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Zoo World: Испод садржи линкове са поклонима за усвајање животиња и добијање корпе, црвене гљиве, пешкира за бебе, беле руже итд. - Често се ажурирају.

Испод се налазе везе Zoo World Помоћ везама материјала попут пешкира, торбица с узорком прстена, привезак за морске корњаче, шатор за плажу, кошара, сока, столова за садњу, руку за помоћ, итд.

Треба додати и своје захтеве за помоћ Слиједите упуте укључено Zoo World Линк Субмит.

И Зоо Ворлд и Зоо Ворлд Цлассиц су исти, али за оба имамо различите странице.
Zoo World Classic Страна.

  1. Ако волите превод и желите да се преведе више страница или ако нађете било какву грешку у преводу, пошаљите је у коментару.
  2. Свакодневно посетите да бисте затражили дневну дозу бесплатних ствари.
  3. За помоћ користите Фацебоок коментар на дну.
  4. Не бисте требали бити пријатељи да бисте затражили или послали поклоне. Стога су они пријатељи за не-пријатељске бонусе.
  5. Ако не можете затражити везе за поклоне, освежите страницу и увек испробајте најновије, мање кликнуте постове.
  6. Напомена: Називи предмета мало су збркани, поставите показивач да бисте добили детаље о свакој вези.
Raquel needs 10 helping hands!, , Raquel needs 10 helping hands in 4 days to organize a charity event to help protect the Spectacled B,
Raquel needs 10 helping hands!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Find a home for this Asiatic brush tailed porcupine!, , Susan needs your help rescuing the poor Asiatic brush tailed porcupine. Would you like to help Susan,
Find a home for this Asiatic brush tailed porcupine!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Beverly is sharing FREE Juice with you!, , Beverly is sharing free Juice that you can use to feed your animals, collect hearts, and more with o,
Beverly is sharing FREE Juice with you!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
UPDATE: Need 1 helping hand!, , If Beverly gets 1 helping hand then everyone that helps gets a Lucky Cat!,
UPDATE: Need 1 helping hand!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Beverly is sharing a Mystery Gift!, , Beverly is sharing a Mystery Gift! There could be a valuable item inside!,
Beverly is sharing a Mystery Gift!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Beverly found some extra planting tables in Zoo World!, , Beverly is building a Greenhouse and wants to share the extra greenhouse materials that she found!,
Beverly found some extra planting tables in Zoo World!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Beverly has a mystery gift to share with friends!, , Beverly found a mystery gift box during a treasure hunt! There could be a valuable rare item in this,
Beverly has a mystery gift to share with friends!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Raquel found 10 Pirate Hat Stands to share!, , These are only available for a limited time. If you get one, Raquel wants you to share it back!,
Raquel found 10 Pirate Hat Stands to share!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
UPDATE: Need 6 helping hands!, , If Raquel gets 6 helping hands then everyone that helps gets a Spectacled Bear!,
UPDATE: Need 6 helping hands!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Raquel wants to share some White roses!, , Raquel was tending their Rose Garden and harvested some beautiful White roses. They would like to sh,
Raquel wants to share some White roses!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Player just bred a baby Travelling Northern Raccoon, , Player is so happy to have a new baby Travelling Northern Raccoon in their zoo that they wanted to c,
Player just bred a baby Travelling Northern Raccoon
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Charles successfully led a Mission to save the Student Tetra!, , Charles wants to thank everybody that helped with a reward!,
Charles successfully led a Mission to save the Student Tetra!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Charles found 10 Zoo Lockers to share!, , These are only available for a limited time. If you get one, Charles wants you to share it back!,
Charles found 10 Zoo Lockers to share!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Charles successfully led a Mission to save the Student Tetra!, , Charles wants to thank everybody that helped with a reward!,
Charles successfully led a Mission to save the Student Tetra!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Player just bred a baby Japanese Macaque, , Player is so happy to have a new baby Japanese Macaque in their zoo that they wanted to celebrate by,
Player just bred a baby Japanese Macaque
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Player just bred a baby Okapi, , Player is so happy to have a new baby Okapi in their zoo that they wanted to celebrate by sharing a ,
Player just bred a baby Okapi
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Charles found 10 Russian Doll Stands to share!, , These are only available for a limited time. If you get one, Charles wants you to share it back!,
Charles found 10 Russian Doll Stands to share!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Charles is sharing a Mystery Gift!, , Charles is sharing a Mystery Gift! There could be a valuable item inside!,
Charles is sharing a Mystery Gift!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Player just bred a baby Japanese Macaque, , Player is so happy to have a new baby Japanese Macaque in their zoo that they wanted to celebrate by,
Player just bred a baby Japanese Macaque
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Charles wants to share some White roses!, , Charles was tending their Rose Garden and harvested some beautiful White roses. They would like to s,
Charles wants to share some White roses!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Charles needs 10 helping hands!, , Charles needs 10 friends in 7 days to help this Lucky Cat. If Charles succeeds in this Mission, then,
Charles needs 10 helping hands!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Player just bred a baby Okapi, , Player is so happy to have a new baby Okapi in their zoo that they wanted to celebrate by sharing a ,
Player just bred a baby Okapi
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Player just bred a baby Okapi, , Player is so happy to have a new baby Okapi in their zoo that they wanted to celebrate by sharing a ,
Player just bred a baby Okapi
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Clean dirty oil on this Harbor Porpoise!, , This Harbor Porpoise is drenched in oil, and it will not survive without your help. Would you like t,
Clean dirty oil on this Harbor Porpoise!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Grace needs 10 helping hands!, , Grace needs 10 friends in 7 days to help this Santa-s Reindeer. If Grace succeeds in this Missio,
Grace needs 10 helping hands!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Cheyenne found 10 Zoo Lockers to share!, , These are only available for a limited time. If you get one, Cheyenne wants you to share it back!,
Cheyenne found 10 Zoo Lockers to share!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Cheyenne successfully led a Mission to save the Student Tetra!, , Cheyenne wants to thank everybody that helped with a reward!,
Cheyenne successfully led a Mission to save the Student Tetra!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Protect this White Rhino from Poachers!, , This White Rhino was almost captured to be sold in the underground market. Help the White Rhino find,
Protect this White Rhino from Poachers!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Grace needs 10 helping hands!, , Grace needs 10 friends in 7 days to help this Valentine-s Lovebird. If Grace succeeds in this Mi,
Grace needs 10 helping hands!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Help this Brazilian guinea pig find its mother!, , This Brazilian guinea pig was separated from its mother during an earthquake and will not survive wi,
Help this Brazilian guinea pig find its mother!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Charles wants to share some Red roses!, , Charles was tending their Rose Garden and harvested some beautiful Red roses. They would like to sha,
Charles wants to share some Red roses!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Charles is sharing FREE Juice with you!, , Charles is sharing free Juice that you can use to feed your animals, collect hearts, and more with o,
Charles is sharing FREE Juice with you!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Charles is sharing a Mystery Gift!, , Charles is sharing a Mystery Gift! There could be a valuable item inside!,
Charles is sharing a Mystery Gift!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Charles needs 10 helping hands!, , Charles needs 10 friends in 7 days to help this Student Tetra. If Charles succeeds in this Mission, ,
Charles needs 10 helping hands!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Player just bred a baby Patriotic Bear, , Player is so happy to have a new baby Patriotic Bear in their zoo that they wanted to celebrate by s,
Player just bred a baby Patriotic Bear
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Charles is sharing Blue Roses in Zoo World!, , Charles wants to help his friends expand their Rose Gardens!,
Charles is sharing Blue Roses in Zoo World!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Raquel is sending a FREE Juice Box to thank friends!, , undefined,
Raquel is sending a FREE Juice Box to thank friends!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Gt needs 10 helping hands!, , Gt needs 10 friends in 7 days to help this Irish Snake. If Gt succeeds in this Mission, then everyon,
Gt needs 10 helping hands!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Elena needs 10 helping hands!, , Elena needs 10 friends in 7 days to help this Lucky Cat. If Elena succeeds in this Mission, then eve,
Elena needs 10 helping hands!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Judy is sharing FREE Juice with you!, , Judy is sharing free Juice that you can use to feed your animals, collect hearts, and more with one ,
Judy is sharing FREE Juice with you!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
is sending a FREE Juice Box to thank friends!, , undefined,
is sending a FREE Juice Box to thank friends!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Clean dirty oil on this White Harbour porpoise!, , This White Harbour porpoise is drenched in oil, and it will not survive without your help. Would you,
Clean dirty oil on this White Harbour porpoise!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Protect this Javan Rhinoceros from Poachers!, , This Javan Rhinoceros was almost captured to be sold in the underground market. Help the Javan Rhino,
Protect this Javan Rhinoceros from Poachers!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Player just bred a baby Manatee, , Player is so happy to have a new baby Manatee in their zoo that they wanted to celebrate by sharing ,
Player just bred a baby Manatee
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Player just bred a baby Japanese Macaque, , Player is so happy to have a new baby Japanese Macaque in their zoo that they wanted to celebrate by,
Player just bred a baby Japanese Macaque
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Sylvia is sharing a Mystery Gift!, , Sylvia is sharing a Mystery Gift! There could be a valuable item inside!,
Sylvia is sharing a Mystery Gift!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Sylvia is sharing FREE Juice with you!, , Sylvia is sharing free Juice that you can use to feed your animals, collect hearts, and more with on,
Sylvia is sharing FREE Juice with you!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Sylvia found some extra planting tables in Zoo World!, , Sylvia is building a Greenhouse and wants to share the extra greenhouse materials that she found!,
Sylvia found some extra planting tables in Zoo World!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
UPDATE: Need 7 helping hands!, , If Sylvia gets 7 helping hands then everyone that helps gets a Great White Shark!,
UPDATE: Need 7 helping hands!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Charles is sharing FREE Juice with you!, , Charles is sharing free Juice that you can use to feed your animals, collect hearts, and more with o,
Charles is sharing FREE Juice with you!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
UPDATE: Need 4 helping hands!, , If Charles gets 4 helping hands then everyone that helps gets a Student Tetra!,
UPDATE: Need 4 helping hands!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Rescue this Woodchuck!, , A frightened Woodchuck escaped from those who are trying to help. Help capture the Woodchuck so that,
Rescue this Woodchuck!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Player is Platinum Master of the Glass Frog!, , Player just bred a new baby Glass Frog to complete Platinum Mastery. They want to celebrate by shari,
Player is Platinum Master of the Glass Frog!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Player just bred a baby Glass Frog, , Player is so happy to have a new baby Glass Frog in their zoo that they wanted to celebrate by shari,
Player just bred a baby Glass Frog
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Charles successfully led a Mission to save the Student Tetra!, , Charles wants to thank everybody that helped with a reward!,
Charles successfully led a Mission to save the Student Tetra!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Grace is sharing FREE Juice with you!, , Grace is sharing free Juice that you can use to feed your animals, collect hearts, and more with one,
Grace is sharing FREE Juice with you!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Elena needs 10 helping hands!, , Elena needs 10 friends in 7 days to help this Lucky Cat. If Elena succeeds in this Mission, then eve,
Elena needs 10 helping hands!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Charlie C has a Zoo full of happy animals!, , The Zoo Inspector visited Charlie C-s Zoo and ranked it as one of the happiest Zoos around! Can ,
Charlie C has a Zoo full of happy animals!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Charlie C successfully led a Mission to save the Student Tetra!, , Charlie C wants to thank everybody that helped with a reward!,
Charlie C successfully led a Mission to save the Student Tetra!
2 године 6 месец дана пре
Charlie C is sending a FREE Juice Box to thank friends!, , undefined,
Charlie C is sending a FREE Juice Box to thank friends!
2 године 6 месец дана пре

Важни савети који ће вам помоћи, затражити и делити Zoo World Поклони

  1. Можете тврдити Zoo World линкови за ставке кликом на њу или квачицом и дугме за прикупљање.
  2. Обично су доступни предмети са мање кликова или најновијих ставки.
  3. Такође можете да користите дугме сакупљај све да бисте аутоматски сакупили све везе на једној страници. Обавезно подесите интервално време према брзини вашег система.
  4. Све ставке показују стварно време када су заиста генерисане, најновији артикли имају више шанси да затраже бонус.
  5. Не можете захтевати бонус са исте везе више од једном. Можда ћете пронаћи неке везе које не раде. То не значи да све везе не раде.
  6. Предност пријаве путем Фацебоока спречит ће двоструки клик на исту објаву. То ће уштедети време. Након полагања захтева можете освежити страницу да бисте видели нове везе.
  7. Да бисте све филтрирали Zoo World поклони постови кликова и имена посећују Zoo World Страница са ставкама филтра.
  8. Сви материјали које делите од вас ће полагати сви, а заузврат, сваки корисник вам даје исти број те ставке. На пример: (ваш 1 поднети предмет) + (други корисници имају 5 кликова) = (Добићете 5 истог материјала у свој Zoo World Game ) Запамтите да ће вам дељење повећати шансе да добијете више истог Zoo World ставка.
  9. Напомена: Горе наведена теорија делује за неколико предмета или неколико игара.
  10. Употријебите било који претраживач Аддон или мануалну опцију да бисте предали предмет. Такође ћете зарадити кључеве по предаји. Да бисте послали своје постове посетите овде.

Ова веб локација није повезана са Zoo World. Заштитни знаци су власништво њихових власника. Садржај и материјали за игре Ауторска права Zoo World. Сва права задржана..
