Posted - 4 years 3 Weeks ago
Marco Polo's Notes on LearningBefore I arrived in Niveal, I firmly believed that ""he who travels far knows much"". Having voyaged to all corners of the earth, I have indeed been able to expand the horizons of my knowledge. But I have also come to the unfortunate conclusion that the many gorgeous landscapes I witnessed during my travels were nothing but ornate locks to which I lacked the key, and was therefore incapable of truly understanding them. After arriving in Niveal, I have devoted my time to studying various scholarly texts at the University. The ideas these texts convey, though not tangible, have taught me about the myriads of laws and principles which govern world, and provided me with the key necessary to unlock all its wonders and mysteries.My Lord, I sincerely hope you will promulgate the importance of education, and utilize the wisdom contained in books as you guide your Kingdom into the future./Notas sobre Aprendizaje de Marco PoloAntes de llgar a Niveal, crea firmemente que ""el que viaja lejos sabe mucho"". Habiendo viajado a todos los lugares de la tierra, he sido capaz de expandir los horizontes de mi conocimiento. Pero tambin he llegado a la desafortunada conclusin de que los numerosos y magnficos paisajes que he presenciado durante mis viajes no eran ms que cerraduras ornamentadas para las que careca de la llave, por lo tanto era incapaz de comprenderlos verdaderamente. Despus de llegar a Niveal, he dedicado mi tiempo a estudiar varios textos acadmicos en la Universidad. Las ideas que esos textos transmiten, aunque son intangibles, me han enseado sobre las miles de leyes y principios que gobiernan nuestro mundo, y me han proporcionado la clave necesaria para desbloquear todos sus misterios y maravillas.Mi Lord, espero sinceramente que usted promulgue la importancia de la educacin y utilice la sabidura contenida en los libros para guair su Reino hacia el futuro.
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