilize Bank Statements sold in the Store. Due to constant fluctuations in the market, Bank Statements won't always yield a sufficient amount of Silver, but they're definitely better than nothing. Whenever there's a shortage of Silver in your coffers, you can spend Gold to purchase Bank Statements, replenishing your Silver reserves.2. Don't forget to earn achievements which come with an abundance of rich rewards. Make sure you keep an eye on your achievement progress at all times!3. Attend banquets! During banquets, you'll not only fill your belly, but also get to know lots of distinguished Lords and Ladies who will undoubtedly offer you a helping hand if need be.4. Complete the main quests as soon as possible. The main quests, based on the illustrious achievements of past Lords, are designed to guide you toward prosperity and power. Complete them to earn stunning rewards!Yours truly,Kristen
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
If you need help... Dear Lord, now that you've finally reclaimed your throne, please pay attention to the game's tips and instructions. They're designed to enhance your gaming experience and help you grow. If you miss any important gameplay info, or if you encounter an issue, there's no need to worry, because we have set up a team of advisors ready to help you out. If you need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact them. To contact an advisor, tap the button in the pi
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
If you need help... Dear Lord, now that you've finally reclaimed your throne, please pay attention to the game's tips and instructions. They're designed to enhance your gaming experience and help you grow. If you miss any important gameplay info, or if you encounter an issue, there's no need to worry, because we have set up a team of advisors ready to help you out. If you need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact them. To contact an advisor, tap the button in the pi See More
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
If you need help... Dear Lord, now that you've finally reclaimed your throne, please pay attention to the game's tips and instructions. They're designed to enhance your gaming experience and help you grow. If you miss any important gameplay info, or if you encounter an issue, there's no need to worry, because we have set up a team of advisors ready to help you out. If you need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact them. To contact an advisor, tap the button in the pictures below:Best wishes, Kristen.
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
Hello, thank you for your support! After a series of adjustments and optimizations, we are proud to announce that "Origins of an Empire King's Choices" has been officially launched! We sincerely hope you'll enjoy the game. As promised, Kristen will be awaiting you in city Niveal, ready to help you restore the castle's glory. Dear Lord, it's time to embark on a wonderful new journey!Self-introduction of KristenHi my lord, I am one of your officials at city of Niveal, Im p See More
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
Hello, thank you for your support! After a series of adjustments and optimizations, we are proud to announce that "Origins of an Empire King's Choices" has been officially launched! We sincerely hope you'll enjoy the game. As promised, Kristen will be awaiting you in city Niveal, ready to help you restore the castle's glory. Dear Lord, it's time to embark on a wonderful new journey!Self-introduction of KristenHi my lord, I am one of your officials at city of Niveal, Im p
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Posted - 4 years 1 month ago
Hello, thank you for your support! After a series of adjustments and optimizations, we are proud to announce that "Origins of an Empire King's Choices" has been officially launched! We sincerely hope you'll enjoy the game. As promised, Kristen will be awaiting you in city Niveal, ready to help you restore the castle's glory. Dear Lord, it's time to embark on a wonderful new journey!Self-introduction of KristenHi my lord, I am one of your officials at city of Niveal, Im p
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Posted - 4 years 9 months ago
Server Closure Announcement Dear OE players, Thank you for your love and support of the game! Due to business development adjustments, we will close the OE server on February 24th, 2 at (server time). The game's official website ( Link ) and Facebook page will also be shut down.... To express gratitude, we have prepared a new game for you. Head over to Link , download the Sultan Forces game ( Link ) and register a new account. Based on the amount of money you have recharged, we will send you an exclusive SF activation code. Use it to claim rich rewards in SF! We would like to convey sincerest apologies for any inconvenience caused by the closure. Thank you for your understanding, we hope you will continue to enjoy games! The OE Team
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Posted - 6 years 1 month ago
New Update Warm Up Daily Goals Event Dear Prince, Before the new update is released, we would like to introduce you to the Daily Goals event. There are four different tasks in this event, they are War Machine, Army provisions, War Preparation and Kingdom Hunter. These tasks involve killing enemies, collecting resources, training troops, and killing monsters respectively.... We will open different tasks at different times. You can hit set goals to earn great rewards, which include Exquisite Gem Chests! We can't wait to see you in the new version!
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Posted - 6 years 2 months ago
Update Warm-Up 2 Victory Day Victory Day is coming soon! Victory Day is a major festival of historical significance. In order to celebrate this grand occasion, we have prepared a lively carnival for Princes. Come and check it out! You'll have the opportunity to receive extravagant rewards from the Quartermaster. You'll also have the chance to earn Raffle Tickets to participate in the Lucky Draw, in which you'll have the opportunity to receive Victory Day decorations! Come and win some awesome rewards!
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Posted - 6 years 2 months ago
Origins of an Empire Official Release! 3D epic SLG mobile game Origins of an Empire has officially been released! Download link for Android Link ... Download link for IOS Link Come and join the adventure and glory of the Ottoman empire! PS Players who pre-register will receive special rewards when they log in to the official game. Please claim them within 14 days from the official release date. The OE Team
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Posted - 6 years 3 months ago
The test version for Android users has already been released! Time for all the IOS users out there! The 3D epic SLG mobile game Origins of an Empire will be released soon! We have already opened the test servers for Android users, so you can click Link to download the test version and experience fantastic adventure now. For IOS users, you can contact serviceOE@onemt.com and leave your email address for the opportunity to qualify for test server! Join us now!
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Posted - 6 years 5 months ago
Origins of an Empire is coming soon! Register now for great rewards! Epic battles and fierce wars are on the way! In advance of the release, we have unveiled the pre-registration page. Starting from today, new players can register and will be able to log in as soon as the game is released. Pre-register and you will have a chance to win great rewards valued up to 1 Invite your friends to join you in the game and conquer the land! Click to enter pre-registration page Link
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